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Page 19

by Cheryl Brooks

  Storm clouds and lightning had been replaced by a pale moon, but Bonnie didn’t need it to see his eyes, for they had a glow all their own. Oh, he's very good, she thought ruefully, wishing she could be as insightful. Always a total failure when it came to guessing the thoughts of men, Bonnie knew that Vladen had been quite correct in suggesting that her own attitude was the greatest impediment to a closer relationship with Lynx. Men mystified her, and she didn’t like being kept in the dark.

  “Too much on my mind,” she sighed, wishing she could stop thinking and just be, just feel, and not care…

  Cocking his head to one side, he speculated, “Is it that you do not understand why I would want you when we cannot mate?”

  There was no point in denying the truth. Bonnie blew out a pent-up breath and nodded.

  “Bonnie,” he said gently, “if I wanted you, but you could not feel any physical pleasure yourself, would you deny me?”

  “What?” she blurted out, not understanding him at first. After a moment, she ventured, “You mean like if I was paralyzed or something?”


  Bonnie considered this for a moment. Having sex without feeling anything? It would be strange, she decided, but if it was important to him… no, she wouldn’t refuse. In fact, the mere thought of being able to look up at his face while he thrust into her bordered on orgasmic, whether she could feel anything or not. “No,” she replied. “I wouldn’t. Just having you close and knowing that you wanted me would be enough. You could do anything you wanted.”

  “And have I not said that you could do anything you wanted with me?”

  “Yes, you did say that, but—”

  “You do not believe me?”

  “Yes, but how will I be able to tell whether you like what I’m doing or not?” she asked, the words seeming to burst from her. “A hard, dripping cock is a pretty hard signal to miss, you know.”

  To her surprise, he laughed. “There are others, as you will soon discover.”

  “Well, you’d better make them really obvious,” she said roundly, “because subtleties are pretty much lost on me. I have to know for sure or this just won’t work! In fact, you’d better tell me what to look for right now.”

  “How will I know if you enjoy what I do to you?” he countered.

  This wasn’t something Bonnie had ever given much thought to. “Sighs, maybe?” she ventured. “And—and I probably moan a lot, too.”

  “I do that as well, and I also purr.” Cocking his head to one side, he added, “Is that enough?”

  “Yes, but you purr for the damned enocks, Lynx!” she grumbled. “It couldn’t mean very much if you can do that!”

  “But when I purr for you,” he said in a voice filled with sincerity, “it will mean something else.”

  His tone should have been enough to reassure her, but Bonnie still had doubts. “Well, okay,” she said uncertainly. “If you say so.”

  Chuckling softly, he asked, “Do you require a demonstration?”

  “Yes,” she said with a firm nod. “Yes, I believe I do.”

  “Then lick me.”


  He didn’t reply, but the look he gave her said quite clearly: “Where do you think?”

  He’d said she could suck his cock, but Bonnie thought perhaps he’d like something else even better. Pushing him onto his back, she leaned down and took a swipe at his balls with her tongue.

  In response to her tongue, Lynx let out a gasp, followed by a rather explosive purr.

  “Okay,” she conceded. “You’re right. That is different.”

  Unable to control his reaction, Lynx could scarcely breathe. “No one ever did that to me before!” he said in a hoarse whisper.

  “No one?” she echoed. “Not ever?” Obviously the harem girls hadn’t been as much fun as she would have thought.

  Shaking his head in reply, all Lynx could think of to say was, “Do it again.”

  Bonnie grinned devilishly. “With pleasure.”

  Nudging his legs apart, she lay down in the space between them. Lynx had nice, big balls that hung tantalizingly low, and Bonnie knew she could have endless fun with them. His purring became more erratic as she licked him and then sucked his scrotal skin into her mouth and pulled, lifting his testicles. Then she let them drop.

  Bonnie heard Lynx suck a breath in between his teeth and felt herself getting wet—to the point that she was now dripping on the sheets and the hot, slick feeling between her legs was driving her absolutely wild.

  “I’m not hurting you, am I?” she asked anxiously as she realized that his reaction might have indicated pain as well as pleasure.

  “No!” he said fiercely. Spreading his legs farther apart, he settled down into the bed, making his balls sway back and forth. “Suck them.”

  “Ooo, getting pushy, are we?” Since Lynx had likely never been given the opportunity to tell any of his lovers what he wanted, Bonnie figured it was probably a real turn-on for him… “What did you say?”

  “Put them in your mouth,” he growled.

  With a wayward grin, she taunted, “Make me.”

  Lynx hesitated only a moment before seizing Bonnie's head with both hands and pulling her up against him. “Suck,” was all she heard him say—all that she could understand, that is.

  As she took one in her mouth and teased it with her tongue, Lynx traded his purrs for groans. Oh, yeah! No doubt about it; she could tell what he liked whether his cock got stiff or not. After a bit, she picked up on the flavor, and, no pun intended, thought he tasted sort of nutty. Jack hadn’t mentioned anything about how a Zetithian would taste, and Bonnie wondered if they came in different flavors. It was all so strange! Here she was, having a great time, and he hadn’t even done anything to her yet! Experimentally, she tried sucking his cock, and though she preferred them hard, found that a soft one fit in her mouth better.

  Lynx seemed to appreciate the gesture—if clutching the sheets, holding his breath, and thrusting his hips up against her face meant anything. Lying there, devouring him, Bonnie lost all track of time. She went hunting for a sweet spot that might make him come, licking every place between his navel and his buns, but didn’t find one. She knew that on human males, the best way to do that was to go after his prostate, but she wasn’t sure Lynx would like it—some guys didn’t. She would save that for another time, seeing no point in doing everything she could think of the first time around.

  Ulla sighed, and Bonnie waited breathlessly until the baby settled back down to sleep. Lynx then took advantage of the momentary pause in the assault on his groin to roll Bonnie over and bury his face between her legs in a move quick enough to have been practiced. However, she didn’t complain, since he had the courtesy to leave his penis within range of her tongue. His own tongue was quite talented, but then he got his hands into the act, making her revise her opinion of which might be better.

  If Bonnie had thought it would seem mechanical before they started, she’d have been wrong because Lynx touched her like a lover, not like a slave who was simply doing as he was told. Even if she had been giving directions, she couldn’t have told him to do what he was currently doing, because she’d never even thought of it before. With any other man, if they’d ever used anything but their penis on her, it had been their fingers, but Lynx used his thumb, a technique that quickly took her to the combustion point. Then, with a thumb in her pussy and his tongue on her clitoris, he got another finger wet and went after her ass.

  Lynx knew a little something about female anatomy, and he soon found her sweet spot, circling it tantalizingly before homing in with a deep, mind-numbing massage. Unable to concentrate on anything else, Bonnie let go and lay with his cock resting against her cheek. Even flaccid, his equipment was a handful—or a mouthful, depending on what she happened to be doing with it—and having it on her face was quite an erotic treat. Bonnie was trying hard not to scream or moan too loud—this was most definitely not the time to wake the baby!—and just about
had to bite her tongue in order to keep quiet.

  It was incredible, but as if that weren’t enough, that finger he’d been using to tease her ass soon found her best spot from the other side. Bonnie's mouth fell open, and her eyes widened in disbelief; she’d never known anything could feel so exquisite. She had a few brief, thrilling moments to realize what was about to happen before she careened into orgasm. She thought that was it, but soon discovered that she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move—couldn’t do anything—without setting off another wave of ecstasy. Her body was tied in knots as her mind reeled in amazement.

  Granted, she hadn’t had actual intercourse with him, but she knew that if those slave women had ratted on Lynx when he could still do what he’d just done to her, then what she hadn’t gotten from him had to have been mind-blowing in the extreme. She now felt some slight empathy for those women—knowing that the disappointment they had faced when he could no longer function must have been severe. But she would never have complained herself.

  Her body wasn’t able to move just yet, but her mind was running wild. Jack said she suspected that Zetith had been destroyed because of what their males could do. She’d thought that Lynx disproved her theory, but Bonnie had a strong feeling that Jack had been right all along. Lynx must have been every bit as sensuous as Cat or any of the others at one time—in fact, it seemed to be coming back to him fairly quickly—so Bonnie could only assume that most Zetithian males were like that. She tried to imagine what it would be like with one who was fully functional and decided that if what Lynx had done to her were increased only by half, it was a wonder that Jack and Tisana were still able to walk.

  Jack had also said that they could secrete a fluid which triggered orgasms—undoubtedly a chemical effect—and the obvious source of such a fluid had to be the penis. Bonnie made a mental note to suck harder on Lynx's the next time to see if she could suck some of it out of him—or perhaps stimulate its production.

  It was a crying shame Lynx's dick didn’t work, because if it had, Bonnie would have pulled that sterility implant out of him in a heartbeat, even if she had to tie him down to do it. Upon further reflection, she decided she might do it anyway, because she didn’t need two obstacles standing in the way of having his children, which was something she was now determined to do.

  Lynx let go of Bonnie, but very reluctantly. What she’d been doing to him had nearly cost him his sanity. Her tongue on his sensitive skin had nearly been his undoing. Her hot breath was a stimulant, her touch intoxicating. Even the memory of it sent his mind into a spin. She’d been so anxious to please him, too, even asking what he liked. If anyone had ever done that before, he couldn’t remember, and if a woman had ever licked him, it was to achieve her own orgasm by tasting him, not to give him pleasure. His only thought was to repay her in kind, and he’d pounced on her, using as many techniques as he could remember. Lynx was certain that more would come back to him in time, and he had every intention of using every last one of them.

  Chapter 15

  BONNIE AWOKE THE NEXT MORNING TO THE SOUND OF Lynx purring, Ulla crying, and her comlink beeping like crazy. Reluctantly, she left Lynx in bed, pulled on a robe, picked up Ulla, and answered the hail from Drummond.

  “What's up?” she asked, slipping Ulla up to her breast to quiet her cries.

  “Just checking to see if you all were still there,” he said. “Nasty fire we had last night, wasn’t it?”

  “Almost lost the farm,” Bonnie said, nodding in agreement. “But we made it through. Lynx flooded the field, and the fire went around us, but it was a little scary there for a while!”

  Drummond grinned. “And did you thank him properly?”

  Bonnie knew exactly what Drummond meant, but decided to tease him a little. Cocking her head at him curiously, she said, “Mind explaining that?”

  Drummond smiled knowingly. “Not in front of the baby,” he replied. “But I think you know what I mean, Bon-bon!”

  He waited for her to take the bait and was slightly disappointed, because for once, she failed to rag on him about his use of her nickname. Something was definitely up!

  “Vladen still around?” Bonnie asked casually.

  “No, but he's headed back this way,” Drummond reported. “Some injuries from the fire needing his expert touch, I guess. Not too many, though. What do you need him for?” Peering at his viewscreen, he added, “Thought you said you were okay.”

  “Oh, I am,” Bonnie replied. “I’ve just got a few questions for him. I’ll give him a call after awhile.”

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you around then,” he said, still not sure quite what to make of her odd attitude. “Take care.”

  “I will,” she promised. “You do the same.” Terminating the link, she leaned back in her chair. Ulla sighed deeply as she drank her breakfast. “Yeah, me, too, kid,” Bonnie murmured. “What a night!”

  Bonnie could hear Lynx stirring in the bedroom, and for a moment, was almost afraid to hear what he would have to say the morning after. He wouldn’t have been the first man to wake up with a totally different attitude than the one he’d gone to bed with, and Bonnie could just imagine him fully dressed, with eyes averted as he hightailed it back to the shed.

  It was possible that he might be having similar fears, so when she heard his footstep in the doorway, she looked up with what she hoped was a welcoming smile—a smile that widened when she caught that first glimpse of him.

  Yawning as he ran a hand through his tousled locks, Lynx hadn’t even bothered to put on his clothes—any of them. As he entered, his sheepish smile melted the tightness around Bonnie's heart. No, he hadn’t changed his mind, and when he came closer, he leaned down to kiss her and then Ulla.

  “She slept through it all, did she not?” he inquired as he stroked her soft cheek with his knuckle.

  “Yeah, must be nice,” Bonnie said, realizing that while her heart might be feeling more relaxed, the rest of her certainly wasn’t. “Lynx… I didn’t… imagine… any of that, did I?”

  Lynx shook his head. “No, you did not.”

  “No regrets?”


  Bonnie felt like laughing and crying at the same time. “Me either,” she said, switching Ulla to the other side. “I was afraid you might decide you didn’t want…” Her voice trailed off. Not trusting herself to look at him, she stared down at her baby.

  “To be loved anymore?” he ventured. “Yesterday, I realized that I do want your love, Bonnie, and I want it more than I have ever wanted anything—more than solitude, more than money, more, even, than my freedom. Those things mean nothing to me now.”

  Lynx came closer, and she leaned into him, her head resting on his thigh. She couldn’t say anything— couldn’t even think of anything to say—all she could do was nod. Blinking back her tears, it occurred to her that she could be happy now. She didn’t have to cry over every little thing. He hadn’t said he loved her, but his acceptance of her love was quite enough to satisfy her. When it came to technique, she knew he was unsurpassed, but perhaps he didn’t know how to love in the emotional sense. He would learn. She would teach him—by example, if nothing else. She would make him feel more loved than any man ever had; wide open, no-holds-barred, unconditional love.

  Turning her head and slipping an arm around his legs, she kissed him in the hollow of his flank and was rewarded with a soft purr. Lynx sank to his knees beside her chair and took Bonnie's face in his hands, kissing her gently, sweetly, before nipping at her earlobe with his fangs.

  “My beautiful Bonnie,” he murmured. “What would you like to do today?”

  Bonnie's practical nature surfaced briefly. “You mean after we feed all the animals and clean up the mess from the fire?”

  “Mmmm, do you know that at one time, such activities would have been enjoyment for me? I would prefer to work hard, rather than have to spend my time pleasing a woman.”

  “And now?”

  “Now I want nothing more than to spend all
my time tantalizing you and filling you with joy.”

  A soft laugh escaped Bonnie's lips before he captured them again with his own, melting her with his heat, fusing them together. She’d never known a man could say such things and have her believe him. It was amazing.

  Lynx took Ulla from her and then grasped Bonnie's hand, pulling her to her feet. “Come back to bed,” he said. “As of today, I am your slave, and I will see to your every need.”

  Bonnie gaped at him in frank disbelief. “Aw, not every day, surely?” she scoffed when she finally found her tongue. “I mean, I have to do something!”

  “Not today,” he said, shaking his head. “You have given me much, and today is the day I thank you.”

  So, I’ll only get one day? It might not have seemed like much, but it was still more than most people got— and certainly more than Bonnie had ever had. “And tomorrow everything goes back to normal?”

  He smiled seductively, his lips curling to reveal his gleaming fangs. “I do not believe so, but you may judge that for yourself.”

  If he did nothing more than smile at her in that particular fashion, Bonnie knew it would be a welcome change.

  Lynx took her to bed and after changing Ulla's diaper and putting her down in her crib, placed pillows around Bonnie in a most strategic manner. She didn’t think she’d ever felt quite so comfortable before. He was an artist. Then, kissing her soundly, he disappeared for a while, returning with a breakfast of hot, cooked grain mixed with fruit and crisp toast dripping with butter and honey. “So, you can cook,” she murmured when he handed her a plate.

  “Not as well as you, perhaps,” he said. “But I will learn.”

  He fed her, letting Bonnie taste him along with the food. It was hot and good and made her sleepy. Lynx was still naked, a state which stirred her desire for him. He’d combed his hair—even his pubic hair looked fluffy—and she wanted to feel it tickling her face. His kisses were hot, wet, and delicious and promised other delights yet to come.

  “I will feed the animals now,” he said. “But before I go, is there anything else you require?”


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