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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

Page 10

by Jill Downey

  Faye felt a chill go down her spine. His smile never quite reached his eyes. After that initial altercation he couldn’t be any more friendly. He’d come in with a bouquet of daisies the next day and a sheepish grin on his face. But still Faye wasn’t convinced. He was pouring it on a little too thick.

  “You know I never did catch your name,” Faye said.


  “Have a nice night, Dave.”

  He turned on his heels and left and she exhaled.

  Faye grumbled to Maddy as she slipped diamond earrings through her earlobes. “I don’t miss this fancy smancy stuff one bit.”

  “Not even a little? I think it’s fun to play dress up now and again.”

  “Maybe if it were for a hot date…but I’m already dreading the inquisition from my parents. I feel like a lamb going to slaughter.”

  “At least you’re a beautiful lamb. That Christian Dior dress is divine! The chiffon and that champagne color against your fair skin is simply marvelous darling.” Maddy said. The bodice was fitted with a short flirty skirt that gathered at the waist and swirled around her thighs with every movement.

  “Good thing Romeo can’t see you now. It might finish him off,” Maddy said.

  “What do you think of this ruby red lipstick on me?” Faye had decided to wear her hair pulled back tightly in a French chignon, which highlighted her fine bone structure and large eyes.

  “Love it. You totally take after your mom. You could easily be a New York Fashion Week runway model. So jealous.”

  “Don’t be. Look what that lifestyle did to my mom! Got her married to Dad,” she laughed at her dark humor.

  “They love each other.”

  Faye sighed. “Yeah I know. They just shouldn’t have had kids. There wasn’t room for they paid others to raise us.”

  “So, you still haven’t told me about your date yesterday. I know it went well since you didn’t come home last night.”

  “It was truly perfect.”


  Faye’s shoulders slumped. “No, I didn’t tell him if that’s what you’re asking, and I feel terrible about it. I’ve really dug myself a deep hole. I just don’t know how to start that conversation. Then today he sent me a huge vase full of red roses…and the card read forever yours.”

  “You have to tell him.” Maddy said.

  Faye held up her hand, “I know, I know, I’m waiting for the right time. I’ve tried. Something always seems to get in the way.”

  “He won’t take too kindly to feeling like he’s been played for a fool.”

  Faye covered her ears and said, “La la la la la.”

  “Okay, I get the message. Have fun tonight and tell everyone I said hi.”

  “I will. I’m going to tell him. I promise.”

  “I only nag you because I care. You two are perfect for each other. I wouldn’t want some dumb mis-understanding to ruin it. He’s one of the good ones.”

  Faye dabbed a bit of perfume behind her ears and grabbed her keys from the key holder. “I’ve got to run but it’s at the top of my list. See ya later.”



  Faye hopped into her Fiat convertible, which literally hadn’t been out of the garage for weeks. She was actually looking forward to her evening with the family. Despite their quirks she loved them, and they were hers. Nothing she could do about that. Can’t choose your family.

  She pulled up to the valet stand front of the Yacht Club. The young driver gawked and tripped over his tongue as he addressed her.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while Ms. Bennett.”

  “I know it’s been a minute. Samuel, aren’t you graduating this year?”

  “Yes ma’am. Thank you for remembering.”

  “Congratulations. Will you be leaving us then?”

  “No, I’m taking a year off before I go to college.”

  “Good for you. I lasted about three years then got bit by the wanderlust bug and skipped out.”

  He grinned, “I know all about your travel blog. You’re kind of famous around here.”

  “Ha! I’ll see you in a couple of hours. Do you know if my brothers are here yet?’

  “Mr. Kyle Bennett is, he just arrived.”

  “Thanks again.” She discreetly slipped him a fifty then headed inside.

  Heads swiveled as she made her entrance, but Faye was so used to it that she hardly noticed. It had never boosted her self-esteem because it was so superficial. She had always longed to be loved for who she was beyond the flesh and blood.

  For her mother, she’d been like a favorite doll that she’d liked to dress up and show off when it suited her. Her dad had ignored her unless she managed to do something to embarrass or displease him. For the most part, she’d managed to fly under her father’s radar. She was sure being a girl hadn’t hurt. Kyle, being the firstborn, had received the brunt of their father’s unreasonable expectations.

  She spotted her parents before they saw her and as always was struck by what an imposing couple they made. They reeked of power and money. Kyle and Ella stood next to them and they were certainly a powerhouse couple in their own right. Kyle had his arm protectively around her waist as Ella laughed at something their mother was saying.

  Ella and Kyle had met in the hospital after he’d been in a terrible car accident. She’d been his ICU nurse and they’d fallen in love. The transformation in her brother was astonishing. Kyle’s seven-year-old son, Finn, was just as gaga over Ella as her brother was. Ella had not only helped him heal from the automobile accident, but also from the emotional trauma of his son’s kidnapping.

  As if that hadn’t been devastating enough, his best friend and business partner, Peter, got caught embezzling money from their law firm. Kyle hadn’t pressed charges, but instead had kept it private, with the condition that Peter turn in his law license and never practice again. Peter had also had to pay restitution to the firm for what he had ‘borrowed’ for his gambling debt. Bad year… but he came out ahead with Ella by his side.

  Ella softened Kyle’s edges and challenged his arrogance. He had definitely met his match. She was strong, intelligent and beautiful…not to mention fun. They were technically newlyweds since it had been less than three months since their quiet ceremony in a small local chapel. Faye sighed. What a magical wedding day that had been. She had been equal parts envious and delighted.

  Would she ever get her happily ever after?

  Her mom suddenly spotted her and rushed over enthusiastically, “Cheri, mon bébé.” She grabbed Faye’s face between her hands and kissed both cheeks then stepped back looking her up and down… “Tu es si mince.”

  Kyle came up to rescue her, “Now maman’, don’t start. She’s no thinner than usual. She inherited your genes after all.”

  “Ah, but she is working too hard, oui?”

  “Mom I’m right here,” Faye said, already irritated.

  “But you are still belle ma chérie.”

  Her father stepped up and stiffly put his arm across her shoulders and squeezed her briefly. The corners of his mouth turned down as he said, “How is the bar business going?”

  “Just great!” Then she flushed because her answer had been a tad bit over enthusiastic and her dad never missed a beat.

  Changing the subject as quickly as possible she said, “Where’s Griffin?”

  Her father gave a dismissive wave of his hand, “Late as usual.”

  Ella grabbed Faye and gave her a big hug as Finn wrapped his arms around her legs and held on.

  “Aunt Faye where have you been? I’ve got to show you the tricks I taught my puppy.”

  “I’ll stop by soon. I’ve been really busy. How are Miley and Cyrus?” She asked, referring to his goldfish.

  “They’re great. Ella bought me a huge and I mean huge,” he held his arms wide to demonstrate, “fish tank. How big is it Ella?”

  She smiled down at him, “Fifty gallons.”

  “Yeah, fifty g

  “Wow! I’ll bet they’re happy.”

  “Yeah, they really really like their new home.”

  “Ella, how are you feeling? Any morning sickness?”

  “No thank God! I’ve been feeling great.”

  “I can’t believe you’re having twins! What do you think about that Finn?”

  He scrunched his face up and bounced on the balls of his feet, “Can’t wait!”

  “You’re going to be the best big brother. Just like your dad was to me. Ella you are glowing and so is my brother.”

  “We’re over the moon.”

  “Do you miss going in to work?”

  “Not one bit. I especially don’t miss the head nurse. Good riddance,” Ella said.

  Griffin swept in and whispered in her ear, “How’s the secret billionaire?”

  She elbowed him hard. “Ouch!”

  With gritted teeth she hissed, “I’m warning you.”

  “You’re way too easy.”

  “And you’re a jerk.”

  “Well looks like the gang’s all here; should we be seated?” Kyle asked.

  With a slight nod of his head, they were whisked to their favorite table outside, seated right next to the water. Much like her bar, a pier and marina abutted the restaurant, and many of the members docked their boats here.

  To Faye’s surprise, the evening was lovely, relaxed, and everyone seemed to be making honest attempts to avoid each other’s soft spots. Ella was happily surprised when the birthday cake came out flaming and they sang to her. She teared up…making Faye tear up right along with her. She was truly sorry when they all said their goodbyes, with promises to get together very soon.

  Driving home, her thoughts drifted back to Jesse, though they’d never strayed too far from him. She could hardly wait to see him tomorrow, assuming he had put all the fires out today. She commanded google to play the Brett Eldridge song they had danced to the night before and cranked it to full blast as she drove home.

  Her heart hurt it was so full. The words stroked her soul. He was that song for her. She had to tell him the truth. Until then, their relationship was built on sand. Sighing deeply, she pulled into the driveway parking under the car port and sat there until the last note was played.

  As Faye was climbing into bed, she realized she had never turned her cell phone back on. There were three missed calls from Jesse but now it was too late to return them, so she sent him a text hoping the ping wouldn’t wake him up.

  Faye: Missed you so much. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

  Two seconds later her phone pinged.

  Jesse: Not near as much as I missed you. I’ll be there in the morning. Coffee’s on me. I’m having withdrawal. For real!


  Faye was disappointed when she saw that Jesse hadn’t arrived yet but patted herself on the back that she had managed to beat him there for once. Parking her bike, she unlocked the bar and went in. She began opening things up and turning on lights. When she approached her office, the door was ajar. She mentally went over the night before, and distinctly remembered closing and locking the door. She knew she had. So why was it open?

  With trepidation she looked for any other disturbances. As she entered the back room, she saw that the storage room door stood wide open. Her heart began to race, her hands clammy with sweat. Her body was shaking so hard she had trouble punching in the number for the police.

  “Nine-one-one, what’s your emergency?”

  Jesse frowned when he pulled in and saw the cop car in the parking lot. What the hell? He jumped off his bike and ran into the bar. Not seeing Faye in the main barroom, he panicked. He called out her name, “Faye?”

  “Back here,” she replied.

  He took in a deep breath, not even realizing he’d been holding it. One look at her face drained of color and that momentary relief vanished.

  “Babe, what’s wrong?” He rushed to her side pulling her into his arms. His gut clenched when she wrapped her arms around him and began to cry.

  “Shh, I’m here, whatever it is its going to be okay.”

  The police officer came out from the back room and nodded to Jesse. “What’s going on?” he asked her.

  She looked at Faye. “Can I speak freely?”

  “Yes, he works here. I want him in on everything.”

  “A break in. Looks like they came in through the back. The door was kicked in and completely splintered. I’m afraid it will have to be replaced or boarded up. Broke the lock on the storage room, appears nothing was taken from there. Money from the cash register was taken, safe was untouched. Papers in the office were rifled through but other than that you’re lucky. Could have been a lot worse.”

  “What comes next?” Jesse asked.

  Her partner entered the room and they exchanged a glance. “We’ll file a report but the chances of catching whoever did this are next to zero. I wish I had better news. My advice is to have security cameras installed and motion detector lights in the back.”

  With a tight-lipped smile, he said, “I’m on it.”

  The officer nodded toward Faye, “She’s understandably upset. I wish there was more we could do, but we’ll pick up patrol of this area, and be on the lookout for suspicious activity. Probably teenagers looking for cash money and found this to be an easy target. Get that security installed.”

  “I’m sorry I was late this morning, I should have been here first,” Jesse said, kicking himself. “What if they’d still been in the building?”

  “It’s not your fault. You hear me? Don’t you dare take this on! You have a life and other responsibilities besides this bar.”

  His lips curved, buried in her hair, “There’s that spitfire I know and love.”

  His knuckles brushed across her cheek, then he tilted her head back. Seeing the lingering fear in her eyes filled him with a primal rage. He wanted to destroy something. His jaw clenched and he took a few deep calming breaths before he spoke.

  “Faye, if I ever catch the bastards that did this, I will beat them within an inch of their life. I swear to you.”

  “Jesse kiss me.”

  He dipped his head and covered her mouth. His kiss was fueled by his anger and feelings of inadequacy. He hadn’t been able to protect her, and he had never experienced this level of powerlessness before now. Breath ragged, he devoured her, tongue thrusting, holding her tightly against his body. She kissed him back, her fingers threaded through his hair.

  Jesse pulled away and blew out his breath. “I hate that you were alone. It makes me feel crazy to think that someone could have been inside and hurt you.” He sounded tormented.

  “But they weren’t and I’m okay. Just a little rattled is all.”

  “Faye I’m sorry I wasn’t here first.”

  “Jess I’m a big girl. I was shook up, but I’m settling down and you’re here now.”

  He framed her face with his hands, his eye’s glittering with intensity, “If anything had happened to you…Faye… I’m not going to lie, you’re it for me.”

  Faye chewed on her bottom lip. “Listen Jess, we have to talk.”

  “Not exactly what a guy wants to hear when he just tells a girl that he’s falling for her.”

  “Don’t take it that way. It’s not what you think. I’m crazy about you.”

  A smile of relief lit up his face. “Then forget about the rest. That’s all I needed to hear for right now. We can talk later. I have to get the door replaced and make some calls and get that security system installed. It can’t wait. And no arguments, I’m paying. I know money is tight for you.”


  “I said, no arguments.” He leaned in and softly kissed her.


  “Shh… I’ve got this babe.”

  She sighed heavily, “I guess we should get to work then. One step forward, two steps back it seems.”

  He planted a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You take my breath away,” he murmured.

��Jess, I…um…I guess we’ll talk later then.”

  She ran her fingers through his hair, then stroked it away from his brow, a frown on her face. What could she do? Timing was everything. She could no longer justify keeping it from Jess, they were in too deep.

  “Will you promise we’ll sit down and talk sometime today?” Faye asked.

  “Yes. Now I’m going to go measure the door and see what others supplies I’m going to need.”


  “You want to go door shopping with me?’ Jesse asked.

  “Yes, I don’t want to be alone here just yet and the break will do me some good. Let me grab my bag.”

  Jesse had already nailed up some plywood to cover the door. “You think we can be back by noon? Because Ty’s coming in,” Faye asked.

  “Yep, for sure. I’ve got to trade in my bike for my truck on our way there, then it shouldn’t take long to pick out the door and get back here.”

  She hopped on behind him and nuzzled his back before sliding her arms seductively around his waist. She tucked her hands up under his tee shirt so she could feel his bare skin. She loved the soft fur below his belly button and couldn’t resist letting her fingertips follow the trail lower. He held his hand over hers briefly before starting up the bike.

  After switching vehicles, it was a few short minutes to the home improvement store.

  Jesse grinned, then said, “You know I feel like a kid in a candy store whenever I step in here.”

  Faye cracked up. “I get it. That’s how I feel when I go to an art supply store.”

  Jesse reached for her hand and interlaced their fingers as they perused the aisles. When they arrived at the back of the store in the lumber section, Jesse glanced furtively around before reaching under her dress and running his hand up her inner thigh. “Hmm, your skin is so soft.”

  Giggling she hissed, “Jesse stop.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  Faye squirmed and got away only to have him swoop her up from behind. Faye started giggling, unable to stop which only egged him on.


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