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Ties (Running With Alphas Book 6)

Page 5

by Viola Rivard

  She gave Silas a weak smile as she scratched the back of her head. Bringing them food had seemed like a pretty good idea, but he didn’t look happy.

  Taylor motioned back towards the forest. “There’s plenty more where they come from, and that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  She waited to see if he would respond, but was relieved when he didn’t. For what little of her speech she had prepared, she hadn’t considered that he might actually say things.

  “I think this has gone on long enough. Alder and I don’t want war,” she told him. “And believe it or not, neither does Hale. We just want to bring Snow home, before her own pack shows up and things start to get out of hand.

  “I know it’s hard over there. There’s not enough game in the mountain to feed your pack. Give Snow back to us and you have my word that your pack can hunt in our forest this winter. If everything goes well, Alder and Hale have agreed to extend the arrangement into next year.”

  She didn’t have to wait long for Silas’s response. She saw his mouth move, but without the benefit of preternatural hearing, she couldn’t pick up what he was saying across the divide.

  Laurel leaned in. “He asks why he should trust you.”

  Taylor had been prepared for that question—if prepared meant that she was aware he was going to ask it. She didn’t have a reassuring answer for him, so she hoped he could appreciate an honest one.

  “I have no idea why you should trust me,” she said bluntly. “You don’t know me and your recent dealings with my mates have been, well, pretty bad. But really, why does anyone trust anyone? I guess in this case, you’re just going to have to go with your gut.”

  Letting go of Alder, she put a hand to her chest. “But please, while you’re thinking it over, consider what’s best for Snow.”

  There was so much more she wanted to say to him. That Snow was far too young for any serious relationship and needed to be with her family. That Silas was in no position to care for her when he could barely provide for his own pack. That imprisonment couldn’t possibly be the basis of a healthy relationship. But all of these were things best said and extrapolated upon in private. She couldn’t afford to put him on the defensive in front of two packs. She just had to hope that he truly did care about Snow and was mature enough to recognize these things himself.

  Alder, who had shifted into his human form, addressed Silas next. He motioned to the deer carcasses. “We’re going to leave these here. You can come and get them once we’re back in the trees.”

  Silas was still looking at Taylor. He was too far away for her to gauge his expression She waited to see if any more words would be exchanged, but instead Silas waved his hand, sending a signal to the wolves in the trees.

  A moment later, Lark emerged from the woods, looking frazzled. Both sides stood in silence as she made her way across the field, shoulders hunched and arms wrapped around herself.

  Taylor barely had time to greet Lark before Alder had shifted and Laurel was urging her to climb onto his back. She complied, knowing that it probably wasn’t the best place to hold a conversation.

  As her pack headed for the trees, Taylor looked back over her shoulder. Silas was still watching her. He didn’t seem like a bad guy, just a kid who was in over his head, doing his best to be strong for his pack. She couldn’t have handled that sort of pressure now, let alone when she had been a teenager.

  Back in the sanctuary of the forest, Hale came to walk alongside of them. By Taylor’s request, he’d been made to wait in the woods, seeing as how his presence would likely only cause friction.

  “You did well out there,” he said, patting her calf. “He might actually be considering it.”

  “I agree,” said Laurel. “This conflict has gone on too long and I’m sure his pack is just as tired of it as we are. He’s probably relieved that Taylor gave him an out, provided he trusts us this time.”

  While Alder was unable to state his opinion in his wolf form, Taylor could sense the shift in his mood. His steps were lighter and there was a renewed spark of optimism in his blue eyes that was balm on her tired soul.

  There was a hum of excitement throughout the pack as they marched back to the den. Taylor chatted happily with Quinn and Glenn, her mood too bright to be dampened by the cold, misty forest. For the first time in a long time, things were looking up.

  When they arrived at the den, Hale helped Taylor down from Alder’s back. With her feet on the ground, he moved to release her, but her knees buckled. Eyes widening in alarm, Hale tightened his hold on her hips to steady her.

  “Sorry,” she said, taking hold of his arm. “I was too nervous to eat before we left. Now I’m totally wiped out.”

  He lifted a brow. “I saw you eat at dinner.”

  “That was five hours ago,” Alder said, having shifted behind her. He placed his hands around her waist. “I told you before, she needs to eat every two hours.”

  While the two alphas debated her dietary needs, Taylor spotted Lark amongst the others. Usually, she was chaperoned back to the room where she would be interrogated, but in all the excitement, she seemed to have been overlooked.

  Lark still stood with her arms around her chest, looking intensely uncomfortable. When she noticed Taylor looking her way, Lark gave her a beseeching look.

  Carefully slipping away from Alder, Taylor made her way across the room on shaky legs. Having also skipped her nightly nap, all she wanted to do at this point was eat and pass out, but she couldn’t ignore Lark’s silent plea.

  She suspected that the Lark was worried about her position in the pack. If Taylor really had managed to resolve things with Silas and Snow was safely returned, Lark would return to Halcyon full time. Regardless of her intentions, most of the pack still viewed her as a traitor, and Taylor could see how the current situation would make Lark nervous.

  “Hey,” Taylor greeted. “Are you cold, can I get you a fur?”

  In a hushed voice, Lark said, “Not right now. Can I talk to you in private?”

  Taylor hesitated. In spite of what happened, Lark was her friend, but she still didn’t think it was wise to sneak away with her. Taylor glanced around, spotting Holly nearby. The fox shifter was already eyeing them with suspicion, so Taylor motioned for her to join them.

  “Can we go talk, just the three of us?”

  Holly scowled, and it was then that Taylor remembered how much Holly hated Lark. Probably not the best person to call over.

  “Over there,” Holly said, tilting her head towards the tunnel that led to the upper chambers.

  Taylor assumed they’d be going into a room to talk, but Holly stopped them a few yards in.

  “All right, what is it?”

  “Keep your voice down,” Lark urged.

  “I don’t take orders from you, rat,” Holly hissed.

  Taylor intervened. “Just tell us what’s going on, Lark.”

  “I thought what you did today was really brave. I’m sure Silas will return Snow.”

  Taylor’s face warmed with pride. “That’s great to hear, but you didn’t have to tell me that in private.”

  Lark looked from side to side and then leaned forward, lowering her voice even further. “It’s not about that. You see, the thing is, everything’s going really well and I don’t want everyone to freak out, but there’s something you should know.”

  “What is it?” asked Taylor.

  “You see, Alder doesn’t know and Snow was going to tell him, but—”

  Holly let out a harsh breath. “Oh my God, will you just spit it out?”

  “Snow thinks she might be, um, going into heat soon.”

  “What?” Taylor and Holly asked in unison.

  Holly added, “That’s impossible. She’s a wolf shifter.”

  Lark looked to Taylor. “She says it’s happened once before, early last winter. That her parents think it might have something to do with how she can’t shift. She doesn’t know if it’s going to happen again or not.”

sp; “Did she ask you to tell us this?” Holly questioned.

  “No, not exactly, but it doesn’t matter. We have to get her out of there as soon as possible.”

  Trying to keep her wits about her, Taylor held up a hand. “Okay, you’re right. We’re going back to the border tonight. We should wait to see what Silas says and if he doesn’t give Snow back, then we tell Alder.”

  “Tell Alder what?”

  Taylor whipped around so quickly she nearly lost her balance. In her momentary panic, she had pictured Alder standing behind them, but to her relief, it was Fenix. She scrambled for something to say, but Holly came to her rescue.

  “None of your business, asshole.”

  Fenix gave her a withering look, but amazingly, didn’t press the issue. “Whatever you three are scheming, it’s going to have to wait. Snow’s other dad just showed up, and this guy is pissed.”


  Cain’s arrival brings surprising revelations about Snow. With Cain and Alder at odds over what’s best for their daughter, it may be up to Taylor to make the difficult decisions.

  While Taylor and Hale are developing an intense sexual chemistry, it’s difficult for her to overlook the fact that he seems disinterested in her pregnancy.

  COMING MARCH 3rd 2015


  It feels so wonderful to be writing again, I can hardly believe it’s been two months. Thank you all for your prayers, patience, and support. For those who don’t follow me on social media, I’ve been out of commission for two months due to hyperemesis gravidarum. Thankfully, the worst of it seems to be past now and I’m happy to say that Mr. Rivard and I are expecting a little boy at the end of July.

  In the fall, I’ll be taking a break for a couple months to spend time with the baby. But up until then, I’ve mapped out an aggressive release schedule. Between now and May, I’ll be wrapping Running With Alphas, as well as releasing my first novel, The Fox and the Dragon. Thank you again for all of your patience and I’ll see you on March 3rd with the next Running With Alphas!




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