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Finding Charley (Full Circle)

Page 10

by Casey Peeler

  “Goin’ on a double date,” I say.

  “Charley, are you okay? I know that was bad with Cash, but to just jump ship back to Dylan? I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “Dad, I’m fine. He’s home for break and wants to go out. No big deal. Plus, this way I can keep an eye on Tessa for ya!”

  Dad looks at me with questioning eyes, but shakes his head and walks back to the kitchen.

  “Girls, be home no later than eleven and call me if you need me. Got it?”

  As soon as those words are said, there is a knock at the door. OMG! Really? He’s actually going to talk to my parents. I begin to walk toward the door when I see my mama making a beeline for the foyer. Shit.

  Tessa and I walk to the front door, and I push open the screen.

  Dylan and Dustin are standing there with bouquets of flowers, dressed like they are taking us somewhere totally not in Grassy Pond.

  “Hello, Mrs. Rice, how are you?” Dylan asks with sweet Southern charm.

  “I’m good, Dylan. How about yourself? School going okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m good and school's great. Thanks for letting Charley go out with me tonight.”

  “You’re very welcome. Dustin, it’s good to see you. Make sure they are home by eleven.”

  They say, “Yes, ma’am,” in unison. Mama gives me a look that only I understand. It’s a look of question, concern, and one that says, call me if you need me.

  “Mama, can you put these in a vase for us?”

  “Sure.” She turns and walks into the kitchen, and we make our way out of the house.

  Once the door shuts behind us, the four of us let out a deep breath. Are we all that uncomfortable? Dylan takes his hand and gestures for me to go first. Where is Dylan? This nice guy is definitely not him. I nod and make my way down the steps, followed by Tessa and the guys.

  Once we are in the yard, we pair up. Dustin takes Tessa by the hand, and I’m beginning to panic just thinking about Dylan’s hand on mine.

  As we reach the Mustang, Dylan makes his way to the passenger seat and opens the door in one suave motion. He has this game down to an art. When I approach him, he takes me by the hand and kisses it. Yuck! I need some hand sanitizer! It is amazing how much effort it takes to keep my feelings in check when all I really want to do is go ape shit on this total asshole, and that is putting it nicely.

  “What was that for, Dylan?”

  “Can’t a guy try to make up for being such a jerk?”

  I look at him as if he has lost his damn mind, but then turn on a little Southern charm of my own.

  “Then you better start doing a lot of ass kissin’, Prince Charming,” I say in the sweetest, thickest Southern accent as possible.

  “There’s the Charley I’ve been lookin’ for.” As he bows, I slide into my seat. Then he winks, closes the door, and walks with confidence around to the driver’s side.

  Once inside the car, Dylan asks what we should do tonight. Strange.

  “In all the years I’ve known you, Dylan Sloan, I’ve never known you to ask what someone wants to do. What has gotten into you?”

  “Let’s just say that I’ve realized that it’s not always about me. I’ve been workin’ on that. Right, Dustin?”

  “Yeah, he has, Charley. You’d be surprised. He even let me have the last piece of MeeMaw’s pound cake today. I about fell out!”

  I turn my head to Dustin. “Really? You gave him the last piece of pound cake? Something is definitely wrong with you.”

  “No, I’m just trying to be more open to people and not be so in control of everything.”

  Well, that light mood just went dark for me with that one word. Control. He has to have control, be in charge, always on top, first at everything, and now I know this is a total game for him, too. I’ve got to turn up my Southern charm and acting skills.

  “I think that’s a smart move, Dylan, because we can’t control life. It’s kinda outta our hands, ya know?”

  “Yeah, I know. So, Bro, where are we goin’?”

  “I was thinkin’ maybe we need to get out of Grassy Pond for a bit. Y’all wanna go check out some Christmas lights and eat dinner in the city?”

  “City? Like big city, Charlotte?” Tessa questions playfully.

  “Yeah, the Speedway’s got the mega light show. I thought it would be fun since it’s not but a few blocks away. Then again, traffic could be a mess. I was thinkin’ maybe Wild Wings for supper?”

  I’m thinking that at least it isn’t Hooter’s, because after what happened in that parking lot with Cash, I’d never be able to keep my game face on.

  “Um, chicken feathers covered in Garlic! Garlic! Garlic! I’m in,” I say.

  “Well, I know where my lips won’t be.” Dylan laughs, and I cringe.

  “You know it’s to keep the vampires away because I’m totally a werewolf fan.”

  “Damn right, Char. Team Jacob all the way!” Tessa exclaims. We both laugh, and Dustin pipes back in.

  “Well, maybe we should change these plans if it's gonna be all about Shark Boy tonight,” Dustin comments.

  As much as I hate to admit it, it used to be fun with Dylan before he wanted to have sex and before that night. He had been my kick ass and take names partner on the team. We were always first in our events, had confidence in what we did, and we just made sense, even if everyone else couldn’t believe I actually got him. Needless to say, if he keeps up the pre-Charley and Dylan act, he is definitely making this easier on me.

  “So, Wild Wings and the Speedway?” We all agree and make our way on 85N to Charlotte.

  The conversation is light, and the music is loud. I’m comfortable in this car, knowing my act won’t be too difficult tonight and my sister is by my side.

  As we cross over the lake, my iPhone chirps inside my purse, and I know it’s either Piper or Mama. I’m right, but I wasn’t expecting Mama.

  Mama: Charley, I’ve got a weird feeling. Please be careful. Call me if you need me no matter what it is. I love you both!

  Me: we r good. Going to wild wings and 2 c lights @ speedway. Luv u.

  Mama: love u 2.

  “Tessa, that was Mama makin’ sure of our plans. You know she is so dang nosey.”

  “What are we gonna do with her, Charley? We are going to be sixty years old, and she’s still gonna wanna know our every move.”

  I just shake my head. After placing my phone back into my purse, I put it in the floorboard. I relax in the seat when I hear Bruno Mars “Gorilla” come on the radio. Immediately, my senses are heightened and I’m taken back to the actuality of my life. This song blared through the speakers while Dylan and I left the party at Trent’s. It was the night my life changed forever. I try my best not to react, but I can see Dylan respond as well. It looks as if every vein is struggling to stay within his rock hard body. It’s almost as if he wants to change the station, but that would be weird because Tessa is rockin’ out in the backseat. We are the only two that have a clue as to the meaning of this party song. He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he takes one hand and finds mine. He wraps his palm over the top of mine, and as it starts to sweat, he intertwines our fingers and gives them a firm squeeze. At this point, I don’t know if it’s an "I’m sorry" squeeze or an "I’ll be back for more" squeeze. Either way, it has gotten my nerves all out of whack, and I can’t wait for Tessa to shut up, the song to end, and Dylan to get his slime ball hands off me.

  The song comes to an end, and Dylan rubs his thumb against mine. What the hell? I look at him and grin because honestly I have no clue what to do. I can’t yank it away, but I don’t want him to think I’m going to give him another piece of this, ever!

  When the last beat stops, it’s as if a two-ton elephant has left the car. I can’t even believe how grateful I am to hear “Bubble Butt” next on the radio playlist because I hate that damn song. Really? I mean, who comes up with shit like that?

  I notice that we are making our way toward the Panthers stadium and
Center City. WTH? Wouldn’t the Wild Wings at the university be better for the lights?

  “Why aren’t we going to the Wild Wings at the university? That one’s closer to the Speedway,”

  I ask, trying to keep my cool.

  “Oh, Dylan thought it might be nice to walk around the Epic Center tonight,” Dustin says because he is clueless as to what is at the Epic Center. “I wanted to check it out and see if we can get a glimpse at Junior.”

  “Oh.” Is all I can manage because the Junior he is referring to is Dale, Jr., and where would we see him? Whiskey River.

  Tessa chimes in right on time, “Now, Dustin, do you really think that he’s gonna be there? We are going to Wild Wings, not that club of his. And, anyways, it’s too early for shit like that. People like him aren’t makin’ an appearance right now. I mean, nice thought and all, but it ain’t happening.”

  I love my sister. I love my sister. I could continue to repeat that in my head all day. I know we are going to Center City because we are already there, but I’m avoiding Whiskey River at all costs.

  As we drive down Tryon Street, I can’t help but think about all the trips in the Love Machine. I start to smile and Dylan notices.

  “So, the big city is good for you, huh?”

  “It’s more like the memories. We come here a lot to dance and stuff.”

  “Oh, too bad we haven’t run into each other. You know we haven’t really talked much, and I didn’t go where I planned either. In fact, I’m going to Davidson now. I just needed smaller, but their team is kick ass.”

  I think all the blood has left my body. No wonder I always felt like he was close. He was. No more than a damn thirty-minute drive.

  “That’s good.”

  “Yeah, I didn’t know you were on the team, but I guess it might make it interesting for Southern States this year?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Guess we won’t be on the same team, but just so you know, I’ll still pull for ya.”

  “Oh, I bet because you never pull for anyone on the other team. That’s like a Carolina fan pullin’ for Duke. It’s not gonna happen.”

  Tessa’s eyes are about to bug outta her head when I glance over my shoulder. Dustin comes to our rescue before Dylan sees the terror in her eyes. Dustin pulls her in and starts to make out with her.

  “Bro, do y’all need a hotel room or something?” Dustin doesn’t comment; he just lets Tessa get lost in his lips.

  Within minutes, we are parking in the deck and walking into Wild Wings. There isn’t much of a wait, so we have a seat. More small talk is exchanged, and when the waitress calls for our table, Dylan places his hand onto my lower back as we make our way.

  We order and eat. The guys enjoy the basketball game on the TVs, and we actually have a good time. Then, my phone chirps again. Piper.

  Piper: what u up 2?

  Me: Charlotte @WW then going to c lights @ CMS.

  Piper: Nice! Call me later!

  “Who was that?” Dylan questions.

  “Piper, of course. She’s going through Charley withdrawals. Since we’re at different schools, when we’re home, we try to make up for it. I think she and Justin are goin’ to Turtle’s tonight.”

  “Maybe we can stop by there when we get back.”

  “I’m game. What about y’all?” I ask as I look to Tessa and Dustin.

  They look at each other and shrug their shoulders. “Sure,” they say in unison.

  “Y’all are like the cutest couple, ever. Just so you know,” I say. “How long until we head to the Speedway?”

  “I’d say we probably should head that way in about fifteen,” Dustin says as he looks at Dylan for guidance.

  He answers between bites of his wing, “Sounds good to me.”

  Dinner was pleasantly nice and doable. Before we leave, Tessa and I excuse ourselves to the ladies’ room. We have a full-out conversation mid-stream about the ride, supper, and what happens if we go to Turtle’s. My biggest question is, will Cash be there? On most Saturday nights, if he’s not at the club or with me, he’s at Turtle’s.

  Dylan and Dustin are waiting by the door when we leave the restroom. Dustin opens the door and holds it as we exit. I glance to my right, and there it is, Whiskey River. The saddest part about this whole scenario is not only have I never been inside, but now Dylan has this first memory for me as well. Damn him!

  “Hey, can we at least check out the merchandise?” Dustin asks.

  Tessa, Dylan, and I look at each other like, really? But, we let him. He’s a total Dale, Jr. fan. Dustin pulls open the door, and we make our way to the merchandise table. The place is a typical club scene where the girls working are wearing black leather vests with nothing underneath, short shorts, boots, and cowboy hats. No wonder the guys like this place. The music isn’t country all the way, but a good variety. I notice a mechanical bull in the corner and can’t help but think who would have been on that if we would have made it here. I can only assume all of us would have at some point. Dylan pulls me from my thoughts.

  “Charley, are you okay? You seem a little spacey.”

  “Yeah, I’ve just wanted to come here, but we haven’t yet.”

  “Oh, we have only been here once and that was the night before Study Day,” Dylan replies.

  My world stops. I now know why Joe told me. He was protecting me from the truth. He knew that Dylan would be here, and shit was going to go down. A wave of emotion crashes into me, and I have to regain my composure before it shows. Tessa glances my way, and her face is a flash of fear.

  “Well, I guess that would have been an interesting night, huh?”

  “Yeah, it would have, ‘cause Charley, you would have been mine that night,” Dylan whispers into my ear and chills run down my spine.

  “I thought I’ve always been yours, Dylan?” I form the words as a question.

  He smiles. “Now, that’s the Charley I’ve been waiting on.”

  Chapter 15

  “Aight, I’ve bought all I’m gonna buy. Let’s go see some lights!” Dustin says. He’s completely oblivious to what just happened, but Tessa isn’t.

  “Yeah, let’s get outta here. I wanna see the lights!” Tessa says sweetly as she snuggles up to Dustin.

  “Me, too.” I wrap my arm into Dylan’s, and we make our way to the Mustang. Now that my emotions are in check, and I know that I can trust Joe, this game has just been taken up a level. I can’t wait to tell Piper, and it’s time to turn up the charm with Dylan.

  Dylan looks my way and smiles. He opens the passenger door and makes his way around to the driver’s side. He slides in, buckles up, cranks the ignition, and we are on our way to the Speedway. Thank goodness. As we travel to the other side of Charlotte, I enjoy the lights of the city. I glance at Dylan, and he gives me that perfect grin. I smile back and decide to continue to play this game. I slide my hand to reach Dylan’s and intertwine our fingers. The confidence that he has always possessed is definitely glowing. He takes his thumb and glides it up and down mine. I can’t even believe that I’m allowing him to touch me, let alone, act like I’m enjoying it. I can’t wait for the day he pays.

  The line to get into the Speedway is backed to infinity. I look at Tessa, Dustin, and Dylan to see if they are thinking what I’m thinking.

  “No, Char, we aren’t leavin’,” Tessa says.

  “Really? I mean, we can go check out the trailer park near the house for free, and there’s no traffic.”

  “No, we’re here, and we’re gonna enjoy it, even if it takes all night,” Dylan says with a grin. I can’t help but feel an underlying current with that comment.

  As we make our way inside, it is overwhelming the number of lights that are in this place. There are millions upon millions of lights on display, The Polar Express is playing on the biggest TV screen known to man, and there are all kinds of activities going on in the infield. There is a nativity scene, petting zoo, and a chance to have your picture made with Santa.

’all, this is totally worth the wait. It’s ah-maz-ing! Plus, we are actually driving on the track of the Coca-Cola 600,” I say.

  “Too bad we can’t put the pedal to the metal. I’d love to see how fast she’d go,” Dylan says as he glides his hand over the dashboard.

  “There’s a thing called the Richard Petty Driving Experience. That’s how you can do that, ya know?” Tessa smarts back.

  I look out the window, cover my mouth with my hand and try to hide my giggle, but it’s totally not working.

  “What? Is something funny, Charley?” Dylan questions.

  I shake my head no, and Tessa adds her two cents.

  “Oh, it’s funny all right. It’s a cryin’ shame a car with this much power has to go ten miles an hour when most drivers are hitting well above a hundred.”

  “Tess, take it easy on my brother. It’s not his fault that he’s helping me live out my dream, but at a snail's pace.” He begins to laugh as well.

  “Well, I’m glad ya’ll find this funny. I didn’t realize this was going to be a pick on Dylan kinda night, but whatever.” There is an ounce of what sounds like hurt in Dylan’s voice, but most of it is irritation.

  “Hey, Dylan, you know we’re just kiddin’,” I say as I slide a little closer to him. That seems to take his mind off his previous thought.


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