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A New Life

Page 17

by Payton Cavallo

  “You wouldn’t need to worry about Craeft. If it came down to it, I’d raise Craeft. He’s a good kid, with an even better mom.” Rayan said, a sly smile spreading across his face as Aethel playfully thwacked him on the shoulder, the mood lightening considerably at his comment.

  “What are you going to do now that you’re back up?” Rayan asked. “I don’t think you’d be able to do your job very well in the condition you’re in. All that heavy lifting is going to be hell on your body.”

  Aethel shrugged. “I’ll live. Besides, it doesn’t matter what I’ve got to do. As long as Craeft and Mona are safe and sound, living in a home where they aren’t going hungry and are loved, that’s good enough for me.” Rayan smiled.

  “Love huh? Any way I can get some of that?” He said with a cheeky smile on his face.

  “Play your cards right and you can. We still never went on a date.” Aethel said, a smile appearing on her face that matched his.

  “We didn’t? I thought the whole thing in the mansion was a fine one. There was plenty of action, excitement, and I even got to drag you through a burning mansion. That’s the height of romance in my opinion.” Rayan said.

  Aethel let out a laugh as she replied. “You have an odd definition of romance.” She said. “Oh, I never got to properly thank you for saving my life.”

  Aethel leaned down and captured his lips in hers, the redhead’s eyes widening in shock before he seemed to relax into the kiss. After a few moments Aethel pulled back.

  Rayan’s face matched his hair as he blushed, a large smile spreading across his face. “Hmm, any way I can get more of that?”

  “Oh hush you,” She said, playfully slapping his arm, the slap throwing her off balance and causing her to stumble.

  “Hey, you gonna need a wheelchair to get outta here?” Rayan asked. “I mean, you’re looking pretty fine and all so the bio healer will probably clear you to leave, but it still looks like you’re not at one hundred percent.”

  “Pshh, I don’t need a wheelchair.” Aethel said. Right before she stumbled again. Rayan once again kept a tight grip on her so she wouldn’t fall. “…just shut up and get the wheelchair.”

  Aethel said as she slid onto the hospital bed. She wished she could smack the smug smile off Rayan’s face.


  Aethel let out a breath of air as she sat on the picnic blanket beneath her, the stars bathing her and Rayan in their beautiful light. It had been a month since the mansion fiasco, and she had taken up Rayan’s offer of a date. However, Aethel couldn’t leave her children at home, and so, she took them along with her.

  Mona and Craeft sat with them on the picnic blanket, munching down on some of the Crattlerat steaks Rayan had cooked, the delicious meat filling their bellies. Aethel sipped the bitter soda, Prapplefruit juice, that Rayan had brought as a replacement for alcohol. It was a bit endearing that he’d think about her like that.

  While the children ate, Aethel couldn’t help but admire the night sky. The lights of Rubrary had usually been too bright to see the stars, and she was usually too tired from work to enjoy their beauty.

  “Whoa! Fireworks!” Craeft said, pointing towards the fireworks going off in the distance, the magical properties causing the resulting explosions to take the form of various animals.

  “The Harvest Festival must be starting up.” Rayan said. “Father used to love going to that. It feels a bit weird celebrating it without him, even if we’re not really there.”

  “It feels like somethings missing without him around, doesn’t it?” Aethel asked.

  “Yeah.” Rayan nodded. “But at least he’s with mother in Miion’s Eternal Fields. I hope he’s happy with her up there at the very least. He deserves it after this entire mess.” Rayan shook his head. “It feels so strange. So much changed so quickly. No more werewolf to fear, and no more Alcott as well.”

  “I know how you feel.” Aethel said. “I had been terrified that the werewolf was simply biding its time to come and kill me and my son, and now it’s just…gone, and Ailbe along with it.” Aethel sighed. “It feels like a weight has been lifted of my chest.”

  Rayan nodded, agreeing with Aethel. “But it feels good doesn’t it? Not having to worry about being torn apart by a beast?”

  “You know it.” Aethel took a sip of her soda, her face scrunching up slightly under the bitter taste. It was certainly something she’d have to get used to. “But I don’t think I have to worry about anything tearing me apart with you around.”

  “You’re making me blush.” Rayan said, a small grin on his face. Another firework went off, bathing the area in a bright green light for an instant, Mona and Craeft in awe at the beautiful display of magic. The four watched the fireworks show and Aethel couldn’t help but feel at peace.

  She didn’t have to worry about surviving to the next day with a werewolf on the loose, she didn’t have to worry about the safety of her son, her business was doing well, and she had a man who cared about her.

  She had come to Athsbane to start a new life, a better one for her and her son, and she had finally found it.

  She felt a small smile spread across her face as she was bathed in blue light, another firework going off, the magic forming into a beautiful Pride lion. Aethel let the light rain down upon her as she smiled and laid on her side, her head propped up on her arm.

  "Do you think they're looking down on us from up there?" Rayan smiled. "I sure hope so. My father would've loved to see me with a beautiful woman like you."

  Aethel let out a laugh as a blush spread across her face. "You've been waiting to say that all night, haven't you?"

  "Perhaps..." He said, a small smile spread across his face as he looked into her eyes, ocean blue meeting emerald green. Aethel smiled back, feeling joy well up in her heart. It fluttered with excitement and for the first time in a long while, Aethel could say with honesty that she was looking forward to the future ahead of her.




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