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Rozalyn 3: (Rozalyn Series)

Page 15

by Shan

  “Enzi said to leave no witnesses,” he said.


  25 Tamar

  “When I’m not here, I need somebody on him at all times. Do not ever leave him alone, understood?” I said to my guard Nemo.

  He nodded his head and moved inside of Zavier’s hospital room as I left out. I had just made it to Dallas about an hour ago and came straight here to check on my little man to make sure he was being properly taken care of and properly secured. I didn’t know when Donald would send his mob after me but I knew they were coming and I had to be prepared and ready. Dallas was the first place I could think of that I knew Donald wouldn’t start and it was also where Black was from. He knew the ins and outs of the city and had plenty of niggas down here ready to go to war for him if needed, but I really hoped that it didn’t get to that point. Once I got Rozalyn and the kids comfortable, I would go back to Miami and see Donald and his men head on but for now I had to ensure that everything was good with them. One thing I knew about suckas, they loved to go for your family if they couldn’t get to you and that I wasn’t going to let happen. I had my moms and sister moved to another location and Taron was a big boy that could handle himself.

  “Shit,” I groaned as the pain in my wrist began to ache once again.

  “You good?” Black asked.

  “Shit, throbbing like a muthafucka’ but I’ll be good,” I shook my head.

  That bitch Kari turned out to be a real live psycho for real, a fucking head case that I turned out and almost died because of. I knew she had issues but I didn’t know the shit ran as deeply as it did. She cut my wrist so damn deep that it sliced an artery that caused me to bleed out quickly and loose consciousness. Had it not been for Rozalyn calling to look for me and her making Black aware that there was a situation that needed tending to; I would’ve bled to death. I had lost so much blood that the hospital recommended that I stay for a couple of days and heal but I that wasn’t happening. Shit was about to go down and I couldn’t be laid up recovering from a wound that would eventually heal over time. Long as my ass was able to walk and talk then I didn’t see the need in staying. I immediately caught a helicopter to Dallas and began to check on my family; I would worry about the hole in my wrist later.

  “So everything is good where Rozalyn and my boys are?” I asked Black as we jumped into his souped up Mercury Marauder.

  “Yea, my girl took them back to my place. They are good, you don’t have anything to worry about,” Black nodded then turned the system up to the max, bumping that old ass ‘Many Men’ track by 50 cent.

  Many men, wish death upon me

  Blood in my eye dog and I can’t see

  I’m tryin’ to be what I’m destined to be

  And niggas tryin’ to take my life away

  I put a hole in a nigga for fucking with me

  My back on the wall, now you gon’ see

  Better watch how you talk, when you talk about me

  Cause I’ll come and take your life away

  I sat in silence and listened to every word that 50 cent spit through those speakers. Every word he spoke was nothing but the truth for me but I was ready to cop out and put this shit to rest. The older I got the less and less attractive the game became to me. I’d lost my two best friends, had to kill my own fuckin’ father, have my older brother killed and the shit just wasn’t stopping. Dmitri was dead and I was being blamed for it, my family is at risk, and I felt like it was me against the world right now. Ordinarily I would’ve had Keylan and Brandon fighting every battle with me, but I didn’t have neither of them and that shit hurt bad as hell. My brother Taron was too damn afraid of catching another case and going back to prison that he kept his hands as clean as possible. It was only me and the outsiders I chose to instill my trust into to fight off the constant haters and enemies I had against me.

  “Why the fuck we coming over here?” I asked looking around.

  Black laughed, “Chill out nigga I know you ain’t scared.”

  “Hell nah I ain’t scared. I’m just saying I know you got money so I know this ain’t where you living at right?”

  “This is home, it’s where I was born and raised,” Black said nonchalantly.

  “Yea whatever nigga, I wanna see you say that shit when muthafuckas come kicking down your door trying to kill you,” I said looking around once again.

  “You can’t kill a killer.”

  “Yea whatever,” I pulled my pistol from my waistband, and mugged the side of Black like he’d lost his mind. I know for a fact that Rozalyn had to be bugging the fuck out and mad as hell that she was back in the damn hood. I could imagine the Brooklyn accent running real thick right now, ready to light me up the minute she saw me.

  “Oh shit!” Black cursed.

  I pushed Black out of the way, ran inside of the apartment, and immediately froze upon seeing Tamarion and Zyir laying on top of their mother’s bloody body; crying their eyes out.

  “Get them!” Black yelled. "Xen! Xenya, where are you?" Black frantically searched the home but came back with a furious look on his face.

  I couldn’t move or say anything; I just stood and watched as Rozalyn lie dead in a puddle of blood. Every memory, good and bad flashed through my head from the very first time we met, sexual encounters, the fights, the make-ups the break ups; everything.

  “Are you following me? Let my arm go!” Rozalyn said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “Tae, come on! Don’t do this! Fight!

  “Tae, I love you! I love you so much! Please don’t leave me!” Rozalyn cried after I’d been pumped with a load of bullets.

  “You feeling yourself or something? I been gone that long that you forgot who the fuck I was.” I said with a handful of Rozalyn’s hair.

  Memory after memory rushed through my mind, forcing me to remember the reasons why I loved her so much. Pushing me to think about my most vulnerable moments, moments when I felt like the weakest dude alive all because I was in love.

  “Tamar! Tamar! Get the boys!” Black handed me Tamarion and Zyir forcing me out of my reverie.

  He ran over and scooped Rozalyn up from the floor and ran out of the apartment. I slowly followed behind him, feeling like each step I took was calculated and with force. There was no need to rush and panic because Rozalyn was already dead, it was obvious from all the blood, and the way her body had been limp across the floor. She was lifeless; dead.

  26: Messiah

  6 weeks later

  I've looked everywhere for Rozalyn the moment I was well enough to leave the hospital. Her house hadn't been touched in weeks, her shop had been burned to pieces, and her friend Brian claimed to not know where she was, and she wasn't answering her phone. I missed the hell out of her and really regret not going to her the day she called me. I could only imagine the thoughts that ran through her mind, most likely thinking that I abandoned her. The truth of the matter is I let revenge get in the way of what should've been truly important to me.

  I want to see Tae go down so bad that everything I've been doing lately was aimed at that. Revenge coasted my mind so much that it had almost been impossible to think about anything else. All I could seem to think about was getting back at Tae.

  Tae has yet to return to his home since the day the ambulance rushed him out of the drive way. I couldn't help but wonder if he and Rozalyn had ran off some where, leaving me sitting here looking stupid. I knew the muthafucka’ wasn't dead after that chick sliced him up because the shit was all over the news for two weeks straight. She lost her job as lead reporter and sat in jail for a lil' while until someone bailed that ass out. It was reported that Tamar was recovering from his wounds but his location wasn't released.

  Finally, I got the location of his brother Taron after following him one night from the club. Don't know why it didn't come to me at first but at least all hope wasn't lost.

  "Hey Ron!" I yelled out the moment I stepped out of my car.

  He turned around with a pistol aimed in
my direction. I jumped back and held my hands up in surrender. "It's me, Sy!"

  "Oh shit homey you better say something. Thought you was one of those Italians man," Taron said as he approached me.

  We slapped hands and I leaned against the car and watched as Taron looked over his shoulder something he had been doing all night.

  "What's this I hear about the Italians?" I asked wondering if they said anything about me.

  "Yea, you know we've been at war with them over Dmitri's death---wait you knew about Dmitri right?" Taron asked.

  "Nah, I've been out of pocket. Handling some family business." I lied. "So they think someone from your camp did it?"

  "They think Tamar did it. They came through and got into a shoot out with his security, burned down Rozalyn's shop," Taron sighed. "Hell I got into a shoot out with then fools a couple of weeks ago, that's why I'm agg like this."

  "Damn, I feel ya. I can't believe Dmitri dead. That was my dude," I said shaking my head as if I was truly hurt. "But aye, I've been trying to get in contact with Rozalyn. It don't look like nobody been at her house and I saw the shop was burned down."

  Taron scratched his head and looked around once more. He leaned against my car, whole attitude softening, before he looked back up at me. "Rozalyn was shot in the back and is currently paralyzed from the waist down. They said that it’s possible she may walk again but right now she still confined to a damn bed."

  Everything seemed to freeze on those last words Taron said, "Rozalyn was shot in the back and is currently paralyzed from the waist down."

  I cared about Rozalyn a whole lot although it was never my intention to fall for her, but I did and fell kinda hard. She made me feel special whenever we were together, always listened to me without judgment, and the sex; the sex was amazing. I could only wonder if this happened because I didn't go to see about her that night.

  "What hospital can I find her at?" I asked not believing this shit.

  "She's not in the hospital anymore."

  "Well, where is she? I need to see her man. Where can I find her?"

  "Her and my brother going through right now---I don't know if--"

  I cut him off, "Aye, I really need to see her. It's not any beef shit fam for real that's my love and I just wanna see her. I gotta see her."

  "Alright, alright."

  I jotted down the address to where I could find Rozalyn at and thanked Taron for the information. I honestly wasn’t trying to go see Rozalyn on no beef shit but I couldn’t guarantee that once I saw Tamar that I wouldn’t try and put him down. Honestly I was starting to no longer care about getting this nigga money, especially after his security damn near killed me. I had to sit in the hospital hoping that no one ever found me while I healed for the many bullets that I took from them cowards. They tried to kill me over some shit that belonged to me anyway and because of that I wanted to murk Tae with no reservations about it whatsoever.

  27: Tamar

  I sat back looking over the contents of a thick package I received moments earlier at my doorstep. It was all the information that Black had gathered about Sy while I had been out of town. For the life of me, I couldn't put my finger on why I disliked this dude besides the fact that he was fucking my wife, but seeing this verified that my feelings were just.

  I looked over each document carefully, ensuring that I never once misread or misconstrued one word. I wanted everything to be clear so that I knew how to handle this nigga accordingly and when I brought it to Rozalyn. She'd been tripping off not seeing him since her accident and wanted to call and talk to him but I wouldn't allow it. Part of me was jealous that she sought the attention of another man and part of me knew that keeping our location secret was for the best.

  I never thought that sending Rozalyn and my kids to Dallas would turn out to be so tragic. All I wanted, all I ever wanted was to protect them. It had been one thing that I've always failed to do as a man and kicked myself repeatedly each time I failed. When I walked in to Black's home and saw Rozalyn lying in a pool of blood; I honestly thought that I'd lost her for good. If Black had not been there, I probably would've lost her being I was so in shock and couldn't function. Him being there and partially saving her life is the only reason I didn't kill that nigga when I found out this shit was on him. Him and his girl Xenya had issues going on with their families and were still going through it. I still used him for work but let that nigga know to stay away from me and my family until his situation was resolved. I didn't want any problems with them damn Africans.

  "Hello," I answered my phone before leaving the patio and going back into the house.

  "Tae, please talk to me. You know that you are wrong for doing me like this," Kari cried in my ear.

  "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me?" I asked in a hushed but aggressive tone.

  Kari had been calling me almost everyday since she's been released from jail. I chose not to press charges against her being I didn't fuck with the police like that. I didn't have time to be up in a court room testifying and going over that day's events. I recommended they put the crazy bitch in the mental ward and put a restraining order on her for me. I knew that if I ever saw her face again, I would kill her with no hesitation. The bitch damn near sent me to early a grave all because of some fatal attraction psycho shit. My brother and Rozalyn both tried to tell me that I should've never led her on but it wasn't like that in the beginning. I honestly got with her thinking I could get over Rozalyn and move on but that will never happen. My heart will always belong to Rozalyn no matter what we went through.

  "Tae, what about our baby? How would you like it if I told Rozalyn the only reason you didn't press charges is because I'm pregnant with your child!"

  I shook my head, hung up the phone, and headed into the house. I purchased a beautiful beach house down in Houston, Texas after Rozalyn was released from the hospital. My drama with Donald was still ongoing and I never got a chance to take care of it because I chose to stay with Rozalyn every step of the way and because Zavier also needed intense therapy to get over his injuries. He was half-way through his treatment plan and was already running around with his brothers like nothing happened. Now it was time to work on Rozalyn; she would require the most time and effort.

  When the bullet entered her back, it crushed a nerve linked to her spinal cord and caused her to be paralyzed from the waist down. After a few crucial surgeries to repair the nerve, doctors are determined with a lot of hard work that one day she will walk again. I would pay whatever it cost to ensure that she got the best therapist ever to treat her. I hated seeing her confined to a bed and wheel chair not able to move around at her own free will.

  "Why you ain't eat that food?" I asked walking into the bedroom.

  "I told you I don't like her cooking. She can't cook," Rozalyn said with a frown.

  "You just being picky. I told you I can get my mama down here."

  "I know I just hate for her to be running all over the country following behind us every time a problem pops off. She was just getting used to Miami the last time I talked to her,"

  "She wants to help Roz and besides the kids miss her. I think I'm a bring her down for a few weeks. Her and Lana," I shrugged. "How you feeling this morning?"

  "Same way I feel everyday. Nothing has changed. As a matter of fact, is it time for me to get my pain meds?"

  I flinched at hearing Rozalyn ask for more pain meds. It had only been an hour and a half since her last dose and was no where near time for more. I'd seen many of drug addicts in my life and had even been one myself at one point in time. Rozalyn was addicted to the pain killers and the shit was killing me to watch. The doctor warned us that it was possible, but Rozalyn had never shown an addictive type personality so I assumed that it was nothing to worry about.

  "Not yet, but look I wanna talk to you about your boy,” I said changing the subject.

  “My boy?” she questioned raising a brow.

  “Yea, that bitch ass nigga Sy you keep asking

  “Mmgh, what about him? You gonna let me call him?” Rozalyn asked with a roll of her eyes.

  “Hell nah, that dude is a fucking psycho and I got paperwork to prove it. You remember when I told you the day Kari sliced my wrist, my security caught somebody trying to jump my fence and break into my crib?” I asked and Rozalyn nodded. “Well it was Messiah. Come to find out, they found a lil’ camping ground he had in the back of my house a few days later after they shot that nigga. After that I decided to have him fully investigated and the shit that was found is truly unbelievable.”

  “Well, what is it?” Rozalyn asked suddenly looking a little concerned.

  “First off the nigga name is Marvin Christian and he didn’t do no three-four years in the penitentiary like he said. He did all that time in a mental institution for killing his parents and brother.”

  “What? You gotta be making this shit up. Messiah is not a damn killer or this Marvin dude you’re talking about,” Rozalyn protested.

  “It was the same damn institution that Brandon was in, apparently them niggas was real cool up in that bitch,” I shook my head just thinking of all the shit Brandon probably told to Messiah or Marvin or whatever the fuck his name is.

  It just didn’t make any sense to me, the camp ground that the security found near my house had been there for quite some time. From some of the food wrappers and news paper articles he had been there at least a couple of months before he met Rozalyn which meant he had his reasons for talking to her. I didn’t know what this crazy muthafucka’ was up to but I was glad to have gotten Rozalyn away from him when I did; even if the circumstances had been crucial.


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