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Emissary of the Void

Page 13

by Greg Keyes

  to stop it. We might not be able to as it is, but if we spend another hour

  looking for Leaft, that's an hour less we have to do what we can. You want

  Leaft's death to have meaning? Then quit moping and get us moving.''

  'To where?''

  'Thyferra. They've found a way to destroy bacta-and worse.''

  Uldir stiffened. 'Right,'' he said, wearily. 'Let's go. But when this is


  'Save that for when it is over, Boss,'' Vega said.

  'Sure.'' He glanced back at the stellar panorama, where their rota-tion was

  bringing the black hole back into view.

  'I hope it hurt,'' he whispered.


  'He didn't like the thought of going out without feeling it''

  She nodded. 'That's Leaft.''

  He turned to go, and noticed that Vega's eyes were catching the light from

  the control panel. They glistened.

  Relieved to be back aboard the_No Luck Required,_ Uldirfound Bey and Klin-Fa

  hunched over something that looked like a sphere with short, stumpy

  tentacles. The tentacles writhed, slightly. On the sur-face of the sphere

  itself, odd symbols formed and dissipated.

  Klin-Fa looked up. 'Hi,'' she said, softly. 'Are you okay?''

  'I'm fine,'' Uldir brusquely replied. 'I've laid in a course for Thyferra.

  Now tell me why exactly.''

  'The slave ship?''

  'Vook's flying it. He had the same problem Leaft must have had, but he

  figured out how to correct for it. When we finally raise someone, we'll have

  them taken off our hands. Now, what have you got there?''

  Bey spoke up. 'What the Yuuzhan Vong found on Wayland was a biochemical

  sequencing of Bacta. At some point the Emperor must have been considering

  neutralizing it, but his sci-entists never got that far. The Yuuzhan Vong

  did.'' He pointed to the screen. 'They've developed an agent, something like

  a virus. It attacks the alazhi plant bacta is made from.''

  'It kills it?''

  'No, something much more subtle. The virus mimics the active chemicals and

  bacteria in alazhi and then goes quiescent. Absolutely undetectable, unless

  you know exactly what to look for. It stays there when it's brewed with

  kavam to produce bacta. But when the bacta is introduced into a living

  subject, it activates at a low level. It's a sort of time bomb. A few weeks

  after bacta treatment, the subject drops dead in a few hours. They've tested

  it on a wide sampling of species already. There's no cure, and no reversing

  the process. Once infected, the alazhi plants will pass the virus on

  genetically. You see what this means?''

  Uldir nodded. 'Everyone uses Bacta. We've been using it so long, it's

  replaced most conventional medicine.''

  'Exactly. If they had gotten away with this without anyone know-ing, imagine

  the number of injured who would have been infected.'' 'Millions, maybe, if

  there's a new Yuuzhan Vong offensive,'' Uldir said. 'Which the evidence

  points to,'' Vega added.

  'Yeah, this isn't good,'' Uldir allowed. 'How is this virus being


  'That's a little fuzzy,'' Klin-Fa admitted. 'But from what we've got here,

  my best guess would be an operative. The virus spreads very quickly. If it

  was introduced to one of the major alazhi plantations, it would infect the

  whole planet in days.''

  'They might have already done it,'' Vega observed.

  'They might have,'' Klin-Fa conceded, 'but I don't think so. There's s

  timetable here. It looks like we have about forty hours.''

  'We can make Thyferra in thirty,'' Uldir said. 'But then we still have o

  find the agent carrying the virus. Considering the Yuuzhan Vong ability to

  disguise themselves-it sounds impossible.''

  'We start with the largest, most centrally located plantations,'' Bey said.

  'The only good thing about not being able to sense the Yuuzhan Vong in the

  Force is that it makes it easier to pick them out when they're disguised.

  It's like they're not there.''

  'It's worth a try*,''*Uldir said. 'Meanwhile, we get the word out. If we I,

  at least they'll know not to use bacta from now on.''

  'The loss of bacta is going to be a hard blow to recover from, especially in

  wartime,'' Vega observed.

  'True,'' Uldir said. 'So we don't let it happen. We stop them. Keep on the

  hyperwave and HoloNet. Let somebody know what's going on. We need help on

  this, and if something happens to us, this secret can't die with us.''

  'Will do, Boss,'' Vega replied.

  'Are you busy?''

  Uldir turned from the controls and saw Klin-Fa standing in the entrance to

  the bridge. She was just brushing her dark bangs from her eyes, and

  something went odd in his chest.

  'Where's your friend?'' He asked.

  'Sleeping. He's still not in very good shape:''

  'What happened to him?''

  'He's not sure. Something that hurt a lot, that's all he remembers.''

  'Well, those are the Yuuzhan Vong we all know and love. `Life is pain.`

  Sometimes I think they're right.''

  'Life is a lot of things,'' Klin-Fa said. 'Pain is certainly one of them,

  but it's not the sum of it.'' Her voice lowered. 'I'm sorry about the Dug.''

  'His name was Leaft,'' Uldir said, more harshly than he meant to. 'And yeah,

  so am I:''

  'It wasn't for nothing.''

  'Thanks, but that doesn't really help.''

  'I know. I lost a friend, too.'' she paused. 'There were three of us,

  originally. Bey, me, and Yabaley.''

  'I heard you say that name back on Bonadan. When you killed the Yuuzhan Vong



  'You were angry.''

  'He was my friend. He...'' Her gaze flicked off, as if seeking advice from

  someone in the corner. 'He was more than a friend, really. The Yuuzhan Vong

  killed him not long after we were captured. They tor-tured him to death. I

  felt him die.''

  Uldir felt his cheeks grow warm with shame. 'I'm sorry. I knew


  'I know what you think. Back on Wayland, you made it clear you thought I had

  gone over to the dark side.''

  Uldir nodded. He had studied at Master Skywalker's Jedi academy but had

  shown no real talent for the Force. Still, he sometimes ha some sensitivity

  to the Force, and he had an odd sort of luck it was difficult to put down to

  mere chance.

  'I sensed something dark on Wayland,'' he said. 'And on Bonadan. I thought

  it was you.''

  'Wayland's seen a lot of the dark side. I felt shadows there too.

  Bonadan-well, I think I came close, Uldir. I felt it-the power of the dark

  side, the attraction of it. I wanted to kill them all. But I stepped away

  from it. '

  'I'm glad to hear that.''

  'You helped.''

  'I don't see how.''

  'You're a decent guy. You may not be strong in the Force, but there are more

  important things than that. You've got a lot of them. I was starting to go a

  little crazy. Everywhere I went, everyone I turner ended up being stupid or

  corrupt or an enemy. You didn't. I-ah-I guess you renewed my faith, or


  'I wish that had translated into trust a little earlier on,'' Uldir said.

  'I'm tryin
g to thank you.''

  'I know. I appreciate that. I just-'' he pursed his lips angrily. 'Why did

  you kiss me?''

  Her eyes widened, and then she chuckled. 'That sure came from a hidden

  vector.'' She folded her arms across her chest. 'I kissed you because I

  wanted to.''

  'Because I'm a decent guy.''


  He stood up and took a step toward her. She seemed to hug herself harder.

  'And what if I kissed you?''

  She looked away. 'That's not such a good idea, right now. Bey-''

  'Right,'' Uldir murmured, turning away.

  'If you'll let me explain-''

  'We're reverting to realspace,'' Uldir said. 'It'll have to wait. And you

  don't owe me any explanations anyway.''

  She was starting to say something else when the stars came back--the stars

  and more.

  'Sithspit!'' Klin-Fa gasped.

  Uldir didn't say anything-he just punched the ion drive to maxi-mum and put

  the ship into a spin to avoid the Yuuzhan Vong frigate he was about to smash

  into. He managed it, barely, but space was thick with ships, laser fire, and

  plasma trails.

  'What's going on?'' Vega came rushing in from the back.

  'We dropped into the middle of a battle, looks like,'' Uldir grunted,


  'Where are we?''

  'The Yag'Dhul system,'' he replied, as the ship shuddered under the impact

  of a plasma projectile. 'I was staging our last jump from here. Looks like

  the ceasefire has been broken. We're at war with the Vong again.''

  'I'd say so,'' Vega said, dryly. She shot Klin-Fa a nasty look. 'Move over,

  sweetness. I need the copilot's seat.''

  Klin-Fa moved silently away.

  'Work out the last jump, before we get fried,'' Uldir said.

  'I'm working,'' Vega said. 'Yag'Dhul is a complex system. All those moons.

  At least we don't have the transport to worry about any more.''

  'True.'' They'd left the transport and the refugees on it in what Uldir

  hoped was neutral space, fearing they might run into a situation like this.

  Well, not like_this._ What he'd feared was an interdictor or something, not

  a whole vaping fleet.

  Uldir opened up with the forward guns and keyed on the intercom.

  'Leaft-''then he stopped cold.

  'It's okay boss,'' Vega said, without looking up. 'I was wondering why he

  wasn't in the turret too.''

  But then the turret did begin firing. Not with Leaft's dead-sure accuracy,

  but a coralskipper exploded in incandescence.

  'Who's down there?'' Uldir asked.

  'That would be me,'' Klin-Fa's voice came back.

  'Good going. Keep it up. Uvee, how are things?''

  _Systems deteriorating,_the astromech droid's translator screen read.

  'Well, what else is new?'' Uldir muttered, just as a Yuuzhan Vong ship swung

  into view.Upwards of fifty coralskippers detached and started their way.


  'Almost there,'' she said, distractedly.

  The skips fell into several wedges. Uldir began to wonder who the Yuuzhan

  Vong were fighting exactly-at the moment he didn't see any ships that

  weren't enemies.

  The skips approached firing range.

  'Got it, boss. Go.''

  He went.

  Their next reversion was entirely uneventful. They appeared a few hundred

  thousand clicks from Thyferra-right on the dot in galactic terms.

  'There's still no word from Skywalker or anyone else,'' Vega told him.

  'Small wonder. There's a war going on.''

  Vega shook her head. 'It's more than that. I did manage to get a news

  summary from the HoloNet. Master Skywalker was ordered arrested. He fled

  Coruscant and went into hiding.''

  Uldir whistled. 'I knew Borsk Fey'lya was stupid, but that's really stupid.

  How does he think the New Republic can possibly win this war without the


  'The Yuuzhan Vong promised that if all of the Jedi were delivered to them

  the war would end, remember?''

  'Yeah, right. That's why they're taking Yag'Dhul even as we speak.''

  A light blipped on the console. 'The Thyferrans are asking what our business

  in their system is:'

  Uldir sighed. 'Tell them. Give them our highest priority clearance code. If

  that doesn't work, we go in without them. There's no time to lose. The

  operative is probably already here.''

  An hour later they were planetside, in an old building that recalled

  Imperial architecture. The office they stood in had been opened to the air

  on two sides, furnished with potted plants and trailing vines and wickerwork

  furniture not designed for humanoid frames, but the harsh, industrial lines

  of the structure still peeked through.

  'It's quite impossible,'' Xeshen Kra was saying, clicking the three fingers

  of one hand and touching Uldir's shoulder with another. His skin had changed

  from a light gray to mauve since Uldir's arrival, and while he remembered

  that signified a shift in emotion, he had no idea what particular emotion

  mauve signified.

  'Our intelligence was stolen directly from the Yuuzhan Vong,'' Klin-Fa

  pointed out. 'They plan to destroy bacta-all of it-and they will if you

  don't take us seriously.''

  The Xeshen Kra didn't blink-he couldn't, for there were no lids on his

  bulbous black eyes-but Uldir got that impression, nevertheless.

  'And yet how could this scheme be carried out?'' Kra asked,mildly. 'We

  screen off-worlders carefully, and I do not think a Yuuzhan Vong could

  masquerade as one of us, no matter how clever the disguise.''

  'True,'' Uldir agreed. Their host was a Vratix. His body washook-shaped, his

  insect-like head set on a long slender neck on the long end of the hook He

  looked down at Uldir from a height of nearly two meters. His two back limbs

  were enormously muscular and bent the wrong way-twice. The spiked forelimbs

  were also twice jointed. 'But Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology-''

  _'Might_be able to produce our form, though that is highly doubtful. But we

  also communicate by scent and touch, and by the mind-to-mind. Could all of

  this be convincingly duplicated? We would know. Our bacta production is not

  without security precautions. Saboteurs have come here before.''

  'They might be using a Vratix,'' Vega pointed out. 'They could have captured

  one of your people and brainwashed him.''

  'Even less likely that we would not notice such a thing. His intentwould be

  known by the mind-to-mind.''

  'But you do have humanoid employees, don't you?'' Uldir persisted.

  'Not many. Since we expelled the off-world cartels many yearsago, we have

  employed mostly our own people.''

  'That might actually make it easier,'' Bey put in. 'You're right, theYuuzhan

  Vong agent is almost certainly disguised as a humanoid. If there aren't many

  humanoids working in Bacta production, it makes our job of checking them

  much simpler.''

  The Vratix considered that for a moment, continuing to paw Uldir's arm.

  'Very well,'' he said at last. 'I still doubt this threat, but it will do

  little harm to do as you propose.''

  'Good,'' Uldir said. 'Where should we start?''

  Xeshen Kra turned to her assistant, who had a portable database.

'We should check the most recent arrivals first,'' Vega said. 'Anyone who

  was just hired or has recently returned from off-planet.''

  The assistant consulted the pad for a moment, then looked up.

  'The alazhi fields at Vrelnid are nearby. They are vast, and there are a

  number of humanoid technicians there. Two have begun work there in the past

  week.'' He released Uldir's arm. 'We can take my flier,'' he added. During

  the flight, Uldir distractedly watched the alternation of jungle and field.

  Vega moved near. 'What's wrong?'' She asked.

  'I don't know. Something seems wrong about this.'' 'Such as?''

  'If our hypothetical saboteur is already here, his work is already done-the

  bacta is infected.''

  'Right, but maybe not all of it. They can burn the infected fields.'' 'True.

  It's just ...'' He shrugged. 'Just a feeling.''


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