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Bitch A New Beginning

Page 11

by King, Deja

  “Stand up and put your hands behind your head! D’Mario Faine and Aaliyah Mills Carter you’re under arrest for conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute cocaine, using the telephone to facilitate a drug crime and…” I couldn’t hear anything after that. If it wasn’t for the fact that my tits were jiggling and my ass was exposed in front of a ton of federal agents I would never have believed this was happening to me. I was speechless. I wasn’t even able to put the simple words together like cover me the fuck up. I was screaming it in my head but it was like when I opened my mouth there was nothing. Therefore I continued to keep my eyes closed, praying that when I opened them the nightmare would be over.

  After being photographed, fingerprinted, given a brief examination by the jail nurse, then issued a jumpsuit with some slip on shoes and thrown into a jail cell, I had to face reality that this nightmare wasn’t going away. I hadn’t even called my parents or anybody because I didn’t know what to say because I was still confused by what happened. So when the guard told me I was being released I didn’t know what to think but he didn’t have to tell me twice.

  I couldn’t rip that jumpsuit off fast enough. I put my street clothes back on and was lead to the front but when I got there I wanted to go right back to where I came from. My mother and father were waiting for me and I had never seen either one of them look as angry as they were at that very moment. I literally wouldn’t take another step forward. The officer had to grab my wrist and move me along.

  “Don’t say a word until we get in the car,” was the welcoming my dad gave me. My mother simply murdered me twice with the way she slit her eyes at me. As I retrieved my belongings and we were walking out the last person any of us needed to see came in.

  “What are you doing, stalking us?” my mother shouted.

  “Calm down, Precious. This isn’t the place or time for a scene.

  “My dear sister, why would I want to stalk you?” Maya asked in a condescending tone. “Your life is pretty boring, or at least it was until your daughter decided to follow in her real father’s footsteps.”

  “Maya, I am not your sister.”

  “According to a DNA match you are but that’s irrelevant. I’m not here to see you.”

  “So it’s strictly a coincidence that you showed up at the same jail at the same time as me.”

  “That would be correct. If you must know, I’m here on behalf of my man Darius, who happens to be the brother of my niece’s boyfriend. Isn’t this a small world?”

  “Darius is your boyfriend! And you’ve known all this time that I’m seeing his brother? What type of sick game are you playing, Maya.”

  “Aaliyah, don’t say another word,” my dad warned.

  “Look at you, Supreme, still playing that protective daddy role, for a child that’s not even yours.” My dad flinched forward and my mom quickly moved in front of him.

  “She’s not worth it, Supreme,” my mom said being the voice of reason. “Come on, Aaliyah, let’s go.” I followed behind my parents and then lingered back so I could confront Maya.

  I marched right up to her and used a soft tone but let my words speak loud and clear. “If I find out that you had anything to do with D’Mario’s or my arrest I promise you, what my mother didn’t have the heart to finish I will.”

  “Should they add terroristic threat to the long list of charges you’re already facing? One additional charge won’t make a dent in those twenty years you’re about to be facing.”

  “Fuck you, Maya. Just remember what I said and…” Right when I was attempting to finish letting Maya know what was up my mom came back in to get me.

  “Aaliyah, get over here now!” Then my mother sauntered over to Maya pointing her long slender finger in her face. “Stay away from my daughter. If you see her coming, go the opposite way. If I even hear that you accidentally ran into her you will experience a blackout. And don’t even bother asking me if that was a threat because we both know, I don’t make threats I deliver on promises. So we’re clear that right there was a promise.”

  My mother grabbed my arm and I rolled my eyes at Maya as we made our exit. I truly wanted to take my foot and stomp the life out of Maya. She was always plotting and lurking waiting for the right moment to show her evil face. I didn’t know to what degree but I would bet my life that she had something to do with what happened to me and D’Mario. During the entire car ride home all I was trying to figure out was what role did she play? Because both my mother and father weren’t saying a word to me or each other it gave me plenty of time to come up with some scenarios but I kept drawing a blank.

  When we arrived home I saw my grandfather’s car parked in layr parkethe driveway. I silently thanked God because I was hoping his presence would save me from the wrath of my mother. The fact she hadn’t said a word to me since we got in the car let me know that a volcano would erupt once we got in the house. I took my time getting out the car and going into the house as if it would make a difference on how harsh of a tongue lashing I was set to get.

  Somehow no matter how slow I was, we all ended up arriving in the living room at the same time. It was like my parents had slowed their pace so I could keep up with them, which is what I didn’t want. “Grandfather, I’m so happy to see you.” I practically jumped into his arms like I was four years old instead of eighteen.

  “How are you?” even with an arrest under my belt my grandfather spoke to me in the same endearing, loving voice he always did.

  “Better, now that you’re here.” My grandfather gently rubbed my back like he always did when he thought I seemed stressed.

  “Stop babying her. That’s why she’s a spoiled brat now,” my mother snapped, making me hold on even tighter to my grandfather. I knew shit was about to explode but I was hoping for a longer reprieve.

  “I’m not babying her, Precious. She’s had a traumatic night.”

  “She brought it on herself. I warned you to stay away from that man but you refused to listen. Now look at you, facing drug charges! You’re going to have an arrest record what type of future is that!”

  “Aaliyah, your mother is right. Is this guy the same person you introduced me to at Amir’s birthday party?”


  “He seemed like a good guy. Did you know he was a drug dealer before you were arrested today?”

  “Supreme, don’t be naïve. Of course she knew! But like always, Aaliyah wants to do what she wants to do.”

  “I guess that’s another trait we share in common, mother.”

  “I’ma slap the shit outta you,” my mother barked lunging towards me. My father grabbed her arm holding her back.

  “Precious, calm down. This is not some street fight you’re in. This is our daughter. And, Aaliyah, don’t speak to your mother like that.”

  “Daddy, she’s noteft she’ worth defending. If you only kn…” my mother cut me off with such swiftness by the roar of her voice I thought I went deaf.

  “Aaliyah, that’s enough! This is about you and the poor decisions you choose to make!” There was so much I wanted to scream right back at my mother but I held my tongue. This wasn’t the right time. My family was already in the middle of a storm and I didn’t need to make it worse.

  “All of you calm down and listen to what I have to say.” My grandfather demanded. “Aaliyah was released because a very close friend of mine who is high up in the ranks with the Feds informed me about the arrest. He didn’t know you were my granddaughter until after the fact. But all the charges against Aaliyah will be dropped.”

  “Thank you, Jesus,” my father shouted, sitting down on the sofa folding his hands as if praying to God.

  “Quentin, I don’t know how to thank you. You always manage to come up with a miracle. This time I’m happy it wasn’t for Maya but instead for my daughter.”

  “It wasn’t that difficult. The only concrete evidence they had on Aaliyah was her going to meet a connect and picking up an envelope a few times.”

  “That s
onofabitch had you working for him!” My mother went right back to attack mode.

  “No. I asked him to let me do it. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I was wrong and I made a mistake. Can we let it go? Grandfather said the charges will be dropped against me. That’s all that matters.”

  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson from this because one day your grandfather might not be able to get you out of one of your fucked up predicaments.” I ignored what my mother said because I had other things on my mind like what was going to happen to D”Mario.

  “Grandfather, what about D’Mario. Are the charges going to be dropped against him?”

  “Why do you even care? He was using you! Having you do his dirty work.”

  “That’s not true. Our relationship wasn’t like that at all.”

  “Aaliyah, there is nothing that can be done for D’Mario. They’ve been watching him and his brother for a long time, trying to build a case. I didn’t know that. If I had I would’ve warned Maya to make a clean break from Darius. So D’Mario won’t be getting out of jail for a very long time.”

  “So you knew about Maya and Darius?”

  “Yes, that’s how I knew when I saw you with D’Mario that he was a drug dealer and not eighteen. Maya has been seeing his brother for some time now.”

  “Did you tell Maya about me and D’Mario?”

  “No. I was under the impression that you had severed all ties with him after the conversation me and your mother had with you in the kitchen. I had no idea the two of you were still involved until after your arrest today.”

  “Grandfather, Maya came to the police station when we were leaving and I’m telling you she had something to do with it.”

  “Do with what?”

  “Our arrest.”

  “I told you the Feds have been watching both brothers and their operation for a while now.”

  “Then why wasn’t Darius arrested?”

  “You never know why the Feds do what they do but I’m sure they are working on it.”

  “Enough about Maya and those damn brothers. Let’s rejoice in the fact that those charges will be dropped against you and we can put this craziness behind us.”

  “I agree with your mother and thank you, Quentin. I don’t care how you managed to do it, you saved my daughter and I’ll always be grateful to you for that.”

  “Supreme, you know I would do anything for this family.”

  “You’ve proven that again and again, I thank you. Now Aaliyah,” my dad turned his attention toward me. “You have to make better choices. You’re eighteen. Although you’ll always be my little girl to the world you’re a grownup and second chances are rarely given.”

  “You’re right, daddy. And I’m sorry. I have to be more responsible with my decisions and I will be.”

  “Good, now give me a hug.”

  “It’s been a long night so I’m going to let you all get some rest,” my grandfather said. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” my father said, patting my grandfather on the shoulder.

  “Thanks again, Quentin.” My mother gave her dad a hug goodbye, something I had never witnessed before.

  “My pleasure,” he said taking great pride in being able to hug his daughter back, seeing that exchange touched me. With all the negativity I went through today it was such a relief for it to end on a positive note. I decided to head upstairs to take a hot shower and wash off the last reminder of what happened.

  “Aaliyah, wait,” I heard my mother say. I wanted to keep going upstairs but I knew if I didn’t stop to hear what she had to say she would simply follow me to my room.

  “Yes, mother,” I replied in a peaceful voice, letting her know I wanted to call a truce.

  “I didn’t appreciate what you were about to say to your father but I’m glad you held it together and changed your mind.”

  “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for daddy.”

  “Whatever the reason, you made the right decision.”

  “Only time will tell. Goodnight, mother.”

  I didn’t know if the decision to keep my mother’s affair from my dad was right or wrong but it was the choice I made and I would stick with it for now. If I learned one thing today it was that when you make a decision you have no control over the outcome so be prepared to deal with whatever ramifications that comes with it.


  Words I Never Said

  It seemed like Nico and my dad had been inside of the police station for hours but when I looked at my watch it had been nowhere close to that long. It was my nerves getting the best of me. With the craziness I went through today the one thing I did know was when I talked to Aaliyah again, I promised myself I would no longer hold back. I would tell her the truth and stop wasting time because it was too valuable. I thought about how much time I had already wasted. It seemed just the other day the three of us were making plans for how we would spend our summer vacation before starting college and now that break was almost over.


  “I’m so happy there is no more hartis no migh school! We’re going to have an awesome summer partying in New York and hanging out at my dad’s crib in Jersey. I love being at his place. I always feel like I’m home alone when I stay here. He lives on a fuckin’ estate and it’s just him. We can be here for the entire summer and never see him if we wanted to.”

  “I know right! Thank goodness my mom and dad let me come with you. I wouldn’t want to be anyplace else but lounging in this Jacuzzi with you guys, ” Justina, said kissing the side of my neck.

  “And to think with everything that went on with me a few months ago, I thought the only place you all would be visiting me at was behind a jail cell.”

  “Aaliyah, I’m not gonna lie, I’m glad you told me what happened after you were in the clear because I would’ve been stressing nonstop. But at the same time when it comes to your family I realize they can make a miracle out of the worse situations.”

  “Between Quentin, Supreme, Nico and my father there aren’t too many problems that can’t go away. You know I’m right.”

  “Of course, Amir, you’re always right. Isn’t he always right Justina?” Aaliyah mockingly put up her fingers doing quotations marks while stressing the word always. She and Justina both laughed and I couldn’t help but join in.

  “Hey, you have to admit, most of the times I am right. I don’t have a problem with that and neither should the two of you.”

  “Baby, you know I love you being right all the time,” Justina said giving me a kiss on the lips. I had to take it further and get some open mouth going.

  “I didn’t get on a plane and come all this way to watch the two of you tongue each other down,” Aaliyah complained as I caught her rolling her eyes.

  “I can’t help it, I missed my, baby.”

  “I missed you too,” I said kissing Justina on the tip of her nose.

  “I guess since you all are still a couple this is what I have to look forward to the entire summer.”

  “That’s why you need to get a boyfriend, Aaliyah, so you won’t feel like a third wheel. Oh, and let me add, one that isn’t going to have you end up in jail again.”

  “Funny, Justina. But honestly, I miss D’Mario.

  He was a great boyfriend. Do you know the day we got arrested we were actually about to have sex for the first time.”

  “Excuse me! When you told the story you conveniently left that part of it out.”

  “I was still dealing with the humiliation of getting arrested while I was fuckin’ naked.”

  “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I’m sorry, Aaliyah, I know I shouldn’t be laughing but that’s the funniest shit I’ve heard in a minute.”

  “I’m glad you think so, Justina.”

  “So you and D’Mario never had a chance to go all the way?”

  “No. The Feds kicked the door in before we had an opportunity.”

  “So you’re still a virgin, Aaliyah, Justina said shaking her head. “Thi
s is ridiculous. We have to find you a boyfriend. It’s not fair that out of the two of us I’m the only one who has experienced how amazing sex is.”

  “Thanks for the reminder.”

  I was taken aback by Aaliyah’s confession. I thought for sure that night at my birthday party she had sex with D’Mario. I had no idea she was still a virgin. Her admission seemed to reopen all these feelings I had buried in a matter of seconds.

  “Don’t worry, I got you. You’re my best friend and I guarantee you, before this summer is over you’ll no longer be a virgin.”

  “Wow, Justina, that’s a pretty huge guarantee.”

  “You’ll see.

  “Truth be told I hope you’re right because I need to get over D’Mario.”

  “Have you talked to him?”

  “A few times and I even went to visit him and my parents flipped out.”

  “I can imagine. The charges were dropped against you. The last thing you need to be doing is communicating with him. I’m sure they’re recording your conversations anyway.”

  “I’m not saying anythior=aying ang to incriminate myself I’m not that stupid.”

  “But Justina’s right, it really is in your best interest to cut off all communication.”

  “I know. That’s why I went to go see him. I wanted to tell him in person that I cared about him but he couldn’t call me anymore.”

  “I bet he didn’t take that very well.”

  “He took it a lot better than I thought he would. He understood and agreed that was the best thing for me to do. He knows he’s not getting out anytime soon and he told me it was time for me to move on with my life.”

  “Wow, that was big of him.”

  “I know. D’Mario really is a great guy. I wish him the best but I have college and the summer to look forward to and that’s what I’m going to focus on.”

  “That’s a great idea, don’t you think, Amir…Amir, where is your head at right now?” Justina asked nudging my arm. I didn’t think it was a good idea to inform her that my top head was thinking how relieved I was that Aaliyah hadn’t lost her virginity to D’Mario and my bottom head was wishing I could be her first.


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