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Gangster Redemption

Page 28

by Larry Lawton

  Since Robert was 18, I had to handle his case a little differently. At 18, he’s an adult, and basically he can tell me to fuck off and not bother to listen to what I have to say. I decided my approach would be to build a relationship with him.

  We went out several times, and I proceeded to show him what prison life was really like. Through the course of our conversations I found Robert to have a good heart, and I could see that deep down he cared for his family. He truly loved his dad, mom, and sister, and that to me was a major positive. He showed that he could be reached.

  About four months after seeing Robert I received this email from his dad:

  Hi Larry,

  Thanks for the call...He just told his Aunt that is visiting that your course was the best thing he ever did. He told her that he didn’t want to go to prison...

  Happy New Year!! Tks again!! Robert

  PS Robert respects you very much, your name comes up allot...

  It is emails like this that keep me pumped and ready to tackle the problems all parents face.


  As I said before, it’s not only teens who are headed for trouble. Some people in their mid-20s don’t mature and see the consequences of their actions. I met Ashlee, a 23-year-old young lady who was arrested for possession of drugs. As part of her pre-trial diversion program, she enrolled in my program. After class she and I spoke about the things that go on inside prisons, things the public has no idea about.

  Ashlee could have been sentenced for months or even years, but the judge saw how contrite she was and only sentenced her to a month in the Brevard County jail.

  After she got out, she sent me this email. I could see she had learned her lesson and wouldn’t end up in jail again.

  I am fortunate to know the commander of the jail and the sheriff who runs it. They are caring individuals and very professional. I showed the commander the email, and she looked into the situation and got back to me. In my heart of hearts I felt the jail did everything, not only by the book, but by what’s right.


  My frustration is that even though the Reality Check Program has had a proven record second to none, certain school board members and administrators refuse to use it because they don’t care as much for kids who don’t score high on the S.A.T. or who aren’t top athletes. I’ve had school board members come on my radio show and tell me they won’t use the program because of some bullshit regulation that forbids ex-cons from coming on campus.

  To me that’s putting your head in the sand. They aren’t helping the community they say they want to help. Wouldn’t it be better for them to show their students that a person can make a mistake, turn around, and rebuild his life? Why not use the nationally recognized Reality Check Program DVD?

  Every one of us has skeletons in his or her closet. I say that to every class I teach and to every group I address. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Congress, school boards, or sheriffs. We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. It’s just a matter of whether you got caught or not.

  I was chatting with a group of judges and police chiefs, and each one of them said they could well have ended up where I did. They just didn’t get caught. When a person tells me they have never broken the law, I ask them whether they have ever been speeding. They all say yes. I then say, ‘If you got in an accident and killed someone, you could have gone to jail for vehicular homicide.’ They all look at me, and I can see them thinking.

  Which is what I want them to do.

  After an independent quantitative analysis for helping teens was taken of the Reality Check Program, the success rate was shown to be 70 percent of the kids had better attitudes, 43 percent had better school grades, 31 percent had better school attendance and 90 percent didn’t get arrested again, people came up to me and said, “Aren’t you proud of the results? You must be ecstatic.”

  My answer is always, “The results are great, and I’m very proud of them, but what makes me even more proud and happy is the successes I don’t know about. How many kids watched the DVD or listened to me speak and then didn’t get in a car when they knew there were drugs in there? Or didn’t hang with the kid they knew had a gun on him? Having taken my program, how many kids made the right choices with regards to school, friends, and family? I will never know the numbers, but I am sure there are some kids and alive and free today because of what I do, and that is what makes me the proudest.

  The Reality Check Program.

  It works.

  What some officials are saying about the Reality Check Program DVD:

  Jeff Kottkamp, Lieutenant Governor of Florida - “Larry Lawton’s ‘Reality Check’ program is not only impactful---it has the potential to be life changing. Children that watch the program will learn some very valuable life lessons.”

  Norm Wolfinger, Brevard & Seminole County State Attorney: “Watching your tape for the 2nd time, I can see why you influence these young adults to consider making good choices – your real and your stories were lived.”

  Judge David Silverman: “The Reality Check Program is designed to impart hope to each participant … Coming from an ex-con who reinvented himself, it is a message that resonates with force and clarity for many teens and young adults and that can have a profound effect on their self image, their conduct and their future.”

  Lieutenant Ray Dixon, Fort Mill South Carolina Police Department: “We offer this video to everyone, to those who are at risk and to those who have already made a mistake and could face a slippery slope if they aren’t reached in time. Those who view it aren’t just doing medial work, they are learning something, and what I’ve found is that this program is one of the best, most proactive tools in the country.”

  What people are saying about the Reality Check Program DVD:

  Bob Peterson, Denver Colorado – Thanks Reality Check, this DVD program gave my son back to us. It is helping him to make good choices. He is at risk as all teenagers are, now he thinks before he acts – he doesn’t want to ruin his life because of a stupid mistake.

  Bill Cassara, New York - “In 30 years of working in television news programs (60-minutes, 20/20) I would count Larry Lawton’s “Reality Check” DVD as one of the most important videos for teens and young adults. It’s tough talk from a man who knows first-hand about how easy it is to make poor choices. Larry Lawton’s Reality Check Program is making a difference”

  Jackie Thomas, Iowa City, Iowa - I am a mother, grandmother and para-educator in the Iowa City Public School System. I have been a Montessori pre-school teacher for 7 years and have worked with children for 25 years. I believe the Reality Check Program DVD by Larry Lawton is wonderful. It definitely describes the consequences of what can happen when a person gets on the wrong path. It is real and eye-opening. Both teenagers and adults would definitely benefit from watching this DVD. I highly recommend it!

  Buzzy Martin; a Californian, musician, child advocate and author of “Don’t Shoot! I’m the Guitar Man” - I have spent the last seventeen years working with and teach incarcerated at-risk youth in juvenile halls and share Mr. Lawton’s wish that those at-risk youth of adult criminality get an accurate picture of what may lay ahead in prison life. After watching Mr. Lawton’s DVD “The Reality Check Program” I would highly recommend this amazing most powerful story to all juvenile halls and probation camps for at-risk youth to hear this incredible experience. My friend Larry walks the walk and talks the talk. He has a message that everyone should hear. This man’s personal story of survival in Prison and the transformation to what he is now is a must see.

  Matt Crystal (Father) - “Hi Larry - just wanted to let you know that Kyle really got a lot out of your program today. He was full of stories. He’s a very proud kid, so he’s not the type to say “gee Dad, thanks getting this DVD for me.” But I think it was a wakeup call for him because he has been makin
g some VERY bad choices. Thanks so much for all you do Larry. It’s obvious that you have a passion for helping young people make better choices and realize the potential that each and every one of them have to lead happy, healthy, and successful lives and make choices that will help them grow and thrive. You’re truly one in a million. Thanks again!”

  Pam D - Your Reality Check DVD is very is a real eye opener. My husband and I watched it, first. But I broke down in the middle and couldn’t finish. Our son and my husband then watched it together. It had quite an effect on our 19 yr. old son. Thank you for letting God use you in this way to help our teens and young adults.

  Gary Bacon, Father - This is a GREAT program. My son has done a 180 degree turn around. I highly recommend the DVD.

  Sam Zurich, Professional Bowler and Father - “Every bowling center has a youth program, but this DVD is the best tool I have ever seen to help kids stay on the straight and narrow, on target and out of the gutter”

  Rockledge Police Chief, John Shockey: “The DVD’s have proven to be a wise and valuable investment in the youth of our community. I highly recommend the Reality Check DVD to any law enforcement agency.”

  Cai Griffiths, College Student - “Even if just a few of Larry’s hard-earned lessons hit home, or at least encourage a little independent thought, it’s worth the watch.”

  Faith Wheeler, Mother - “I first heard about Larry Lawton and Reality Check Program when my son was getting into a little trouble last year. I did some research and when I found out what it was about I figured it couldn’t hurt. I got a copy of the DVD and Zac and I watched it together. I was a little taken at first from some of the things I heard on the DVD and wasn’t sure I wanted Zac to hear them. The next day I came home to find Zac watching the DVD again. Then a couple days’ later he was watching it a third time with his cousin. I started to talk to Zac more about it and I understood that what he got out of it was different than what I got out of it. I’m an adult and already know the difference between right and wrong and he is just learning so therefore he really learned something from it. I can honestly say it was money worth spending; it has been a year since Zac got in trouble and 9 months since he watched the DVD. I recommend this DVD to every teenager even if they haven’t got in trouble I will make them think about making bad choices. Kudos to Reality Check, thank you for caring.”

  John Stafford, College Student - “The Reality Check Program describes what prison life is really like and how you have the ability to make the right choice in life. Lawrence Lawton paints a very vivid picture of the reality you will face because of a bad choice. He lost his freedom and served eleven years in jail. Mr. Lawton had to watch his children grow up from behind bars. He cares about you and gives you an honest and straight forward plan for staying out of jail. He doesn’t want you to have to go through any sort thing similar to the hell that he faced every day. You will think twice before making a wrong decision that could land you in the slammer.”

  Tracy DeGraaf, Mother of 5 Boys – Monee, IL - “Larry Lawton’s DVD, The Reality Check Program, should be required viewing for every parent and adolescent in America! Whether you think your kids would never stray down the wrong path, or if they are already on the slippery slope leading to trouble, this DVD is for YOU! I encourage all parents to purchase the program and watch it with the young people in your life. You’ll be glad you did!”

  Perry Seibert, All Movie Guide ~ Reality Check Program DVD - This documentary features ex-convict Lawrence Lawton explaining his harrowing time behind bars, and educating viewers on how they can make the right choices so they don’t follow in his footsteps. Aimed primarily at teens, Lawton’s forceful stories detail how making the right decisions early in life can lead to a much happier existence.

  School Library Journal, February 1, 2010

  The Reality Check Program DVD

  Gr 7 Up—Lawrence Lawton admits to making many bad choices in his life, some of which led him to spend 11 years in prison for racketeering and other crimes. He lost his family and was denied many freedoms taken for granted by most of us. From the perspective of someone who has “been there,” he developed this program as part of a broader series of services ( which aim to help teenagers and young adults avoid a similar fate. In clear and sometimes explicit language, he shares exactly what occurs in prisons on a daily basis as well as the long-term consequences of an arrest record and incarceration. His emphasis throughout is on good decision making, especially in the choice of friends. It’s not as if young people haven’t heard these warnings before, but this time they come from a person who speaks from first-hand experience. The program, which offers a chapter selection option, employs prison photographs which might be unsettling to viewers, but that’s exactly the reaction desired. Lawton, who is now a paralegal, stresses that young people can easily lose many of their prime years in a hostile, threatening, and sometimes deadly environment and then return to an unforgiving society. The presentation sometimes seems preachy and canned, which may turn off some of those he is trying to reach, but getting through to even one potential inmate makes it all worthwhile. The film can be used in a variety of individual, school, and community settings. A careful preview is warranted before purchase, but school support staff members may welcome this title.—Dwain Thomas, formerly of Lake Park High School, Roselle, IL

  Below you will see a few actual surveys from teens and young adults who attended the Reality Check Program class. Larry reads every survey.


  Larry Lawton

  Larry Lawton – A teen expert with one of the highest success rates with changing teen behavior. An independent quantitative analysis of the Reality Check Program by Brevard Community College shows a 70% positive change in kid’s attitudes, 90% not re-arrested, 31% improved school attendance and 43% improved grades. Mr. Lawton deals with thousands of teens and young adults and is a certified paralegal and an expert on the C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regulations – Regulations the Attorney General sets for Federal Agencies – Like the Bureau of Prisons) Larry founded the Reality Check Program in 2008 and it is used by Judges, Law Enforcement, State’s Attorney’s, and numerous other organizations. Mr. Lawton is frequently used as an expert witness on issues dealing with teen behavior, juvenile crime, sentencing, prison regulations and reentry issues. Supporters of the Reality Check Program are Congressmen, Department of Justice, numerous Judges, Sheriffs, FDLE, Jail Commanders, School Board Officials, and parents all over the country. A TV show is in the works that deals with kids being shown the “Real Deal”. Mr. Lawton was the expert on the Casey Anthony case, has appeared on the Huckabee show on FOX News, Making a Difference on CBS Orlando, The Healing Today show on CTN, The 700 Club with Pat Robertson, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (humor piece) and many many other shows. As a motivational speaker and program facilitator Larry brings some of the most entertaining and inspirational stories and messages to audiences all over the country. To contact Larry for a private consultation to help your loved one, expert witnessing, motivational speaking , keynote speaking, or to get more information on what Lawton911 does. Visit or email Larry at

  Biography of Peter Golenbock

  Peter Golenbock, one of the nation’s best-known sports authors, was born on July 19, 1946 in New York City. He grew up in Stamford, Connecticut, and in 1963 graduated St. Luke’s School in New Canaan, Connecticut. He graduated Dartmouth College in 1967 and the New York University School of Law in 1970.

  Golenbock was hired to work as an editor for Prentice-Hall in the summer of 1972. After six weeks of writing about President Nixon’s wage and price controls, during one lunchtime he rashly knocked on the door of Nick D’Incecco, the head of the Prentice-Hall trade book division. He told D’Incecco he wanted to write a history of the Casey Stengel Yankees. D’Incecco liked the idea and incredibly gave him a contract, almost on the spot.

ty: The New York Yankees 1949-64, the definitive history of the Casey Stengel-Ralph Houk-Yogi Berra era of Yankee greatness, a period of fourteen pennants in sixteen years, became an instant best-seller.

  Since 1975, Golenbock has written some of sports’ most important books, including seven New York Times best sellers. Some of his best-known books include The Bronx Zoo, which he wrote in 1979 with New York Yankee pitcher Sparky Lyle; BUMS: An Oral History of the Brooklyn Dodgers (1984), Personal Fouls (1988), a look at corruption in college basketball; American Zoom (1993), a history of NASCAR; and Wild, High and Tight (1994) his lurid biography of Yankee manager Billy Martin, and Idiot (2005), with Boston Red Sox star outfielder Johnny Damon. (2008) Golenbock collaborated with movie idol Tony Curtis to write American Prince, another best seller. (2009) George a book about the owner of the New York Yankees. In 2010 Peter teamed up with with Larry Lawton to write the most exciting and emotional book of his career; Gangster Redemption, to be published in 2012. Peter truly believes this will be his 8th bestseller.

  Golenbock was a radio sports talk show host in 1980 on station WOR in New York City. He was the color broadcaster for the St. Petersburg Pelicans of the Senior Professional Baseball League in 1989-90 and has been a frequent guest on many of the top television and radio talk shows including Biography on A&E, the Fifty Greatest Athletes and the Dynasties on ESPN, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, and Up Close with Roy Firestone.


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