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Seducing Her Beast

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  The next box was velvet again and a long rectangular one. She opened the lid and found a gorgeous locket with a dragon design on the front.

  “Open it,” he said.

  She opened the lid and saw two beautiful pictures of him with their children. “Perfect.”

  Lily wiped the tears from her eyes and then handed him her two wrapped parcels. She waited for him to open the presents she’d spent the best part of a year preparing. He opened the first one. She chewed her lip while she waited for him to make a noise of disgust or love.

  It was a picture frame that he’d be able to fit on his desk at work. “I thought it would be nice for you to see us when you’re at work.”

  “This is wonderful, Lily.” He leaned over and kissed her. She waited while he opened the next. The scrap book downstairs wasn’t the only one she was putting together.

  “It’s a scrap book of memories but our memories as a couple.” He opened the page, and she saw the newspaper clippings she’d saved along with several photos or tickets of their time away.

  “I thought we could spend the rest of our lives filling it in,” she said.

  “I’d love that.”

  “I know it’s not fancy or anything, but I thought it would be nice. Besides, what do you get the guy who has everything?”

  He dropped the book onto the bed then pulled her into his arms. “We’ll make so many memories, we’ll need to fill several of those books.”

  She felt his heart pounding inside his chest. Tears spilled from her eyes. She was so happy.

  “I love you, Lily. I always have, and I always will.”

  “I know, Wayne. I know.”


  25 years later

  Wayne woke Lily up on Christmas morning with kisses along her neck and back. He was making her laugh and giggle as he stroked her body. She was ticklish all over. She couldn’t believe they’d been together thirty-seven years. It was amazing and wonderful. The love shining between them was brighter than ever before.

  He’d originally organised for them to go away for Christmas but had changed his mind when their children had asked for them to host Christmas. Lily had one of the largest turkeys she could find ready to roast in the oven. Their children were all grown up and had their own children. She loved the fact they still loved coming home for the festive season.

  “Time to wake up, sleepy head,” he said.

  “No, it’s Christmas morning. The rest of the family aren’t due till later.” She grabbed the pillow and buried her head in the pillow. Wayne took it off her. The years had been good to both of them. He turned her over.

  His hair was grey all over, but she loved him more passionately than ever before. He’d given her so much love over the last thirty years. There were no regrets inside her. After that main Christmas twenty-five years ago, Wayne had spent every available moment with her. They’d filled not only the scrapbook of memories she’d given him over the last years they’d filled three more books. She’d given birth to two more children, and they’d renewed their vows.

  Wayne had been there when her father passed away. George had made up for every bad memory. He was buried near their local church. Lily opened her eyes smiling up at Wayne.

  “Hello, beautiful.”

  Lily blushed. Even though she’d aged well she still couldn’t believe he thought she was beautiful. She cupped his cheek loving the feel of him against her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “And I love you. You gave me everything that I am, Lily.”

  “Did you ever think we’d be here twenty-five years down the line?” Lily asked.

  “I’d hoped for something like that. I hadn’t expected it. I’m known for pushing people away.”

  “My Beast. I love you, Wayne, and you’ve proven to me more than once that you love me, too.”

  He leaned down like so many times before and kissed her. His touch set the blood in her veins on fire. Like so many times before she was alive for him.

  “How long until they’re due to arrive?” she asked.

  “Several hours yet. I’m going to spend the morning making love to my wife.” Wayne took her lips kissing her until she was clawing at his body.

  The love between them was stronger than ever before. She loved him with her whole heart. The life she’d lived had been perfect in every way.

  The End

  Other Books by

  Sam Crescent


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