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Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7

Page 2

by Brandy Walker

  Andreas looked back down at the flyer, his eyes roving every inch. There were pictures of the interior. The crowded tables. The full dance floor. The bar with beautiful women manning it. His gaze snagged on one woman in particular, a fiery redhead wearing a snug tank top. She was laughing in the picture, her eyes lit up like a thousand flames. The wolf in him perked up, the image of the woman snagging his attention as well.

  If she still worked there, then he needed to meet her. “Yeah,” he said, a grin beginning to curl the corner of his mouth. “This is exactly what I need.”

  Theo jumped from his chair. “Hot damn!” He clapped his hands together in glee. “I have your bag packed and in the truck. Your housekeeper was an absolute doll helping grab your shit. Change out of that stuffy suit and let’s hit the road.”

  Chapter 2

  July 3rd - Friday

  “Taking ten.” Amber Thompson pushed away from the bar and headed to the boss’s office. She needed a break from the drunken asshats sitting at the end of the long wooden bar top. Normally, the constant come-ons and lewd remarks didn’t bother her, but tonight it did. Her body itched, and she felt like she was coming out of her skin with each derogatory word uttered. And it wasn’t just the ones they said out loud either. Having the ability to read minds was not always a great thing. Especially when she couldn’t tune the annoying voices out like she was usually able to do.

  “Ah, Amber, baby, we aren’t running you off, are we?” the leader of the asshats, Cody, shouted. His two idiot friends chuckled and nudged each other. It happened to be the boy’s twenty-first birthday. She only knew because Frost, her boss, bought Cody’s first drink. A gift from one member of the Den to another. A rite of passage in a way.

  Amber’s eye twitched uncomfortably as Cody’s words stabbed her ears. What she wouldn’t give to let loose on those boys. Already, the tattoo running up her spine pulsed with latent heat. Her powers gearing up for a major blow out.

  She was pretty sure Frost wouldn’t appreciate her using her Págoma power to freeze any of his patrons or his Den members. No matter how much they deserved it, she knew to restrain herself. Hence, the ten-minute break in the boss’s office.

  After a quick rap on the door, she pushed it open, not waiting for a reply, only to find Frost in his chair, and a nymph between his legs bobbing up and down on his cock. Amber rolled her eyes and went in anyway, slamming the door shut behind her. She plopped down on the couch, tipping her head back and shutting her eyes. The voices in her head faded, allowing her a moment’s peace.

  “Do you mind?” Frost gritted out.

  Amber didn’t bother looking up. “Nope.”

  “Amber,” he growled, but it didn’t have any affect on her. Frost’s bark was worse than his bite, unless you were fucking him and begging for it. It wasn’t as if it were the first time she’d seen him in this situation. Or been in it herself.

  “If you would get an employee lounge or break room, this wouldn’t be an issue.”

  Frost’s breath hitched and the nymph moaned. The exhibitionist in Frost responding to having another person in the room, even though she wasn’t watching. His dick had probably lengthened. His fingers finding their way into the woman’s hair. The vibrations from her moan would run down his cock, pushing him closer to the edge. Amber knew from experience, it wouldn’t be long before the big man blew. The closer he got, the tighter his grip on the girl’s head, using her hair to move her faster up and down his shaft. Pushing toward the finish.

  Amber briefly thought about tapping into his thoughts to see how far gone he was, but decided against it. She may not give him the privacy he pretended to want physically, but she would mentally. Frost’s inner thoughts could be a scary place at times.

  A tortured groan burst from his chest, followed by a long, drawn out “Fuuuuuck. Yeah, swallow it all, baby.” The chair squeaked, and she could picture him flexing his fine ass, pumping the last bits of cum down her throat. A wet pop sounded in the room, followed by a hard smack. The girl squeaked and giggled.

  “Thanks,” he grunted. “You can go.”

  Amber peeked at them, trying not to be conspicuous. The girl made a sound of protest, but a low growl from Frost had her spinning on her heel and marching out. It was best not to rile the bear up. The nymph made her objection to being thrown out fairly clear with each stomp of her tiny high-heeled feet. She slammed the door behind her, and the room fell into silence.

  “Feel better?” she asked, after a few seconds, gauging her boss’s mood.

  He snorted and zipped up his pants, leaving the button undone. “Yep. What brings you in here?”

  “Not sure. Something is bothering me tonight, and I figured you wouldn’t want me fucking with your customers, even if they are your own Den mates.” Amber stood and turned to face the two-way mirror that looked out into the bar. If Frost hadn’t been so caught up getting his dick sucked, he would have noticed something was off. But, then, who could blame a guy for getting some? She certainly didn’t.

  Sex to a Siren wasn’t a big deal. It was an explosive rendezvous with pleasure to be had, as long as your partner didn’t want to get serious. That was when things got uncomfortable and she was out the door.

  She heard the scraping of his chair, and felt his heated presence as he walked up behind her. He stopped next to her and looked out across the bar, just as she was doing. He knew she didn’t like to talk about feelings and girly shit. It wasn’t in her to get uptight about anything. “It isn’t like you to need a break.”

  “I know.” And that’s what was bothering her. She had been fine for most of her shift. It was only in the last half hour that something nagged at her. Her body grew hot, her head buzzed in anticipation. Her heart beat erratically.

  “Is it the customers being overly dumb, or do you feel like trouble is coming?”

  She let loose a small snort. It wasn’t in her powers to sense trouble, at least not the kind he was thinking of, but that’s exactly what it felt like inside. There was turmoil and apprehension warring in her. Her gaze kept flicking to the door; like a part of her waited for someone to step through it. It was fucking weird all around.

  “I don’t know, boss. Maybe it’s just the holiday weekend, and knowing we’re going to be packed to the gills. I’m not settled, and those idiots at the end over there,” she pointed to the trio she’d had to get away from before, “were pushing every last button on my nerves.”

  The door to the bar opened suddenly, and her gaze automatically slid to it. Two giant men walked through. A shaggy, beach bum guy with long brown hair, and another man with slick stylishly cut deep brown, verging on black, hair. She skimmed over the beach bum. He had that laidback vibe she liked to go for. The kind that said casual sex and nothing more. There was ease to his gait, a swagger that had heads turning. She felt a flicker of attraction spark then immediately burn out. He was a good-looking man, like most of the paranormal world.

  She found humor in the fact the Mystics of the realm were, in general, bigger, better, more beautiful people compared to their human counterparts. Humans wished to be like them, be loved by them, and wanted to become them. If only they knew the pitfalls of that dream.

  Her gaze drifted to the other man, and her heart skipped a beat. Oh my. He was the opposite of his friend in every way possible. Dressed casually like his companion in jeans and a T-shirt; the dark-haired man was more refined. His jeans looked tailored to conform to every bulge of muscle and sinew. They hung on his hips and were the perfect length for his long, bulky legs. She enjoyed a leisurely gaze, taking in his well-formed body. His T-shirt was loose around his waist and fit snuggly over his upper chest and biceps. It stretched the smallest amount across his shoulders, allowing for a glimpse of the strength hidden beneath the material. The shirt looked expensive and soft, and begged her to peel it from him. Already, she could imagine the feel of it against her naked body. Rubbing her nipples into stiff peaks. Carrying his spicy scent to her nose where she would happi
ly drown in it.

  Traveling further up, she found a firm-looking mouth perfect for kissing, straight nose, and high cheekbones. When her gaze landed on his, the breath in her lungs backed up, constricting her chest. He looked in her direction, his dark gaze piercing through the mirrored glass. Could he see her taking in his beauty like he was a goddamn high-end painting in the ritziest gallery? A slow, seductive smile curved his lips, and she would swear lust flashed in his eyes. He and his friend stepped up to the bar, but his gaze never left hers.

  Amber stumbled back, caught completely off guard. Frost’s hand shot out, wrapping around her upper arm. She pulled her gaze away from the mysterious man and sucked in a much-needed breath.

  “You okay?” Frost’s brows drew together in a frown, his pale blue eyes searching her face. She didn’t know what he saw but whatever it was, worry flashed across his handsome features.

  She licked her dry lips and nodded; intent on reassuring him and hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions. “Yeah.” Shaking her head, she stepped away from him easily. “I need to get back to work. My ten minutes are up, and Brit is looking swamped.”

  “You sure? You look like you just saw a ghost or something. I don’t mind if you hang out here for a couple more minutes. I can go help Brittany out.”

  Amber pasted a smile on, not about to show how much she was unnerved. To have a complete stranger have that kind of effect on her was unheard of, and she wanted to keep it that way. She was a Siren for Goddess sake. A woman of beauty and desire who could lure in anyone she wanted with one sultry word. She was the one who stopped people in their tracks. Made them do anything in order to be with her.

  A man who had the ability to do that to her and set her libido on fire with one look was a very dangerous man. She’d have to stay on her toes around him if she wanted to stay free and single. The married life was not the Siren’s way.

  Chapter 3

  July 3rd - Friday

  Theo nudged Andreas, pulling him back to the here and now. A cute blonde stood in front of them, batting her baby blue eyes at him expectantly.

  They were standing at the bar directly in front of the two-way mirror. Whoever was behind it had his wolf captivated. He did a mental shake and focused on the bartender. “Sorry.”

  “What do you want, handsome?” She purred, her hand hovering over an upturned glass.

  He checked out the beers on tap and picked what he thought would be a dark lager. It didn’t really matter what he got as long as it allowed him a couple more minutes to see if the one tempting his wolf would emerge from behind the glass partition.

  The wolf inside clawed to the forefront in anticipation. Panting for a glimpse to see who called to him. He insisted they remain riveted to the spot, and Andreas was curious enough to want to stay there as well. His animal knew on an instinctual level that his prey would come to them. With Andreas’s keen hearing, he heard the quiet snick of a door opening and shutting quickly. The sultry redhead with an hourglass figure from the flyer emerged from the hallway to his left. A breath shuddered out of him in relief she still worked at the bar. A small part of him second-guessed his decision to drive the three hours from town out to the secluded area.

  Her gaze snapped to his, locking them both in place. Arousal made a swift and powerful trip through his body. Every nerve ending stood on end, and his dick swelled in his jeans.

  She stopped mid-step, her eyes opening wide. It was as if she knew the effect she had on his body. Andreas cocked his head to the side and focused on the woman. It was a blessing the bar wasn’t filled to capacity yet. It allowed him to pick up her heart rate, which beat out a rapid tattoo. Her breathing accelerated, her chest rising and falling quickly. Whether she knew it or not, she was reacting to the mating vibes his wolf was putting out.

  “Amber, you back from break?” The blonde who had served them asked, shocking them back into reality. “I need ten.”

  Amber. He said her name in his head, liking the sound of it. It evoked thoughts of slow burns and hot nights. Passion and lust hotter than the sun.

  The redhead, he now knew as Amber, sauntered toward the bar, her feet ungluing from the floor. “Yeah, I’m back.” The normalcy in her voice threw him off guard for a moment. She sounded carefree; like the moment that passed between them was something she experienced every day. “Anything interesting happen while I was gone?”

  The blonde tossed a rag in Amber’s direction. She caught it easily, letting it dangle from her hand.

  “Those jerks at the end are still there. You might need to grab Leif or one of the other guys to toss their asses out. They’re nothing but trouble, and not the good kind like these two hunks.” She nodded at Theo and Andreas, her bright gaze eating up his friend like he was the main course on the buffet menu.

  Amber turned her attention to them. She glanced quickly at Theo, before her gaze landed on Andreas. “I don’t know, Brit. Surfer-boy might be up for some fun and games, but I’m not sure the other one can handle my kind of trouble. Looks a little…uptight to me.” One corner of her mouth quirked up into a sassy little grin. Mischief sparkled in her green eyes. Andreas couldn’t help but fall for her a little bit more.

  Ever since seeing her picture earlier that day, he couldn’t get her off his mind. Her image called him to seek her out. Find out more about her. His wolf pushed him to bask in her glow and allow her to become the center of his universe.

  “That’s never stopped you from having a good time before,” Brit quipped, bringing Andreas back to the conversation. “Maybe you can loosen him up, and show him what a good time looks like. Give him a piece of this fine ass.” As she passed by Amber, she popped her in the butt. The loud smack echoed within the confines of the back bar. The wolf pitched forward, wanting to protect its mate from the playful slap. Andreas thought he’d rather be the one popping that ass. Having her bent over his knees with her tight derrière thrust up in the air, trembling in anticipation of the first hit. It was his newest fantasy and, fuck; it made his dick hard.

  “I’ll be in the boss’s office. He doesn’t have one of his girls back there, does he?”

  The blonde’s words brought Andreas out of his daydream. He really needed to do a better job of staying in the present. He knew on some level that Amber had just come from back there. He hoped like hell she wasn’t involved with the boss of the place somehow. He’d hate to have to fuck the guy up.

  “Not anymore,” Amber said, whipping the towel onto her shoulder.

  “Chased another one off?”

  “Not until after she was done blowing him. If he would get us a break room…” Amber trailed off.

  “Then he wouldn’t have that problem,” Brit laughed and walked away. Her laughter trailing behind her and drawing the eyes of the males around them.

  Amber turned her fiery gaze toward him. He noticed she didn’t look him directly in the eyes, at least not for very long. Odd behavior for a Siren. They normally didn’t have problems holding their own with people. So, maybe she knows there’s something special between you.

  “You boys doing okay?” She wiped down the bar in front of them, leaning over slightly. Andreas couldn’t help but look down her tight red tank that had Ecstasis D splashed across her ample breasts. The peek gave him a great view of creamy globes and a lacy white bra cupping them ever so well. His hands would do a better job of holding them though, he thought.

  She cleared her throat and he noticed her smirk. “Like the view?” Her voice dropped in a husky tone. It caressed his ears and went straight to his dick. He hardened further, and reached down to adjust his length behind the zipper.

  The corners of his mouth drew up into a grin when he noted her gaze dropped when he adjusted himself. He cleared his throat and nodded when her eyes snapped back to his. He wasn’t the least bothered at being caught staring or to catch her trying to stare.

  The wolf loved having her close enough to pick up the cinnamon scent rolling off her skin. He took a sip of his beer,
keeping her in his sight, as she swiftly turned and walked down the length of the bar checking on the patrons. When she got to the end where three young guys sat, he noticed she stayed back a couple of steps. Her posture stiff and defensive.

  “Come on, baby, come a little closer. We’re good friends with Frost, he even bought my beer. I promise, I won’t bite.” He snapped his teeth together like he was chomping on food, setting Andreas’s teeth on edge. “Unless you want me too.” The kid probably thought he was being slicker than shit, but he only came across as cheesy as hell. He’d never get anywhere with women using lines like that.

  Amber snorted and shook her head. “I think you’ve had enough, Cody.” She snatched up his partially finished beer and started to turn away when the young, mouthy cub lunged for her in an attempt to grab her. It was enough to spur Andreas into motion. No one touched his mate—ever.

  Thanks to shifter speed, he was behind the guy, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and away from Amber before she could really react. Her surprised little gasp told him she didn’t expect to be rescued. He’d teach her soon enough that no one messed with what was his. After he dealt with the boy.

  Andreas’s fangs descended when he got a whiff of the man-child who thought to touch his mate. A bear. A dumb, young, drunk bear. The kid was probably celebrating his twenty-first birthday—a tradition the shifter communities adhered to in order to blend with humans—and riding a high of invincibility or, as bad as he smelled…invisibility.

  Andreas growled low in his throat, startling the two boys with the kid. Theo appeared at his side, as did a mountain of a man with hair as pale as moonlight with skin to match, and even paler ice-blue eyes.

  “Is there a problem?” the unknown man rumbled, his sharp gaze landing on each of them.

  Andreas caught the flash of silver in the man’s eyes, and the glint of sharp deadly teeth. A bear as well, Polar if he had to guess. Rare for the part of the country they lived in, but not unheard of. As long as there was a cool body of water nearby, the bear would be comfortable in its surroundings.


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