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A Fashion Felon in Rome

Page 7

by Anisa Claire West

  Protecting his hands with a pair of gloves, Massimo wiped away the remaining glass from the windowsill. “Okay, it’s safe now. Let’s slip inside. I’ll go first and make sure everything is safe…no, on second thought, wait for me out here. I don’t want you to be traumatized by what might be in there.”

  “There’s no way I’m waiting out here! Don’t worry about me. Just hurry so we can get to her!” I screamed as Massimo hoisted himself through the window.

  Feeling like a curvier version of Catwoman, I slinked inside right behind him, my rump centimeters away from getting stuck. “Evelyn! Evelyn, are you okay? It’s Gianna and Massimo!” I called hopefully, holding my breath waiting for a response.

  To my enormous relief, a cowering Evelyn emerged from the kitchen, wielding a large wooden spoon in an apparent effort to defend herself. “Gianna!” She gasped. “That was you knocking on the door like a psychopath? I thought Leonard had forgotten his keys and came back to hurt me!”

  “You’re alive,” I whispered, gazing at Massimo who exhaled in unison with me.

  “How did you know that I needed help?” She asked shakily.

  “So Leonard was trying to harm you?” I prodded, taking a step closer as she laid the wooden spoon on an armchair.

  “Yes, I guess you probably figured out that he’s my fiancé…and I don’t think I should tell you the rest.” She looked guiltily down at the floor.

  “Yes, you should,” I coaxed. “Because I have a confession too. Massimo is not my boyfriend. He and I have been investigating Tomaso’s death together.”

  “Gianna,” Massimo grated, furious that I had leaked the information.

  “No, it’s okay. I want to work with you guys,” Evelyn said softly, sweeping a teardrop off her cheek.

  “Leonard murdered Tomaso, didn’t he? Leonard was the one who cut the brakes on Tomaso’s boat, right?” I deduced.

  She sighed heavily, crossing her arms over her chest. “I know what I did was wrong.”

  “You mean getting involved with Tomaso?” I conjectured.

  “Yes. How did you know that?” Evelyn asked, taken aback.

  “I didn’t know it for sure. But I thought it was pretty likely. You and Denise both flirted with him quite a bit,” I pointed out candidly.

  “I know. And I shouldn’t have cheated on Leonard. It’s all my fault! I’m the reason that Tomaso is dead!” Evelyn sobbed.

  “No, Leonard is the reason that Tomaso is dead,” I corrected.

  “Did Leonard actually confess to you?” Massimo inquired.

  “No, but he didn’t deny it either when I accused him. I had suspected all along that Leonard was the murderer. He saw me kissing Tomaso on the beach…oh, I was so stupid!” She raved. “But tonight at the dock, I felt certain for the first time that Leonard was the killer. And the way he treated me when we got home only made me even more sure.”

  “How so?” Massimo probed.

  “He had never been violent before, but tonight he shoved me against the wall. He shoved me so hard. So I told him to leave. Just to get out. But I should have gotten a confession from him before I let him walk out. Oh, I’m a horrible person. Tomaso only bought that boat to impress me. I can’t even look at myself in the mirror anymore,” she despaired as a shadow appeared in the bare window.

  We simultaneously gasped, fearing that Leonard had indeed come back this time. Instead, though, the comforting figure of Detective Cantino materialized. “We don’t need a confession,” he informed. “There’s a little something called surveillance footage that’s already taken care of that detail.”

  “Surveillance footage at the boat dock, you mean?” I guessed. “Was Leonard actually caught on tape cutting the brake lines of Tomaso’s boat?”

  “He certainly was,” Detective sighed with satisfaction. “And thanks to you Gianna, and you Massimo, we apprehended him before he could get out of Stella Polare. We’ve got our killer.”

  “And now the Alegres family can get some peace,” I said, feeling a grateful smile perk up at the corners of my lips.

  Spontaneously, I hugged Massimo, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my body warmly into his. “We did it!” I whispered.

  “You deserve most of the credit,” he said gruffly, holding me a little too tightly. “Let me take you back to the hotel now. You deserve a good night’s rest.”

  “I really do need a good night’s rest,” I agreed as we each shook hands with the detective.

  Walking over to Evelyn, who was still trembling, I pulled her into a supportive hug. “You’ll get through this. And remember, it’s not your fault.”

  She hugged me back feebly and nodded uncertainly. “Thanks, Gianna.”

  “Let’s go, Detective Gianna,” Massimo offered warmly as we slid out the window like graceful wildcats embracing the full moon and airy night.


  Early the next morning, I arose feeling more refreshed and peaceful than I had since arriving in Rome. Tomaso’s murderer was behind bars, and I had played a pivotal role in making that happen. Justice was being served, and in a few minutes, a scrumptious buffet breakfast would be served in the lobby. Stretching luxuriantly, I reached for my phone, noting that Richard still hadn’t called or sent a message.

  More out of obligation than desire, I dialed him in New York. It was the middle of the night back home, and I would probably be waking him up. But I didn’t care. We needed to break the silence.

  On the fifth ring, our lines connected. “Hello?” A cooing female voice answered.

  My heart halted as I wondered if I could have dialed the wrong number. But no, I had gone straight to my contacts and pressed Richard’s speed dial entry. There was no one else’s number it could be but Richard’s.

  “Who is this?” I demanded as a commotion erupted on the other end of the line.

  “Why did you answer my phone?!” Richard’s voice was muffled but outraged.

  “Oh, sorry,” the female voice apologized.

  “Give me that! Oh no…” Richard sounded desolate. “Gianna?”

  “Yes, it’s me,” I replied tightly. “Who is that woman?”

  “My co-worker, Cynthia…we’re working late tonight.” The lie didn’t fool me for a second.

  “Working late? I’m not stupid, Richard. Who is she?” My voice rose several octaves in my fury.

  “I told you, she’s…”

  “Just stop! You’re cheating on me, aren’t you? I can’t believe this!” I slammed my hand on the nightstand as angry tears pooled in my eyes.

  “I’m not cheating, I swear…”

  “Richard, if you tell me one more lie, I’m hanging up this phone right now!”

  A long pause followed before Richard croaked, “I’m sorry, Gianna. But you’ve been gone so long and…”

  “I haven’t even been gone two weeks!”

  “I know, but I just got lonely and…”

  “You’re pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. It’s over, Richard. There’s nothing you can possibly say. I’ll never trust you again!”

  Before he could try to weasel out of his deception with another lame excuse, I disconnected the call, throwing myself onto the bed and burying my face in a pillow. Indignant tears stained the pillowcase as I wallowed in the painful reality that my relationship with Richard was over. We hadn’t even made it to our one year anniversary. Amidst my rage, though, a strange sense of relief flooded through me. I had been falling out of love with Richard since…honestly, since the moment I met Massimo. Or had I ever been in love with Richard at all?

  A knock on my hotel room door startled me out of my musings. Tossing the pillow aside, I squared my shoulders and walked with dignity over to the door. Peering through the peephole, I was shocked to see Massimo standing on the other side of the door.

  “What are you doing here?” I blurted out, instinctively pulling the ratty tee-shirt I had worn to bed down my knees to hide myself even though he couldn’t see me.

  “Good morning. I wa
nted to take you to breakfast. Is that okay?” He queried, sounding more than a tad nervous.

  “Breakfast?” I echoed, trying to remember the last time I had taken a shower.

  “Yes, but not a date,” he said hurriedly. “Just a thank you meal for working so hard to solve the crime.”

  “I’d love to,” I breathed, glimpsing his smile through the peephole. “Just give me a minute to get dressed.”

  “Take all the time you need,” he said chivalrously as I dashed to my suitcase and rummaged through my unworn outfits.

  Selecting a crepe dress with scalloped edges, I rushed to the bathroom for a makeshift “sink shower.” Soaping myself up, I felt all thoughts of Richard and his betrayal evaporate like bubbles. Feeling sufficiently clean, I stepped into the dress and a pair of sandals, pushing a hairbrush through my tresses and hurrying to meet Massimo at the door.

  There was no time to apply even a drop of make-up. I had no choice but to be my naked self that morning, unprotected by beauty products or designer threads. I didn’t know in that moment whether I was meant to be a fashion maven or a homicide sleuth. I didn’t know if I wanted my breakfast with Massimo to be just a “thank you meal” or the beginning of something far more intimate. All I knew was that the old adage, one door closes and another one opens, was beautifully weaving its way into my life.


  1 Year Later

  Home Sweet Home

  Soothingly, the sewing machine stitched my shell camisole together at the seams. I removed the needle and paused to admire the silk creation that was nearly complete. All I needed to do was add a sweep of detail at the edges of the neckline. Then I could slip into the camisole, pairing it with a sharp business jacket to wear to my meeting with a team of stylists later in the week.

  Since Sophia Pucci had flaunted my mermaid gown at the Cannes Film Festival, I had been inundated with requests from other European celebrities. To date, I had designed and sewn more than 30 dresses and half a dozen custom tuxedoes. My tailor shop was long gone, as was my cracked relationship with Richard. New York was no longer home sweet home.

  “Ciao, bella,” Massimo swept into the dayroom, planting a kiss on my forehead.

  “Hello handsome,” I beamed. “I have some linguine and clam sauce simmering on the stove downstairs.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” He smacked his lips. “I need to talk to you about something over dinner.” His light tone became grave.

  “Another case?” I guessed. Since helping to catch Tomaso’s murderer, I had joined forces with Massimo in several other high profile cases.

  “I know you’re busy with your design business, but I could really use your skills on this new case I’m working on.” Massimo massaged my shoulders as he spoke.

  I grinned and gave in. “Sure, let’s go have dinner and you can tell me all about it. And then you can go have your cigar.” I recalled that day in Massimo’s car when my father’s presence had felt so near. At the time, I hadn’t understood, but now I knew that the feeling was serendipitous of my destiny to be with Massimo and to help bring criminals to justice.

  Arms entwined, we strolled downstairs to our spacious kitchen in our apartment located a block from the Fontana di Trevi. I hadn’t gotten around to tossing a coin into the fountain in order to ensure a return visit to Rome. But I hadn’t needed to either. I had never left Rome, and with my relationship with Massimo growing stronger every day, I knew the Eternal City would remain my home sweet home.





  Recipe #1

  Mama’s Marinara Sauce

  2 imported cans of whole plum skinless tomatoes with basil

  1 small can of tomato paste (Contadina)

  2 small cans of Contadina tomato sauce

  1 clove of fresh garlic (chopped)

  ½ of yellow onion (sliced)

  Olive oil (less than 1/8 of a cup)

  Oregano (dried), basil (dried)

  Grated Parmesan cheese to taste

  Place garlic and onions in heated olive oil allow until light golden. Add some oregano and basil to this mixture and stir. Add the two cans of tomato sauce and stir. Place canned tomatoes in a blender. (One can at a time) for about 30 seconds. Add to the pot, stir. Add tomato paste, stir. Add cheese, more oregano and basil, Stir and simmer. Turn off heat and allow sauce to continue to cook. Stir and taste; add more oregano, basil and cheese as desired. You’ll know when it tastes good! This sauce forms the basis of many Italian recipes, including the vegetarian delight on the next page.

  Recipe #2

  Eggplant Parmagiana

  2 medium eggplants

  Plain bread crumbs

  3-4 eggs (organic, cage-free)

  Corn oil

  Fresh mozzarella cheese

  Peel eggplant and slice so that slices are circles of medium thickness. Heat corn oil.

  Dip slices into egg and then breadcrumbs. Place in frying pan, make sure the oil is hot. Flip eggplant quickly until golden brown. Place on paper towels to drain oil.

  Oil will need to be changed at least 3 times. Place fried slices in a square baking pan, layered. Place ample sauce and grated cheese between layers. Cover with aluminum wrap and bake at 340 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove from heat, turn off oven. Eggplant should be soft. Place generous slices and pieces of mozzarella on top of the eggplant and return to the oven to let cheese melt with residual heat.

  Serve and savor this healthy yet satisfying main dish!

  Recipe #3

  Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato Basil Salad

  6 ripe heirloom tomatoes, cut in slices

  30 fresh Mozzarella balls

  Fresh basil

  Extra virgin Italian olive oil

  Salt and pepper (optional)

  Arrange tomatoes, cheese, and basil on an attractive serving platter. Drizzle olive oil evenly over the arrangement. Add a dash of salt and pepper if desired. This refreshing salad is an excellent starter to any main dish.

  Recipe #4

  Baked Ziti

  1 can crushed tomatoes

  Classic Marinara Sauce (medium saucepan)

  1 can tomato paste

  2 cloves of garlic, chopped

  4 basil leaves

  15 oz Ricotta cheese

  ½ pound shredded Mozzarella cheese

  1 pound Ziti noodles

  Put tomatoes, sauce, paste, garlic, and basil in a crock pot. Keep on low flame for 8 hours. Layer sauce, noodles, and Ricotta in a rectangular glass lasagna dish. Layer to the top and sprinkle on extra cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes. Baked Ziti is very filling comfort food! Try preparing a simple green salad and serve chilled AFTER you eat the Baked Ziti…the way the Italians do! Main dish first, salad to finish and cleanse the palate.

  Recipe #5

  Zucchini Lasagna

  1 box lasagna noodles

  Classic Marinara Sauce (large saucepan)

  2 pounds Ricotta cheese

  3 pounds fresh Mozzarella cheese

  4 fresh green zucchinis, chopped

  4 yellow zucchinis, chopped

  Grated Parmesan cheese

  1 egg (organic, cage-free)

  1 tbsp garlic powder

  2 tbsp parsley

  1 tsp nutmeg

  Mix nutmeg, parsley, garlic powder, egg, and grated cheese into the Ricotta. Layer sauce, noodles, mixed Ricotta, zucchini, and Mozzarella cheese in a large rectangular glass dish. Make 3 layers and bake for 1 hour at 375 degrees. Make your Zucchini Lasagna the main dish at dinner and satisfy the whole family!

  Recipe #6

  Fettuccine Alfredo with Shrimp & Broccoli

  1 package fresh cut Fettuccine

  1 pound shrimp, cleaned & peeled

  Butter to sauté shrimp

  Powdered basil

  ½ pound fresh broccoli

  8 oz alfredo cheese sauce (Contadina brand suggested)
r />   Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

  Salt & pepper (optional)

  Mix softened butter with powdered basil. Melt basil butter into a frying pan. Sauté shrimp until fully cooked (pink color). Steam broccoli and chop. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Stir in fresh Fettuccine and simmer for 2 minutes. Pasta will be slightly chewy, or al dente as the Italians say. Drain pasta. Mix broccoli, pasta, and shrimp in a large saucepan. Pour in sauce and mix until combined. Top with optional ingredients and indulge in this rich, cheesy dish!

  Recipe #7

  Antipasto Appetizer

  1 jar roasted red peppers

  1 jar artichokes in oil

  Slab of Italian Parmesan cheese, sliced

  6 ripe heirloom tomatoes, cut in slices

  1 jar black olives

  1 jar green olives stuffed with cheese or pimentos

  Artfully arrange all antipasto ingredients on a large serving platter. Makes an elegant appetizer for a party. Serve alongside herbed rosemary crackers or crusty Italian bread. Buon appetito!

  Recipe #8

  Cool Classic Cappuccino

  1 ½ cups cold coffee

  1 ½ cups chocolate or vanilla ice cream

  1 cup crushed ice

  Chocolate syrup (to taste)

  Whipped cream

  In a blender, combine coffee, ice cream and chocolate syrup. Blend until silky smooth. Pour over crushed ice. Spray on some whipped cream and delight in this refreshing beverage!

  Recipe #9

  Cocoa-Tinged Tiramisu

  3 egg yolks

  ¼ cup sugar

  2 tsp pure vanilla extract

  2 cups Mascarpone cheese

  24 ladyfinger cookies


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