Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2) Page 6

by Jill Downey

  “I’m really glad too, Faye LeBlanc. Truce?”

  She nodded her head yes, “Truce.” She looked away, biting her lip, then said, “Now where do you suppose we should put our statue when he returns from his makeover?”

  “He’ll have to be prominently displayed, front and center. He’s quite impressive.”

  Faye looked up at Jesse through her lashes. “Jess, I hope I didn’t embarrass you in front of your friend.”

  “Nope. I’m sure my whole crew will have the blow by blow account, but I can handle them.”

  Faye grinned, then impulsively stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  “What was that for?”

  “Because you’re a sweetheart.”

  He gave her a salacious grin as his eyes scorched her body from head to toe.

  “My future just got a little brighter,” he said.

  “Don’t press your luck.”

  Chuckling he left her alone in the kitchen, her beautiful face tugging at his heart.


  Faye had just regaled Maddy with the latest turn of events surrounding Jesse Carlisle, which had Maddy shaking her head in disbelief. “Can you explain to me how you could have been so upset with Jesse when you’ve been lying to him about your entire life? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?”

  Faye sighed heavily. “I know, I saw red and it clouded my thinking…I was so embarrassed… in my own defense, I didn’t stay upset for very long.”

  Arms folded across her chest, Maddy said, “I’m not trying to be overbearing here, but you’d better fess up to him, and soon, or you’re going to blow it!”

  “Blow what?” Faye said, feigning innocence.

  “Yeah right. As if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Hot guy, major chemistry, I’ve haven’t seen you this alive since you moved back.”

  Hugging herself she said, “He is pretty wonderful.”

  “Well then…”

  Fidgeting nervously, she said, “I just can’t. It’ll change everything…and what am I supposed to do? Just blurt out ‘Oh by the way Jesse, I forgot to mention, I’m an heiress to billions’?”

  “Yes. I get that some guys couldn’t handle it, but if he’s that guy, he’s not the one for you anyway. In my opinion it’s not that big a deal. The bigger deal is your coverup.”

  “I just feel like it’s nobody’s business anyway. I do feel bad that I lied about my real name, but why would I go around and talk about my family’s riches? Who does that?”

  “Whatever. You’re going to do whatever you want anyway, why should I waste my breath?”

  “I’m sorry Maddy. I know you mean well, but it’ll be fine. You’ll see.” Faye reached out and squeezed her friend’s arm.

  “I hope so. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

  “I know.”

  “I don’t see the difference between what you were so angry about with him and this. If I were him, I’d want to know the truth. I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Not really. Basically, I’m winging it, but hopefully he’ll understand. We need a little more time getting to know each other without money entering into the picture. You know that money pushes buttons, the way people think and feel about it is complicated. It’s one of the biggest issues in most marriages and divorces…I want him to get to know me, being just me, Faye LeBlanc. I kind of like it. I wish it could stay this way forever.”

  “When you put it that way, I guess I kind of get your point. So when do I get to meet this guy?”

  “Since it’s your day off tomorrow, why don’t you come into the bar? I can’t have my bestie left out.”

  “If you’re sure you trust me not to mess up. I’ll pick up barbecue for all of us from Smokies and we can hang out.”


  “What time?”

  “Make it noon. I’m nervous for you to meet him.”

  Maddy grinned. “I’m nervous because I’m afraid I’m going to blow your cover.”

  “Just remember, it’s all really early, who knows what’s going to happen. We have a strong attraction for sure, but it could fizzle out.”

  Maddy smirked, “Keep telling yourself that.”

  “Just don’t make a big deal out of it.”

  “Course not. I’m heading to bed. I’ll see you at noon tomorrow. Keep it down in the morning because I’m sleeping in.”

  “Lucky you. See ya and don’t say anything to embarrass me!”

  Maddy’s eyes gleamed, “Would I do something like that?”

  “Yes! Go to bed.”

  Laughing, Maddy rose and headed to bed.

  After pulling on a thick sweater, Faye poured herself a glass of wine and slid open the French doors, stepping onto the balcony. It was chilly but the sky was crystal clear, and the stars were fully on display. She could see the distant lights of the marina and sighed with contentment. Sipping her wine, she relaxed and let herself decompress.

  Things were going smoothly at the bar, and she was relieved that she and Jesse worked so well together. They both did their own thing then came together when it was required. They were attempting to keep things on a somewhat professional standing. Kind of sort of. That was the hard part. They were playful and flirty, but the heat level was at fiery hot, and if they gave in to it, they’d be all over each other and the bar would never get done.

  Since tomorrow was Saturday they would quit early. She had advertised karaoke and thought that might bring in more customers. She wanted to have a little break before her bar shift started.

  Her musings were interrupted by a movement along the shoreline. She could make out the silhouette of a man standing there. It almost seemed like he was staring her way. She shivered but not from the cold. Spooked, she grabbed her drink and went inside. Peering out from behind the safety of her locked door, she watched as the man stood with his back to the sea, facing her condo. She inched away from the door and moved to the kitchen window so she could observe without feeling exposed.

  She could see the glow from a cigarette as he held it to his lips for a drag. He stayed for about five more minutes then walked away, heading in the direction of the marina. Her heart was racing, and a stern admonishment to herself about her overactive imagination did little to dispel her unease. That was just plain creepy. Faye don’t even go there! This is your PTSD from your last relationship. You are safe!

  Rinsing out her empty wine glass, she headed for bed, even though she was convinced that sleep at this point was merely a fantasy. She was pleasantly surprised to find her eyelids drooping after reading only one chapter of her book. She turned out the light and fell into a deep troubled sleep. Dark shadowy figures lurking in corners, sinister statues coming alive, coins being tossed in her face, and graffiti covering every inch of her bar inside and out, had her tossing and turning all night. When her alarm went off, she felt like what the cat drug in. It was going to be a very long day.


  Faye threw on an old pair of cut-off jean shorts and a faded CSU tee shirt that she didn’t mind getting paint on. She was determined to get that damn wall done today. Her pulse fluttered when she pedaled into the lot and saw Jesse’s motorcycle already parked there. He had beat her again. Today was his day to pick up the coffee and as promised it was waiting for her on the bar counter, along with a cream cheese croissant, her favorite.

  “Good morning beautiful,” Jesse said cheerfully.

  “Is it?” she joked.

  “Yes. Any day I get to spend with you is a good one.”

  “I was out like a light the minute my head hit the pillow, but I still feel like I didn’t sleep a wink”

  Jesse studied her face, a line appearing between his brows. “You do look tired. Something troubling you?”

  “My imagination. There was someone on the beach last night and I could have sworn they were looking right at me standing on my balcony. In the light of day, I realize it was probably just someone out for an evening stroll.”

>   His eyebrows drew together, “You sure about that?”

  “Pretty sure. It was dark and they could have been looking anywhere. I just got shook.”

  “And maybe it’s the Neanderthal in me, but I want you to be extra cautious. Look, I’m not trying to increase your anxiety but as a woman, you have to stay alert. Your bar got vandalized with graffiti, you’ve had a run in with a patron… when in doubt trust your gut.”

  “You’re freaking me out a little.”

  “Don’t mean to do that, but I care a lot about you, and I need you to be safe. Don’t be paranoid, just pay attention.” His eyes narrowed, “That reminds me, some guy stopped in looking for you the other day, when Joe and I were moving the statue. Wouldn’t give a name just said he was an old friend.”

  Faye’s brows drew together. “What did he look like?”

  “Tall, dark hair, dressed like a hipster.” Jesse grinned, lifting one shoulder.

  “Great, you could be describing my ex.” Worry clouded her features.

  “Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” He held out his arms. “Come here.” She stepped inside his embrace and buried her nose into his chest, breathing in his maleness. It comforted her. He was solid and strong. She relaxed.

  Her voice muffled against his shirt she said, “I feel safe with you…sheltered.”

  “Your ex live around here?”

  “No, he’s in New Zealand. At least that’s where I left him.”

  “Pretty safe bet that it wasn’t him then.” He leaned back and tipped her chin up, studying her face.

  “Why don’t you take the day off? You have to work late tonight, and I don’t really need you for anything that I can think of.”

  “No, I’m okay. It’s better if I stay busy.” She yawned and stretched her arms overhead. “Nothing a good cup of coffee won’t fix. I’m going to paint over that graffiti today. That shouldn’t be too hard.”

  “I can do that for you.”

  “No! You have enough to do. That is something I actually can do.”

  Jesse flashed his irresistible grin, “I’d rather have you around anyway. I was trying to be unselfish.”

  “I like being with you too.” Her cheeks felt warm as she looked up at him, “Really that’s at the top of my list of favorite places to be.”

  Jesse took a step back and theatrically put his hand to his chest, “Be still my beating heart.”

  Faye giggled. “You’re so cheesy. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, my best friend Maddy is coming by with lunch at noon. She’s super excited to finally meet you.”

  His eye’s sparkled with curiosity. “And just what have you told her about me?”

  “Nothing much, just about how average you are, you know mousy hair, faded eyes, boring, unattractive…”

  His eyes gleamed, “Is that so?” Before she could move quick enough, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her outside to the edge of the deck and dangling her over the water.

  Giggling hysterically, she cried out “Put me down!”

  “I don’t think so. Now you were saying?”

  Sprawled upside-down butt in the air, she was completely at his mercy. “I take it back. Your hair is a glorious crown!”

  He tickled her, “And?”

  “Smokin’ hot bod! Eye’s the color of the finest whiskey…put me down!” she begged, gasping for breath from laughing so hard. He answered by flipping her off his shoulder and into his arms, now cradling her against his chest. His eyes burned with desire as he gazed into hers. He dipped his head down and kissed her softly. Her breath hitched.

  “Go on…” he said against her lips. He sat down, holding her on his lap. She could feel his hardness pressing against her bottom.

  Faye, breathless and aroused, had never felt so feminine or sexy. In Jesse’s arms there was only them. She cupped her hands behind his head and returned his kiss. He wasted no time and plunged his tongue inside. She opened her mouth wider, enticing his thrusting tongue to explore further. His hands sought her soft skin and slipped underneath her shirt. His palm brushed across her flat belly, exploring her torso until he reached her breast, rolling his thumb across the silk clad nipple. She gasped with pleasure, so aroused she thought she might come right then.

  Breathless he called her name softly, “Faye, you’re perfection,” then continued his exquisite torture.

  Her whole body trembled with want. His ragged breath matched her own, and when she looked into his eyes, they were heavy lidded, pupils dilated.

  “You’re all I can think about,” Jesse said, his voice low and rough.

  Forgetting where they were, as he lifted her tee-shirt, she pulled his head down to her breast, while slipping her other hand under his shirt. Her desire surged as her fingertips touched the softness of his skin covering strong solid back muscles…here…real…now. She needed this…to be grounded in the present, not consumed by fear. He pulled her bra aside drawing her nipple into his warm mouth. He latched on and suckled greedily. She arched, raking her hands down his back, calling out his name.

  “Jesse, please!” He groaned then lifted his head, and tugged her shirt down, eyes flickering with regret.

  “Faye, not here, not now. When I make love to you for the first time, I want it to be special.”

  She covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  He pulled her hands away and stared intently into her glazed eyes. “I hope so. I want you to get carried away. Never apologize for that. But Faye, if you don’t get off my lap very soon, I may need a change of clothing, which I don’t happen to have with me.”

  She scrambled to her feet. Not meeting his eyes, she said, “I’m going to go paint.”

  “I’ll go jump into the cold ocean.” Not getting the smiling response he wanted, he stood up and put his hands on her shoulders. Face still warm with embarrassment, she stiffened but let him pull her into his arms. He sniffed and nuzzled her hair then nibbled on her ear until she squirmed and giggled.

  “That tickles.”

  “Since the bar’s closed on Monday, what do you say we go on a date. We’ll spend the whole day together playing… followed by dinner at my place, maybe just pizza delivered, but what do you say?”

  She gazed into his warm eyes and said the only thing she could possibly say, “I’d love that.”

  “Good, it’s a date.” He kissed the tip of her nose and she went to mix up paint.

  Jesse watched as Faye headed to the back room and raked his shaky hands through his hair. He blew out a deep breath. Damn, that had to be one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  She was like a unicorn. Magical, irresistible, exquisite. He was all messed up. When he’d told her that she was perfection, he’d meant it. Her body had responded to his slightest touch, like the finest tuned instrument.


  Faye had just poured her paint into the tray when Jesse stepped outside to tell her he was heading over to the hardware store to pick up something he’d forgotten.

  His mouth tightened when he looked at the ruined wall, “I’d like to get my hands on whoever did this.”

  “You and me both!” Faye said. “Every time I look at this wall, I’m boiling mad all over again!”

  “Listen, I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I locked the front door so nobody can walk right in.”

  “Thanks, see ya when you get back.”

  “Be good.” He brushed her cheek before turning and sprinting to his truck.

  Faye sighed. Why did he have to be so damn perfect? How was she supposed to resist temptation when he had such dreamy eyes and lush lips? She dipped her roller in the pan and soaked up some paint before covering over the profanities. As she applied the first coat, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Someone was a genuine poet. No imagination what-so-ever.

  Suddenly her roller stopped, and a chill went down her spine. There in the center of all the swear wo
rds was a red heart with J Loves F smack in the middle. She had to put the roller back in the pan because her hand was shaking so badly. Girl get a grip! You’re starting to get paranoid. It could be anyone.

  Faye sat down hard on the stoop. Closing her eyes, she took a few deep slow breaths to calm her nerves. Shaking it off, she knew it had to be a coincidence. Those initials could be anyone’s. Hell, for that matter they were Jesses initials as well and she knew he hadn’t done it. That thought calmed her down instantly. Between the lack of sleep and the long hours she’d been working it was no wonder her mind was playing tricks on her.

  She stood back up and quickly swiped her roller over the offending heart and chose not to grant it any significance. Determined to bury her fear, she said out loud, “There, all gone!”

  Faye was just finishing the second coat of paint when Maddy arrived with lunch. She poked her head outside. “Chow time.”

  “I’m coming,” Faye said. “Jesse’s on the back deck.” Stepping down off the ladder she set her brush aside and put a lid on the paint can, then followed Maddy inside. Her stomach growled in protest. The croissant she’d eaten that morning was long since digested.

  “Let’s eat outside,” Maddy suggested.

  Drying her hands off on a bar towel, Faye said, “I’ll grab us some bottled water, unless you’d rather have something else?”

  “No, water’s fine,” Maddy replied.

  As they stepped outside, Maddy looked over at Faye wide-eyed and mouthed the words, ‘Oh my God!’

  Faye grinned from ear to ear. “Jesse, Maddy’s here with our lunch.”

  He looked up at them, then stood. A six-foot-plus, shirtless, muscle-bulging, sweaty, sex bomb of perfection.

  Maddy’s mouth hung open until she caught herself. Faye made the introductions. “Jesse this is my bestie from high school and my roommate, Maddy.”

  Jesse held out his hand, his expression warm and welcoming, “My pleasure to finally meet you. I’m hoping you can help shed some light on this enigmatic beauty beside me… as only a bestie can do.”


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