Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2) Page 7

by Jill Downey

  Maddy cleared her throat and tittered nervously, pushing her glasses further up on her nose, “Um well as they say…what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

  Really? Faye rolled her eyes at her friend. She’s going to blow it. She looks guilty.

  Faye clapped her hands over-enthusiastically, cheeks flushed she said, “Let’s see what you’ve got… I’m starving.”

  Jesses scratched his head, puzzled by the sudden awkwardness. “You girls must have some wild stories, is all I can say.”

  They both laughed a bit too hard at his comment and he intercepted Faye shooting daggers at her friend.

  They sat on the ground in a circle as Maddy pulled out the barbecue sandwiches. “I’ve got slaw and baked beans and extra barbecue sauce if you want to add any.”

  “Did you remember my pickles?” Faye asked.

  “Y’all think I’m stupid or something? I wasn’t about to listen to you pitchin’ a hissy fit through the entire lunch.” She took out the foil containing the pickles and tossed them to Faye.

  Faye smiled as she ripped open the foil and grabbed one, hungrily biting into the crunchy dill snack. Her lips puckered, “Tangy, just the way I like them.”

  Jesse was busy slapping more barbecue onto his sandwich and then piling slaw on top of that. Faye loved watching his hands. She always judged a guy’s hands… she knew it was weird… but his definitely passed her test. They were tan, strong, and very masculine. His nails were trimmed short, well-kept but not fussy. She knew how they felt against her skin and blushed just thinking about it. Jesse took that particular moment to look at her and she felt her cheeks grow hot.

  His eyes flashed as they raked across her face. Her skin felt seared everywhere his gaze touched. When he had settled on her lips her breath hitched and she quickly busied herself with her sandwich.

  Maddy cleared her throat and said, “So Jesse, I hope you know you’re my hero for rescuing my friend here.”

  He winked and said, “Could be she’s the one doing the rescuing.” Taking another big bite, he wiped his forearm across his chin, swiping off some sauce.

  “Do you have a clone?” Maddy asked. They all laughed, breaking any residual tension that had been in the air. “But really, you’re doing a great job here. I can’t believe how much you’ve gotten done in just a few weeks… and all by yourself.”

  “Hey, I’ve got a great side kick here,” he said, nodding his head toward Faye. “What do you do for a living?” Jesse asked her.

  “I’m an accountant. Boring to most folks, but I love crunchin’ numbers.”

  “She’s being modest. She’s more than just an accountant. Her office is one of the most successful local businesses around. She has five accountants that work for her and she has some of the biggest companies accounts around here.”

  Maddy blushed at the compliment, “Quit blowing my horn. I’m just a numbers nerd that was lucky enough to stumble on my niche.”

  “That’s great. There aren’t enough women-owned businesses. I’m always happy to hear about them.”

  “I repeat, do ya have a clone?” Maddy said.

  Faye beamed. This was turning out better than she could have hoped for. After the initial discomfort, they settled into an easy flow of conversation. Maddy brought up Faye’s travel blog and got her to open up about some of her adventures.

  “Hm. A writer, a world traveler…even more intriguing. There are many layers to the beautiful Faye LeBlanc,” Jesse said.

  Maddy started gathering up their trash and said, “She’s layered all right. Real thick if you get my drift?”

  Jesse’s mouth twitched as he jumped up and grabbed the trash from Maddy. “Here let me take that. Thanks for picking up our lunch. How much do I owe you?”

  “No way! Don’t even go there. It was my idea. You can buy next time.”


  “I’ll let you guys get back to work. It was great meeting you Jesse. Take care of my friend here. She’s special.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about from this end.”

  “Thanks Mad.” The girls hugged and then she left.

  “That went well.”

  “I like your friend.”

  “I’m glad. Now I’ll go clean up my mess. I’m done with the painting. It only took two coats.”

  “Good, I could use another hand when you get a chance.”

  “Sure thing.”

  She pivoted to go, but he grabbed her arm stopping her, “Faye, is there something you’re not telling me?”

  She looked down, not meeting his eyes. ‘What do you mean? What makes you say that?”

  “Just a hunch. Never mind. Just get your butt back out here. I’m missing you.”

  Her eyes clouded for a second as she battled with herself, then the moment passed and she said nothing, because he’d already picked up his drill and walked away.


  That evening, Jesse’s jaw dropped when he and a few of his crew walked into the Pelican. The place was packed and noisy. His first clue was the full parking lot…but wow. Almost at full capacity. She needed that outdoor space yesterday. If this didn’t motivate him to get it done, nothing would. The karaoke hadn’t started up yet, but the DJ had his sound system streaming at ear-splitting decibels with people trying to shout over the din. Typical Saturday night bar life.

  He scanned the room until his eyes homed in on Faye. She was behind the bar filling up a frosty mug of draft beer, with another dozen thirsty drinkers waiting in line for their refill. She tucked behind her ear a lock of hair that had escaped her high ponytail.

  He stood inside the door unable to look away, as if in a trance. She moved with grace and efficiency, working fast but not rushing. She laughed at something one of the guys said to her as she passed him his cocktail. He suddenly snapped out of his study and turned to Stan and said, “Hey I’m going to jump behind the bar and help out. Get in line. I doubt there will be table service tonight, I’m afraid.”

  When he stepped beside Faye she startled until she saw it was him, then her whole face lit up. Full-blown dazzling white smile, dimples and all. He could see the relief dance across her face.

  “Hey! What are you doing here?” she said, trying to talk over the racket.

  He shrugged, “Came to see the prettiest girl on the island.”

  “Boy am I ever glad to see you!”

  “Mutual. Want me to just dive in?”


  Just then they were interrupted, “Is this your honeymoon or a bar? Can I get a refill?”

  Her eyes twinkled at him before she turned to take the order. She looked good enough to eat. She had on some long slinky maxi skirt with a side slit that sat low on her slim hips and hugged her like a second skin. Her sleeveless top was cropped right above her navel, exposing her flat belly and a sexy navel piercing. She wore what he thought looked like Jesus sandals, since they crisscrossed and wrapped partway up her slim shapely calves. A ton of bangles mixed with beaded bracelets jingled as she worked.

  He faced the crowd and jumped right in taking orders. Most people were drinking beer, but he did have to mix a couple of fancy drinks. His old college days of bartending were coming in handy.

  Between the two of them they caught up quickly, and by the time the DJ had set up for karaoke, they were in good shape. She jerked her thumb toward the door and yelled, “I’m going to give Ty a call and see if he’s ready to start tonight.”

  “Good thinking. I’ll watch the bar while you make the call.” He shouted back.

  “Thanks, I’ll go outside so I can hear. I’ll be right back.” As she slipped behind him, he slung an arm around her and gave her a quick squeeze. His hand touched the bare skin of her waist and he went rock hard. Her lips parted slightly as their eyes met and he could see hunger there that matched his own. That’s good then.

  “Ty, it’s Faye LeBlanc. How would you feel about starting tonight? We can work out the details later. I’m slammed.”

“Sure! I can be there in twenty.”

  “Great. I really appreciate it. Wear your running shoes.” She hung up, relieved that he could make it on such short notice. This was a big dose of what it was going to take, and she realized she was woefully unprepared. She needed to start interviewing next week for a part-time bartender and server. She already had the busser. Tyler would get added bonus points for his readiness to help out last minute.

  Thank God Jesse had shown up when he did. Her body quivered when she thought about his burning eyes trailing across her body. As thrilled as she was with the crowded bar, she couldn’t wait to be alone with Jess on their date Monday.

  Her belly did a flip flop as she opened the door and saw him behind the bar, all smiles, biceps bulging as he shook the cocktail mixer. She didn’t even mind that the woman waiting on her fancy drink was practically drooling. Who could blame her? Sorry chick, Tonight, he’s all mine.

  “Hey Ty, could you empty the trash cans into the dumpster around back? They’re almost overflowing.”


  “Just through the kitchen and out the back door. Thanks,” Faye said.

  She watched as Ty wheeled the trash receptacle from behind the bar. He had bad-boy written all over him…literally and figuratively. Brooding, with dark, almost-black hair spiked up and wild looking. Vivid blue eyes with ridiculously long lashes. Tats out the wazoo. Would have been just her type ten years ago. She was curious to know his back story. He seemed to be a hard worker and had no problem taking orders from a woman…she had a good feeling about him.

  She was going to have to rethink karaoke night. She didn’t know if she could take it. She liked music way too much to tolerate the butchering of the classics. It was drawing a great crowd though. She might have to suck it up. It was close to closing time and a good thing because she was running low on energy and on bottled beer.

  She shuddered to think what it would have been like tonight had Jesse and Ty not come through. She’d have been screwed. As it was, even with the three of them, they’d worked their butts off all night. Jesse hadn’t even had time to sit down and have a beer with his friends. Things had finally slowed down enough to catch a breath.

  “You missed it. Before you got here our ‘friend’ from the parking lot showed up. Sweet as pie and left a huge tip. I still have a funny feeling about him but I’m trying to give him the benefit of the doubt,” Faye said.

  “I guess we can all have a bad night.”

  “Jesse, go sit with your friends. Everyone’s been served and things are slowing down.”

  “Only if you come over for one sec and let me formally introduce you to my crew.”

  She finished dunking the glass she was cleaning and put it on the drying rack, then wiped her hands on a towel. “Lead the way.”

  He took ahold of her hand and led her over to the group.

  “Guys, this is Faye LeBlanc. My boss.”

  They all guffawed. The guy with a beard and salt and pepper hair spoke up and said, “Sure, that’ll be the day.”

  “Faye the guy with the big mouth is Stan, my foreman, you met him before, and next to him is Jimmy, another guy on my crew. Last but not least,” he cleared his throat, “you remember Joe.”

  Joe’s dark eyes sparkled, and he grinned a bit sheepishly. And it seemed he couldn’t resist ribbing Jesse, “Yeah, of course, who could forget that momentous occasion? I witnessed her put our boss in the doghouse. Quite the smack down. He didn’t stand a chance.”

  They all raised their beers and nodded, “Cheers to that! Someone’s got to put him in his place,” Stan said.

  Her cheeks turned slightly pink, “Just a misunderstanding. Don’t want to disappoint y’all, but he didn’t really deserve it. I jumped to some conclusions. But anyway, thanks for the support. Nice to officially meet you,” Faye said.

  Jimmy winked and said, “We’ll accept any woman who puts a smile back on our Jess’s face.”

  “You’ll probably get sick of us. This is our new favorite spot to drink beer. And there’s another half a dozen of us, but don’t worry we won’t bite,” Stan said.

  “Y’all are welcome anytime. The more the merrier. I’d better get behind the bar for last call. See you ’round.”

  Jesse sat down and waited for the ball-busting he knew was coming, and they didn’t disappoint.

  “Damn Jess, she’s even more beautiful close up and personal. You sure you’re good enough?” Jimmy said.

  “That’s what I’m saying. I think I’m more her type,” Joe chimed in.

  “Maybe she likes an older man of distinction… like me,” Stan said puffing out his chest.

  The guys hooted with laughter. “You mean an older married man of distinction. What would Mimi have to say about that?”

  “Oh, I forgot,” he grinned, taking another big guzzle of beer.

  Jesse looked around the table at his friends with true affection for his crew. He never had to doubt that they always had his back. Like now, they were all happy to help him out and pick up his slack, just so he could free up his time to help Faye. He’d never forget it. He knew he was lucky to have such a great group of friends and once the bar was done, he’d throw one hell of a party for them right here.


  Faye’s hands were slightly unsteady as she applied a shimmering pink lip gloss at the last minute. She had applied the barest of make-up, just a little mascara, and fragrant lotion to her body. Jesse would be there any minute to pick her up for their date. “Mads, why am I so nervous?”

  “Um…because he’s hot and you care?”

  “It’s not like I’m fifteen. I’m thirty-one. Hardly my first date.”

  “First one with Mr. Wonderful,” Maddy said.

  “What if it’s awkward? What if we don’t have anything in common when we’re not at work…or anything to talk about? I hate those long stretches of silence when you go blank and want to squirm right out of your own skin.”

  “Quit worrying. I’ve seen you two in action; besides that, if it’s not a good fit, better to know than not know,” Maddy said.

  Faye wrinkled her nose, “The problem is I want it to be…a good fit. I really like him.”

  “Just relax. You’ve practically been inseparable since he started working and you’ve been getting along just fine. Quit worrying…go and have a good time. He’s totally smitten with you. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. It was so hot, I thought I’d have to take a cold shower!”

  Faye giggled, “I’ll take your word for it.” She heard Jess’s motorcycle and her heart skipped a beat. “I hear the motorcycle now, see ya.” She ran out the door to meet Jesse at the curb.

  “Wow, you look amazing,” he said.

  He looked so good in his cargo shorts and faded black tee. The soft cotton fabric molded to his muscular frame, tempting her to run her hands across his chest. His strong tanned thighs straddled the bike. Hmm. She craved him and she missed seeing his eyes, which were hidden behind dark sunglasses. It made her feel more vulnerable, so she slipped on her own pair to hide behind before climbing on the bike. Handing her a helmet he said, “I have to make a quick stop by my folks’ place before we head out. Okay with you?”


  “Hang on beautiful.”

  She slipped her arms around his waist and couldn’t resist hugging him tight for a moment. She breathed in his masculine scent. Today she detected a hint of soap, freshly laundered shirt and Old Spice.

  “You can hold me like that forever,” he said.

  She rubbed her cheek against his back, the soft material over the hard body wreaking havoc with her libido. What was it about this guy? She had never felt this turned on in her life. This was a new discovery for her and she kind of liked it. He waited for her to put on her helmet before starting up the bike.



  His large hand reached down and gripped her thigh giving it a squeeze. She responded by squeezing her legs tightly against him.
She rubbed her hands softly up and down his stomach before coming to rest right below his navel.

  It was a gorgeous spring day and there was no better place in the world to do spring than in the Carolinas. The air was aromatic with flowering trees and early perennials. The sky was bright blue with big white puffy clouds dotting the horizon. At Jesse’s suggestion she had worn her swimsuit under the loose shirt and white linen slacks she had on. Despite her coaxing he wouldn’t tell her what they were doing today, insisting that it be a surprise.

  Faye felt exhilarated nestled so close behind this gorgeous guy, the wind in her face. By the time they pulled into the seaside cottage drive, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes glittered with life. She playfully bit his shoulder before climbing off the bike.

  “Ouch, you wench!”

  “You deserve it. You practically laid the bike down going around a couple of those curves.”

  He grinned. “Did not, big scaredy cat!”

  “I wasn’t scared, it was invigorating. I’m just saying, I think you were testing me.”

  She loved the way his eyes crinkled when he full-on smiled, the way he was doing right now. “Ya think?” he said trying to look innocent.

  She took off her helmet and shook out her hair, “I know.”

  He secured their helmets to the bike and grabbed her hand, interlacing their fingers.

  “I’m a little nervous,” Faye admitted.

  “Don’t be. My mom is the best and she’s going to love you.”

  They walked up the weathered wooden stairs and entered through a screened in porch that wrapped around in an L shape. The back of the porch was ocean view with native sea grasses and dune swells leading to the white sandy shoreline. They had a large inground pool with inviting umbrellas and lounge chairs tempting one to pour a cocktail and chill.

  “This is spectacular!” Faye enthused.


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