Romance: Bad Boss: Billionaire Romance Boxed Set
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Chapter Two
Dad had gone to the bathroom while I continued to polish one of the antique vases that the Henderson’s owned. My mind was still wandering with thoughts of Charles, so I was stunned when I heard my name being whispered from the doorway. The vase slipped from my hands, shattering upon the stained wooden floor.
“Tut-tut Alice, what have you done,” Charles said smugly as he entered the room.
I looked down at the shards of china that lay by my feet. My hand rushing to my throat in horror. Charles stood above me, his hands on his hips as he smirked at me cruelly.
“Do you know how much that vase was worth? I don’t think my parents are going to be happy about this.”
“I am so sorry Charles. You just startled me. I didn’t mean to drop it,” I implored.
“I’m afraid I will have to fire your father for this. That vase was irreplaceable,” Charles answered sternly.
“Oh no please. Please don’t fire Dad,” I begged.
Charles began to pace the floor in front of me as I hastily began to sweep up the broken pieces of the vase. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, wondering what he was going to say next. I would be so heart-broken if I had just caused Dad his job through my own clumsiness.
“There is one way that we could resolve this problem,” Charles mused, tapping a finger against his cheek.
I held my breath as I waited for him to continue. My eyes wide as I stared up at him nervously.
“You could become my personal maid for the next month. You will do everything I ask of you, without question,” Charles finished.
Anger raged through my body at his suggestion and the arrogance of his voice, but I kept my emotions contained. Instead I gave a weak smile as I rose to my feet.
“Would that save my father’s job?” I asked.
“Yes of course,” Charles replied.
“Ok, I agree,” I answered reluctantly.
With a smug expression, Charles turned and crossed to the door. Turning back to look at me, his eyes roved over my body. A shiver ran down my spine from his gaze, my eyes locked with his.
“Just be ready for me to call for you at any time,” he said firmly before leaving the room.
I sank back into my seat, breathing a heavy sigh. My mind spinning with thoughts. My heart a mix of emotions. I had managed to save Dad’s job, but I was unsure as to what cost. Charles could ask anything of me, and I would be unable to refuse. Yet even though the thought should have filled me with fear, I was surprisingly aroused.
It was only an hour later when Charles popped his head through the door of the room where Dad and I were still busily working. Dad looked at me curiously as I silently followed Charles, not protesting at his request
Without a word Charles led me to his wing of the grand house. Although I was in awe at all the luxuries that I saw, I hid it from my face. Gesturing to the side of the room, I saw a large pile of laundry, overflowing from the wicker basket.
“I want these washed, dried, pressed, and hanging in my closet by the end of the day,” Charles ordered.
Giving him a nod, I gathered the basket in my arms. Grunting slightly at the weight. Charles watched me struggle with the door handle as I tried to leave the room, a smug smile on his face. I longed to be able to give him a piece of my mind, but I knew it would be futile.
Hattie gave me a puzzled look as I began to load the washer with Charles’ things. Yet she didn’t query me as I poured in the powder and set it to wash. Quickly I ran back to continue helping my Dad, knowing that I would need to keep an eye on the laundry to make sure it was finished in time.
Chapter Three
Each day Charles managed to find a chore for me to do. Always with an air of arrogance that was growing to be more and more infuriating.
I was beginning to struggle to bite my tongue as he demanded that I scrub his bathroom, press his clothes, groom his horse and muck out its stall. All jobs that his parents had ample staff employed to do, but Charles insisted that I do for him.
Yet even so, I was finding more out about my tormentor. Charles seemed to find it easy to talk to me. Telling me what he had been doing with his day, and asking how things were at university. When we were alone together, he showed a nicer side to his personality that I was sure few people saw.
As the days became weeks, although I hated the way that Charles spoke to me sometimes, I was finding myself drawn to him. Discreetly admiring his strong muscular physique while he sat watching me as I worked. The way that his eyes twinkled when he spoke of something that he was passionate about.
It was one hot and sunny afternoon as I racked fresh hay for Charles’ horse that I suddenly found him watching me as I worked. The sweat dripping from my body in the heat as I labored hard.
“I will say something for you Alice, you do work off your debts nicely,” Charles sneered.
I remained silent, not sure how to answer his remark. Although the words were complimentary, the sound of his voice said otherwise.
“You could have easily refused the agreement, so I guess your father’s job here is very important to you and your family. And you do whatever I ask without question or argument. Yet I can’t decide if that pleases or annoys me,” Charles said in a pondering tone.
“How dare you!” I finally snapped.
Spinning around to face him, I placed my hands on my hips defiantly. Charles looked stunned by my sudden outburst. His crystal blue eyes large as he stared at me in surprise.
“I agreed to this arrangement so that my father could keep his position here. All because you surprised me and made me drop an expensive vase. Yet you have to try and belittle me even further. Making your silly demands so that you can get some kind of gratification,” I raged angrily.
Charles opened his mouth, clearly ready to defend himself. But before he could speak I continued with my tirade, unable to prevent the words spilling from my mouth.
“I don’t know who you think you are to be honest Charles? Clearly there are plenty of people prepared to run around at your every whim. But trust me, if I wasn’t doing this for my father, then I would not be here. You are arrogant, and offensive. And I am fed up of hearing your snide remarks,” I stormed.
As I gasped for breath, I could see Charles’ cheeks flush red. He lowered his gaze, shaking his head. Beginning to calm, I eyed his saddened expression.
“I’m sorry Alice. I just wanted to have the opportunity to get to know you better,” he mumbled.
I looked at him skeptically. Wondering if he was genuine, or simply playing some sort of game with my emotions. Why on earth would a man like Charles want to spend time with someone like me? A mere servant in his parent’s home.
Yet when Charles finally lifted his head, I saw a depth in his eyes that I had never seen before. A sincere look of apology that touched me. From what I had experienced of Charles until now, this was an unexpected response.
“It is ok Alice, you don’t have to do anything else for me. The debt is covered,” Charles said quietly.
“Really?” I asked warily.
“Yes. You don’t have to do anymore personal chores for me, and I will take the blame for the broken vase. My parents won’t say anything to me,” he confirmed.
Patting his horse, I left the stable. Striding away although I could feel Charles’ eyes on me. A frown furrowed my brow as I gathered my purse, ready to head home.
I had never known Charles speak to anyone so nicely before. And to simply write off the debt that I clearly owed amazed me. Rather than hearing his usual arrogance, there had been a hint of loneliness to his tone.
Chapter Four
Now that I no longer had to do personal chores for Charles, I began to feel a little lost when I worked alongside Dad at the mansion.
I had grown used to his sudden demands. Appearing from nowhere to insist that I do something for him. Since we had spent so much time together of late, I was finding myself missing his company.
I shook my head at
such a foolish notion. How could I possibly have feelings for a man who was so arrogant and demanding? A man who clearly had no respect for the women in his life.
There were still many tales circulating around the town about his antics. How he flounced into restaurants and bars expecting to be made a priority. Leaving women in tears, sobbing as he cruelly drove away.
It was the man beneath this façade that I was desperate to get to know better. Finding the time that we had spent together a true insight into the man beneath. A much more vulnerable man than perhaps anyone had seen before.
But it was silly of me to think that Charles would want to spend any time with me now. I had barely seen him since the day when he had told me I no longer had to do things for him.
Hearing lowered voices coming from the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks. Peeking through the gap in the door I saw Hattie and one of the young maids sat at the table sipping hot mugs of coffee. I was sure that I had just heard my name mentioned, so remained in the shadows to listen further.
“Josh in the stables said Alice gave Charles a real telling off. And from what I have heard he hasn’t left his rooms since,” Hattie whispered.
“Wow, she must have really laid into him.”
Confused by what they had said, I crept away in search of Charles. I rapped my knuckles hard against the room to his wing. After a couple of minutes waiting I tried again.
There appeared to be no noise coming from the other side of the door, but instinctively I knew that he was there. I took a deep breath before entering the room, straining my eyes to make out any shapes in the darkness. The room was musty and stifling, a lingering smell of uncleanliness hung in the air.
I strode across the floor, throwing open the curtains to allow the day’s sunlight to enter the room. Hearing a grunt from behind me, I turned to see Charles huddled under the covers of his bed. He rubbed at his eyes, blinking in the brightness. When he realized who had woken him, Charles immediately sat up. Looking at me with shock and wonder.
“So you are hiding out in your rooms,” I said matter-of-factly.
“What are you doing in here?” Charles asked.
“I came to see if the rumor was true. That the mighty Charles Henderson has taken to his bed just because a maid spoke her mind.”
“Leave me alone Alice. You don’t understand,” Charles replied miserably.
Before he had chance to duck back under the covers I pulled them from his grasp. Flopping down onto the bed and looking at him with a stern expression. Charles appeared bewildered by my approach. Clearly not sure how to react to my bluntness.
“Come on then Charles, explain it to me. How do a few harsh words from me result in you staying in bed as if the whole world has ended?” I asked.
Charles lowered his head, toying with the covers nervously. It was clearly hard for him to express himself, but I was determined to get to the bottom of what was wrong. For a while we sat in silence. I wasn’t sure what he was going to say but I waited patiently until he felt ready to speak.
“It’s you Alice. You are the only woman to have ever stood up to me. There is something about you that I can’t explain, but I can’t stop thinking about you,” he suddenly blurted.
I laughed shyly, my cheeks reddening. Sure that he was teasing me in some way. That this was perhaps a ploy to get me into his bed. Yet when he finally met my gaze, I could see the sincerity in his eyes. Charles actually meant what he said, causing my mouth to drop open in surprise.
Slowly Charles leant closer, cupping my face gently in his hand. The intensity of his stare causing a stir in my stomach. A feeling of both nerves and excitement as his lips drew nearer. Closing my eyes as our lips met, his tongue darting into my mouth. As his hand roamed to my breast I suddenly froze.
Although my body was yearning to feel Charles’ body against mine, I had never been intimate with a man before. This was insane. I didn’t want my first time to be with a man who could easily be telling me things to suit his own needs.
Jumping to my feet, I shook my head vigorously. Suddenly feeling foolish for having believed him. Ignoring Charles’ protests I ran from the room, trying hard to control the tears that threatened to fall. I didn’t want anyone to see how upset I was.
Chapter Five
Charles found me hiding in the hay barn. He climbed up beside me, sitting before me with a serious expression. Reluctantly I allowed him to take my hand. Putting it to his lips, he kissed my fingers gently. I returned his tender smile, butterflies fluttering inside me.
“Alice, I need you to know that I am serious about you. We don’t need to have a physical relationship if you don’t want to yet. I will wait until you feel ready, and show you every day just how much I have grown to love you.”
This was like a dream, and I was sure I would wake at any moment. The son of a billionaire was telling me that he loves me. A twenty-six-year-old virgin who was from a poor family and worked as a maid in his parent’s mansion. Charles could be with any woman he chose, yet he wanted to be with me.
“Don’t be silly. You couldn’t possibly love me. I’m just a maid, there’s nothing special about me,” I implored. “You could have any woman you wanted, and in your bed.”
“I promise I will never hurt you Alice. Although we have only spent a short time together, I can’t erase you from my thoughts and dreams.
You are like no other woman I have ever met, and I have never felt this way about anyone before. All I want is to be with you and make you happy,” Charles smiled.
My heart was racing as I melted into his arms. Hearing those words from his mouth had stirred me with passion. I had tried to fight my growing feelings for Charles, but I could no longer deny my growing love.
Gently Charles lay me back onto the hay, stroking the hair from my face. He gazed down at me with such love and tenderness, a smile playing on his lips. I reached up and took his head in my hands. Bringing his face to mine and pressing my lips to his.
Charles was hesitant as he lay beside me, and although I was filled with nerves, this time it felt right. So I slowly moved his hand to my breast, allowing his fingers to brush against them. I heard his low groan, feeling his member harden against my thigh.
We were both panting hard as our passion mounted. Charles slid his hand beneath my skirt and pushed my panties aside. Inserting a finger inside me, causing me to gasp and throw back my head. I clung to a handful of hay as my dampness grew, my loins eager for him.
I arched my back to meet him as Charles slid his manhood into me. Both of us groaning with each slow push. It was as if every sensation in my body was alive, relishing the feel of his thrusts. Lifting my legs, I wrapped them around his waist. Allowing him to go deeper, causing us to moan in ecstasy.
Charles’ brown hair was damp with sweat as he quickened his pace. My hips moved against him, my muscles gripping every inch of him. I could feel a fire begin to burn with me. Sensing that Charles felt the same as he smiled down at me dreamily.
Gently I tightened my grip around his back, digging my nails in slightly. Pressing my whole body against him as my climax drew ever closer. Sensing his warm fluids surging into me as my own began to flow.
Our chests were heaving as we nestled in each other’s arms. I had never felt such overwhelming emotions all at the same time. Fear of being hurt, or people not accepting our relationship. Alongside a lustful desire to be with this wonderful and mysterious man.
Stephanie Lex
Chapter 1
His family unanimously agreed. He was to leave Dubai and take over the investments in the United States, in none other than Las Vegas, Nevada.
The young man, twenty-seven year old wealthy and suave Sheikh Ali bin Malik Al Mubarak, felt singled out by his family. He was the youngest of four intelligent and handsome brothers, but the least able to be tamed.
His brothers, all contributing to the multi-billion-dollar business, had all settled down with a wife and children after
spending years as investors, but not Ali. Life was a never ending party, he blew money left and right and never spent more than two days on the same woman.
Ali’s oldest brother, Ibrahim, warned him of tarnishing his name and the family name, but Ali paid little mind. It was Ibrahim who brought the family together and decided Ali needed to leave Dubai and take over in the United States. Alone.
“Fine,” said Ali in the family meeting.
“But first thing I’m doing when I get to Las Vegas is buying a Lamborghini and driving it to the Strip.”
Ali stormed out of the meeting, leaving his three brothers alone in the conference room. Ibrahim turned to his siblings and reassuringly said, “Don’t worry. He will get it out of his system soon. This will be good for all of us.”
Ali took the family’s private jet and flew to Las Vegas the following week. Although a bit bitter and upset with his family, he really was quite excited to start a new life in Vegas.
He’d only been there once prior, his brother Hamza took Ali there when he turned twenty-one, and they played Blackjack all night long. This would be a whole new experience and lifestyle for the young Sheikh.
Ali quickly found a luxury loft and paid for it in cash that day. He knew the whole purpose of being in Vegas was for his family’s company, but he figured he still had a few days to get settled in and have some fun.
He flew a few of his staff members down with him and told them to completely furnish his loft while he went out to buy his dream Lamborghini. When he drove back to his new home in his dream car, Ali found it completely furnished with the finest furniture his staff members could find, he kicked off his shoes and poured himself a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue.