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Telepathic Cravings

Page 15

by Melissa Schroeder

  Fear held her back. Fear of his hatred. Fear of losing him.

  Her breath caught in her throat and her heart almost stopped beating. Dammit, he wasn’t supposed to become important. He was the means to an end. Defiantly, she pushed the tender feelings aside and wiped away the few stray tears that had escaped. Drawing in a deep breath, she quickly rinsed her hair. Once done, she stepped out of the shower and was in the process of drying herself when David walked in the bathroom.

  His face broke into a huge grin when he saw the state of her undress. “Well, if I’d known you were waiting for me in this condition, I’d have been faster.”

  She snorted. “Don’t even think about it. It’s bad enough I have to ride that damn cycle.”

  He chuckled. She threw the towel in his face and marched out the door, her head held high. Before she could slip past him, he grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back. He gave her a loud, smacking kiss, and released her arm.

  “We don’t have the time, sweetheart. Getting out of here and to your friend’s place is the most important thing.” She hurried into the bedroom and threw on her clothes and donned her shoes. “Do you think he can get us a transport?”

  “Drake can do just about anything. Loads of money and connections up the ass.”

  He grunted and stalked through the room. Anger drifted toward her, mixed with a tiny flash of jealousy. David? It had to be, but of what?

  “You ready?” His voice had lost the teasing quality, and he’d gone all space ranger on her again.

  “David.” He didn’t turn around from gathering up his things. “David.”


  “If you have a problem with going to Drake, we can go somewhere else.”

  “No, it’s fine.”

  The scent of anger grew, jealousy fading. “I haven’t been involved with Drake for years. We really are just good friends.”

  The tension in his shoulders eased, but his tone didn’t change. Without looking at her, he strode to the door. “I wasn’t worried about that.”

  As he cracked the door and checked the hallway, her gaze took in the warrior in uniform again. Dang if he didn’t look good enough to eat. The material molded to every muscle, and she knew what they looked like without the covering. She shivered and pushed aside the memories. This was a short-term deal and men didn’t like those messy emotions. Hell, she didn’t like them.

  He turned and motioned with his head. Silently, she padded to the door behind him, following him out the door. The scum that had filled the bar the night before had all disappeared except a few of the creatures passed out from overindulging. They lay scattered on tables and the floor.

  The moment they made it outside without incident, she sighed, but ended up bumping into a wall of muscle. She peeked around David to see what had stopped him, and swallowed.

  Holy mother of Jupiter. Before them stood a Serenti. The male creature stood over seven feet tall, his chest wide and muscular, guns in all four of his hands, and his serpentine tongue slithering in and out of his mouth.

  “Adamssth. Nice to sssee you again. Seemssth you have sssomething I want,” he said as one of his guns took aim at David’s chest.

  Chapter 9

  David rolled his shoulders as he eyed Wendewin, scumbag of the century. Shit. He wasn’t ready to tangle with the jackass. Facing down a bounty hunter who was known for not only catching his man, but abusing him, wasn’t something David wanted to do on a good day. Having Genoa’s fear and revulsion rushing through him didn’t help settle his nerves.

  “What the fuck do you want, Wendewin? Last time I saw you, you were getting the crap beat out of you by some Federation agents.”

  His orange eyes flickered with anger. “Asth you can ssee, my luck hasth changed. I want the woman, Adamssth.”

  His lisp grew more pronounced with his anger.

  “No can do. Marcus Carlyle wants to talk to her.”

  “But there is a pretty price on that pretty head.”

  Rage twisted into the fear Genoa emitted. He could almost feel the tension in her muscles. Wendewin’s attention was caught by Genoa peeking around him. David knew this was his one chance to take the Serenti out. He grabbed the knife he had holstered to his thigh and threw it underhand, connecting to the asshole’s abdomen. Wendewin screeched, the sound of his pained cry vibrating the port windows on the hotel.

  Wendewin collapsed, gasping for breath. Without another look at the dying creature, David grabbed Genoa’s hand and ran toward their cycle.

  “Who the hell was that?” she asked as she shoved on her helmet.

  “Bounty hunter.”

  He put on his own helmet, then jumped on the cycle and turned it on. She sat behind him, sliding her arms around his midsection.

  “What did he want with us?”

  “Not us, honey. He wanted you. Which means we have to get the hell out of Dodge. Someone put a price on your head.”

  He just hoped he could get her back to Marcus in one piece. If he didn’t, Marcus would kill him. And, God help him, he would never be able to forgive himself.

  As they hightailed it out of the city, David tried to forget the utter rage and jealousy he’d had to fight when Genoa mentioned Drake. Dammit, he’d never gotten hung up over a woman before, especially about any of her former lovers. Hell, her current lovers didn’t bother him usually. But the thought that the man they were going to meet had touched Genoa…

  Shit. And now they had bounty hunters after them. Wendewin only took high-priced jobs, so Johnson must have a bundle of money to waste. He didn’t need this. What he needed was to deposit her sweet ass in Marcus’ office and leave.

  The fact that idea turned his stomach irritated him even more.

  * * * *

  Several hours later, David parked his cycle in front of a house built into the side of a mountain. He waited for Genoa to get off the bike and then followed her. She held the parka he’d bought her at some run-down secondhand store tighter. The wind whipped around the few locks of her hair that had escaped the hood. The jacket itself was about three sizes too big, but it was the only thing he could find. He’d known the higher elevations would be cold as a witch’s tit.

  “So, Conners lives in a mountain?”

  She laughed, the sound of it shimmering along his nerve endings. A rush of heat headed straight to his groin. The joy he felt coursing through him aroused and angered him. Was she happy because of Drake? And just why the hell did he care?

  “I guess. Knowing Drake, the damn thing is filled with high-priced gadgets, but we’ll be lucky if he has food.”

  “You know, for a woman in your situation, Genoa, you shouldn’t be trading secrets about your savior.”

  David turned and found a tall, forbidding man, his face hidden in the shadows of his hood. Before David could react, Genoa let out a whoop and climbed the stairs to the landing where Conners stood. She jumped into the other man’s arms, which closed around her and lifted her off her feet. David gritted his teeth as his green-eyed monster did battle with her happiness.

  He stalked up the stairs, trying not to show he was pissed. “Territorial” was one word no one would have ever applied to him, especially when it came to his love life. But dammit, the woman was twisting him in knots, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  “You act as if you knew we were coming,” she said to Conners.

  He pulled off his hood and gave David his first unobstructed view of the man. Sharp blue eyes surveyed him from behind antique glasses. No one wore glasses anymore, but Genoa had said he was eccentric. A mop of unruly, unkempt hair lay about his shoulders. He was gangly, but not skinny. David could recognize the muscular build beneath the clothes. And he still had his arm around Genoa’s waist.

  David shot him a dirty look, and the smirk on the bastard’s face irritated him even more.

  “Drake Conners, science freak, this is David Adams, space ranger.” Irritation threaded Genoa’s voice.

  “Why don’t you two come
inside? We’re in for some nasty weather.”

  David glanced around at the red snowlike drifts and raised an eyebrow.

  “Believe me, Adams, it gets worse than this.”

  Conners corralled Genoa through the door, his hand on the small of her back. Irritation morphed into outright possessive rage. Dammit. He could handle this. It was only another assignment, and just another woman.

  As he swallowed back a growl, he heard Genoa say, “Oh, Drake, you remembered my love of wood-burning fireplaces.”

  David slammed the door shut and stalked after them.

  * * * *

  Genoa’s nerves were frayed, and her temper sorely tested. She shoved Drake’s hand away from her and narrowed her eyes. David would be in there at any moment, so she didn’t say anything. She knew from the mischievous light in his eyes, he was trying to cause trouble. He’d done it each time they’d run into each other in the past few years. It was his jackass way of trying to protect her.

  “So, Conners, how did you know we were coming?” David asked as he walked down the steps of the sunken living area. Drake loved white, and almost the whole house was a blank sheet. As David prowled closer, she was struck by the contrast of his black uniform against the white background. She was pissed as hell at him, but her heart tripped as her body heated from the possessive scent.

  “I’ve heard some rumors.”

  She glanced at Drake. He’d seemed ready for them, the fire burning, and the scent of roasted chicken filling the room.

  “What kind of rumors?” David asked. She returned her attention to him. He crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes narrowed. He had the look of a lion concentrating on his prey.

  “Some calls have gone out. I went into Gragalia for supplies today and the word was out about a Federation agent with a beautiful redhead. I knew the description. And knowing Genoa all these years, I figured it was her. It sounded like something she would be messed up in.”

  David snorted. “Yeah, well, I’ve known her for less than two days and I can understand that.”

  This was really too much. “Hey, I told you to just drop me off.”

  He ignored her. It irritated her to no end. “Is that chicken I smell?”

  Drake nodded, a smile curling his lips. “Well, what could pass as chicken out here. Should be done soon.”

  “You got a place for us to clean up?”

  “Yeah, I have a couple of guest bedrooms,” Drake said as he headed down the hall.

  “We only need one.” David’s voice was so sharp it could have cut glass.

  Drake chuckled but didn’t say another word. She followed him out of the room. David immediately fell in behind her, his hand on the small of her back. She knew from his scent his territorial feelings were getting out of hand. Being the independent woman she was, she should be pissed. But truth be known, a rush of liquid heat curled in her stomach, then flooded her pussy. Her skin tingled with anticipation.

  “Illuminate.” Drake stepped aside. She walked past him and avoided eye contact. She felt his curious gaze and was thankful when he didn’t say anything. David followed. She sensed his pause, probably trying to stare Drake down, but it wouldn’t work. Although a science geek, Drake could probably fight David on an equal footing.

  She bent to take her shoes off. The door clicked shut quietly.

  “I’m not in the mood to argue, David. I just want to clean up, eat, and pass out.”

  The moment she straightened, his arms snaked around her waist. “I wasn’t thinking about arguing.” He pulled her tight against him. There was no mistaking his long, hard cock as it prodded her bottom. His hands slid up to cup her breasts. He grazed a thumb over each nipple.

  He nuzzled her neck, then nipped her earlobe. When he spoke, his breath was hot against her skin.

  “Although, the thought of making you scream did come to mind.”

  Chapter 10

  David’s body hummed, anticipating sinking into Genoa’s hot, wet pussy. Her nipples were hard against his thumbs as he continued to rub them, slowly. She drew in a shuddering breath. He knew just what she was feeling. The arousal coursing through him was not only his own. There was a difference. Her desire was sharp but sweet, just so damn sweet. It warmed him slowly, twisting through his blood and reaching into his soul.

  His passion was much more primitive. Down deep in the recesses of his male psyche, it roared to life. This was more than just lust. When he’d seen the intimate looks between Genoa and Conners, a primal beast had been awakened. Dark desire so potent it demolished any clear thinking. He wanted to claim her, remind the woman that she only had this with him.

  He nipped at her ear again, and smiled when she shivered. “Now, why would you think I wanted to argue?”

  She swallowed then licked her lips. “I could sm— um…tell you were angry.”

  “Hmm, I guess I was, a little.” He skimmed his hands down to her hips and pulled her tighter against him. She moaned as he began to rub his cock against her ass. Damn. His balls ached at the thought of bending her over and shoving into her tight pussy from behind.

  He kissed her neck as he pulled off her pants with a quick little jerk. Next, he slid his hands up her body, taking her top along with them. Before she could lower her arms, David pulled them behind her head and rested one on each of his shoulders. Without her arms in the way, he had a full view of her torso. She leaned her head against his chest as he skimmed the backs of his fingers along her skin, just brushing the sides of her breasts. When he reached her stomach, he flattened one hand to brace her and then slid the other down to her sex.

  The moment he slipped a finger inside her, David was ready to come. Her arousal spiked, blasting through him like an electric spark. She was wet and hot; her cream wetting his fingers. He continued thrusting with his fingers and massaging her clit with his thumb. She rubbed her sweet ass against his erection.

  “David, now.”

  “No, no, no, princess. At my pace.”

  She groaned and he chuckled, and bent his head to kiss her neck. He added another finger as she speared hers through his hair. He continued the same rhythm. Her moans increased in volume. A slice of fear wound through him as he pushed her close to the edge. His fingers were drenched with her cream as the panic she felt subsided and heat flashed. David could feel her body react, as she shattered. Her inner muscles tightened on his fingers, drawing him deeper inside her. His body trembled from her release and his own need for completion.

  She rode his hand, releasing his hair and placing her hands on top of his and applying more pressure to her sex. As her tremors eased, he slowly pulled his fingers out and led her to the bed. Bending her at the waist, he placed each of her hands on the mattress, and then stepped behind her. Her hair lay across her back in a tangle of curls and dreadlocks.

  Undoing his buttons, he took his dick in hand. He ran his hand over one full ass cheek and then the other. She turned, her hair sliding off her back with the motion.

  Catching her gaze, he stroked his cock, starting at the base, up to the tip, and then back down again. She licked her lips and he felt a drop of pre-cum dribble out. He stepped closer, pushing her feet further apart. Placing one hand on the small of her back, he grazed the head of his dick against her slit.

  She rested her weight on her forearms and placed her head on the bed. He could feel her arousal shifting and growing, twining with his own, spurring him on. With one hard thrust, he entered her. He groaned as her muscles clamped down hard on his dick. For a moment, all he did was stand there and enjoy the feel of her warm, damp heat surrounding his cock.

  “Oh, God, Genoa, your pussy feels good.”

  She moaned again, the words unintelligible as she joined in the mating, matching his rhythm.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  As he pulled out and then sank balls deep again, heat spiraled through him. He dug his fingers into the soft skin at her hips. His own feelings and hers entwined as he continued his thrusts; he had no idea
where her emotions started and his ended. A moment later, she came again and he followed, her spasms milking his orgasm from him.

  They collapsed on the bed. A short while later, he realized he was lying fully on her. He dragged her to the top of the bed and then sank into the comfortable mattress as she snuggled closer.

  Each time they made love, her emotions deepened. He had no idea if it was her feelings that were shifting, growing into something more than just good, healthy lust, or if it was his changing, deepening. As he drifted off to sleep, he thought of the panic during their lovemaking. There was something she was afraid of, something she wanted to hide from him that had nothing to do with her job and everything to do with her heart. Or so he hoped.

  At this point, he didn’t care which it was. And that was enough to scare the hell out of him.

  * * * *

  Genoa snuck out of the room in search of food. And to escape the emotions swirling through her at the moment. There was something not right when she made love to David. There was a lot of rightness, but something she couldn’t face lay between them.

  She wandered past the living area and followed the scent of food. She walked through a large arching doorway and found Drake sitting at a metal-and-glass dining table. He was reading a book, but she must have made a sound, because he looked up.

  Concern darkened his eyes as she walked toward him. “Hungry?”

  She nodded. He rose and went to the food storage. He pulled out some cold “chicken” and motioned her to sit.

  “You need to talk?” She shook her head and watched him retrieve a plate. As he filled the plate, he didn’t let the subject go. “You know I stay out of your affairs.”


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