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Page 16

by Kimberly P. Chase

  ‘Aurora,’ Zane breathed. ‘Don’t. I’m already too far for you to reach.’

  ‘You don’t know that!’ Aurora entered the airlock.

  ‘Please don’t do this for me, Aurora.’ Zane’s voice pleaded with her. It was filled with desperation, dread, that she might actually risk her life for his.

  ‘Acclimate for EVA,’ she yelled, hoping Stella would do it quickly. She grabbed the rope grappler, the only thing that could help save him.

  A whooshing sound filled her ears and then …


  She stepped out into the stars.

  Chapter 35


  Aviary spun in a circle in the distance as Zane floated helplessly away from it. When he’d dropped the liquipen and let go of the station to reach it …

  Had been a mistake.

  A big mistake.

  He should have known better.

  And now Aurora was risking her life because of his mistake.

  ‘I’m coming, Zane.’

  He’d already tried to beg her not to come. But she was too stubborn to admit that he was already too far away. She’d see for herself in a few minutes. ‘Okay. I’ll be here,’ he responded.

  ‘That isn’t funny!’ Aurora’s voice yelled in his ear. ‘Use your suit to maneuver.’

  He’d already used all the air in his suit. There would be no more puffs of air to send him in the right direction and save him.

  That had been his other mistake. He didn’t check the suit’s EVA unit to make sure it held enough power for maneuvering. He’d been too busy trying to keep Aurora from coming with him.

  Now it didn’t matter.

  She was coming anyway.

  And he was floating away.

  He could feel the Earth’s massive presence behind him, slowly sucking him back home. Zane was going to die an unknown.

  Aurora’s bright white suit appeared in the distance, white puffs of air stemming from the back of her suit.

  ‘You’re not going to have enough to get me and bring us both back.’

  He’d already calculated it. Even with a full EVA suit he was too far.

  She came to a stop about a hundred feet from him. Zane couldn’t see her eyes through the glare of her helmet, but he knew they’d be determined.

  ‘For once, Zane, you’re wrong,’ she said. Her gloved fingers held a metal rope grappler.

  Zane’s smile was huge. ‘You’re right.’ An overwhelming feeling tugged his heart. Of course she’d found a way.

  The steel rope spun as it reached out toward him.

  When the hook reached him, he grabbed it and hooked it to his suit.

  The machine whirred as it tugged him forward.

  His forward momentum carried him right into Aurora. When she threw her arms around him and caught him, her grin was triumphant.

  ‘See. You don’t always know everything.’

  If he could kiss her he would. Instead he pressed his helmet to hers. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘It was my turn to save you for once.’

  Still holding onto her, he moved to the side.

  Zane glanced at the numbers flashing in yellow on the left side of his helmet display. ‘Well let’s get back. I only have thirty minutes left of oxygen and would hate to ruin your save.’

  ‘This is going to be a little awkward.’ With the EVA pack on her back, Zane had no choice but to remain in front of her as he held on. ‘You got me?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yeah. You can let go.’

  Aurora grabbed the joystick and sent out five small puffs of air, moving them back toward the station.

  They scooted forward with each thrust of air.

  ‘You’re pretty good at this,’ Zane said. ‘Is it like flying?’

  ‘Not really. This is more about calculated thrusts.’

  He chuckled. ‘Yeah?’ He settled himself against Aurora’s suit.

  ‘Zane,’ Aurora whispered.

  ‘Hmmm?’ Zane wished they weren’t wearing helmets.

  Aurora leaned against him. ‘We’re here.’ They slid into the airlock.

  Even with everything else that was going on, he still found himself wanting to find an empty room. They could very well be living the last of their days here.

  He closed the hatch to the airlock. Air rushed in from the vents on the floor and ceiling. A second later a green light blinked and Stella said, ‘Airlock to atmosphere. Welcome back.’

  After removing his helmet, Zane watched Aurora pull hers off. Her long hair cascaded out and down her back. She bit her lip when she caught him staring.

  He rushed forward and pulled her to his chest. The suits kept them from getting as close as he wanted.

  He pressed a fierce kiss to her lips, thanking her for what she’d just done. With his kiss he promised her other things that would have to wait until they were safe again. Hopefully, it reminded her what they were fighting to stay alive for.

  Chapter 36


  Kaylana seemed to come out of nowhere as she tackled Aurora and ripped her hand from Zane’s side.

  It had been two days since Kaylana and Akemi went into the medical lab.

  After Miles got sick, everyone seemed to disappear on the station, like they’d all become enemies. She understood their reasoning, but they really needed to work together.

  ‘There you are!’ Kaylana put her hands on Aurora’s shoulders, pushing her back so she could see her.

  ‘And here you are.’ Aurora grabbed onto her friend, thankful she wasn’t in the medical lab anymore. ‘Why aren’t you wearing a mask?’

  ‘Dr Shaffer died.’ Kaylana’s eyes were feverish.

  That wasn’t all that unexpected given their circumstances. It had only been a matter of time. ‘Uh. Okay. But that still doesn’t explain why you’re not wearing a mask.’ Aurora glanced between her and Akemi who’d joined them. ‘Did you figure something out?’

  ‘The virus isn’t spreading by human contact,’ Akemi said.

  Aurora’s shoulders sagged. ‘Thank the stars.’

  ‘Not really,’ Zane said.

  Aurora glanced at him. They all seemed to know something she was missing. ‘What’s that mean, then?’

  ‘It means we don’t know how it’s spreading. But Dr Shaffer said it wasn’t through contact before he died,’ Akemi said.

  ‘What do we do now?’ Aurora asked.

  ‘We still try to figure this out. We don’t exactly have a choice,’ Kaylana replied.

  ‘We need to check on all the cadets,’ Akemi stated, not looking too happy about the prospect.

  ‘I’ll go with you. If anyone is showing symptoms, we’ll bring them to the medical lab,’ Kaylana responded.

  ‘Let’s all go,’ Aurora said. ‘If anyone gives you trouble, we’ll be there to help.’

  The four of them made their way to the habitat portion of Aviary. The room was mostly empty, save for a few cadets.

  Kaylana floated toward an occupied sleeping bag. ‘Rick?’

  ‘What do you want?’ Rick’s voice sounded dry.

  ‘We’re just checking on everyone. You okay?’

  A long pause.

  ‘Rick, are you okay?’ Kaylana asked again. Akemi moved toward them.

  ‘I’m … I’m not sure.’

  Kaylana glanced at Akemi, her lips pursed.

  ‘Will you let us check you?’ Kaylana asked, softening her voice.

  ‘Am I sick?’ Rick choked out.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Kaylana answered. ‘We can take you to the medical lab and help you if you are.’

  ‘But I wasn’t around anyone who was infected,’ Rick protested weakly.

  ‘I know,’ Kaylana quietly returned.

  Even from where Aurora was standing she could see his face was drawn and pale. The cocky pilot Aurora knew was completely gone. She’d give anything for him to pop out of his sleep sack and tease her about call signs. She’d even let him call her Minnie right now.

  It fel
t like someone had punched her in the stomach.

  If it wasn’t spreading person-to-person then how did Rick get infected? Food? Water?

  When Aurora glanced at Zane she could tell he was thinking along the same lines. His brow wrinkled and his eyes were slightly squinted like they sometimes did when he was deep in thought.

  Could the two of them figure out how it was spreading while Kaylana and Akemi tried to care for the sick?

  ‘Will you come with us, Rick?’ Kaylana asked again, gently.

  Rick unzipped the bag, carefully pulling himself out of the sleep sack.

  Akemi and Kaylana moved forward to help him. They whispered quietly to one another as they guided him toward the medical lab. Now that they had gravity, everything seemed easier.

  ‘We’re going to take him to the medical bay. He’s definitely sick,’ Kaylana said, holding onto Rick’s hand.

  ‘Are you sure you shouldn’t be wearing gloves or a mask or something?’ Aurora asked.

  ‘No. I’m not sure of anything.’ Kaylana lead Rick down the hall and it took everything in her not to follow.

  Not Rick too. She stopped that thought before it managed to incapacitate her.

  As Kay and Akemi turned the corner, Aurora called out, ‘Zane and I will check on everyone else.’ She had to do something to keep her mind occupied—to remain in control—

  to keep from curling up in a corner and crying.

  ‘Ready?’ Aurora glanced at Zane, then back to the row of pod doors around them.

  Zane took the lead, stepping around Aurora as he moved to the first door.

  He knocked.


  Zane knocked again.

  ‘Yeah?’ a muffled voice called.

  ‘Kylie?’ Zane pushed the door open and Aurora stepped into the abandoned room. It was a sleep room for Alliance astronauts. ‘Kylie? Is that you?’

  ‘Yeah. What do you want?’ Kylie didn’t seem pleased to see them. ‘Shouldn’t we be avoiding one another?’

  ‘We don’t think the virus is spreading by touch. And there are still duties to be performed.’ Aurora couldn’t believe she was content just hiding out.

  ‘Anyone else sick?’ Kylie asked.

  Aurora sighed.

  ‘Rick,’ Zane answered, truthfully.

  ‘Shit,’ Kylie muttered.

  Aurora understood the need to mope and be upset by the situation, but that wasn’t going to help them. Something snapped. She was taking control. ‘Get your ass out here. You’re training to be an astronaut. Is this how you think you should act?’

  ‘I guess not. Seemed like quarantine protocol though,’ Kylie muttered.

  ‘I don’t give a shit about the quarantine!’ Aurora stomped her foot. Quarantine no longer mattered … it hadn’t worked with Dr Shaffer anyway.

  Zane’s eyes widened.

  ‘Okay, okay.’ Kylie stepped out into the hallway with them, her Academy clothes disheveled.

  Aurora huffed. ‘Have you showered in the past two days?’

  ‘No. I haven’t left the room.’

  Aurora crossed her arms. ‘It’s time to clean up and face this!’ She knew she was being tough on her, but she was determined to snap Kylie out of it. They needed to survive now and mourn later.

  ‘All right. I’m out here. What do you need me to do?’ Kylie didn’t look too pleased, but at least she was listening.

  ‘We’re checking to make sure everyone is okay. If anyone is sick they go to the lab. And then we’re going to figure this sucker out.’

  ‘Roger that.’ Kylie fake saluted, and moved down the hall, yelling for everyone to show their faces.

  ‘You handled her like a pro,’ Zane commented.

  ‘Well, someone needed to.’

  ‘True.’ Zane motioned down the hall. ‘Shall we finish?’

  ‘Yeah.’ Aurora squared her shoulders. She’d give more pep talks if she needed to. It was time everyone on Aviary got their shit together.

  Sky would be proud.

  The three of them searched the entire station until they’d rounded up the few remaining. Thankfully, no one else showed signs of sickness.

  Chapter 37


  Later that night, Aurora, Kaylana, Zane, and Akemi tried to hash out why and how they were getting sick in the control room.

  ‘Do you think it’s radiation poisoning?’ Aurora asked.

  ‘No.’ Akemi shook his head. ‘We’ve tested that.’

  ‘And the station has radiation shields,’ Zane added.

  ‘So we’re positive it’s a virus?’

  ‘Yes,’ Kaylana stated.

  ‘And what’s not helping is that our bodies don’t produce as many red blood cells in zero gravity.’ Akemi looked at her like she was supposed to know what that meant.

  ‘I didn’t know that. What does that mean exactly?’

  ‘It’s just another disadvantage to fighting a virus. Red blood cells carry oxygen and they’re responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the body. And without gravity, the virus could be spreading from anywhere. So basically we’re in the worst possible environment to fight this.’

  ‘At least it’s not our white blood cells,’ Kaylana jumped in.

  Okay … these two were beginning to talk circles around her. ‘So what do we do?’ Aurora wanted a plan. Didn’t the medical community have checklists for something like this?

  ‘I really don’t know.’ Kaylana glanced at Akemi. ‘We’re not exactly experts and the Alliance doctors haven’t exactly been helpful.’

  ‘You two are our best hope at figuring this out.’ They needed to stay positive. ‘Did your medical lab classes teach you anything about virus identification?’

  ‘A little bit. We know that we can draw blood, place a droplet of it on a VI test screen, and a second later it will identify what, if anything is wrong with the blood work.’

  ‘And what did it say when you did that with their blood?’ Aurora didn’t name the people that had died. Saying their names would make it too real for her right now.

  ‘It said unknown virus.’

  Aurora saw Zane flinch out of the corner of her eye. But his status had nothing to do with what they were talking about.

  ‘So the virus identification didn’t know what we’re dealing with?’


  ‘Okay, so how did people used to identify diseases before that thing was invented?’

  Kaylana shrugged. ‘They took blood work, put it under a microscope, and tried to identify it based on its characteristics.’

  ‘Characteristics?’ Zane’s face retreated into a blank mask. Aurora hadn’t seen him hide his emotions like that around her in awhile. She didn’t like it.

  ‘They’d test their nucleic acids, antibodies, antigens, and particles. Their shape and size. And then compare them to viruses already identified. If it was a new virus, then it would be documented and named.’

  ‘So why don’t we treat this like a new disease?’ Akemi asked, looking at Kaylana.

  ‘Okay, we’d need to get more blood work from all of the … victims. We’d need to do an autopsy.’ Kaylana swallowed. ‘Then we’d need to characterize all the viruses’ attributes.’

  ‘Sounds like you two have a plan,’ Aurora concluded. The two of them quickly left with a little more pep in their step, excited about doing something productive.

  Aurora twirled her necklace around her finger. ‘Now what?’ She looked at Zane.

  ‘I don’t know. This is kind of out of my element.’

  ‘Well, we can’t just sit here—’ Aurora noticed the blinking light indicating someone was trying to get a hold of Aviary. ‘Accept hail,’ she called out.

  Her father’s deeply lined face took over the screen in the room and she instantly knew he hadn’t been sleeping well.

  ‘Aurora.’ Her dad’s voice cracked. ‘Oh, I’m so happy to see you’re okay. It took me longer than I anticipated to break through the Alliance’s block.’

>   Aurora soaked in her father’s face while he spoke.

  ‘Listen, I’m working on a way to get you home. And then you’ll never have to go through something like this again!’ Her dad’s face turned red in anger. Probably ticked off that she was in danger and that he wasn’t able to control the situation.

  Aurora sighed. This reaction wasn’t unexpected, but she’d hoped to postpone the conversation. ‘Dad, when we make it back, this—’ Aurora’s voice cracked, unable to deny the severity of the situation. People were dying. ‘We’ll figure it out then.’

  Collin Titon’s shoulders hunched, like he already knew this wouldn’t stop her from wanting to be an astronaut. This was her dream. Everything worthwhile came with a risk. Ad Astra per Aspera. ‘You, my beautiful daughter, are just as stubborn as I am.’ He smiled, but it was tinged in sadness. Aurora watched as he slowly pulled himself back together, returning to the arrogant father she knew and loved. ‘We’ll get you home even if I have to buy a shuttle myself.’

  With the Alliance treating the station as a quarantine zone that actually wasn’t a bad option. ‘Where would you get one? The Alliance are the only one’s investing in space travel.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. I’ll steal one if I need to.’ Her father leaned forward. ‘The only question is whether or not you can help fly it back.’

  Aurora chuckled. ‘That won’t be the problem. It’s finding someone to steal a shuttle that will be the hard part.’

  Her dad grinned. ‘I know just who to call. I’ll be in touch.’

  ‘Love you too, Dad.’ Aurora stared at the screen for a long time after it went black. Where was he going to find an extra shuttle? And who would possibly risk their life by flying it to a quarantined station?

  Chapter 38


  The medical bay was a disaster. Vials, broken screens, and medical equipment were littered about the room.

  Zane and Aurora stood at the window watching the tragedy happening inside. She gripped his hand as Kaylana and Akemi frantically hovered over Rick doing everything they could to save him.

  But they were hopelessly failing.

  Who would be next?

  Rick’s heart rate monitor went wild before it just stopped.


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