Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series)

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Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series) Page 8

by Shan

  "What's good fam?" Brandon asked lowering his head towards his glass.

  "Fam? Fuck outta here with that," I scoffed. "You tell me what's good. Heard you went to see Roz, what's up with that?"

  Brandon shrugged his shoulders and took another sip of his beer. Dude looked bad as hell right now and I almost felt sorry for him. I know he had to be damn near broke if not broke. Lawyers fees and restitution payments had to have hurt his damn pockets. But this is what happens when you fuck over family, especially when they were feeding you very well.

  "Wanted to see my shorties."

  "Your shorties, what you mean your shorties?"

  "Yo, I seen pictures of the twins Tae. I know one of them has my eyes. No one in your family has green eyes; I know you got them tested. I'm gonna go to court and get my rights."

  "B, you don't have no fucking rights! Them my muthafuckin' kids nigga! Look, I'm a tell you this shit one time only. Stay the fuck away from Rozalyn and stay the fuck away from my kids!" I yelled causing everyone to look in our direction.

  "Did you get them tested Tae? That's all I want to know."

  "You already know how I get down. Don't play me too close B, I promise you I got two bullets waiting on you. Try me," I stood up from my chair, tossed a twenty dollar bill on the bar, and proceeded to walk away.

  Before I could leave, I had to know one thing so I went back to where Brandon sat, "That shit that happened at Keylan's wake--what Rozalyn said. Was it true?"

  Brandon laughed, "You still on that? Damn fam, I bet it's been eating your mind up ever since then huh?"

  "Answer my question," I said through gritted teeth.

  "I never had a problem getting in her panties before, why would that day be any different?"

  I snapped. My hand went to back of Brandon's head, where I slammed his face into the bar's countertop. Patrons of the Chili's began to scatter, trying to get away from the scene. I knew this wasn't the smartest thing to do being I had plans to murk him at a later date, but fuck it; hearing that shit pissed me off.

  "Someone call the police!" I heard somebody yell out.

  "Pussy ass nigga!" I spat.

  I left Brandon with a broken and bloody nose and got the hell out of the restaurant. The one time that I chose to go based off of Rozalyn's word may be the one time she fucked me. Damn!

  11: Rozalyn

  A week later

  I sat patiently on Brian's couch waiting for him to open the huge envelope that came to me today through FED-EX. I already knew what the contents of the package held but for some reason I was too scared to open it on my own. I don't know why I was so scared because I knew there was no way that Brandon was the father of my twins. Just because Zyir had those same green eyes meant nothing. Those eyes could've came from anywhere in my family or even Tamar's family. I didn't have anything to worry about; everything was going to be good.

  "Just open it. Fuck it. I know what it says."

  "Okay girl," Brian pulled his dreads from his face and tore into the package.

  I leaned back on the couch, crossed my arms over my chest, and looked at Brian intensely as he pulled a white piece of paper out and looked over it. I noticed as his eyes squinted tightly and his mouth moved but nothing came out.

  "What is it?" I asked sitting forward.

  "Rozalyn it says---"

  The ringing of my cell phone caused Brian to stop in the middle of his sentence. I looked down at my phone and answered when I seen Tamar's name pop up.


  "Where the fuck are you?" Tamar yelled before I could even get through my introduction. He didn't sound right at all. His voice cracked but it was filled with so much anger.

  "I'm not at home Tae, what's---"

  He cut me off again, "I know you ain't at home! Where the hell are you Roz? I need to see you now!"

  "I'm at Brian's house. I can come to the house now."

  "Hurry the fuck up before I come find your ass!"


  "Shit!" I yelled shaking my head. I grabbed the paper out of Brian's hand and headed out the door.


  I got out of my car feeling like I was going to fall flat on my face. My face was soaked with salty tears from all the crying I'd been doing and my eyes were red and puffy. Tamar sat on my porch puffing on a thick blunt and stared towards the ground. Once I got closer to him I immediately broke out into more tears.

  "Tamar, I am so, so sorry! I-I didn't mean for this to happen!" I cried frantically. My body literally shook knowing that all the failed attempts at trying to kill me was from luck and just God watching over me. I somehow knew that at this point nothing in this world could stop my death from happening.

  "Open the door," Tamar finally looked up at me and I could see that he was more than high.

  I walked over to the door, stuck in my key, and took very deep breaths before opening the door. Tamar followed behind me and slammed the door shut causing me to damn near jump out of my skin.

  "Tell me this shit ain't true man! Tell me they fucked up some how!" Tamar's voice peaked with anger.

  I shook my head not understanding what was going on. I just knew there was no way possible that Tamar wasn't the father of my twins but evidence was saying differently. The results from the lab stated that the chances of Tamar being the father was at zero percent. I didn't get that. I was so confused, lost, and hurt.

  "Them my muthafuckin' boys Rozalyn! I sit up and asked you when you were pregnant with them and you told me without a doubt they were mine! I fuckin' trusted you! How the fuck you gonna do this shit to me?"

  "Tamar I didn't know! I thought---they were yours! It's not right; they had to have messed up on that test somehow. It just can't be."

  Tamar took a toke off his blunt, blew the smoke out, and walked closer to me. I felt sick to my damn stomach as I tried to swallow the huge lump that formed in my throat. I looked up at Tamar with pity and sadness for what I had done. No matter what Tamar had ever done to me, he was a good father to those children and didn't deserve this.

  "Them my muthafuckin' kids, do you hear me? Don't breathe a word of this shit to nobody! That nigga Brandon come around here again, send him my way. Not finna have them calling another man daddy! Fuck that! Those are my kids! Mine!"

  Tears slid down Tamar's face and he tried to wipe them away but more fell. He crashed down onto my sofa, exhaled, and allowed his head to sink into the pillows. I stood in place, fidgeted with my hands, and silently thanked God. I could've taken advantage of this, at least gotten full custody of my twins, but I wouldn't do any of that. I was glad to hear Tamar say he was their father no matter what the paper said because I didn't want it any other way.

  12: Messiah

  2 months later

  "Is that what you want?" I asked Rozalyn as she eyed a tennis bracelet.

  She shrugged her shoulders and continued looking on at the expensive pieces of jewelry. She'd been really down over the past couple of months and although she told me nothing was wrong, I knew better. She'd taken some time away from her shop allowing Brian to run things in her absence so I knew something had to be up. I asked her several times if it had anything to do with the visit from that busta I caught her holding a knife to but was told that situation had been taken care of. I didn't know what was up but I was sick of seeing her down all the time and wanted to do something to put a smile on her face.

  I honestly jumped into this shit expecting to play Rozalyn as part of the game I'd set up but recently things became deeper than that. We'd spent so much time together over the past few months that I couldn't lie and say that I didn't genuinely care for her. The feelings I'd developed were unexpected and came out of nowhere. Everything I had planned for her boy Tae had been tossed out the window because I didn't want to hurt Rozalyn in the process. I had to re-think everything I'd come up with to ensure that whatever I did, she wouldn't be affected in any way.

  I could easily give up my plot to bring Tamar down since I'd already swindl
ed his whole organization from underneath him but I wanted more. I wanted to watch him slowly crumble and then I wanted to kill him. Maybe if he hadn't embarrassed me in a crowded club, pulled a gun on me making me look like some kind of hoe then I would've stopped and been happy with the fact that I had my city back. Niggas like Tamar had to be put in their place because for some reason they felt like they couldn't be touched but I had to show him otherwise.

  "Messiah did you hear me?" Rozalyn asked pulling me from my thoughts.

  "I don't want anything let's go. I’m tired."

  "You don't want anything? Why not?" I asked confused.

  "Because this stuff is kinda expensive. I'm not about to let you spend that kinda money on me," Rozalyn smirked.

  "If I got it, then why not let me spend it?" I questioned holding a thick knot of cash in her face.

  "Cause that's a lot of money to spend on someone you've only known for a few months."

  "What if I told you after only a few months that I was in love with you?" I said not believing the shit came out my mouth. It was real though, it's what I really felt and I wanted her to know that.

  Rozalyn looked stunned. She broke her stare and began eyeing the same bracelet she'd kept going back to numerous times. I shook my head hoping I didn't put my self out there for her to just let me fall. The chemistry was there so I know I wasn't the only one feeling this way.

  "Aye, let me get this piece right here," I told the employee.

  A huge smile crossed her face as she walked over and pulled the bracelet out of the display and handed it over to Rozalyn. That bitch was icy and I knew for sure all them diamonds was about to add up.

  "The price on that one is twelve-five hundred," the employee said with an arch of her eyebrow.

  "The lady wants it so she must have it," I said. I peeled off one hundred and thirty hundred dollar bills and sat it on the counter.

  Rozalyn looked up at me with softness in her eyes and mouthed to me the words "thank you." I nodded my head, leaned down to her, and kissed her on the lips.

  "Anything for you," I said with sincerity.

  After purchasing the bracelet, Rozalyn and I grabbed something to eat before I dropped her off at home. I had to meet with Dmitri and his father to go over the details of a shipment that was supposed to come in, in the next couple of days. This was the biggest shipment to date, the first time they'd ever trusted me with this much weight, the shipment that would guarantee my position on the throne. After this there would be no doubt about whom the King of Miami was and that coward Tamar would just be a distant memory in the drug game.


  "Sy, how is it going my friend?" Dmitri's father Donald asked as I approached him and Dmitri.

  "Everything is good sir, how are you doing?" I asked and had a seat across from him and Dmitri.

  I looked around the backyard and nodded my head in approval. Donald's home was very immaculate, pricy, and decorated with class. His backyard had to be acres long with a pool, jacuzzi and more, making it seem that we were sitting at a fancy resort instead of his home. I smiled thinking this would be me in a few short years.

  "Honestly Sy, I am not happy. I was just telling Dmitri that things are not good at all," Donald said snapping me out of fantasy world.

  "Why is that sir? Have I done something wrong?" I asked pointing to my chest.

  "Tamar---very, very smart young man. Very, very intelligent to be a black guy."

  I sucked my teeth hearing Donald praise Tamar like he was some God. Nigga wasn't too smart if I was able to snatch his kingdom from underneath him with so little effort.

  "I've cancelled the shipment that you were expecting and Dmitri will be talking to Tamar to see what we can work out with him," Donald eyed Dmitri incredulously leaving me to wonder what the hell happened in the last seventy-two hours since I'd spoken to Dmitri.

  "Am I missing something? I thought that I was doing a good job moving the weight, sir," I said sitting forward in my chair staring at Donald in anticipation.

  "Yes, for a rookie. You've successfully moved a total of twenty-three bricks in the past couple of months. That's chump change for me Sy. While you're moving so slowly, Tamar has successfully set up things in Dallas, Memphis and Louisiana! He still has control of Atlanta and is currently getting the right percentage of the clientele here in Miami!" Donald's voice peaked with anger as he counted off each city with his fingers. He took a sip of the dark liquor and slammed the glass on the table.

  I sat back in my seat and tried my best to withhold my anger. That's why the fool hadn't been tripping about losing Donald as a connect. He'd somehow found a way around the shit and was still heavily eating with me not having so much as a clue.

  "Sir, I---"

  "I never wanted to get rid of Tamar! Definitely not for a muthafucka I've never dealt with before! No! I tried to listen to this dummy of a son that I have and believe that this man that's been working for me for years decided to steal from me! I've never, not once had a problem out of Tamar but yet I allowed this motherfucker here to convince me that a guy whose net worth is damn near fifty million dollars, stole a hundred thousand dollars from me. Does that make since to you Messiah? If you were worth fifty million dollars, would you risk your life over fucking toilet paper?"

  Fifty million dollars? I thought to myself. Fifty fuckin' million dollars.

  I could literally feel my blood boiling inside of my body. My temperature began to rise with the revelation of Tamar's worth. This fool had enough money to feed all the starving kids in Africa and still maintain a wealthy life. It pissed me off seeing that he saw more paper than the average dope boy would ever see in a lifetime, and yet he chose to be greedy and get more. My goal was to get at least ten million and quit but this fool was worth fifty fucking million and still grinding with no shame. Sucka ass nigga!

  "I don't understand how Tamar is able to do anything. Do you not have control over who can move what in the city?" I asked dumbfounded.

  Donald laughed, "That's not how I work Sy. I'm all about making money, not having wars and Tamar and the competition knows this. I don't do that petty beef shit that you blacks are so accustomed to doing."

  "Tamar has hooked up with the Mexican Mob, a very dear friend of mine that I'd been competing with for years until Tamar came along. Once Tamar came in, I quickly shut everyone else down and no one else mattered but me. Now---now those fuckin' Spanish spics are laughing at me and I don't like it," Donald groaned. "Fuckin' Spaniards will never let Tamar go. That's how they work, I have no idea how y'all are gonna get Tamar back but you better figure something out."

  "I feel like if you just allow me to get my hands on this shipment then Tamar will not be needed."

  "I would rather die a thousand horrible deaths before I allow you to embarrass me any further. Get the hell out of my face!" Donald waved his hand dismissively. "Get Tamar over here ASAP!"

  I got up from my seat and headed towards the gate to leave. I felt like a sucker, like I'd been completely disrespected. Something my grandfather or my father would've never tolerated. Donald did not know my blood line, I would rather be homeless and without before I allow Tamar to be praised over me.

  I jumped in my car, sped out of the driveway, and rushed to Rozalyn's spot. Whether she knew it or not, she was about to help me take this fool Tamar down. I wanted to get my hands on that fifty million, and I wanted to see him dead. Fuck seeing him suffer, he needed to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

  13: Rozalyn

  Since finding out my twins Zyir and Zavier didn't belong to Tamar, life has pretty much been hell for me. Nothing had changed between Tamar and the kids but I could see it in his eyes every time we crossed paths that he hated me. I think I was more affected by the results than anybody. As each day passed, the guilt of what I'd done has practically eaten me alive. It caused me to be depressed and I knew it was affecting my relationship with Messiah. Hearing him admit to me earlier today that he loved me completely shocked me. I
knew for a fact that I didn't feel the same way because I didn't have the time to get to know him to even love him. We spent hours, days, weeks, and even months together but my mind had been so focused on that damn DNA test that I don't even remember half the time we spent together.

  He treated me so good; so good that any girl that had him would feel blessed. I was that girl but with all that was going on I couldn't even allow myself to soak it all up. It had nothing to do with the money that he spent on me. Tamar did that but still didn't treat me as good as Messiah did.

  The way he made love to me was something special, the way he talked to me, and listened as I talked, made me know that he was the man for me, but the timing was just so wrong. I couldn't fully return the love to him the way he needed with my mind being so jumbled with all this mess going on. He deserved much more than what I was giving to him.

  Brandon had been blowing up my phone constantly asking to see the twins. I lied to him each time he called, not daring to tell him the truth, but it was like he knew otherwise. I could tell that he knew without a doubt that the twins were his. Even without seeing them in person, he must've felt a connection to them the way they say every parent feels for a child. Either way, I could never tell him the truth, Tamar would kill us both.


  "Shit, who is this?" I wondered as I went to the door.

  I grabbed my purse and my jacket and then peeked out of the window before opening the door. It was Taron and he looked a little discombobulated.

  "Hey, Ron, what's going on? You okay?" I asked a little concerned by his demeanor.

  "Aye, Tae told me that you and him were about to meet up to talk about some shit. I raced over here to catch you before he left. I need to talk to you," Taron said sounding desperate.

  "Okay--umm come in," I said.

  I stepped out of the way for Taron to enter and then led him into my kitchen. I went into the refrigerator and grabbed one of Messiah's beers and offered it to Taron. He gladly accepted the beer and popped the top open, chugging down almost half of it in one setting.


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