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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Jill Downey

  He grinned rakishly, “Is that so? I’ve never quite looked at it that way. I’ve got my own version of that… do they like me for my dazzling looks and charming personality or do they just want me because I’m rich?”

  “As if you care. You’ll use whatever it takes to get the girl. You flaunt it!”

  He held his chest like he’d been wounded, “Ouch! That hurts.”

  She bit back a laugh, “You’re a little too big for your britches little brother. One of these days you’re going to fall hard, and we’ll see how cocky you are then.”

  He winked at Faye. “Doubtful… but what’s wrong with a little confidence anyway?”

  “Confidence is fine. It’s the arrogance that’s so obnoxious. But I love you despite that.”

  A flicker of hurt crossed over his face but was quickly veiled as his lips curved up in his familiar cocky grin, “Of course you do. What’s not to love?”

  “Just remember what I told you!” Faye reminded him.

  “I’ll remember. Back to you, it’s eventually going to come out you know. You can’t hide who you are forever. Fuck ’em. Who cares what people think anyway?”

  Jaw set, she folded her arms across her chest, “Me.”

  “Okay but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Lies have a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. The secret billionaire, ha, that’s a good one!”

  She rolled her eyes, “Now why would I expect anyone in my family to understand. Thanks for your support Griffin!”

  His eyes still twinkled as he tried to school his face to look serious. “I’ll take it to my grave, no bullshit.”

  “You’d better. I’m going in for my meeting. See you later.”

  “Later, Ms. LeBlanc” He shook his head chuckling as he got into his Porsche convertible and drove away.

  Jesse’s eyes glittered, “So how good a friend is he? The other night you said you didn’t have a boyfriend,” he said, the minute Faye returned.

  “And I don’t. He’s a childhood friend.” Faye mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She could feel her cheeks heat up from the lie, and quickly changed the subject. “Let’s take a tour of the place and I’ll share my vision…then we can go from there.”

  Not to be brushed aside so easily, he continued, “You sure that’s all he is?”

  Faye looked up into his eyes. “He’s just a friend. More like a brother.”

  “He looks like a movie star. Kinda hard to believe you wouldn’t have an interest.”

  “Trust me on that, I’ve known him my whole life. It’s nothing like that. Strictly platonic.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “I guess I’ll have to take your word on that. Show me what ya got.”

  “Let’s start outside with the deck and pier,” she said, leading the way.

  He squinted in the sun, appraising the space and the potential. “It’s as bad as I remembered it. I suggest a complete tear down. All the planks will have to be replaced as well as the railings. A lot of the boards are rotted.”

  “I figured. I’d love to have a mini-bar outside for overflow, would that be reasonable?”

  “I’ve got a few ideas. I’ll draw them up for you tonight. Today I’ll get some measurements so I can give you a price point. Sound good to you?”

  “Yes.” Faye spun around her arms wide. “I want to have lots of palms and potted plants and colorful flowers and twinkle lights hanging from the ceiling and arbor,” she ticked off her list excitedly.

  “Arbor? What arbor?”

  “The one you’re going to build for me,” she said, smiling, using every ounce of charm she possessed.

  When he smiled back, his eyes were molten pools of brown with golden amber flecks that practically burned a hole straight through her. When he stared at her mouth, her belly felt like she was on the downhill side of a roller coaster. Unconsciously, she touched her lips with her fingertips.

  His eyes flickered then he looked away. Pulling the tape measure off his belt he squatted down. He used the pencil that’d been tucked behind his ear to jot down figures on a notepad.

  “You want to hold this end for me?” he asked.

  “Sure.” She grabbed a hold of the blade he held out.

  His white teeth clamped around the pencil as he backed his way to the other end of the deck. Faye practically salivated watching him, his movements agile and sure. The sun glinted off the natural highlights in his hair, his skin already bronzed by the sun. Her gaze wandered over his muscular physique, not an ounce of fat on him. She was daydreaming about whether he normally worked with or without a shirt when he cleared his throat, startling her out of her reverie.

  “You can let go of your end now. I got it.”

  Her face heated with embarrassment, “Oh sorry, I was thinking about how great this is going to be when its finished.” This lying was getting to be a little too easy.

  He winked playfully, “Sure you were.”

  She opened her mouth to protest when she was side-tracked by a loud boat cruising up to the dock. She glanced over her shoulder and caught the man on board the craft staring at her. He wore a bandana over his bald head and the white muscle shirt displayed arms that were covered in tattoos. His skin was weather-beaten from a lifetime of too much wind and sun.

  “Can I help you? Faye asked.

  “This your place?”


  “You haven’t been open too long have ya?” He said, more of a statement than a question.

  “Nope, several weeks.”

  “Do ya mind if I dock here for a couple of hours? I’ve been using this dock since this place was abandoned. I’m kind of sorry someone bought it. It’s been mighty convenient.”

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt this one time.”

  His lips twisted, “That’s generous of ya,” he said.

  His smile didn’t reach his eyes. In fact, his eyes were dead, she couldn’t see any light in them. A chill went down her spine. Like she’d told Jesse the other night, she was rarely wrong about people.

  Jesse had been quiet up until that point, but he stepped in now, “Yeah as a matter of fact, very generous. You docking here for a reason?”

  “I’ve got to get some supplies. You got a problem with that?”

  “Nope, just asking. Wouldn’t want to see my friend here taken advantage of.”

  “I’ll be an hour, tops. After today I’ll make other arrangements.”

  “Good idea,” Jesse said.

  Faye looked at Jesse from the corner of her eye and she could tell that he’d had the same visceral reaction to the stranger that she’d had. She could see how tightly coiled his muscles were…ready to pounce if need be. She touched his arm and he immediately softened. Looking down at her, their eyes locked and his flickered with some emotion she couldn’t name. He watched the man hitch his boat and jump onto the dock, then walk across her deck to the pier that ran the length of the marina. He disappeared from sight.

  “All of a sudden I feel like I’m a creep magnet. What’s going on?” Faye laughed nervously.

  “People get set in their ways and think they have a right to anything they want. The concept of private property must have gone right over his head. Once I build the new deck, we’ll be able to gate that entrance off so nobody can trespass when you’re not open.”

  “That would be awesome.”

  “I don’t want to sound sexist or anything like that, but I don’t like the thought of you being here alone all the time.”

  She slipped her arm through his and said, “Well, I declare. Aren’t you just the sweetest southern gentleman, Jesse Carlisle? That’s why it’s good you’re going to be here to protect me. Let’s have ourselves a beer.”

  The corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, and she could feel him relax under her hand. Frankly, she was relieved he’d been here when that guy showed up. She didn’t want people to know that she was here alone as much as she actually was. With Jesse starting on construction
, she wouldn’t have to worry about that for now. Then when tourist season started, she’d have to hire help. Her isolation would be minimal. She was glad of that.


  “What do you mean I’m in charge?” Stan’s mouth hung open in disbelief.

  “Listen Stan, you don’t really need me, you know what you’re doing. I’ll let the guys know that you’re the one in charge of this project. They all respect you,” Jesse said.

  “You’re the brains of the outfit. I’m just the brawn,” Stan replied.

  “Yeah right. You’re an engineer without the degree. You’ve got this bro. I’ve taken this other job on and it’s kind of an emergency.”

  Stans eyes narrowed, “What job?”

  “You remember Faye the owner of that new bar we were at last week? She really needs my help. She’s desperate. I couldn’t turn her down.”

  “Wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with how attractive she is now, would it?”

  Jesse grinned sheepishly, “It doesn’t hurt.”

  “It’s not like you to put pleasure before business. You know how far behind we are.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking. I was telling myself to keep my big mouth shut the whole time, and then my lips started moving and what came out was ‘I’ll help’. Damnedest thing.”

  Stan smirked, “Yeah I know what was doing the talkin’ and it wasn’t the brain in your head.”

  “I’ll owe ya big time. I’ll still be available day and night if you have something come up. I’ll check in…I won’t completely abandon you guys.”

  “You know you’re gonna catch hell from the guys. They’re going to have a field day with this one.”

  Jesse shrugged. “I’m already prepared for that.”

  “Well it’s your company. I’m just the foreman. You do what ya think’s best. At least it’s the guys’ favorite new hangout so we’ll get to watch over your shoulder after quittin’ time,” he grinned wickedly.

  “Lucky me. I may have to pull one of the guys here and there for some of the work. Most of it I think I can handle by myself, but there are a few things that are a two-man job.”

  “Like I said, you’re the boss and you sign the paychecks.”

  “I just don’t want to put the rest of you in a bind. We’ll figure it out.”

  Stan’s eye’s twinkled as he responded, “No worries here. We do all the work anyway. You just micromanage us. And I’m happy for ya. You’ve been crying in your beer for too long. Take it from me, find yourself a good woman and settle down. Don’t let Kelsey manipulate you. She had her chance and fucked up. It’s time to move on. You still get to have a life, too. How long’s it been since you and Kelsey split anyway, a year?”

  “About that, but who’s counting?”

  He clapped Jesse on the back and said, “Time to put the past behind you and have a little fun. You deserve it. You work way too hard my friend.”

  “This is still going to be work. It’s just better scenery than working with the likes of you guys. Plus, she really needs the help. She’d probably have to shut down before she even got started if I hadn’t jumped in. She said as much. She said I’m saving her from financial ruin.”

  “Ha! Nothing gets the loins more fired up than a damsel in distress.”

  “Yeah, well there’s a lot of work to be done.”

  Stan guffawed, “We’ll see how much work ya get done with that beautiful blonde as your backdrop.”

  Jesses forehead furrowed, “Not much choice, the place is falling down. Listen, thanks man. I appreciate your understanding.”

  Stan squeezed his friend’s shoulder, “No problem boss. I’m happy to help ya out. You’d give any of us the shirt off your back and then some. You already have. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  Jesse smiled from ear to ear, “I’ll finish up the last bit of work at the Blakes’, then I’ll be free to get started on Faye’s place.”

  Stan grinned, “Nothing wrong with doing the right thing, buddy. She looks like a good strong wind would blow her away.”

  “I thought the same thing. I must admit, I do feel manly around her,” Jesse joked, flexing his biceps and sticking out his chest, cracking them both up.

  “We’ve got your back. I’m happy to see that spark in your eyes again.”

  He grinned. “What spark? There’s that overactive imagination of yours again,” Jesse said. “Let’s get going. I want to fill in the rest of the crew. It will be a bit of a juggling act for you because you’ll be handling both crews, but the condo complex is underway and going smoothly… should be fine.”

  “I know where to find ya.”

  Jesse held his hand to his forehead in a mock salute, “Thanks Stan.”


  Faye shivered despite the fact that she was layered and bundled up in a bulky sweater against the chilly air. She gazed out over the balcony at the night sky, the sound of the ocean waves soothing her frayed nerves. She sighed then took another sip of wine.

  Maddy frowned. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Me? Why’s that?”

  “I think you’re setting yourself up for a fall. You should come clean with Jesse about your real identity. Especially if you like him.”

  She shrugged, “How can I? It’s too late for that now. Besides it shouldn’t matter. I’m just me. My family background doesn’t define me.”

  “But how do you think he’s going to feel when he finds out? And he will find out eventually.”

  Her chin jutted out stubbornly, “By the time he does, I’m hoping he’ll know me for who I am, not for being a Bennett. It’s really nobody’s business anyway. I’ve hired him to do a job. If I want to keep my personal business to myself it’s my prerogative.”

  “He’s a guy. Don’t you think he might feel a bit foolish when he finds out that you’re worth billions? I’m sure he thinks he’s helping out some down-on-her-luck girl who made a bad investment.”

  “And he is! Besides that, my daddy’s worth billions, not me.”

  “Really Faye? You’re lying to yourself. You can live in that fantasy bubble all you want but when Daddy and Mommy go, you’ll be a billionaire.”

  “Hopefully that’s a long way off. Now quit your worrying about me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “If you say so. Problem is you’ve got all of us lying as well. Someone is bound to slip up. I’m afraid it’s going to be me. I’m a lousy liar…just so you know.”

  She glared playfully at her bestie, “It’d better not be you.”

  “I’ll do my best but no promises. Now when do I get to meet this gorgeous hunk that’s got you all aflutter?”

  “Stop in anytime.”

  “I’ll do that.” Maddy’s eyes narrowed, “I haven’t seen you this sparkly for a long time. I think you might be finally moving on from your past.”

  “Let me put it to you this way, I’m glad I left Julian on the other side of the planet. I have to admit, the other night freaked me out. When I saw that shadowy figure in the parking lot, my first thought was that it was him.”

  “I’m sure. Understandable after what he put you through.”

  “I feel bad for him but his obsession with getting me back was crazy.”

  “You have to try and let go of all that. He’s in New Zealand, you’re here. It’s okay to trust that you’re safe again.”

  “Maybe… the other night set me back. I had thought I was moving past it all, but I had a nightmare last night. I haven’t had one of those for months. The fear was right there in a snap.”

  “You’ll settle back down. I’m glad Jesse is around. That makes me feel a whole lot better.”

  “Me too.”

  “How are you feeling about the bar?” Maddy asked.

  Faye toyed with a lock of hair, “I’m hopeful again now that I have a contractor on board. He’s a real hard worker and seems to know what he’s doing.”

  Maddy laughed, “Thank God! You didn’t really have a whole lot of options. B
eggars can’t be choosers.”

  “I lucked out.”

  “Are you happy here? Back in the States I mean. I’m so happy that you’re back that I forget about your feelings.”

  “Yes, I’m glad to be home.”

  “Do you miss New Zealand?”

  “Sometimes, but I’m glad to be back close to family and old friends. I missed it here. I hate the way I left there. …it ended on such a bad note…but at least Julian’s out of my life for good. I’m not sure I’ll ever go back there.”

  “Wasn’t Fiji your favorite place in the world anyway? Who needs New Zealand?”

  “Second to New Zealand. Didn’t you read my blogs?” she said, laughing as she stood and stretched her arms over her head.

  “Every last one of them…Faye LeBlanc. For five years I lived vicariously through you. How pathetic was that?”

  Dimpling, Faye said, “That’s what friends are for. Seriously Mads, you are my grounding force in life.”

  “Gee, why am I not thrilled with that role?”

  Faye swatted at her friend’s arm, “I don’t know what I’d do without you. You keep me sane. Between my crazy family and my crazy ex-boyfriend, you should feel like you’re the lucky one.”

  “You make a good point.”

  “I’m going to hit the sack. I’m almost afraid to…I don’t want another night of bad dreams… but I have to try, I’ve got a ton to do tomorrow,” Faye said, she covered her mouth as she yawned loudly.

  “You can always sleep with your light on… Speaking of work, I wish you’d take a car instead of walking. After what happened in your parking lot, I’d hoped you’d be extra careful.”

  “Don’t worry on my account. I’ve been biking instead of walking and I’m carrying pepper spray.”

  Maddy rolled her eyes, “Well that’s sure to keep you safe. But it’s better than nothing.”


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