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Secret Billionaire (The Carolina Series Book 2)

Page 19

by Jill Downey

  Her eyes were deep pools of blue, almost navy, her lids lowered alluringly.

  “I need you Faye. These last two days have been hell.”

  Her voice still smokey from sex she said, “I need you too.”

  Nibbling her neck, he said, “Now that we have that settled.”

  She rubbed her cheek against him. “Jess?”


  “Don’t ever leave me like that again. I don’t care if you can’t talk about things right away but don’t leave. It’s too much for me.”

  “I won’t.”

  “Promise?” Her voice sounded small and vulnerable.

  “Yes.” He put his open mouth over hers and they shared a torrid kiss, one that held all of the pent up emotions from the last two days. She pushed against his chest and gracefully uncurled from his lap to stand. His eyes burned a path from her face all the way down her delicious body.

  Jesse’s voice was husky, “You take my breath away.”

  She reached for his hands and pulled him up from the chair. “Let’s finish this conversation tonight, at your place.”

  “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all week.”

  They reluctantly dressed each other then forced themselves to focus on the long list of things they had to get done by Saturday.


  “Well I think we’ve got everything checked off the list. Ty said he’d help Maddy out in the kitchen with the pizza orders in between busing tables. Maddy said she could help wait tables too, we can put her wherever we need her.” The kitchen was functional, but Faye was only going to serve frozen pizzas and nachos until she could hire a cook.

  “You and me behind the bar, Ty bussing and helping Mads, Addison waiting tables, we should be able to handle it. Thank God your seating capacity is only sixty, plus the twelve at the bar,” Jesse said.

  Faye looked around at all they’d accomplished. The deck was stunning. It had thousands of twinkle lights strung across the overhang, gigantic urns with colorful annuals and vines trailing down, and hurricane lanterns on each table. He’d built the outside bar counter under the arbor, which had potted Morning Glories full of blooms trailing up and providing splashes of color. The deck bar would only be used for catered private parties for now. And of course, there was the view—waterfront, right on the marina.

  “You are so beautiful,” Jesse said, his eyes roaming over her in her long navy tube skirt and fitted white crop top. Her arms were bare, and she’d left her hair down to fall thick and wavy around her shoulders. She had silver bangles around her wrist and a delicate chain around her exposed waist that was sexy as hell. Her ankle bracelet jingled with every step she took. He wanted to trail kisses from her belly down the curve of her hips to her rounded ass before carrying her off to his cave.

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and said, “Quit looking at me like that or I’ll have to change my underwear.”

  “Damn, you wore underwear?”

  She dimpled as her lips curved up.

  “Hey y’all we’re here,” Tyler called out, holding hands with Addison as they came through from the back room.

  Jess and Faye exchanged an amused glance. “Hey you two. I’m just getting ready to open. Ty you want to put the open sign out for me?”

  “Sure.” He tugged on Addison’s hand, pulling her along behind him.

  Jesse said, “That was quick.”

  “They’re young. They look cute together.”

  “They look like they can’t keep their hands off each other.”

  Faye arched a brow, “Remind you of anyone?”

  He gave her his big sexy smile and winked as Ty and Addy returned ready for their instructions.

  “Mike Taylor is going to start setting up at six and play from eight to midnight,” Faye said.

  Addison said, “He played at the last place I worked. He’s really good.”

  “I heard him play at the Yacht Club a few times, that’s how I knew about him,” Faye said.

  Ty and Jess gave each other a look, Ty added an eyeroll for posterity.

  “I saw that,” Faye said.

  Ty’s eyes widened in mock innocence, “What I’d do?”

  She glared at him and playfully punched his arm. The door opened and their first customers arrived, a group of six who opted to sit at the bar. Jess stepped behind the bar and began serving.

  Faye watched him with hungry eyes. She’d never grow tired of seeing him charm the pants off everyone he encountered. His wide toothy grin, his warm eyes, his playfulness and sense of fun, and for now anyway, he was hers. She was in love. Love! It hit her like a ton of bricks. This was no crush…no affair… this was the forever, fairytale kind of love. The one she hadn’t thought really existed six months ago. She was in danger of losing herself completely to this man. Who was she kidding? Losing? She was already lost.

  Her hands shook slightly with this sudden realization. Taking a couple deep slow breaths to calm her nerves, she plastered a welcoming smile on her face then went to greet the new arrivals. The guests were now lined up waiting to be seated, and she decided to help Addison with the tables until she was needed behind the bar. Jesse had everything under control.

  As she was returning from seating customers outside, her eyes widened when she saw Kyle, Ella and Griffin along with Griffin’s latest arm candy walking in. Her eyes strayed immediately to Jesse. Too soon. They’d barely got through the most recent family drama and here they were. Oh well… there was nothing she could do but suck it up and hope for the best.

  “Hey! You made it,” Faye said.

  “Hey sis, the place looks great,” Kyle said approvingly.

  “Thanks to Jesse. Please make sure you’re extra nice; we’ve barely recovered from Dad’s attack last week.”

  Kyle grimaced, “That’s one of the reasons we’re here. To celebrate with you of course, but also to offer an olive branch to both him and Ty. We’re only going to have a pre-dinner cocktail. We’ve got dinner reservations at the club.”

  Ella stepped forward and hugged Faye. “I’m so sorry. If I’d have known what my father-in-law was up to, I’d have interceded.”

  “You had fifty people to contend with, how could you have known? It’s not your fault,” Faye said.

  “There’s four bar stools left with our names on them,” Griffin said. “Let’s take them.”

  Faye caught Jess’s eye as she followed them to the bar. Her stomach was in knots until she saw that Jesse was relaxed and friendly when he greeted them. He took their orders and even teased Griffin’s date about her choice of drink, a Kamikaze, sharing a bartender war story about the possible repercussions of one too many.

  With her family tucked safely away she went to find Ty, leaving them in Jesse’s capable hands. “Ty, FYI the Bennett family is in the house.”

  “Shit and here I was enjoying myself.”

  “You still can.”


  “Why don’t you give it a try. They’re here to show their support. You know you’re stuck with me…which means you’re kind of stuck with them too.”

  His intense blue eyes sparkled today. “I’ll go make nice. I’m in a good mood.”

  “And I think I know who to thank for that.”

  He flashed his devilish grin as his eyes searched the bar until they lighted onto Addison. When he found her, his whole face softened. “She’s so beautiful,” he said.

  “She is.” Faye had to bite back the words ‘be careful’ because they’d serve exactly no one.

  She watched like a proud mama bear as Tyler approached the bar and shook hands with Kyle then Griffin. Ella pulled him in for an affectionate hug and Griffin’s date batted her lashes at him. He was a gorgeous young man and Griffin’s date was probably not much older than Ty was. After reassuring herself that things weren’t going to explode, she jumped back into service.


  Ty was excitedly telling Faye about his earlier conversation with Kyle, “He even promi
sed that I could take his boat out after he’s taught me how to sail!”

  “That’s great Ty.” The musician was playing his last set and the bar was down to about half full. Her family was long gone, and this was the first chance they’d had to catch up since they’d opened.

  “And Griffin is going to teach me how to golf.”

  Faye bit back a grin and it was hard not to tease him about his previous scorn for golfing. It put a smile in her heart.

  “Jesse was invited too. Right Jess?”


  “He said he’d take him up on it. At the Yacht Club’s golf course.”

  “Will wonders never cease,” Faye said, raising her eyebrows.

  Addison passed by on her way to the back room and Ty hurried after her. Faye turned as the front door opened and pressed a hand to her throat. Dang it! Just when she thought the evening was just short of perfection, Dave waltzed in like he owned the place. What an awful man, and now that she knew what he did for a living she was even more uncomfortable serving him. He checked out their new mascot, sasquatch, then sidled up to the bar.

  Faye casually walked over to Jess and said, “Don’t look now but Dave, our favorite customer just came in.”

  Jesse’s brows drew together. “Do you want me to kick him out?”

  “No, but will you serve him?”

  “Yeah. Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Yes. I don’t want to cause a scene. And he did apologize. My biggest concern is his history with Ty and the company I’m sure he keeps.”

  “Yeah that’s why I think he should go somewhere else to drink.” Throwing his bar towel across his shoulder he went to take the man’s order.

  Jesse poured from the tap into a frosty mug and glared as he slid it across the bar.

  “Keep the change.”

  Without a word Jess stuck the change into the tip jar and turned his back on the unwelcome patron. Jesse went to the back kitchen to ask Faye something as Tyler came out lugging a couple cases of beer. He set them in front of the coolers to refill. He grabbed a tub intending to clear some tables, but as he was walking toward the deck, a loud gravelly voice said, “Well, well, if it isn’t the mule, Tyler.”

  Tyler whirled around and his eyes flashed with rage when he saw the old man sitting at the end of the bar. He slammed the tub down on the first table he passed and stomped over to him. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Just a paying customer. I caught the photograph of your smiling mug in the tourist rag, thought I’d come see for myself.”

  “Get out.”

  “Oh so now you’re the boss? I thought that pretty little blonde was the owner.”

  “Don’t even talk about her! Get the fuck out now!”

  “You’ve got balls, I’ll give ya that. But aren’t ya forgettin something? Like about five grand, as I recall.”

  “Your reward is that I didn’t rat you out...should have though.”

  The man chuckled mirthlessly, “Regrets already and so young. Tsk tsk.”

  Addison took that moment to approach Ty, she touched his arm about to ask a question, he shook her hand off and snapped, “Go, get out of here.”

  Her eyes widened with hurt, but she pivoted and walked away.

  “She’s a real beauty.”

  That was the fuse that lit the fire, Ty exploded. He tackled the man off his bar stool then jumped on top of him. He pounded his face with both fists as the guy fought back. They rolled around on the floor each trying to gain the upper hand, but the old man was no match for Tyler. Jesse and Faye hearing the commotion and shrieks from customers came running out from the back.

  “Tyler!” Faye squealed. “Get off him!”

  Jesse tried pulling Ty off but with adrenalin on Ty’s side, it was a struggle. He was finally able to grip him around his waist and lift him off. Faye was visibly shaking as she knelt beside the bleeding man trying to help him up off the floor.

  His lip was cut and bleeding and his nose looked like it could be broken. He swiped the blood off on his arm and Faye yelled for Addison to get some towels and ice.

  Jesse had hauled Tyler to the back and was making sure he stayed put.

  “I’m going to sue you and this bar for everything ya got, ya hear me?’ he screamed, his face red with anger.

  Faye winced, “I’m so sorry this happened. But why did you come back anyway? We never should have let you through that front door. You’re nothing but trouble. Sue if you like but I’m sure you’d rather avoid the attention.”

  “What I’d like is the money that two-bit dealer owes me.”

  “Get out or I’ll call the police. If you need medical care, I’ll call the squad and you can wait outside for it.”

  Jesse came out from the back with a subdued but angry Ty following. “You heard her, get the hell out unless you want me to call the police.”

  Ty stood behind Jesse with his arms folded across his chest and wearing an expression of utter contempt.

  “You disgust me…you’re a vile excuse for a human,” Ty said.

  “Ty…enough,” Faye said firmly.

  “I’m leaving but you haven’t seen the last of me.” He held the ice pack wrapped in the bloodied white towel to his face as he shuffled out the door.


  “Ty! What the hell were you thinking?” Jesse said.

  “I wasn’t thinking! I don’t need a drug dealing pimp leering at Faye or my girl. He was up to no good.”

  “That doesn’t give you the right to attack somebody completely unprovoked.”

  “I was provoked,” Tyler stared rebelliously at the ground, his jaw set like granite.

  “What’s your idea of being provoked? Did he throw the first punch?”

  “No, I did.”

  “What did he say that was so threatening that you had to get physical?”

  “He made a couple of suggestive comments about Faye and Addison that I took offense to. That was enough.”

  Jesse blew out his breath, his anger deflated. “I agree he is a douche and if I’d heard him say anything about those two, I might have done the same.”

  “Thanks for that,” Ty mumbled.

  “You’re going to have to watch your back and be extra careful. He’s not the forgiving kind.”

  “If I see him again, I won’t go so easy on him,” Ty said.

  “Listen tough guy, after hearing about your history with him, I wouldn’t be so cocky. I’m sure he’s got some pretty bad players on his team.”

  “I’m not scared. Fuck him.”

  “That’s adrenalin talking. Just watch your back is all I’m saying.”

  Faye came over, her forehead creased with worry. “The customers seem to be taking the bar brawl in their stride. Nobody left anyway.”

  “I’m sorry for that Faye but I’m not sorry I hit him.”

  “But you do realize that now I’m going to have to worry about you? He is going to want a payback.”

  “Let him. He’s old and out of shape.”

  “That’s fine in theory, but your youth and muscles won’t have much impact against a gun. Don’t be careless. Are you hurt?” she asked.

  “Naw, he got in a couple of kicks and scratches but no biggie.”

  “I’m going to pay him what you owe. If you feel you need to, you can work it off a little at a time.”

  “Forget it. He owes me for not ratting him out.”

  “I want you safe. I don’t care about the money.”

  Jesse nodded his head. “I agree. Best to put the past where it belongs and get a fresh start.”

  “Please, Ty let me do this.”

  Faye’s eyes were his undoing, he couldn’t stand seeing her stressed out. “Okay. I’ll find him and make sure he gets his money.”

  “Thank you!” Faye gave him a big squeeze.

  “Can you cover for Addison for a few? I have some splainin’ to do.”


  Tyler grabbed Addison’s hand and drug her
outside behind the bar. She stood with her arms folded glaring.

  “Listen Adds, I’m real sorry for speaking to you like I did. I wanted you as far away from that tool as I could get ya.”

  “A simple ‘not now’ would have sufficed.”

  “One hundred, but my head wasn’t on straight. When he made a suggestive comment about you, I lost it.” Tyler leaned his forehead against hers and pulled her snug against his hips. “Forgive me?”

  She sighed, “Yes, I can’t stay mad at you.”

  Ty tipped her chin back and softly kissed her.

  “Your lips are so sweet,” he said. He cupped her cheek. “Addison, besides Faye, you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” He tried pushing away the niggling voice of self-doubt. Ty wasn’t sure he deserved the good things that were coming his way. Ever since Faye had come into his life it felt like his luck had turned. I might not deserve it but I sure as hell will take it. That settled, he got out of his own way and deepened the kiss.

  “I don’t know about you guys but I’m exhausted. I say let’s leave the cleanup for me to tackle tomorrow.”

  “I can come in,” Ty offered.

  “I’m in,” Jesse said. “We can come in after a leisurely breakfast. I’m hoping to sleep in…with you tucked up against me.”

  “Let’s say noon then. Does that work for everybody?”

  “I’d like to help. You don’t have to pay me. I may be a little late because I’ll be coming from church,” Addison offered.

  “I’ll pick you up,” Ty said.

  “We need all the help we can get, and of course I’ll pay you,” Faye said.

  Faye suppressed a smile as she saw Tyler’s eyes practically smoldering as he and Addison looked at each other.

  “I’ll take you home now. I know you have to get up early,” Ty said to her.


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