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Oh, Naughty Night!

Page 15

by Leslie Kelly

  “He knows,” she whispered, horrifying herself by saying the words out loud.

  Chaz had figured it out. She had been so stupid, gushing on about her work. But Marcia had asked her directly, and she’d gotten carried away by the love she had for what she did.

  When everything came crashing down around her at the dinner table, she’d half expected him to erupt right there. Steam had practically risen off his head. She honestly couldn’t ever remember seeing him so intense as he’d been today. She wasn’t sure she could even describe what she saw—rage? Shock? Humiliation? Yes, probably all of the above. Enough to chase her out of there, as if a swarm of wasps was on her tail.

  But she’d also detected something else in his eyes—sheer determination. As if he were really looking forward to whatever came next. She just didn’t know whether he was picturing something good—like them finally finishing what they’d started; or something bad—like him telling her exactly how much he hated her.

  Or worse.

  Undoubtedly, Chaz had been furious at having been made a fool of, and probably wouldn’t believe her when she told him that hadn’t been her intention. With all the dark water under the bridge of their relationship, he might believe the whole thing had been a scheme. He might smell a setup, figuring she’d decided to make him look and feel stupid for not recognizing her.

  He was wrong, of course. If anything, she was the one who looked and felt stupid for playing these games...and then getting caught.

  But that anticipation could be about something else entirely. And it was the something else that had her literally shaking, every cell in her body awake and sparking with life.

  Throughout the evening, she kept watching the clock, flinching at every noise from outside. She felt the way she had when she was a kid and she’d done something bad, and her mother had sent her to her room with the standard, “Just you wait until your father comes home!” warning.

  She was on edge, tense, wondering what her punishment would be, listening for that deep voice, or that heavy foot in the hallway. She heard the couple downstairs come in, him yelling about something, her shushing him. When Marcia and Peggy got home and softly knocked on her door to check on her, she remained quiet, wanting them to assume she was in bed.

  Nine o’clock swept past. Then ten.

  By ten-thirty, she was beginning to think he wasn’t coming, and she couldn’t decide whether she was relieved or disappointed.

  Maybe he was so angry, he couldn’t stand to face her yet, wanting to calm down and talk to her tomorrow.

  Or perhaps he was so disgusted at wasting a month lusting after her that he’d leapt right into bed with Heather, to wash the bad memories out of his mind.

  “I’ll kill him,” she muttered, torturing herself with the mental picture of it.

  Ten forty-five.

  She glared toward his house through her window, seeing all the lights were off. Had he just gone to sleep, not even thinking about her at all?

  Tense, angry, scared, worried, she tore her clothes off and put on a pair of pajamas, prepared for a long night of restless discomfort. But she couldn’t go to bed yet. Pacing her small apartment, she considered getting re-dressed and going down to his place. If she and Chaz were going to have it out, she wanted it over with. The tension—the waiting—was killing her.

  The knock came at eleven-oh-five.

  It was sharp, perfunctory. Two hard raps, then silence.

  She ran to the door, her heart in her mouth, her stomach churning with real anxiety now. As she unfastened the lock, she formed explanations and apologies, trying to guess what kind of mood he would be in and how best to handle it.

  She was prepared for frustrated Chaz. Or for sad Chaz. Or for confused Chaz.

  What she got was wildly sexy Chaz.

  The minute she pulled the door open, he pushed his way in and then kicked it closed behind him. He raked a hot, thorough stare over her, taking in the scooped neckline of her silky pajama top, and the flimsy shorts that left her bare from the top of her thighs down to the tips of her toes.

  “Chaz, I...”

  “To use your favorite expression, just shut up, Lulu.”

  Then he grabbed her in his arms and pulled her to him, burying one hand in her hair and twisting tightly. He gripped her ass, hoisting her up until the juncture of her thighs met the thickness straining against his zipper. She was groaning with need when he covered her mouth with his, plunging his tongue deep.

  He kissed her as if he’d invented kissing. Exploring every corner, every crevice, he licked into her as if he were starving and she his only means of survival.

  Strength deserted her. She sagged into him, her legs turning to jelly, her arms too weak to do any more than rest across his strong shoulders.

  This was a Chaz she’d never seen before in her life, one she didn’t even recognize.

  And he excited her beyond all measure.

  He scooped her up, swinging her into his arms and striding across the small apartment toward her bedroom. When he reached the bed, he tossed her down on it and followed her. He was heavy, crushing, but she welcomed his weight, wanting his frenzy, needing every bit of his untamed passion.

  “Wait,” she breathed. “Heather?”

  “Gone. For good.”

  Oh, thank heaven.

  He kissed her, and the kiss went on and on. He swallowed her every exhalation, sucking away any possible rejection, his tongue plunging, lapping, devouring. He didn’t give her a second to think or consider, making her exist only in this moment of heat and wild desire.

  When he drew back to pull in a raspy breath, she reached up to cup his cheek. He ducked away, not in the mood for tenderness, not even in the mood for her to say yes or to welcome him.

  He wanted her. He’d wanted her for weeks, after she’d led him on and brought him to a fever pitch of desire. She’d made a fool of him, knowing all along that she was who he sought, and now he was going to have his due.

  There would be no turning back tonight. He wouldn’t allow it.

  She knew Chaz. She trusted him. She had no doubt he would never hurt her. But in this mood, he wasn’t going to give her the chance to say a single word, especially if that word was no.

  She wouldn’t have said it—the word didn’t even exist in her vocabulary right now. He was making her insane with want, driving her so high, making her quake and writhe on the bed, wanting his mouth and his hands everywhere. How could she possibly form the word no when every molecule in her body screamed yes, and yes, and yes!

  Lulu reached up to unbutton her top, but he shoved her hands away and caught the fabric in his own. He wrenched the two sides apart, sending buttons flying, baring her to her waist.

  Eyeing her hungrily, he fell on her, sucking her puckered nipple into his mouth, drawing hard. Such pleasure, the tiniest hint of pain that only made it that much better.

  He went to her other breast—equal time—suckling her, squeezing her, pinching ever so lightly. She felt each sensation down low in her groin, moisture flooding her, the folds of her sex swelling.

  He kept going, down, down her body, nipping, licking. When she moved too much, or begged silently with an upward thrust, he put his hands on her hips, holding tight, and pushed her hard against the bed.

  He was so strong, his big hands holding her immobile. He would do what he wanted, and the message was clear—she was going to lie there and take it.

  Heavens, what woman in her right mind would even consider doing anything else?

  Down farther as he tore her silky shorts off. No part of her was left unexplored—his tongue in her belly button, his teeth on her hipbone, and finally, his hot breaths parting the curls at the apex of her thighs. Farther, and now he licked into her most delicate folds, finding unerringly the spot on her body where all sensation
centered and seethed.

  “Oh, God, yes,” she cried when he covered her clit and pleasured her thoroughly.

  He didn’t stay still. Moving farther down, he buried his face between her legs, looping one leg over his shoulder, opening her fully. She had no secrets, no dignity, could hold absolutely nothing back. And she truly didn’t care.

  Chaz explored her, inhaling deeply as if he needed to breathe her scent into his lungs and lock it there forever. His lips sank into her, finding her opening, pushing inside, invading her, devouring her. He made love to her with his tongue, slow laps deep within her, mimicking what he would do with his fingers, with his cock.

  She began to softly groan, breaking the silence with helpless sobs of pleasure. Tossing her head back and forth on the pillow, she reached for something that was just out of her grasp. The tension was almost painful, the pleasure beyond anything in this world.

  He seemed to take pity, as if aware he had to give her something so she could keep going. Moving back to her clit, he scooped all around the base of it with his tongue, gliding, flicking, sucking, until hot bolts of pulsating heat flooded her. She came hard in his mouth, and he lapped at her, taking everything her body threw at him and savoring it.

  Lulu was barely even conscious of him standing up beside the bed to pull his shirt off. He tossed it to the floor before unfastening his belt. Unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, he reached in and pulled out that enormous, hard cock. She stared at it, wanting him so badly, knowing she’d die if he wasn’t in her soon.

  He dropped onto on his knees on the bed, staring down at her, wrapping one hand around his erection and lazily stroking. He was pleasuring himself. Teasing her. Building her hunger.

  God, it worked. She wanted him with a desperation bordering on insanity.

  “Please, Chaz,”

  “Hush,” he ordered.

  “I need you to...”

  “I mean it, Lulu. Not a word.”


  He glared at her. “I waited for hours to calm down, and then came over here, knowing I’d have to either drag you over my knee and spank your gorgeous ass, or kiss you into silence until I was calm enough to talk to you. Say another word and I won’t be responsible for which way this goes.”

  She licked her lips, more turned on than ever by his words and his no-nonsense tone. Lulu had never seen him like this, never even imagined he could be so sexually aggressive. But she knew he meant it. And part of her wanted him to make good on his threat.

  She’d never dreamed that fantasy would appeal to her, but she knew Chaz, she trusted him completely. If he put her over his knee and spanked her, she was certain each stinging slap would be followed by a caress.

  After the punishment, he would have her lie face down on the bed while he kissed away the pain. She could see it, the fantasy unrolling in her mind.

  Then, perhaps, they would both be so aroused by his attention to her bare bottom—which would be thrust up to him in utter invitation—that he’d take her like that, invade her where no one ever had before, introducing her to something new and dark and erotic.

  And she wanted it. She wanted all of it. Wanted him to take her in every way a woman could be taken, wanted to give all that she had to give.

  Someday. Oh, yes, someday, she would make that kinky fantasy come true. He was the one man she trusted to give her that kind of dangerous, edgy pleasure.

  But for right now, she just wanted him to bury himself in her pussy. She’d been tormented by the memories of that tiny little taste of bliss he’d given her outside on Halloween night, and her insides were crying for the full connection.

  Chaz had been watching her, as if reading her thoughts, knowing where her imagination was taking her.

  She swallowed, but didn’t say a word, merely offering him the kind of smile that said she understood what he’d thought about doing to her...and would someday let him do it.

  “You drive me insane,” he muttered, looking driven past the edge of endurance. “Are you on birth control?”

  Remembering not to speak out loud, she simply nodded.

  “Good. Hold on.”

  She reached up and held on, digging her nails into his shoulders. Chaz moved between her parted thighs. He wasn’t tender, he wasn’t cautious. He’d made her dripping wet and he knew it. So he pushed his cock between the lips of her sex, found her opening, and plunged deep, tearing her apart in the most delicious, most satisfying way.

  Gasping, she arched into him, taking him all the way. She hadn’t had sex in a long time, and never with someone of such generous proportions. He filled her to her core, and she savored every inch of him.

  Dropping down to catch her mouth in another deep, devouring kiss, he began to ease out of her, and then thrust back. His movements were so deliberate and determined, slightly wild. But she still never feared he would hurt her. He was incapable of that.

  Instinct took over and she caught his rhythm and matched it. She rose up for every downward thrust, squeezing him deep inside. He might be in the driver’s seat, but she felt the shudders of his lean, strong body and knew he was every bit as affected. He was losing himself to this, unable to remain controlled when wracked with such intense sensations.

  They never slowed down, twisting and pounding, giving and taking. As if wanting to go as deep as humanly possible, Chaz hooked his arms around her legs and lifted them both over his shoulders. She let out a little scream of pleasure as he gained even more of her. He kissed away her cries of pleasure, driving mindlessly. The position was shockingly fulfilling, and gave her just enough pressure against her clit that she spilled into another climax, throbbing with it. Her obvious passion pushed him past all limits. With one more deep thrust, he threw his head back, his muscles tightening, every inch of him straining, and shuddered as he came deep inside her. Lulu squeezed him, sucking him dry of every drop, clinging to him with arms, legs and body.

  Afterward, he collapsed, but even in his exhaustion, he didn’t let all his weight fall on her, protective as always. He remained inside her, but moved onto his side, pulling her with him, their legs tangled, her hair still wrapped in his hands.

  One more kiss—this one softer, more tender. She returned it with heartfelt emotion, wondering if he had spent all his anger and would now forgive her for her deceit. Or if he’d just gotten started and would now commence with the lecture.

  She opened her mouth to ask, but he narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

  “Sleep, Lulu. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  He had offered her a reprieve. A night wrapped in his arms sounded much better than a lot of arguing, and she almost thanked him, but figured she’d better keep her mouth shut. So she merely nodded lazily, smiling, happy and utterly content. Not really caring about what discomfort the morning would bring, she curled even closer, closed her eyes, and drifted to sleep.

  * * *

  WHAT ON EARTH had he done? Twice?

  Chaz wondered that as he woke, slowly pulling himself from a wet dream that proved to be reality, since he was still entwined with Lulu, his half-erect dick still inside her. They were wrapped together, limbs, hands, hair, everything, as if neither of them had been able to stand to pull apart while they slept.

  Morning light was sifting in through the shades, but it was soft and new. He guessed it was no later than seven. He’d slept soundly for a few hours, after waking up during the night to make silent, erotic love to her again. Neither of them had said a word; they’d simply let their bodies do the talking. He’d held her hips as she climbed on top of him, riding him hard, her fingers digging into his chest, while his hands entwined in her dark hair and toyed with those incredibly sensitive breasts. By the time he was nearing his climax, he was gripping her hips, guiding her, pulling her down onto him with forceful grunts until they’d both cried out their pleasure and
she’d collapsed on top of him.

  God, he was hard again just thinking about it.

  Lulu noticed. She didn’t say anything, didn’t even open her eyes. She merely parted her legs and pulled him over onto her. Chaz let himself be pulled, sinking deeply into her wet heat. She fit him like a glove, all soft and welcoming. He’d never felt this kind of life-altering pleasure before. Chaz enjoyed sex, a lot, but had never been driven into an almost animal frenzy, as if he had to mate or die, before last night.

  He could become addicted to this.

  He cupped her face in his hand, rubbing his thumb across her swollen lips. Her dark eyes drifted open and she smiled up at him. “Good morning,” she whispered. Then she sucked her lips into her mouth, her eyes widening as her body tensed.

  She’d just remembered he hadn’t allowed her to speak last night. He would bet she hadn’t been truly afraid of him, knowing he would never really do her harm, but her expression was cautious, worried.

  She had reason to worry. He was still bloody furious with her.

  But he also wanted to make slow, sweet love to her. So his righteous anger was just going to have to wait a little while.

  “Good morning,” he whispered, still wondering what had come over him last night. He’d never been so forceful with a woman, never been so torn between desire and anger. Finally they’d swirled together, combining to urge him into the kind of wild sex he’d never had with anyone else.

  And never would again, he’d venture. Because Lulu was the only woman he’d ever known who could drive him mad with fury one second and utterly desperate with sexual need the next.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her mouth to his as they moved together. It was lazy and languorous. He groaned with each slow, deep stroke, not desperate to reach a destination this time, just enjoying the journey.

  That wasn’t all he wanted to enjoy. She had been ready for him the moment she woke up, but he’d missed out on several delicious steps to get her there. So he moved his mouth away from hers, kissing his way down her chin and her neck, burying his face in the hollow and breathing in that unique Lulu scent.


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