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Relics of Camelot

Page 18

by L. H. Nicole

  This must be the preparation for the games tomorrow. The games that all the knights were planning on taking part in. Even Arthur had said he was going to be entering the tournament. Aliana wondered what would happen. He was king; would people not fight as ruthlessly for fear of harming him?

  “Are you excited for the games tomorrow, Aliana?”

  Aliana turned, her face almost colliding with Galahad’s wide chest, her heart beating in her ears. “You really must stop sneaking up on me, Galahad.”

  He smiled broadly. “It would seem I have a talent for finding you when you are lost in your thoughts.”

  Aliana’s stomach started to fill with butterflies. Before the very perceptive knight could read her she turned back around, leaning her elbows on the cold stone of the rampart. “Are you excited for the games?”

  He took a spot next to her, his arm brushing against hers as he mimicked her pose. “There are many things about these coming festivities that excite me.”

  “You mean you’re excited to prove you are the best of the knights of Camelot?”

  “Perhaps.” His body pressed a little closer against hers. “There are few things that I enjoy more than facing a worthy opponent. And these games bring out the best in Camelot and the other kingdoms.”

  Aliana giggled lightly. He is such a guy!

  “You laugh at me?”

  “No.” She glanced at him. “Well, maybe. Part of me is afraid to ask what you enjoy more than beating on other warriors.”

  His grin widened. He turned his body so he was facing her, one arm leaning on the stone wall. “I enjoy being with those I hold most dear.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Heat raced through her, but not the silver sparks that she had had always felt from his touch. In movies and TV, this is the part where the girl would look at the guy and they would share a passionate kiss. But Aliana’s resolve had already weakened once. She took a step back. She wasn’t sure she was ready to let it happen again.

  She heard his quiet huff of breath. Aliana had agonized over the frenzied kiss he had laid on her after she was freed from her would be kidnapper. All the raging emotions she had worked so hard to run from had come rushing back, and hadn’t given her a real moment of peace since.

  “I have not had the opportunity to talk to you since yesterday. There is much we need to discuss.” His hand pulled up her sleeve, revealing Dagg’s bracelet form. “So this is how you have kept him hidden.”

  Aliana pulled her hand away, being sure her sleeve covered her guardian again. “Why haven’t you gotten upset about him?”

  He scoffed. “I was none too pleased last night, thinking about it. I hope now that you’ll tell us the rest of your secrets.”

  “You’re asking a lot of me.”

  He shook his head, his wavy dark hair moving in the soft breeze. “I’m asking you to trust us.”

  “Trust isn’t an easy thing for me to give,” she said through clenched teeth. “But there’s more to it than that.”

  “It can’t be so bad. And even if it is, you will have us, the Knights of the Round Table, the armies of Camelot to aid you.”

  Aliana stiffened again. Maybe it would be a good thing to tell everyone. If they knew, then they would think that was the only thing she was hiding. But doubts still lingered. “You guys barely know me. How could you be willing to risk so much?” She turned back to him, letting him see the seriousness of her question.

  He regarded her silently. “Merlin speaks for you. Moreover, you have shown us your heart, who you are. I can imagine you as many things, but never a danger to Camelot or our family.”

  No she wouldn’t be, but Morgana would. She turned back to the field not really seeing the commotion below. “Merlin…”

  Galahad stepped closer. “Merlin enjoys playing the mysterious Druid with everyone. He is not always right to do so.” He shook his head. “How Morgana puts up with him, I will never understand.”

  He wasn’t going to give up on this, that much was clear. “I will tell you, all of you. Just give me time.”

  “Then perhaps you would rather discuss that kiss we shared.”

  Tension radiated in her shoulders and down her arms. “Galahad, we can’t.”

  His frustration was palpable. “You keep saying that.” His fingers cupped her chin and pulled her eyes to his blazing blue ones. “But you kissed me back.”

  She couldn’t deny it. She wrapped her hand around his, pulling his grip from her chin. His fingers closed around hers as she straightened and moved to step back.

  He pulled her hand to his lips, his eyes locked on her as he kissed her knuckles sweetly. He kept her from escaping.

  “Galahad, please,” she begged quietly. A part of her wasn’t sure if she wanted him to let her go or kiss her again. She had been seeing a side to Galahad that she only saw on rare occasions, back in her time. He was more emotional, more open and relaxed. Maybe it was because he still had Vira here. Or maybe it was all the years he spent in Avalon, protecting Arthur before his capture by the Sidhe, that had really changed him. Whatever the reason, there was more to her feelings for Galahad than the overwhelming physical attraction that had first kick-started their relationship.

  “Is your reluctance because of the king?” His voice was rough, his face intense.

  Her eyes widened. Did he somehow know about the kiss the king and her had shared? “Why would you ask me that?”

  He drew closer to her, as she felt rooted to the spot where she stood. He was only a few inches from her now. “I have seen the way you two sometimes look at each other. And Arthur is one of my oldest friends.”

  She couldn’t deny it. Arthur had made his feeling for her fairly obvious, even before he’d kissed her. But there could never be anything between them. Delphina was the one he loved so much he couldn’t completely forget her, even in an enchanted sleep.

  “There isn’t anything between Arthur and me. He has Delphina. I am not the type of girl who would get between two people who care for each other like they do.” Not intentionally, at least.

  Galahad’s brow pulled together, confusion replacing his frustration. “Delphina and Arthur are not—”

  The door to the stairs opened. “Aliana?” Arthur called.


  The memories of Aliana’s attempted kidnapping ignited a raging anger I have not felt in a long time. I know I only possess a small part of Dragon blood, yet when my anger flares it seems like so much more. Thank the gods Delphina was here to help calm me. Other than Aliana, I do not believe anyone else could have. Being with her again has made me realize I have missed her company. Even after the romance between us ended, we remained good friends. She and Puck have also told us there is a Well of Realms here in the Isle! It’s our way to find Aliana! She said the Well’s waters are sometimes called “time mirrors.”


  GALAHAD’S GRIP TIGHTENED when she tried to pull her hand away. Arthur came around the corner, coming to a dead stop when he saw the two of them.

  The silence stretched for a tortured moment.

  Arthur broke the silence. “I did not realize you were up here with another, Aliana.”

  “I’m not…I wasn’t…” Aliana’s breath sped up, like the beat of her heart.

  Arthur studied Galahad and their still entwined hands.

  “I sought Aliana out.” Galahad leveled her with a blazing look. “We had some things to discuss.”

  Aliana tugged, finally freeing her hand. “And I have said all I need to on the subjects.”

  Frustration returned to his handsome face, almost mirroring Arthur’s, aggression spilling into the air around them. She twisted the fabric of her dress around her fingers. It seemed, no matter what she had told herself, she couldn’t escape being caught between two such brave, loyal and fierce knights.

  A chilled breeze blew past them sending shivers down Aliana’s spine. “I should be heading back in.”

  “Wait.” Galahad took a step to bl
ock her escape. So did Arthur. Both guys stared each other down for a heated moment.

  It seemed that even in a different time period she was destined to come between them.

  Galahad broke their stare first, those determined eyes returning to her. “There is still more to say about your reasons for being in Camelot.”

  “And I told you I needed time.”

  “You will have it, Aliana,” Arthur declared, stepping forward. “But I can’t imagine you have much to spare.”

  Her mouth opened and closed, totally lost for words. They both were right, but there was also the problem of Morgana. Aliana didn’t know when the witch would show her true side. What if she revealed all to them and that gave Morgana and Mordrid a dangerous advantage? That thought alone reaffirmed her determination to keep her secrets. She’d tell them about her quest, that she was here seeking a very powerful tool. But her magic, her parentage and definitely her future would stay her secrets.

  “You’re right, but even I don’t have all the knowledge you think I do.”

  He looked resigned but a determined spark flickered in his golden brown eyes. For a second she almost thought she could feel the crackle of fire around her. It was similar to the natural presence that always seemed to surround Igraine. Maybe this was another look into Arthur’s Dragon side.

  “Thank you for understanding. I think we should head back in. There is a party tonight after all.” She smiled to both of them, putting on a show. “I’m sure Delphina would like to see you before the banquet.”

  “What do you mean, Aliana?” Arthur asked.

  Aliana scoffed, what the heck was wrong with him? “I mean, don’t you want to see Delphina?” The Fae he loved so much. And she couldn’t stop the flare of jealousy that tried to surface.

  Arthur and Galahad both spoke up.

  “Galahad and Delphina are not intimate any longer.”

  “I tried to tell you, Arthur and Delphina have not been together in several years.”

  Aliana’s eyes went big as saucers. “What?” she whispered, beyond confused. “You’ve…both…been…with her? As in the biblical sense?”

  Neither guy said anything.

  Aliana rocked back on her heels, blinking rapidly, trying to expunge the images her imagination was creating. “So.” She pointed to Galahad. “You and Delphina have been together.” Then pointed to Arthur. “But she’s the girl you are crazy in love with.”

  Arthur took a step closer. “Who told you this, that I am ‘crazy in love’ with her?” He cast a dark glance at Galahad.

  Galahad crossed his arms, meeting Arthur’s accusation. “It was not me. I tried to tell her otherwise before you interrupted us.”

  “It doesn’t matter how I know. I know that you are in love with Delphina.”

  The king shook his head. “I care for her yes, but it has been years since there was anything between us. At least not like you seem to think. She is a trusted friend and confidant. Nothing more.”

  Aliana wrapped her arms around her middle, wincing when her cut ached from the pressure. Arthur was one thing, but Galahad…She looked at him briefly. That was not something she had seen coming.

  “Aliana.” Galahad’s accent made her name sound like an intimate caress.

  She didn’t have time for this. Aliana never thought she would really ever regret kissing Galahad, but now she did. If she had kept her emotions in check after that attack…And I’m done. My brain has reached its limits for processing today.

  “I really need to get back inside. I was supposed to meet Merlin about…something.” She moved to walk past them. Both held their arms out to try to stop her. She looked at them with wide, hurt eyes. A hurt she told herself she didn’t have a right to be feeling. “Please, don’t try to stop me.”

  They both stood aside. She walked past them, trying to appear calm, but her legs wanted to dash away. She refused to give into the desire. She made it down the stairs, not hearing any sign that the guys had followed her. Arms still wrapped around her middle, she walked in a daze toward her room.

  “Aliana?” Morgana’s warm voice snapped her out of her mental fog. “Are you all right? You look upset.”

  Aliana blinked, her eyes meeting Raven’s dark ones. What was he doing with Morgana?

  “I’m fine,” she assured the blond girl.

  Morgana didn’t appear convinced.

  “M’lady?” Raven’s worry for her made her smile. He was a sweet boy. Though, she probably shouldn’t call him a boy. He appeared to be almost as old as her.

  “Really, I am fine. I’m just…” Aliana trailed off as the door she had just exited opened again. Both Arthur and Galahad stepped into the hall.

  Aliana looked away from them and took a steadying breath. “I’m actually looking for Merlin. He was helping me with some research.” She had let herself get distracted for too long. It was time to do what she came here to do, find a way to the Grail and complete Titania’s mystery quest.

  “I believe he is in the archives,” Morgana replied.

  “I can show you the way, m’lady,” Raven offered. She smiled at him, noticing again just how much of a boy he wasn’t. He motioned for Aliana to follow him. Thankfully they were going in the opposite direction of the two knights that still stood there watching her.

  She felt their gazes until they turned a corner. Theirs and Morgana’s.

  Jaw dropping was not an adequate description for the enormous library she now stood in. Yes, it was only one level, but it looked like four large rooms had been built together and stuffed with more shelves than you could count.

  “M’lady?” Raven’s hand touched her. An electric chill brushed over her body. Both actions snapped her out of her amazed state.

  “Sorry,” she said, stepping away from his touch. “So where is Merlin in all this?”

  “I’ll show you the way.”

  She followed him through the dust covered isles of book cases overflowing with bound volumes and three times as many scrolls. “This is unbelievable!” she said when Merlin came into view.

  The Druid looked up from the two tomes lying open in front of him. “It is indeed.” He looked to Raven, who was hovering quietly. “You can return to your duties.”

  The boy bowed his head and disappeared back the way they had come. Merlin waited another moment before saying, “If you’ve come to see if I’ve found anything, you’ll be disappointed.”

  Aliana sighed, Dagg leaping from her wrist. His glowing eyes scanned the shelves before he dug himself into one of the many piles of scrolls on a far shelf.

  “I wanted to see if I could help. This is my quest, and I need to do more than I have been.” She leaned over his shoulder, reading the pages he was staring at. Her bandages tightened over her still healing wound. She hissed out a heavy breath.

  Merlin scowled. “You should be resting.” He snapped the book closed. “I have yet to find anything, but I still have many places to search.”

  Aliana wasn’t going to give up that quickly. “Would it help if we got the others involved?”

  Merlin’s surprised face was a picture. “You’re ready to bring them in on your secrets?” He pointedly looked at her right hand, where her magic ruby glove was still concealed behind her magic veil.

  Aliana laid a protective hand over the invisible glove. “Not that, no. But they know I’m here for a reason beyond seeing you. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that since you got back.”

  Merlin studied her. “What do you plan to tell them?”

  “That I need to find a way to locate the Grail of Power. Nothing else for now.” She wondered again about finding a discreet way to warn him about Morgana but stopped the thought. The queen’s warning was a heavy weight.

  “I’m glad you are telling them. And I know Owaine, Leyon and Percival are anxious to see Lord Daggerhorne.”

  Aliana nodded. “We can…” Clicking footsteps silenced her.

  Merlin stood, both looking to see Guinevere coming around th
e corner.

  The redhead smiled. “Raven told me I’d find you both here.”

  “Is Lancelot with you?” Aliana looked past her, half expecting the fierce knight to appear.

  “No. He’s with Arthur and the other knights welcoming the warriors arriving for the tournament tomorrow.” She looked at the books on the table. “I wanted to see how you were feeling.”

  Aliana smirked at the murmured words. The girl’s eyes were looking at the books and not her.

  “I’m getting better. Thanks.”

  Several scrolls fell to the ground with cascading thuds. Aliana flinched back. Dagg crawled out, his amethyst eyes back to normal, his tail wrapped around one scroll, another clenched in one claw.

  “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Aliana snapped.

  Guin giggled and Merlin rolled his eyes.

  The Druid gathered up the scrolls on the floor and shoved them back into the cubby shelf. “What do you have, Lord Daggerhorne?”

  “I wasn’t sure at first, but these scrolls have the feel of Dragon magic.” He jumped from the shelf to the table, his leathery, silver veined wings flaring. Aliana hid her smile at Guinevere’s awed gasp. Her little guardian was pretty impressive. Not that she’d ever tell him that.

  Dagg looked to Aliana, his Dragon smirk showing.

  “Vain much?”

  His amusement filled her.

  “Why are these scrolls so special?” Aliana asked. “The queen is a Dragon, and Arthur is part Dragon. Not to mention Igraine’s father, the original Gold Dragon and his son. Any of them could have touched those scrolls.”

  He shook his head once. “These have the feel of my clan, the Silver Dragons. I am curious to know why.”

  “Curiosity killed the cat, you know.”

  “Good thing I’m a Dragon then. A pretty impressive one.”

  Aliana pursed her lips.

  “Are you two communicating magically?” Guin’s eyes ping ponged between them.


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