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Page 23

by Kimberly P. Chase

With that, Dr Stevenson dismissed her. With the Academy walls around her and a cookie in hand, Aurora felt better than she had in days.

  Chapter 56


  ‘Please close the door,’ were the first words Dr Stevenson said to him.

  Shit. How was he going to explain this? And how was he going to keep it a secret from Collin Titon?

  ‘So?’ Dr Stevenson gestured with his hand for Zane to speak.

  ‘So?’ Zane didn’t know where to start. He held his arm out. ‘You need to take my blood?’

  Dr Stevenson shook his head. ‘Do I need to?’

  ‘No,’ Zane admitted.

  ‘Tell me what’s going on. Tell me that you didn’t do something that could expose you!’

  ‘I didn’t have a choice. Aurora would have died.’

  ‘Does anyone else know?’

  ‘No.’ He wasn’t about to tell him that Kaylana and Akemi knew. Dr Stevenson was paranoid as it was.

  ‘Not even Aurora?’

  ‘No.’ Zane sighed. ‘Not yet anyway.’

  ‘You think you can trust her?’

  ‘I’ve never trusted anyone in my life, but I think so.’

  ‘Good. We’ll come back to that. First, tell me how you did it.’ Dr Stevenson pulled out his tablet, ready to take notes.

  ‘I gave her my blood.’

  ‘How much?’

  ‘Five vials.’ Zane bit his lip. ‘Will it change her?’

  ‘I don’t know yet.’

  Zane nodded. Had he changed her forever?

  ‘How did you know it would work?’

  ‘I didn’t. But after injecting myself with the virus and not getting sick, I thought the antidotes my blood created could help her.’

  ‘Zane, you’re not the sort to take chances like that. You take calculated risks. How did you know you’d be immune?’

  Damn. How the hell was he going to explain this? Zane hadn’t told Dr Stevenson about his little trip to Titon Technologies over break. How he’d snuck in and stolen a computer from a secret laboratory. ‘I … uh … had a Titon Technologies computer that I cracked open. It contained information on something called The Helen Project—about eugenics.’

  Dr Stevenson’s tablet clanked against the floor. ‘You had what?’ he choked out.

  ‘I sort of broke into Titon Technologies over break and stole a computer.’

  ‘Are you out of your mind?’

  Zane pressed his lips together.

  ‘When were you going to tell me? What happened to keeping a low profile?’

  ‘No one found me, so relax.’ Well, he wouldn’t mention his accidental run-in with Aurora. ‘And I was going to tell you everything once I had something to tell. The computer was password protected and I didn’t figure it out until a few days ago.’

  Dr Stevenson picked up the tablet and scooted his chair toward Zane. ‘What did it say?’

  ‘They engineered my genes before I was born. Basically I’m immune to almost anything. I have better eyesight, hearing, you know … whatever they could improve, they did.’ He didn’t mention the little side effect of not having a full range of emotions.

  ‘Can I see it?’ Dr Stevenson’s face was serious, intense.


  Dr Stevenson blanched as if Zane had slapped him, so he quickly explained. ‘Only because I destroyed the computer.’

  ‘Why would you do that?’

  Because he’d gotten all the answers he’d ever needed and wanted. Zane was done looking back. ‘I didn’t need it anymore.’

  ‘I see. What if someone finds it?’

  ‘It’s at the bottom of the sea.’

  Dr Stevenson’s shoulders slumped. ‘Oh. Well, I guess that’s all I need from you. You still need to be careful about who finds out.’

  ‘I don’t plan on anyone else finding out.’

  ‘Even Sky?’

  ‘Hell no.’

  ‘Good. I’ll do all of Aurora’s blood work myself.’

  ‘Okay. What will you send to Collin Titon?’

  ‘I’ll fake the results.’ Dr Stevenson bobbed his head, like he was trying to convince himself it was a good idea to trick one of the most powerful men in America.

  ‘Speaking of faking results. You’ll need to create an antidote just in case the Alliance starts questioning how Aurora survived.’

  Dr Stevenson swallowed before inclining his head toward Zane. ‘I’ll do it. But, you’re going to have to be more careful in the future.’

  Zane nodded and left the room, praying to whoever was listening that Dr Stevenson could do everything he’d just promised and that he hadn’t changed Aurora into something she couldn’t live with. It felt like the weight of the moon rested on his shoulders. Aurora needed to know the truth. Would she be upset he’d kept another secret from her?


  Knowing Aurora she was going to be pissed. But would she forgive him?


  Aurora was waiting for him when he walked out of Dr Stevenson’s office. She munched on a cookie. Her eyes seemed tired, but at least she was okay.

  ‘No cookie?’ she asked.

  Damn. How had they been so careless? Zane hadn’t needed a cookie because Dr Stevenson hadn’t bothered drawing blood. What if someone else noticed?

  ‘For your blood sugar?’ Aurora’s eyebrows tilted upward.

  ‘Oh, I, uh, guess I didn’t get one.’ Zane scratched his head. ‘Look, Aurora, we need to talk.’

  Aurora swallowed. ‘I have a feeling I’m not going to like whatever it is you’ve been hiding.’

  Yeah, he’d been afraid of that. Zane glanced around the room—even though only six of them had returned, it was still too many people. Telling Aurora here wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Especially when he didn’t know what Aurora’s reaction would be. He shouldn’t have said anything yet, but he wanted to tell her.

  ‘When we get out of here, first thing, we need to talk.’

  ‘Is this about you saving me?’ Aurora asked.

  ‘Yes and we have to keep it quiet.’ Zane gestured in Quinn and Kylie’s direction.

  ‘Okay.’ Aurora reached for Zane’s hand. ‘Thank you again for saving me.’

  ‘Just returning the favor.’ Zane rubbed his thumb over Aurora’s palm, remembering the fierceness of her face as she’d shuttled out toward him.

  ‘Looks like we both need each other around.’ Aurora smiled and Zane vowed he’d spend forever trying to keep that smile on her face.

  ‘Promise me you’ll remember that after we talk,’ Zane said.

  Aurora’s hand squeezed his. ‘I promise.’

  That was all he could really ask for.

  Chapter 57


  This conversation would either be a complete fucking disaster or a praise-the-stars miracle.

  Collin Titon would determine the direction.

  As soon as they were alone, Sky straightened his shoulders. Ready for battle.

  Collin Titon didn’t look like he normally did. He appeared haggard and his graying hair was a mess, as if he’d been living in hell the past few weeks.

  ‘I gotta say, I never thought I’d see the day,’ Collin Titon began. ‘A Dagan helping save a Titon … thank you for bringing my daughter home.’

  Sky knew his eyes were probably bulging out of his head right now. Wow. He hadn’t seen this response coming. ‘We wouldn’t have made it home without her,’ he finally admitted.

  ‘What did you need to talk to me about?’ Collin Titon seemed to pull himself together. He smoothed a hand through his hair.

  ‘I need your help,’ Sky said, getting straight to the point. It had taken him too long to put it all together. When his life had flashed before his eyes on impact, it was like he could finally see everything he’d been missing clearly.

  ‘I’m listening.’

  ‘I know you’ve been having Rowan followed,’ Sky said.

  ‘Aurora, huh?’ Collin Titon chuckled.

Yeah. She sort of sent me some of the reports.’

  ‘This just keeps getting better and better.’

  ‘Sir?’ Sky swallowed.

  ‘You better treat her right.’ Collin Titon stared into his eyes, finally looking like the man Sky always pictured—a man that had changed the world, a man worthy of being intimidated by. Maybe Sky should thank him for always beating Frontier Solutions? So engrossed in his own thoughts it took Sky a moment to realize what Collin Titon was trying to say.

  ‘Wait … that’s—’ Sky stopped mid-sentence. He actually didn’t know what the hell he and Aurora were. They were certainly something.

  Sky shook his head. This was so not the conversation he’d imagined. ‘Look, you should know already I’d do just about anything for Aurora. She’s earned my trust and she should’ve earned yours by now too.’ Sky met Collin Titon’s brown eyes. ‘You should trust her instincts.’

  ‘I’m beginning to.’ He nodded, like he was pleased by Sky’s answer. ‘Now, what’s this about Rowan?’

  ‘All those reports you’ve gotten from your investigator?’


  ‘I know what they all mean.’

  Collin Titon’s eyebrows rose, but he intently listened as Sky explained how Rowan’s behavior played into everything. How Sky believed Rowan and Frontier Solutions’ fifty million dollar deal was with TerraUnited. How Rowan’s trip to Magnolia Farms and the mysterious package he got there had something to do with the virus that made everyone sick. And how Collin Titon held a lot of the proof needed to put Rowan behind bars.

  ‘I don’t know how it all worked, but Rowan probably used animal blood to create a hybrid virus we wouldn’t be vaccinated for.’ Sky took a deep breath.

  ‘Does my daughter know?’

  ‘Not yet. She’s been through so much … I was kind of hoping we could resolve all this and it would be one less thing for her to have to worry about.’

  ‘So what is it that you think we should do with this? You clearly have a plan.’

  ‘I want you to call Veronica Harley. Send her all of your investigator’s reports and let her put it all together.’

  They were both smiling when they left the room.


  Sky laughed. He actually liked Veronica Harley right now. She’d done it. She’d managed to unravel all the strings that had been tying them down. And it had only taken her twenty-four hours.

  He kissed the screen.

  ‘Rowan Dagan was arrested for the murder of three Alliance astronauts and three Apollo Academy cadets. The victim’s full names have not been released as of yet.’ The triumph in Veronica Harley’s voice was unmistakable. She’s incredibly pleased with herself, Sky thought.

  ‘After an intense interrogation, Rowan also revealed the names and locations of the top TerraUnited members.’ Veronica glanced down at her tablet. ‘The arrest count is up to fifty, all charged with varying degrees of felonies. Many speculate TerraUnited is the company that Frontier Solutions signed a fifty million dollar deal with eight months ago, which would certainly explain Rowan’s recent actions against the Alliance. Financial motivation and the power to take over Frontier Solutions, perhaps motivated this partnership?’

  Sky didn’t feel sorry for the people Veronica Harley had interrogated the hell out of.

  ‘The source of the virus aboard Aviary and the cause of the quarantine has also been discovered. A local farm was raided earlier today where vials of altered pig blood were found. After this discovery, the Apollo Alliance publicly announced their approval of Orlando’s Police Department arrests and findings. I’m sure this is a relief to many within the Alliance and the Academy.’

  Sky’s smile was a mile wide. Rowan Dagan and TerraUnited wouldn’t be causing them problems any time soon.

  His smile vanished when he remembered he was still in trouble.

  The Alliance, though relieved the virus was contained and there were cadet survivors, was still pissed he’d broken protocol and left his station.

  His techiwatch beeped, alerting him of an incoming call. ‘Accept call,’ he answered, without looking.


  He would have dropped the phone if it weren’t strapped around his wrist. Sky decided he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.

  ‘Yeah. Who’s this?’ he asked.

  His dad hesitated. ‘Henry Dagan.’

  ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is,’ Sky lied.

  ‘I guess I deserve that.’

  ‘I’m quite positive I’ve never met you in my life,’ Sky continued, hoping it caused him pain.

  ‘Not even on the day you were born?’

  Sky pinched his nose. This couldn’t be happening.

  ‘I heard your first screams, was the first to hold you.’

  Bullshit. ‘Then why did you give me up?’

  ‘It was what Beth demanded of me.’


  Henry’s next words were rushed like he expected Sky to hang up any second. ‘She threatened to divorce me and expose my affair.’

  And that had apparently been a good enough reason to ditch his child. When his mom had passed when he was seventeen, he’d joined the Academy. Ms Lovell had taken him under her wing.

  ‘How’s Sarah?’ Henry whispered.

  Sky swallowed. ‘She died.’ He hoped the words hurt him. Done with the back and forth, Sky bit out, ‘What do you want?’

  ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for us to start off this way …’

  ‘Really? How did you think this conversation was going to go?’

  ‘Look. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry for the harm Rowan has caused you.’

  Sky rolled his eyes.

  Henry continued. ‘I’m proud of you,’ he whispered, as if it cost him something to utter those words.

  ‘No thanks to you.’ Sky disconnected the call. What the fuck had that been? His father was proud of him? Now? After all of this time?

  No way in hell.

  Henry Dagan wanted something from him and whenever Sky figured out what exactly that was; he’d never let it happen.

  Chapter 58


  Water caressed her face lovingly as it suffocated her.

  A knock on the door startled Aurora out of a nightmare. Obviously the past few weeks on Aviary were catching up to her, plaguing her mind when she could least control it. After Dr Stevenson had released her, she’d run straight to her room and crashed.

  She glanced at her watch.

  And had apparently slept for an entire day.

  Holy crap!

  Aurora glanced around the room, having no idea where Kaylana was. Probably with Akemi.

  The knocking increased its pace.

  ‘Come in,’ Aurora called out. At some point, she’d have to get out of bed. But school had been postponed for the time being. Their class of twenty had dwindled to half that. Looking back, it seemed Jeanne-Pierre and Jeremy had been lucky when they’d been sent back in training.

  Dressed in Apollo Academy shorts and polo, Zane strode into the room and settled on the bed beside her.

  Aurora sat up and scooted over, giving Zane more room.

  ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked.


  ‘Rowan and half of TerraUnited have been arrested.’

  ‘That’s a relief.’ But she knew that wasn’t what he was here to talk about. ‘So. It was your blood that saved me?’ Delirious images of Zane pumping blood into her resurfaced as she waited for Zane to pick up his side of the story.

  He studied the sheets, as if he didn’t want to talk about it. Well, Aurora had had enough of having to pull everything out of Zane. Weren’t they past the secrets?

  ‘Don’t even think about not telling me the truth,’ Aurora said, her voice edged with anger.

  When Zane didn’t say anything, she continued. ‘I thought we’d moved past all the secrets. You can tell me anything. I can handle it.’ Aurora’s voice cracked on th
e last word. It would hurt her if he started keeping things from her again. And she could tell from his hard, yet conflicted gray eyes that he was seriously contemplating shutting down. ‘Please don’t shut me out.’ Aurora reached out and wrapped her hand around his.

  Still remaining silent, Zane rubbed his thumb across her palm, sending delicious tingles up her arm.

  ‘Don’t I deserve to know what was done to my body?’ Aurora whispered, knowing it was a low blow.

  Zane flinched, but Aurora didn’t regret her words. She’d fight dirty for his trust if she needed to.

  ‘I’m just trying to figure out where to start.’ He licked his lips. ‘I’m going to tell you everything, but you’re not going to like it. And you can’t tell Sky.’

  ‘I can do that.’

  Zane took a deep breath before speaking. ‘I’m different from you, Aurora. I always have been. When you got sick, I …’ He shook his head. ‘It’s the reason I’m an unknown … I was supposed to be a secret. I’m not normal. And I’m not normal because of your father. I cracked the password on a computer I stole from Titon Technologies. And I was able to see a lot of the work that was done to me.’ He paused, as if realizing his jumbled mess of words weren’t making sense to her.

  He tried again. ‘By work, I mean eugenics … a lot of it was genetic defense against disease, old age. Basically, anything that could strengthen a person from dying.’

  ‘Can you try that again?’ Aurora’s eyes widened, a sick feeling slid down her throat.

  ‘My genetic make up was engineered for perfection. When you got sick, I hoped that my blood could beat the virus and that I could then help you.’

  ‘Eugenics?’ Aurora had heard the word before. Genetic engineering. Her father had talked about something like that when he’d been trying to cure her mom of heart failure. But this … this was … beyond anything she’d ever heard of.

  ‘You stole a computer from Titon Technologies?’ Aurora could wrap her mind around this part of the story.

  Zane nodded.

  A knife twisted in her stomach. ‘That day you said you came to see me, you were really there to get this computer?’ Her voice wobbled.

  Again, Zane only nodded. Apparently not knowing what else to say. He had to know what a betrayal that was.


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