Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Enforcers Embrace [Southern Supernatural Alphas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 10

by Sara Anderson

  This was much more fun than she thought it would be. She quickly learned how to make Ash shudder and thrust his hips forward. When he threw his head back and moaned, Emily took his cock fully into her mouth. She gripped his cock with her hand and stroked him as she sucked him down as far as she could without gagging.

  “Fuck, Logan. Why did you wait so long to claim her?” Ash thrust his hips forward and Emily swallowed to keep from gagging. Ash groaned loud enough Emily was sure everyone heard. Her pussy once again began to drip nectar at the thought of everyone watching her.

  “I’m coming,” Ash whispered between clenched teeth.

  Logan’s hand joined Ash’s. “Swallow him down, Emily. Let his scent fill you and accept him as your Master as well.”

  Did she really want to? Logan had some strange protocols, and this was yet another one. She sucked her lips in as she pulled up to the tip of Ash’s cock and stroked back down. Last chance to back out. If you swallow Ash’s come, he’ll be just as Dominant as Logan. Do it. It’s not like you can’t just go home. It’s just play.

  Just as she thought the words, Ash came with a groan and filled her mouth with his salty come. Emily swallowed him down and continued sucking to make sure she got everything he offered her.

  “Good girl,” Ash said as he stroked her hair. “Now take care of Logan.”

  Emily glanced over and saw Logan stroking himself under his own slacks. She pulled his cock free and sucked him into her mouth. She’d teased him before and paid the price by a night filled with orgasm denial. She worked his cock so he would come quickly.

  “You’re so beautiful when you are on your knees and serving your Masters,” Logan said as he shoved his cock farther into her mouth. She swallowed him down in response and grinned to herself when his eyes closed. Logan’s grip on her hair tightened moments before he came.

  When Emily pulled Logan’s pants back into place, they both helped her back to her chair. Several of the men got up and started toward the door.

  “That is a fine choice you made, enforcers,” one man said. “I hope you are as happy as Marcus and I are with Anna. May the stars shine on your mating.”

  Logan nodded. “Thank you, Derek. I hope this will silence any doubt that she chooses us.”

  “It does. You are free to claim her as your own. Be careful about restricting her though. You will be bonded for life. She can make you happy or miserable; the choice is yours.”

  Emily blinked and had a sudden desire to grab Jackson and get the hell out of there. Something had happened just now, and she didn’t think it had much to do with a little public exhibition.

  Derek walked out, followed by several other of the men who had been there. Some still leered at her like a tasty side dish, but Logan and Ash’s glare convinced them to move their eyes somewhere else.

  Shoving her chair back, Emily started to stand. “Well, Logan and Ash. It’s been quite a morning, but Gram and Matt are probably wondering where I am.”

  Logan and Ash both gripped her arms and pulled her back down. “Don’t you want to talk?” Logan asked. “You felt I shut you out, and it is time to let you know why.”

  Shaking her head, Emily whispered, “No. I changed my mind.” She hadn’t really, but fear of the unknown was overriding her desire to be with these two men she loved.

  “We will hold off for the moment, but the time is coming soon, pet.” Logan put his arm around her and pulled her close.

  Ash and Logan pulled Emily back up to the table and gave her another cup of coffee. Emily saw a few of the guy looking rather uncomfortable and they adjusted themselves, but no one was looking right at her.

  “What do you say we go shopping?” Logan asked and kissed her neck.

  “Shopping?” Emily shivered as his breath fanned over her sensitive skin.

  “I just found out that I have a son. I want to make sure he is well taken care of.”

  Emily thought about all the stuff she’d wanted to get Jackson but couldn’t afford. Guilt ate at her for her stubbornness.

  “That sounds great, Logan.”

  * * * *

  Hours later, they’d showered, gotten dressed, and made it to Chattanooga. Logan pulled his truck into the shopping center that held the store for infants and children. He parked as close to the door as he could so Emily and Jackson wouldn’t get cold. It was unusual for them to get this kind of weather, and Emily had been in California, which was also warm.

  Logan got out of the driver’s side. Ash held his hand out to help Emily out while Logan got Jackson out. He held the diaper bag in one hand and the car seat in the other. Ash put his arm around Emily and made sure she didn’t stumble or slip as Logan walked quickly to the door.

  “What’s wrong?” Emily asked as Ash walked with her.

  “It’s cold. I don’t want Jackson getting sick.”

  Emily laughed a bit. “It’s not that cold.”

  Logan wasn’t taking any chances with his soon-to-be mate and pup though. He entered the doors and pulled Emily close to him.

  “You didn’t get too cold, did you?”

  Emily smiled at him. “I’m fine.”

  He looked at her and noticed how pale she was, and she still looked exhausted despite her full night’s sleep. He was going to have to get with Yerel when he got back to Wolf Creek and ask him to look at Emily.

  “Are you sure? How do you feel?”

  “I’m just a bit tired. No more than usual.”

  Logan exchanged glances with Ash, and he could see Ash didn’t believe it was simply tiredness, either. He had seen females months after giving birth, and he knew she looked more worn-down than most others.

  “I am going to have our healer have a good look at you once he comes back from his trip.”

  The more he looked at Emily, the surer he was that she looked like she needed to see Yerel. He’d not heard of a human having a lycan pup on her own before, and he had no idea what it had done to her. She was looking a bit aggravated at his attention, though, so he put the car seat in the basket of the cart and took Emily’s hand and grinned at Ash as he stole her from him.

  “Let’s go shopping for our son.”

  Logan walked toward the cribs first. He figured she’d left everything for Jackson in California, and he was not letting her go back there. It would take a while for some enforcers to be able to go and pack her apartment. Logan leaned in and whispered in her ear.

  “Pick out a crib, Em.”

  Emily gasped. “Logan, oh no. These are so expensive. He has a portable crib back in California.”

  Logan turned her and gently rubbed his hand over her face. “I don’t know when you’ll be able to get back there. Pick one out for him here.”

  Emily had protest written all over her face as she stared at the price tags and wrung her hands.

  “Now, pet, or I will and you may not like it.”

  Logan felt a deep satisfaction when she relaxed against him and began looking at the cribs instead of the prices.

  He felt more than a little overwhelmed by the vast amount of stuff for an infant, but then found a few outfits that he liked and threw them in the cart.

  Ash walked over with a box of diapers. “It says twelve to fifteen pounds.” He looked up at Emily with a confused look on his face. “Who would wait that long before changing?”

  Emily laughed and took the box. “It’s the baby’s weight, and that is the right size for Jackson.”

  Logan chuckled himself, and although he wasn’t sure if he would have made the same mistake, he shook his head at Ash.

  “Yeah, it’s the baby’s weight,” he said before heading for the checkout.

  * * * *

  Emily rested her head against Logan as Ash drove them back home to Wolf Creek. She closed her eyes for a moment, and the next thing she knew, Logan was kissing her cheek.

  “We’re home, sleepyhead.”

  Emily blinked and looked up to see Ash carrying Jackson into the house they shared. “I fell asleep,�
� she said as she looked around. They were back in Wolf Creek on the quiet street Logan and Ash’s house was on.

  “You did, and we wanted you to save your strength.” Logan sucked her finger into his mouth, and Emily had no doubt what Logan had in mind.

  Logan got out of the truck and walked around to the passenger side. He opened the door for her and helped her out.

  When she walked into the living room, she smiled to see Ash had already taken Jackson out of his car seat and was laying on the floor with him and making faces. Jackson smiled up at him as he gripped his toes.

  “He knows me already.” Ash smiled down at Jackson and shook a rattle for him.

  Emily watched with a longing in her soul. If only there was a way for Jackson to have them both. She shook her head at the thought. There was no way that she could keep both of them, but a part of her longed for both of them to keep her.

  Jackson started to fuss for some lunch, so she picked him up and headed for a rocking chair to nurse him. She heard Ash rummaging around in the kitchen and Logan worked on putting together Jackson’s crib.

  Emily was lost in Jackson’s eyes as she rocked him when she heard Ash sit down next to her. He held a bowl of steaming stew.

  “I’m not sure how well this came out, since I just threw this together.” Ash scooped a spoon into the bowl and blew on it before holding it up to her mouth.

  “You’re going to feed me?” Emily raised her eyebrows at him.

  “Yes, you’re mine to take care of, and I don’t plan on starting off with you going hungry.”

  Emily shook her head to deny being hungry, but her stomach rumbled loudly at that moment. Grinning, she opened her mouth for the food and moaned in delight as the flavors exploded on her tongue. She chewed slowly to savor the taste and then opened her eyes as she swallowed.

  “Ash, you’re a chef, right?”

  With a lopsided grin, Ash shrugged his shoulders. “Nope, I’m a firefighter, and we’re pretty good cooks. We have to be since we trade off who’s cooking every night.” He held the spoon up with another heaping spoonful, and she gladly took it.

  She barely noticed Logan grab himself a bowl and sit down with a loaf of homemade bread. Logan started slicing the bread and handing the slices to Ash.

  “Did you bake the bread, too?” Emily didn’t know how she’d ever go home after all this. Her heart broke at the thought of leaving them and Gram. In that moment, she felt like crying until she realized that she didn’t have to. Her job was anywhere she could connect to the internet and she had her laptop. Her paychecks were direct deposit, and her mail could easily be forwarded.

  “No,” Ash said with a grin. “Logan’s grandmother is the baker. She bakes far too much for just herself and Rachel, so she keeps us in bread.”

  “Who is Rachel?” Emily tried to think back to everyone she knew in Logan’s family, but she’d never heard of Rachel before.

  Logan smiled at her. “She is a good friend of Marcus’s wife. She needed some extra TLC, and Grandma is just the mother hen to give it to her.”

  Emily didn’t miss the look that passed between them. There was more going on than she realized. They’d brought up some things to talk about, but she wasn’t ready yet. She didn’t know why, but she knew that once the secret was out, there was no going back.

  Ash buttered a slice of bread and held it to her lips. She bit into it and closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy the savory bread. It was everything that was wonderful about homemade bread. Soft, just slightly sweet, and buttery.

  Logan quickly ate his meal and picked up a bag with some crib sheets and blankets. “I have Jackson’s bed put together.”

  Emily looked down. Jackson had fallen asleep in her arms. Ash put aside the empty stew bowl, stood, and picked up Jackson.

  “Let’s go and lay him down.”

  Emily stood up to go and see how the crib turned out, and tears flooded her eyes. It was a white crib with a dark blue bed skirt, sheets, and a blanket with a bear on it. It looked far more comfortable than the one she’d bought him.

  Ash laid Jackson down in the crib and Logan fussed over him to make sure he was comfortable. Emily stood in the room and the feeling of peace that flowed through her relaxed her. This was perfect. The two men she loved were making sure their son was safe and comfortable.

  With a gasp, Emily realized what she’d just thought. She loved both Ash and Logan equally. Logan was more dominant and Ash was more of a caretaker, but both of them were fierce.

  When Ash and Logan were both sure that Jackson was settled in his new bed, their eyes turned to her. Her mouth was dry but not her pussy. She swallowed as they both walked toward her. Emily stood her ground as Ash stalked her, but she still jumped slightly when Logan approached her from behind.

  “I think it’s time you stripped, pet.”

  Emily pulled her shirt up and felt Logan grip the back of it to help her. Ash watched her with darkening eyes as she slowly removed her clothing, and then Logan gripped her hands and pulled her arms up. He bent her elbows and gripped both her hands behind her head. The move thrust her heavy breasts toward Ash.

  “Ash is going to get to know his new mate.”

  Mate that was another word they sometimes used instead of girlfriend or wife. Emily’s mind shied away from what that could mean. She knew it was there; the memories would try to swirl together, but like smoke from a coal train, they dissipated. For now she would enjoy having Logan and Ash together. The truth would come out soon enough, and she would have one more thing on her plate to deal with.

  “Pick her up, Logan. I want to taste my mate in our bed.”

  The world spun for a moment when Logan picked her up and walked down the hall toward another room.

  “We’ll all have our own space, but this room is for all of us to come together.”

  Emily looked around the room and gasped at the huge bed that was the only furniture in the room.

  “So, y’all planned on having a ménage?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Yes, my pet. My selfishness caused me to fight it for a while, but I am done. I know you feel the pull to bond with Ash as much as you want me.”

  Emily nodded with a blush. “I do.”

  “We’ll start tonight. We’ll take it slow, because I know you need time. Soon though, my pet. Soon you will know everything, and there will be no more hiding.” Logan laid her down on the soft bed and settled at her head. He pulled her arms into his lap and held them with one hand while the other stroked her body.

  Ash’s eyes had grown dark as he stripped off his clothing. “I want to taste you, Emily. I want your scent all over me and inside of me. I can’t wait for you to scream my name as you come.”

  Emily’s channel clenched just thinking about what Ash wanted to do. It was wrong. Relationships were supposed to be one-on-one, not two men. Even though she told herself that, she couldn’t fight how right it felt.

  “I want you, too, Ash.”

  “I know you feel the connection between us. I’ve felt it for a while.” Ash moved up the bed and pushed her legs apart.

  Emily nodded as she whimpered. Her body was on fire with want, and Ash was teasing her by being so close, yet not touching her.

  “Please,” she whispered. She couldn’t wait to feel Ash’s lips on her.

  “There’s no going back after this, pet.” Logan’s hand tightened slightly around Emily’s wrists. “Once you accept Ash, he won’t let you go.”

  Emily didn’t want to let Ash go, ever. As crazy as it sounded to her own ears, she was in love with two men who weren’t entirely as they seemed.

  “I want you both.” Emily gazed into Logan’s eyes before lowering her gaze to Ash’s.

  Logan pinched one of Emily’s nipples and then the other, causing her to shiver in delight while Ash watched.

  “You’re so beautiful, Em. I can’t believe that you’re finally mine.” With a growl, Ash’s tongue swiped over Emily’s folds. The feeling was like an electric
shock. It swamped through her and made her gasp.

  Logan’s fingers stroked, pinched, and caressed her nipples while Ash’s tongue worked on the throbbing nub within her pussy. It all made her pant and bite down on her lower lip to keep from screaming and waking Jackson from his nap.

  Ash’s finger slid into her, and she arched at the fullness of it. He added another, and Emily cried out before Logan’s mouth covered hers to muffle her cries. Ash moved up her body as he kissed an inferno to her breasts that were aching. His lips sealed around the stiff peak, and he bit until just the point of pain. Emily’s pussy clenched around Ash’s fingers.

  “I am going to fuck you in the ass one day, my pretty girl.” Ash’s fingers pulled out of her pussy, and he rimmed her back entrance a few times before he gently pushed inside.

  Logan released Emily from the kiss and his hot breath fanned across her face. “We will both have you at the same time while we place our mark on you that will let every male know you are ours.”

  Was it going to feel like what Ash was doing to her now? It hurt slightly, but the pain was good, really good.

  “Yes,” Emily breathed and then gasped when Ash’s lips again claimed her clit as he worked his finger in and out of her tight bud.

  “Oh Ash. Ash,” Emily cried as her orgasm built and her body shoved itself harder on his digit that impaled her. The pain was wonderful and mixed with the pleasure.

  “Give it to him,” Logan whispered in her ear. “He is your second Master. You will call him Sir when we are in a scene from now on, pet.”

  “Yes, Master,” Emily said as gripped the sheets on the bed. Her body tightened as she moved her hips to get more sensation.

  Logan’s fingers pinched her nipple, and she ignited in a firestorm of bliss. Ash’s finger fucked her ass harder as he sucked her clit while waves of erotic fire washed over her.


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