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Page 17

by Taylor Lavati

  I scramble to get the upper hand, but the Demon pins me down with his legs. I throw punch after punch, praying to Rem that I just can knock the Demon out.

  My luck turns up when my leg gets free, and I toss his body to the side. I contemplate going for Gabe but when I look over at him, his body is completely limp, his eyes sealed shut.

  It fuels my next move. I jump towards the Demon and kick him square in the jaw. Blood and saliva squirts from his mouth as his face is jostled to the side. I don't even stop there, I'm so fueled with fury.

  I pursue and stalk him as he tries to inch away from me on the ground. He's holding his face as if it might fall apart, shivering with fear. But I'm not done with him. This is what happens when you mess with my best friend.

  I gently take his head between my trembling, angry hands. And with a smile on my face, I twist his neck so hard that his entire head rips off. I toss it to the side like the garbage that it is.

  "I have to say, I'm impressed!" Luke yells, making my head whip around. "You've exceeded my expectations, Archer."

  "Just tell me what to do next." I snarl, gasping for air as I try to regain composure.

  "Follow the path to your friend," he says and then he clicks off. I don't bother looking around or trying to find another way. I leave the room and run through the halls. I'm alone, and I don't want to dwell on it. I fly as fast as I can to find Gabe, praying that he's okay.

  I'm dumped in another black, closed in room. A familiar glass box is in the corner of the room, and inside of it is a passed out Gabe. I rush to him, but the glass box is obvious. I know by now that I won't be able to get in, not matter how angry I am or hard I try.

  I turn and see the table with a single white note on it. I pick it up and a big E is stamped on the front. I turn it over in my fingers, searching for a hint, but it's empty, no sentence or letter or anything. I turn and inside the box now is Annie. It drives me nuts seeing her, but at the same time, I'm happy, because she looks okay—actually, better than ever.

  She's in a frilly dress. It's black, so I'm sure that she likes it since she hates all things white. Her legs are toned and tan and go on for days. Her dark hair is thrown over her shoulder in an intricate braid that I want to run my hands over.

  I tap on the glass to get her attention, but she doesn't even look at me. Her attention is only on Gabe, and jealousy blooms in the pit of my stomach. It's unsettling, and I don't like it. I tap harder, hoping that maybe she'll hear me.

  "Annie, it's me," I tell her, thinking that maybe she can't see me. As I look through the glass, I realize that it's a little darker than the other boxes. Maybe this is like a one-sided mirror.

  I tap on the glass, but yet again neither one even flinches at my intrusion. I sit back, the note in my hand, and try to decipher what this is. E. What does that mean? I start to think about it, but I look up when there's movement in the box.

  Gabe's arms wrap around Annie so tightly that they clasp behind her back. He pulls her onto him, and she cracks a smile at his playfulness. Gabe's hand dives into Annie's hair; I swear to Rem, I growl at the way he touches her. I step closer to the box and put my hands against it, praying that this ends soon.

  I know Luke is just trying to make me feel this. It clicks in my head, Gabe's words reminding me of the challenges we're facing. Envy. This is supposed to be how I feel. I get it now, but it doesn't hurt any less.

  My entire body convulses as Annie lifts her head, stands on her tiptoes, and kisses Gabe on the mouth. My heart skips a beat, my breath kicks out of me, my legs tremble beneath me. I've never felt so hateful, jealous, and needful in my life.

  I step as far back from the box as I can while I turn away. I face the wall, so I don't have to witness Annie and Gabe together. I can't bear watching what's happening between them. It kills me inside to even think that it may be real.

  Finally, I turn back when I think that the coast is clear. Luckily, they're separated. They both stand, neither injured, and walk towards me. I can't help the growl that sounds from deep in my throat.

  I lunge for Annie, but just as the tips of my fingers graze her, she vanishes into thin air. Gabe grabs my shoulders and rights me so that I'm standing up. I can't take this torture anymore.

  But in the next second, a black door opens from behind us, revealing a large, cavernous room.

  "Is this it?" Gabe questions me, limping as he steps towards the door.

  "It has to be a trick," I tell him, knowing that there's no way this is ending. I don't believe it. I think Lucifer is going to play with us until we die. I don't think we're ever getting out of here alive. Thank Rem I didn't bring Hare. He doesn't deserve this, and neither does Gabe. I should've handled this alone.

  "Might as well go in," Gabe says, shrugging as he looks back towards me. I nod and follow behind him. I grab onto his wrist and we walk together, limping and broken.

  "We did it," I mutter.


  Meeting Luke

  We step into a black walled room, and I survey the area. It's different than any of the rooms we've encountered thus far. This one has high peaked ceilings and light gray walls. It's higher, but not larger by any means.

  Gabe and I stand side by side, battered and nearly defeated, but we made it to our destination. I can only thank Rem for sparing us. I know I couldn't have done it alone.

  "I have to admit, I'm quite surprised the dear Archers have made it this far," Luke's voice rings out. A light illuminates where he's standing at the end of a long hallway like a spotlight. I can just barely make out his figure, but the beam of light shows us the way; we walk with fast steps towards him.

  I let my wings come out and hover above the ground to move faster. As we get closer and closer, the severity of our situation looms over me and my heart picks up. We're completely at Luke's will. But Annie is somewhere, and I have to save her. Not matter what she thinks of me.

  I stop before Luke. The throne he sits upon is monstrous, three or four times the height of me. It's embossed in a multicolored assortment of jewels, shining off of the sparkling gold seat. He looks minuscule in the chair, yet I know he's a little bigger than I am.

  "Where is she?" I hiss out, not moving forward.

  "Bring the girl!" Luke yells, tilting his head up so that his voice echoes around the room. I look from my left to right, trying to find her, and notice two Demons start to bring her in. They hold out both of her arms and drag her, her legs limp. Thick, black tears run down her face. When she sees me, they only gets worse.

  "Don't hurt her!" I yell, lunging towards the Demons. Gabe grabs my arm and stops me from making a mistake and ruining everything that we worked so hard to get. I have to remain calm, cool, and collected or else Luke will just kill her—or us.

  "What is your fascination with this girl?" Luke asks.

  "She doesn't deserve your torture."

  "Who are you to say who does and doesn't? She's killed Demons. Surely, Rem would condone this treatment."

  "Rem would never hurt an innocent. You tricked her into it. You can't punish her for being naive." Luke lifts his hand and the female Demon to Annie's right presses her hand against Annie's arm and zaps her. Annie's body jolts, like she's having a seizure, and then she stills, her face falling.

  The female Demon looks over at Gabe and I, a wild smirk on her face. For some reason, she looks way too familiar. It's then that I realize that she must be Hare's sister. Their faces are similar, oddly similar. They have the same dark features, but where Hare is soft, she's hard and mean.

  "Hare's worried about you," I say to garner a reaction out of her.

  "What?" she asks me back, her face completely changing. Her eyes have lightened up, her wild smirk now drawn down in a frown. She loosens her grip on Annie and leans towards me.

  "Your brother. He asked us to check on you. Clearly, you're doing well," I say, hoping she'll go easy on Annie.

  "I am doing well," she snips. "Tell him to move on from me."

  "You know that he won't." I glare at her, wondering how she could judge Hare so wrongly. Hare has a pure soul; he'd never move on from losing his sister, especially when she's chosen to follow Luke.

  "I don't care!" she yells at me

  "Let's just cut to the chase. What do you want for her?" Gabe cuts into the conversation, stepping forward into a protective stance. Hare's sister glares at us, but she resumes her position next to Annie and stands still.

  "I'm not giving her to you. I've come to enjoy her company," Luke says, flicking his gaze towards Annie. She's slumped over herself, both arms still held captive by the Demons. My chest aches for her.

  "You're obviously gearing up for war. I've seen the blueprints. What if I can tip the scale?" I know that this decision is going to kill me. I don't even know for sure if I can handle what I'm about to say. But it's the only bargaining chip I have, and I'd do anything for Annie.

  "Go on…" Luke says, twirling his finger at me.

  "You have no powers on Earth. What if I gave you some?"

  "Micha, no!" Annie shrieks, finally showing life again. She tries to pull free from the Demons' grasp, but they cling to her tightly. She glares at me, but I don't look. I turn back to see if Luke is considering my proposition.

  "That's definitely interesting. It's too bad that worthless halfling had to ruin the surprise of my attack. I suppose a punishment is due for Hare in time."

  "Don't hurt my brother, please, Luke! He doesn't deserve it," Hare's sister begs for her brother's life. The Demon lurches forward and falls to her knees. She claps her hands in front of her as if praying to Rem. Of course, I know that's not the case, since she's chosen to follow Luke and his Demons.

  "How wrong you are," Luke says. He grins from ear to ear, and then lifts his hand and waves it in a perfect circle. Two new Demons descend from behind his golden throne, both with dark faces pinched together at the crease on their eyebrows.

  I watch silently as they step behind Hare's sister and place their hands on her shoulders. I start to object, but Gabe grabs my hand and forces me to be quiet. We're bargaining for Annie's life, not this girl's.

  They each press her neck and then twist it, decapitating her. They throw her blonde head across the room, and her body falls lifelessly to the ground in a crumpled mess. Her insides are black, rotten, and spoiled.

  Annie screams as she watches the horrific scene take place, some of the mess getting on her legs and shoes. I dread having to explain to Hare, but maybe it will put him at peace. At least he doesn't have to worry anymore.

  "Please tell the boy," Luke says. I nod. "So, back to your proposition. How would you be able to get me my powers?"

  "I'd give you mine for one year. Long enough to have an impact on your war. You'd get the wings and all." I look to my left, and Gabe's eyes are drawn down. He knew my plans, but I'm sure it doesn't hurt any less. I'm giving up my life as an Angel.

  Luke turns away from us, as if conversing with himself. I watch his lips move, but no noise comes out; I start to think he's gone mad. A beautiful woman with long, black hair appears beside him and sits on the throne. It's one of his many wives.

  "This is a bad idea," Gabe whispers to me as we wait for Lucifer to speak.

  "You knew I would do it," I try to explain to him, but I know he doesn't understand my reasoning.

  "You won't be able to come to the Veil."

  "It's only a year," I tell him.

  "How will you convince the Veil of the war, then?"

  "You will."

  "Micha…" Gabe starts to object, but I shake my head and face forward, not giving him a chance.

  "Okay, Archers. Enough." Luke commands, the room falling silent. "I accept."

  "Say exactly what you're accepting."

  "I will give you your sweet halfling, for your wings and powers, for one year."

  "Say her name," I demand, my eyes hard on Luke.

  "I'll give you Annie—"


  "Listen, Archer. I don't think you should be nitpicking our deal this much," Luke says, but I cut him off.

  "Just say exactly what's happening. I know your tricks, and I'm not going to get screwed over because of a technicality. So say it all, and say it right."

  "Fine. You get Annie forever, and I get your powers and wings for one year beginning today. Happy?" Luke drawls, rolling his eyes at me.

  "Deal," I answer, smiling at our victory. Annie tries to protest against the Demons, but her voice is so weak now that it's barely audible, and I'm sure her tugging and pulling isn't even moving them.

  "Well, come on. Let's seal the deal and be done with it. I have things to attend to."

  Gabe's hand falls from my shoulder as I walk towards the glistening throne. Luke descends the stairs in front and meets me so that we're on even ground, standing chest to chest.

  I reach out my hand and he reaches out his. A Demon comes towards us with a silver knife and slits both of our palms right down the middle. We press our cut hands together, which solidifies our agreement by blood and promise; it's all done.

  When our hands release, I can feel the transformation already starting from the bottom of my back. My body feels like it's gained ten pounds, my feet heavy with each step back towards Gabe. I reach my hand back, and I actually feel my wings shrink into my back, and then fade away completely.

  "Be gone with you," Luke says, running his fingers over my wings, which have replaced his. They're beautifully positioned on his back and as gray as they come. He walks back towards the throne, but instead of going back to sit down, he reaches his hand up and waves for Percy to meet him at the base.

  His wife kisses him passionately, and then the two leave us alone in the room. I run towards Annie as the two Demons holding her up drop her to the ground. She doesn't even brace for the fall; she just drops and crumples into the fetal position.

  I finally get to her and lift her body into my arms. It's heavier than before, but I know it's just because I have less strength. She whimpers as I try to adjust her so she's more comfortable. I'm not sure it's even possible, since she feels broken.

  "I hate to hurry this along, but I think we should go sooner, rather than later," Gabe says from behind me.

  "Help me get her up," I beg him.

  "Let me hold her. You get the bag," Gabe says as he drops the bag on the floor beside me. He leans forward and effortlessly lifts Annie into his arms. She folds into him, her eyes shut, but her body pressed against him. I can't help but feel a bit jealous, but I'm not worried.

  I don't even know what's going to happen between us. But she's safe. At the very least, that's all I wanted. She doesn't utter a word as we exit the throne room and retreat into the maze.


  Back To Earth

  I don't remember the twists and turns from just a little while ago, but Gabe must, because he starts moving at a rapid pace that I have trouble keeping up with. My steps are loud and clunky; and I hate the way I sound. I hate that I'm panting and struggling to even run beside Gabe.

  Luckily, all of the trials are gone. We move swiftly past the boxed room and through the tests without have to do much other than run. Gabe's wings develop as we step through the room, and he moves faster than before.

  We end up in the first room, but it has completely transformed. Or maybe we haven't ended up in the first room. I can't tell where we are anymore. I'm sweating, and it's unwelcome and uncomfortable.

  Windows surround the room, and when I glance out, all I can see is a Demon army practicing their techniques. Demon after Demon is covered in protective clothing, weapon in hand, looking angry as all get out.

  "We can't do anything about it now," Gabe says, pulling me away from the window by my arm. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of Demons, ready to go to Earth. A chill runs up my spine in anticipation.

  I tear my gaze away from the window and follow Gabe out of the Lower Veil. I notice that he's not flying, and I'm guessing that's more for me tha
n him. I feel bad, but keep my mouth shut. I just follow behind Gabe, praying that I can make it out.

  But at the end of the path and the far end of the room, there's the portal to Earth. There's a rope ladder, which I'm guessing Luke made for me, and then just blackness.

  "Get her to her apartment and fix her," I tell Gabe, pushing him forward. It's dark, so I know he can get there faster and just fly up instead of having to wait on me to climb these small rungs. I just want Annie fixed. "I'll meet you there," I say when he gives me a weird, pained look.

  He takes off and disappears above me.

  By the time I make it back to her apartment, I'm drenched in my own sweat. People looked at me as I walked, slowly, down the sidewalks. My breathing is labored and no matter how many breaks I take, it doesn't return to normal.

  To make matters worse, the elevator in her apartment building won't work. I don't know if it's Rem sending me a message or what, but I have to take every single step up there.

  But, I finally make it.

  I push open the door and everyone is in the living room. Annie lies down on the couch while Gabe stands over her, watching her with worried eyes.

  Hare was sitting down, but now that he sees me, he comes straight for me. He doesn't bother with words; he punches me square in the nose, and then backs up.

  "That's for leaving me behind," he snarls, shaking his hand like the impact hurt him. I reach my swollen and sweaty hand up to my face and rub my nose, since that hurt more now than it would have before.

  "I didn't want you to die, Hare," I tell him honestly.

  "I know," he says, nodding his head. The anger on his face is gone, and I think he's actually forgiven me. "But it was still wrong."

  "I have to tell you something," I say, thinking of his sister. I might as well tell him now before he starts asking questions.

  "We can talk later," Hare says, waving me off.


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