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The Bilderberg Group: Facts & Fiction

Page 4

by Mark Dice

  Quigley’s Tragedy & Hope is not a book “exposing” a “conspiracy” but rather a history book for elitists to help them understand how the Establishment works and what their plans are.

  European Union

  Documents from the 1955 Bilderberg meeting discovered at the estate of a deceased member show they were planning the European Union and a central currency back in the 1950s, decades before the EU was formed and their new Euro currency introduced.61 The documents came from the personal files of former Labour Party leader Hugh Gaitskell which had been stored at a local University after his death. They are marked “Personal and strictly confidential,” and “Not for publication either in whole or in part,” and were made available to the BBC during an investigation in 2003.62 Wikileaks also obtained the documents and then published them through their website.63

  Gaitskell was part of Bilderberg’s steering committee and had attended the very first meeting in 1954 and kept years of the itineraries which included his own handwritten notes about the different speakers and topics. Historian Dr. Hugh Wilford showed Simon Cox of BBC Radio 4 the archive. “This is from Hugh Gaitskell to his friend and Labour Party colleague Dennis Healey in which he’s telling him about the conference. He describes it as a rather special kind of conference, very hand-picked with the proceedings private, and ends by saying that he hopes that he’ll be able to give Healey further details but meanwhile would you please treat the whole matter as absolutely confidential—say nothing about it to anybody,” explains Wilford.

  Simon Cox: “So, real secrecy from the very beginning.”

  Hugh Wilford: “Yes.”

  Simon Cox: “Because you can see when you hear about the way that it’s set up, why people have these conspiracy theories.”

  Hugh Wilford: “Yes, now I can quite see why that is the case, and the fact that so much secrecy was insisted upon for these early meetings, and I mean it doesn’t really necessarily look very good that the leader of the British Labour Party is consorting with various representatives of the secret services and American Capitalists and doing so in such a clandestine fashion, so yes, I can see why conspiracy theorists have sprung up and surrounded Bilderberg.”64

  Simon Cox: “The papers show exactly what was discussed within the secret confines of Bilderberg. What’s striking is the degree of consensus reached by those at the meeting on contentious topics like European integration…Here’s another paper from the first ones about the European Union. It’s interesting here saying some sort of European Union has long been a Utopian dream, but at the conference it was agreed it was now a necessity of our times. So this is 50 years ago saying we must have a European Union.”

  Hugh Wilford: “Yes, again reflecting the fact that many of the people involved in planning Bilderberg had also played leading roles in getting the European movement going in the late 1940s and early 50s.”

  Simon Cox, the BBC investigator, concluded, “Without Bilderbergers, Europe could be a very different place.”

  Two years after the documents discovered in Gaitskell’s estate were drawn up for the 1955 meeting, the European Union started to take shape with the creation of the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957 which merged the markets of six European countries—France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. This later grew into the European Union in 1993 containing 28 nation states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

  Sociologist Mike Peters from Leeds Beckett University in England confirms, “The single currency [the Euro] was rooted first by people who were connected with Bilderberg,” and concludes, “The sheer wealth and importance of the people who attend Bilderberg suggest that this is one of the most important political forums in the modern world.”65

  Documents from Bilderberg’s less secretive sister organization, the Council on Foreign Relations, reveal they have plans for several other massive regional unions around the world, including the Eastern European Union, the Middle Eastern Union, an Asian-Pacific Union, African Union, South American Union, and a North American Union. Part of this plan includes unifying the currencies of each of these different unions as well. For example, in the case of the North American Union—Canada, the United States and Mexico would all use what has been proposed as the amero for all financial transactions.66

  The idea is, once these various regional unions are formed, and their currencies unified, the final step will be to merge the unions (along with each of their respective currencies) into one global governing body, and at the same time introduce a global currency in the form of a digital dollar, ushering in the era of a completely cashless society.67 Some have proposed this new global currency be called the Phoenix, named after the mythological bird which is said to rise from the ashes of its predecessor after death in a cycle of rebirth and renewal.68 From ashes of the death of all previous currencies, the new global currency will emerge.

  Selecting World Leaders

  Many consider Bilderberg to be the Kingmakers or the place where a consensus is made about which political candidate the Establishment will throw their support behind and which ones they’ll throw under the buss. With the power to make major editorial decisions in the newsrooms of the world’s primary media outlets and by controlling the purse strings of the big banks and political financiers, they “can make or break presidents, popes, or prime ministers,” as the character Howard Beale famously warned in the classic 1976 film Network.

  George Bush Senior attended in 1985 and became president in 1988. Bill Clinton attended in 1991 and then became president a year later. Tony Blair was invited in 1993 and became Prime Minister of England in 1997. Romano Prodi attended in 1999 and later that year he became president of the European Union Commission. In 2004, Senator John Edwards spoke with the group and was later chosen to be the Democratic vice presidential nominee by presidential candidate John Kerry, who—like his opponent George W. Bush—is a member of the Skull & Bones society which made it a win/win for the Establishment no matter who was chosen to be president.69

  There was a surprising little mention of John Edwards covert visit by a reporter for the New York Times in an article about the VP selection process which noted, “Several people pointed to the secretive and exclusive Bilderberg conference of some 120 people that this year drew the likes of Henry A. Kissinger, Melinda Gates and Richard A. Perle to Stresa, Italy, in early June, as helping win Mr. Kerry’s heart. Mr. Edwards spoke so well in a debate on American politics with the Republican Ralph Reed that participants broke Bilderberg rules to clap before the end of the session. Beforehand, Mr. Edwards traveled to Brussels to meet with NATO officials, brandishing his foreign-policy credentials.”70

  The article then quoted an anonymous source and associate of John Kerry who was in attendance for Edwards’ debate, who said, “His performance at Bilderberg was important,” and admitted it was largely responsible for him being chosen as the candidate for Kerry’s vice president.71

  Jim Tucker reported that in 1989 one of the agendas on the menu was ousting British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher because she opposed surrendering Britain’s sovereignty to the European Union by refusing to join the EU.72 The following year people within her own party conspired, and succeeded, to replace her with John Major, who then helped facilitate the rise of the European Union, fulfilling Bilderberg’s long-held dream.

  Again, Carroll Quigley openly revealed how it was to the elite’s advantage to have only two political parties for people to choose from and how they would be engineered to intersect at their core. The reason being, he said was, “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.”73

  The meeting, which moves from country to country arou
nd Europe and the United States, is usually held nearby Washington D.C. on election years, which certainly can’t be a coincidence. Even if presidential candidates themselves don’t go, they often send their representatives to lobby to Bilderberg and highlight their associate’s usefulness and to report back to them after the meeting about what issues were discussed and what the consensus was on each topic.

  The Iraq War

  At the 2002 meeting, leaks revealed the consensus arrived was that the invasion of Iraq wouldn’t happen until Spring of 2003 when many in the mainstream media were anticipating the war would start in the late summer or early Fall of 2002.74 Jim Tucker reported that Donald Rumsfeld, who was then the Secretary of Defense, assured the Bilderberg Group that the invasion wouldn’t happen until the following year,75 which of course it did. Apparently some of the European allies needed more time to convince their people the invasion was “necessary” or to prepare to take advantage of the situation economically once it occurred.

  As the world now knows, every reason given to justify the invasion of Iraq was a lie; from the hoaxes and fear mongering about their supposed weapons of mass destruction,76 to the fabricated yellow cake uranium documents,77 to the debunked claims about Saddam Hussein being involved with Al Qaeda and connected to the September 11th attacks.78 Some people point to the little known Washington D.C. based Neocon think tank the Project for the New American Century (PNAC for short) as laying out the strategy years earlier to maintain America’s dominance in the world by preemptively attacking foreign countries or inserting America’s military “even in conflicts that otherwise do not directly engage U.S. interests.”79

  One PNAC document titled Rebuilding America’s Defenses (written in September of 2000) seems to suggest they needed a major catastrophe to occur in order to justify carrying out their plans. At one point it says, “Furthermore, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”80

  Of course, this “new Pearl Harbor” was the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center in New York City which has been cited as the reason for just about every restriction of liberty and expansion of military power ever since.81 Many people believe the attacks were allowed to happen on purpose in order to provide a pretext (reason) for implementing the Project for the New American Century’s plans, but this is whole other issue in and of itself.82

  At the 2004 White House Correspondence dinner, the annual red carpet event where the White House wines and dines mainstream media reporters who are supposed to act as watch dogs carefully monitoring the government’s actions, President George W. Bush was cracking jokes about not finding any WMDs in Iraq. When he was at the podium addressing the crowd, a photo of him bending over looking under his desk in the Oval Office was put up on the screen as he said, “Those weapons of mass destruction got to be somewhere.” The audience laughs and applauds.83

  “Nope. No weapons over there.” The laugher continues. Then another photo is shown of him bending over in an awkward position in another part of his office. “Maybe over here,” he says, as a devilish grin appears on his face. Much of the audience again laughs.

  these protesters think bilderberg are “scum.”

  me talking to the police guarding the meeting to let them know who they are protecting.

  Talk Show Hosts Play Dumb

  Radio talk shows provide an interesting platform for news and commentary, and the most-listened to shows have audiences of millions and often include popular politicians (and even presidents) as their guests. A popular feature of the show’s format is that most of them take calls from the audience live on the air—well, live with a seven second delay, and calls that are pre-screened by a producer who first decides which ones will be put through to the host.

  Many people are unaware that before a host puts a caller on the air, a producer first takes the call and if the question or comment is approved, that call is added to the call bank along with a note for the host about what the person wants to say. Occasionally myself and others have managed to get on the air with some of these hosts and instead of asking the question the producer approved during the screening process—we asked about Bilderberg or other blacklisted topics. Transcripts to some of those calls will follow, along with some footnotes which will show you where you can go to hear the archived audio clips for yourself.

  Glenn Beck

  When hosting his popular television show on the Fox News Channel, Glenn Beck once claimed that talking about the Bilderberg Group was going down a “tin foil hat road,” and said he didn’t care about the Bilderberg Group, and then compared them to a toy company.

  In July 2010 he said, “The Bilderbergers had their meeting, I don’t really know much about these people, and I don’t really care. I know probably more about the Build a Bear people in the malls, and I know those people are brainwashing our kids with teddy bears. I don’t know what kind of secret meetings they have to get our kids into the bear industry, but I don’t like it. If the Bilderberg’s are half as evil as the teddy bear people, look out.”84

  Beck then went on to say that those inside the Bilderberg meeting were probably talking about how to help the world. On his syndicated radio show he later joked that the Bilderberg Group were shapeshifting Reptilians.

  Sean Hannity

  On January 29th 2009 I got through on Sean Hannity’s radio show and asked him very nicely if could explain what the Bilderberg Group is and what they do. The call can be heard on YouTube and here is a transcript:85

  Hannity: Mark, KFMB San Diego, next on the Sean Hannity Show—how are you Mark?

  Mark: Pretty good, but with all this economic crises going on and everyone looking for answers and blame, I was wondering if you could talk about the Bilderberg Group and the role that they play in the global economy and geopolitics?

  Hannity: I have no idea what you’re talking about. [drops call]. Let’s go to Amy in Cincinnati on 55KRC, what’s up Amy?

  Michael Savage

  After years of denying that Bilderberg had any significance or influence at all, Michael Savage later changed his tune and spoke quite candidly about them in 2010. A transcript of a call I made to him in 2009 went as follows:86

  Savage: Right here on the Savage Nation—San Diego—Mark, go ahead please.

  Mark: Let’s talk about the Bilderberg Group. You’re talking about conspiracies to bankrupt the economy—what can you tell the audience about the Bilderberg Group and why isn’t that mentioned ever in any mainstream media?

  Savage: Well that’s like talking about the Council on Foreign Relations. It’s too esoteric for the audience. I don’t think we have to go any further than Obama, [Timothy] Geithner, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, and Hillary Clinton, is that enough for you? We don’t need a Bilderberg Group, we have the Democrat socialist group that I just mentioned.

  Mark: Every year the Bilderberg Group meets in secret and Obama has [gets cut off]

  Savage: We know this. We understand it but I don’t want to talk about some esoteric group called the Bilderberg Group. What good is going to come of talking about the Bilderberg Group which I’ve heard since 1990? Tell me what good’s going to come of it?

  Mark: Why don’t we expose them? Maybe they’re violating the Logan Act [cut off again]

  Savage: What needs to be exposed is Obama’s hypocrisy, so that the idiots finally get it and stop him before he does more damage. That’s what needs to be done. Not talking about some esoteric conspiracy group! You’re 100% wrong! Thanks for the call. [Savage drops the call]

  Just one year later he had a totally different view. In a monologue in 2010 which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube by a listener, Savage said, “I gotta tell you, for the last few years I’ve been going through thoughts about leaving radio. I’m bored. Burned out. Sick of Obama. Sick of the communists and the Bilderberg Group taking over the media and the government. But something is happening. The Bi
lderberg schemers are losing control of the global game. The puppet masters are losing control of the marionettes. When you see that the Bilderbergs are meeting secretly right now and many of the same people who brought about the economic collapse [of 2008] by rigging the system are there doing it again—the same people who put Obama in power are there again, you have to understand the danger you’re in.”87

  Rush Limbaugh

  In 2010 Rush Limbaugh (who signed a $400 million dollar contract with Clear Channel in 2008 to do another eight-years of radio)88 gave a rather lengthy monolog about the Bilderberg Group after reading an article saying that Fidel Castro, the longtime Communist Cuban dictator, had just discovered them and expressed concerns about their power. Rush made Bilderberg sound like a big joke and something only “kooks” believed in, and appeared to attempt to link anyone who was interested or suspicious of the Bilderberg Group with Fidel Castro. A partial transcript of his monologue follows:89

  Rush: I saw this yesterday afternoon and last night. The headline intrigued me. I read it and I started laughing out loud. “Fidel Castro Fascinated by Book on Bilderberg Club.” This is from the Associated Press: “Fidel Castro is showcasing a theory long popular both among the far left and far right: that the shadowy Bilderberg Group has become a kind of global government, controlling not only international politics and economics, but even culture. The 84-year-old former Cuban president published an article Wednesday that used three of the only eight pages in the Communist Party newspaper Granma to quote—largely verbatim—from a 2006 book by Lithuanian-born writer Daniel Estulin. Estulin’s work, ‘The Secrets of the Bilderberg Club,’ argues that the international group largely runs the world. It has held a secretive annual forum of prominent politicians, thinkers and businessmen since it was founded in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland.”90


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