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Seducing Her Beast

Page 2

by Sam Crescent


  Wayne stared down at her wet, creamy slit. She was soaking wet. He saw her cum leaking out of her cunt and down to that forbidden channel lubricating her anus. His cock throbbed to penetrate her sweet pussy. First, he wanted a taste of that lovely cream. Her scent permeated the area around him. She was turned on and ready for him. Her lips were soft to the touch. The small amount of pubic hair around her slit was wet from her juices. Her clit was swollen and ready for an orgasm. He ran a finger around her clit then down to her entrance. Wayne pressed one digit inside her feeling her pussy grip him tight. She moaned, her pelvis pressing down onto his finger. He pushed a second finger inside her then tongued her clit. She splintered apart in his arms. Her pussy squeezed his fingers gripping him tightly as her climax washed over her. Wayne sucked her clit into his mouth relishing the taste of her cream. He felt her juices coat his fingers.

  She was ready to take him. He ran his fingers over her legs feeling them quiver under his touch. Her response always made him want more from her. Her love never felt enough. He wanted to be consumed by her. Wayne needed to know that he was the only thing on her mind. This is one of the reasons why he needed to let her go.

  He moved up her body and stared down into her eyes. Whatever his friends said didn’t mean anything. He’d taken so much from Lily, and he wanted to give her something back. Letting her go was the only way he could think of to make up for his mistakes.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “Wayne, I love you, too. What’s going on?” she asked. Even now she knew what was going on. She knew he was planning something.

  “Nothing, baby.” He kissed her lips to stop her talking. In the morning, he’d be gone. For tonight he’d take as much of her as he could, so he’d be able to let her go. Reaching between his thighs, he grabbed his cock and ran it up her slit feeling her slickness coat his shaft. She moaned, and her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders.

  He pushed the head of his cock inside her feeling the way her pussy gripped him. In one smooth thrust he seated himself inside her tightness. Each pulse felt like a ripple around his shaft.

  “Can you feel me?”

  She nodded her head, tears glistening in her eyes. Pushing her hair out of the way, he kissed her deeply then pulled out. She whimpered as her nails sank into his back. Wayne chuckled then plunged inside her going deeper. He felt the tip of his cock hitting her cervix. Running a hand down her thigh, he cupped her ass bringing her leg over his hip.

  He glanced between them watching his wet cock disappear inside her pussy. She held him within her. The pulse of her pussy gripped his cock unbearably. She was his woman, and in that moment he couldn’t even think of leaving her.

  Lily would always be the love of his life. He tightened his hold on her hips slamming inside her. The build of his climax shocked him. In the next instant his sperm was rushing out of the tip of his cock and washing inside her pussy. He knew she hadn’t reached her own release. Wayne pulled out of her then pressed a finger to her clit.

  He teased the bud, but her hand on his wrist stopped him. “I want to give you release,” he said.

  “No, I don’t want you to.”

  Wayne stared at her in shock. His fingers lay on her clit, not moving. “I want to give you this pleasure.”

  “I don’t want you to, Wayne. You’re keeping something from me. I can feel it.”

  “Let me give you this. Please.” He begged. This was his last chance to watch her come apart.

  She shook her head. Tears fell from her eyes. Wayne pulled his hand away pulling her close. He wrapped his arms around her.

  The connection between them had been broken, and he was the cause. He held her in his arms hoping he was wrong. She fell asleep without any sobs escaping her. He felt her silent tears on his chest. The pain pierced his soul at the depth of agony he’d caused. Tears fell from his own eyes. He kept her in his arms throughout the night.

  Wayne kissed her temple, and when the sun came up he pulled out of her arms. Her father had the two youngest kids for the night while Blake was staying at a friend’s. He knew she’d be alone in the morning, but he needed to do this now while he still had the strength.

  He stared down at the woman he’d fallen in love with all those years ago. Her body and face hadn’t aged a day. She looked so content and beautiful. The tracks from her tears distracted him from his thoughts. He didn’t bother to grab his clothes. There were enough items in his penthouse down town in the city.

  In his office he sat down and wrote a letter detailing what he intended to do. He spoke of his love and then placed it near the kettle in the kitchen. It was the only place he could bear to see her read it. He left the house then put a call through to Richard.

  “Hello,” Richard said. His friend sounded annoyed.

  “It’s Wayne. I just wanted to warn you that I’m going through with it today.”

  “Are you serious?” Richard asked. There was the sound of movement over the line.

  “Yes. I think Lily will phone Scarlet. Will you meet me afterwards at my old penthouse apartment?” Wayne asked.

  “Yes,” Richard said.

  There was silence between them. Wayne felt his friend’s disapproval all the way from where he lived uptown.

  “We’ll wait for her call,” Richard said before hanging up.

  Wayne pulled out the driveway without looking back.

  He knew he was making the right decision. He had to be.

  Chapter Three

  Lily woke up to silence. She opened her eyes and blinked against the morning sunshine pouring in from the open curtains of the window. After a stretch she got out of bed. She saw her negligee on the floor and put it on, then went in search of Wayne. When she knocked on his office door and got no answer she pushed it open to see the room was empty. She went through each room discovering it didn’t have Wayne. Frowning, she saw his car was gone and decided he’d popped out early.

  After brushing her hair with the brush she kept by the hall mirror, she went in search of the kettle. She knew Wayne loved his coffee, but she’d turned into more of a tea woman in the years since they’d married. The coffee still turned her stomach after all the kids.

  She went to the kettle and saw a letter with her name on laid up against it. A smile broke free. Wayne loved to leave her letters. She loved reading them. Once she filled the kettle, she made herself a cup of tea so she’d be able to enjoy what he’d written.

  The moment her tea was made she took it to the dining room then opened the letter. She began reading, and her whole world came apart.

  Dearest Lily,

  First, I want to say that I love you with all of my heart. You have my love forever. My love for you is not disputable. It causes great pain for me to have to say this, but I feel I’ve taken something away from you. I blackmailed you into marriage, and now it is time for me to set you free.

  What I did was unfair. I wanted you, and I did everything in my power to take you. For that, I am sorry. I’ll be in touch with a lawyer soon. You can have everything your heart desires, Lily. I want you to be happy. This has nothing to do with anything other than a man with a guilty mind. I was called the Beast, and with you I don’t want to be anything but the man you love. A beast is not what I want for you.

  I hope with time you can forgive me.


  Tears poured from her eyes. The pain latched on to every sensitive cell inside her body and refused to let go. She didn’t know what to do or how to explain what was going on. Lily had known something was wrong with him. She didn’t think it had anything to do with him leaving her.

  She reached for the phone. There was no way she could make sense of this letter. She dialled Scarlet’s number. Lily was shocked by her answering on the first ring.

  “Lily, is that you?” Scarlet asked.

  “You know?” The sob broke from her lips.

  “I’m coming over.”

  “He told you? When?”

; “I’m coming to see you, Lily. We’ll talk then.” Scarlet hung up.

  Lily glanced down at her sexy negligee. She hated it. Running up the stairs she ran into the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. Her body felt numb. She couldn’t think clearly. Nothing made any sense.

  Once she’d flushed the toilet, brushed her teeth, she walked back into the bedroom. Lily couldn’t look at the bed. There were too many memories that hurt too much. She changed in a pair of jeans and a black shirt before moving down the stairs and waiting for her friend.

  Half an hour later Scarlet was knocking on her door. Lily answered the door and saw Richard stood behind Scarlet. He stared at her with pity in his eyes.

  They both escorted her into the sitting room. Lily sat on the floor unable to bear sitting on any of the furniture. The sofa where Richard and Scarlet sat was where she’d cuddled up to Wayne as he read her a story or where they watched the television together. In both chairs they’d made love. So many memories that were tearing her apart.

  “How did you know?” she asked.

  “He called, Richard this morning,” Scarlet sat down on the floor in front of her. Lily looked over her head at Richard.

  “You knew before then?”

  Her friend’s husband looked uncomfortable. “He mentioned something last night. I didn’t think he’d go through with it.”

  Tears poured out of her eyes. “He’s feeling guilt for what happened back then. I don’t understand. I love him and forgave him for all that. It’s Christmas. What am I supposed to do?” Lily asked.

  Richard stood. “I’ve got to go and see him.”

  “You’re going to be the one to divorce us?” Lily asked. “It is kind of poetic seeing as you were the one to bind us together with that prenuptial agreement.” She chuckled.

  Scarlet kissed her husband and shooed him off before turning back to her. Lily didn’t want to come between the two. She heard the door open and then close. The finality of the sound made Lily wince. “Richard won’t handle the divorce. I know he won’t.”

  “It’s business to them, Scarlet. I don’t expect anything less.”

  “What are you going to do?” the other woman asked. She tucked a stray curl behind her ear.

  “I have no idea. I know I should have some plan or something. Isn’t it the twenty-first century dream for a woman to be divorced or something?” Lily rubbed the tears from her eyes. More fell in their place.

  “Wayne is giving you an opportunity to live your life. He feels he’s taken something from you because of him blackmailing you.” Lily stared at her. “Richard doesn’t keep anything from me. I know you told me the basics of what happened, but he gave me everything.”

  “He shouldn’t have done that.”

  “You’re my friend, Lily. I want what’s best for you.”

  “Then you shouldn’t judge me when I say the best thing that ever happened to me walked out that door with the intention of divorcing me. All I ever wanted in life was someone to love me back and a family. Wayne gave me everything I ever wanted, and now he’s about to take it all away.”

  Scarlet wrapped her arms around Lily.

  “I’m not going to judge. It takes a lot out of us to fall in love. Wayne is being an asshole. He’s using his business head instead of his heart,” Scarlet said. “He’ll come around.”

  “I don’t know, Scarlet. I know him, and if he feels he’s doing the right thing then he won’t stop until it’s complete.”


  Wayne opened the door to his friend. Richard walked in and refused a drink. They were both silent for several minutes. Richard wouldn’t even look at him.

  “How is she?” Wayne asked.

  “How do you think she is?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. The desire to pour himself a whisky was strong, but he wouldn’t do it until he knew she was all right.

  “For a supposedly clever man, you’re actually really fucking stupid,” Richard said. His hands were on his hips as he glared at him. Wayne took a seat waiting for him to say his piece. “You really don’t care?”

  “I care about her, which is why I’m leaving her to be free.”

  “Bullshit. Lily is falling apart. She doesn’t understand what is going on. You married her, got her pregnant, and now you’re going to leave her because of your suppressed guilt. You’re a fucking coward.”

  “You can rant at me all you want, Richard. I know I’m doing the right thing.”

  “Then find another lawyer. I’m not going to do this. Nor will any of my partners or members of my firm. You find someone else,” Richard said. Wayne was shocked. He had always thought Richard would stand by him.

  “You’re going to represent me,” Wayne said.

  “Not in this. You’re wrong about this one. I’m one of your best friends, and I’ve stood by you when you’ve needed it. This is not one of those times. You’re wrong, and if you go through with this, if you let Lily go, then it will be the biggest mistake of your life.” Richard turned to look out of the window when a knock on his door came. Wayne left his friend to open the door to Tony and Opal. Before he got chance to talk Opal slapped him ‘round the face.

  “How dare you?” Opal shoved him then walked past into his apartment.

  “She wouldn’t let me drop her off at Lily’s. ‘I want to see the stupid asshole myself’. Her words. Not mine.” Tony walked past him.

  “Are you seriously going to represent him in a divorce?” Opal asked, glaring at Richard.

  Wayne didn’t know what to do. They were all crowding around him too fast. He needed more time.

  “I’m not representing him. I refuse to help him in a decision that I feel will be a big mistake.” Richard shook Tony’s hand.

  “What I don’t get is the fact none of us could get you to change the path of getting Lily all those years ago, and now when you have everything, you’re more than willing to let her go? I don’t get that,” Tony said.

  “I don’t expect you guys to understand my choices. This is my decision, and I feel it is right.”

  Opal growled in frustration. “Do you realise what you’re doing? Lily is a hot woman. She knows her own mind, and from what I’ve been told and seen myself, she’s grown in confidence by being with you. You’ve already started the ball rolling. You’re putting her back on the market.”


  “I see what she means,” Tony said. “You’re stepping aside and letting her be free. Think about it, Wayne. How are you going to be able to cope with seeing her with another man? You’re giving someone else an opportunity to take what is yours. A stepfather for your children.”

  “Lily would never do that,” Wayne said. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

  “She doesn’t want a singing career. If that is what this is over, then you’re going to lose the woman you love for something she doesn’t want and won’t even fight for. Another guy will give her what you’re taking away, and you’ll have no chance to win her back,” Opal said.

  “You don’t know that.”

  Again, Opal let out a growl. “My God, you’re so thick and stupid and annoying. It is Christmas, and you’re ‘setting your wife free’. You know what? I know someone who’d date Lily in a heartbeat.”

  “Who?”Wayne asked, feeling angry at the thought of another man with his woman.

  “John Barnes,” Opal said with a smile on her lips.

  “Harry’s paediatric doctor?” Richard asked.

  “The very one. His wife divorced him last year. I know he adores Lily. They met at one of your barbeques you held a few months back. I’m sure they’d hit it off.

  “John is in his fifties, and stop trying to get a guy to date my wife,” Wayne said. His anger was increasing. He’d seen the way the older man had looked at Lily. John had been charmed by Lily. He was sure it was why John’s wife had left him, but he didn’t say so to Lily.

  “Then I suggest you think about this decision. I’m out of here. Tony is taking me away. I
’ll see you guys soon.” Opal kissed her brother Richard on the cheek then left. Tony stayed for a few minutes.

  “If you go through with this, our women will gang up and force Lily to date someone else to get over you. Wayne, I don’t know why you want this divorce, but be sure it’s what you want. Opal and Scarlet will make you regret it. Those women with Lily have become like sisters.” Tony left seconds later.

  “I’m going to go as well before my wife starts planning on crushing my balls. I’m fond of all of my man-parts,” said Richard.

  “Okay,” Wayne said then saw his friend out. When they were all gone he turned to the whiskey. The sooner he lost his head the better he’d feel.

  Chapter Four

  Lily watched her children playing on the floor in front of her while her father, George, finished his call on the phone. Blake was staying at his friend’s again. She believed he had a crush on a girl at school. Since Wayne had left, Blake barely spoke to her. It had been several days since Wayne had left. Her father was staying with her to help out. Opal phoned on a regular basis to check in with her. Scarlet stopped by as much as possible. In two weeks it would be the run up to Christmas. She knew her friends were planning on going away. Richard had decided at the last minute to take Scarlet and the kids away for Christmas. They would be leaving in a few days.

  She’d be all alone.

  Wayne still refused to talk to her. She knew he was working. His secretary had informed her he didn’t want to be disturbed when she’d called. He was avoiding her at every opportunity.

  The tree looked pathetic to her now. She remembered singing for Wayne as they put each bauble on the branches.

  “Honey, how are you?” her father asked the moment he got off the phone.

  “I’m dealing. I can’t just break down and cry at any given time. I want to. It’s so hard. How did you manage it?” Her father had fallen in love with a cleaner at his office. She’d died giving birth to her. Her father had been dealing with the heartache ever since.


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