JAKE (Leaves of a Maple Book 2)

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JAKE (Leaves of a Maple Book 2) Page 29

by Haley Jenner

  Standing here with Aubrey, our bodies pressed together as tightly as they can be, our mouths connected, our love shining through the kiss we’re so completely lost in, I know I would’ve never stopped fighting. I would’ve pushed harder and further than ever before until the faith she had in us broke through her self-doubt. This was always going to be our ending.

  Us, together. In our own home. Loving one another the way we were destined to.



  "Why does everyone encourage this shit? That's what I wanna know," I bristle, irritation clear in my tone. Archer's the only one that meets my eyes. Everyone else artfully avoids me.

  "Brother, we all like Darci. She's sweet, none of us like her feeling uncomfortable." He’s also the only one that answers, shrugging his large shoulders.

  Breathing out, I swallow a large gulp of coffee, shaking my head in annoyance. Archer's legs are stretched out in front of him, his body the epitome of relaxation; reclined all the way back, arms braced behind his head. Jake is perched on the ground, sitting between Aubrey's legs, her hands slowly combing through his hair.

  The fact that Aubrey's here means Annabelle's not. That shit is still awkward as fuck.

  It's been months since Aubrey caused permanent damage to all our eardrums, fighting for her man. It's sweet, but fuck me if her singing still doesn't haunt my dreams. My body shivers involuntarily, and she must sense my thoughts because her hands stop and her eyes narrow on me. "Seriously, Bennett? You need to stop doing that shit. It honestly was not that bad."

  "Oh, Strawb'ries, it really was," Jake consoles her around a wide smile, and Archer barks out a laugh, pulling her attention.

  "It was somethin' else, Red. That's for sure."

  Rolling her eyes, she focuses her attention back on Jake and his too long hair. "Whatever, worked out for me."

  "That it did, baby," Jake tips his head up, and her eyes glaze over before her lips drop to what I assume is a dimple in his cheek before they move to his lips. I watch their exchange for longer than is probably acceptable, verging onto creepy before shaking my head and focusing back on Archer. His eyes scan Jake and Aubrey for a moment, and he seems content, happy in life. Relaxed that his little brother has finally found happiness. Flicking his eyes back to me, he smiles before reaching for his coffee.

  We're in The Coffee House, so you'd assume from the hour or so we've been sitting here, that Darci would have made an appearance. You'd be wrong. She's been holed up in her office since I walked through the door and every time I make the move to see her, one of these jokers stops me.

  "How's work?" Archer asks, and I relax into the question.

  "Yeah, good man. Reputation is starting to build a little bit more, so I've picked up a few new clients. Freelance works for me, hated working for everyone else. Plus, it gives me the flexibility to work when I want. Helps when sleep starts to evade me," I answer honestly and Archer laughs softly, understanding my meaning.

  I worked my ass off straight from graduating college and discovered I'd sold my soul for the privilege of working with some highly respected firms. It paid its dues, and I'm thankful for the time I spent with some highly skilled men and women. Each and every one of them has helped me be where I am today. It's how you succeed, how you learn your skill, perfect your technique, but it can ultimately come at a cost. To your health, to your life. Finding a work life balance is important, and it took me many years to realize this. In the end, a little encouragement from my old man was all it took. I took a leap of faith and decided to make it on my own. It took a few years to grab any traction, but now I’ve got a solid client base and consistent business.

  Architecture is my art. Creating something from nothing but an idea and images moving in my head. Then seeing it unfold. Watching it come to life, to scale. Knowing that, that's all you. That you've put your heart and soul into constructing a concept for it to become a reality. Bricks and mortar, a solid form that is a real mark I've left on the world. For how long, who knows? But it's there. Jake has his music, Aubrey her photos, Toby his sketching, Annabelle her flowers. Me? I have buildings.

  "Workin' with a few new clients that I'll need your help on. If you have the time," Archer invites.

  "For sure man, just give me a yell when you're ready, and we'll chat."

  "All right fellas, I'm out," Aubrey announces, moving to stand, Jake following her. "I'm going to take some photos of Lily for Toby and Willow."

  "Laters, Red," Archer lifts his chin, as I offer a small wave.

  She and Jake move into a tight embrace, whispering to one another as they share a few soft kisses. Pulling away she winks at him, causing a stupid fucking goofy grin to overtake his face. I watch her eyes gloss over into dreamland at the smile before her lips drop to his dimple.

  "I'm gonna say bye to Darc," she informs Jake before her eyes narrow in on me. "Do not follow me. Leave her be for a bit. You're never gonna make progress by crowding her."

  "Fuckin' crowding her. I've barely spoken three words to her since you burst my eardrums. Just in case you weren't aware - being so loved up and all - that's months. Many, many months. She's completely shut down. Worse than normal," I finish on a grumble, and Aubrey's eyes turn sympathetic.

  "I agree that something’s going on. I'm not sure what it is yet because she's avoiding all of us. I think," she adds as a side note, obviously thinking of Annabelle.

  "She's avoiding everyone," Archer confirms Aubrey's query, and she visibly relaxes.

  "Give her the time to process whatever the fuck is going on in her head. It's probably her whacked out family. Maybe her Dad saw the two of you together and started questioning her about it. Maybe her loopy fucking sibling is causing grief again. Who knows?" She comforts, eyebrows raised in question before I nod in agreement, against my better judgment.

  Feeling comfortable with my non-verbal compliance she offers a sympathetic smile before touching Jake's face and moving towards Darci.

  "You guys seem solid," I surmise, changing the subject.

  "Life is good. It's good to finally just be with her you know. We spent so long twisted and fighting our feelings, it's nice to be happy," he concludes, dropping to the seat Aubrey had vacated.

  "Thinking you'll make it official?"

  "Talk about it all the time," he says, and his mood automatically changes, irritation clouding his features.

  "She still worried about how everything went down with David?" I question, eyes moving to Archer. His face has morphed from relaxation to concern, and I don't blame him. Jake’s anger isn't something you see often. If at all.

  Jake suddenly laughs, but the sound holds no humor, his lips turned into a pained smile. "Nah. Nothing like that. She wants it as much as I do. We'd get hitched tomorrow if it worked but... she won't do that when things aren't... right," he concedes, and I can feel the tension radiating from Archer immediately.

  "Where the fuck was she today?" Jake turns towards Archer, and he sighs loudly.

  "I tried, kid. I really fuckin' did. But you know Annabelle, she's stubborn as all shit. You have to realize that as much as I disagree with her behavior, which I make known, often, she's my wife. My life. I hate this shit as much as you do. But apart from sharing my opinion, I'm not going break down my relationship for Aubrey."

  Jake sighs, tipping his head back to the roof. "Jake, she's upset that you haven't made an effort to see her lately."

  Narrowing his eyes on Archer, he waits a breath before speaking. "Well, I'm upset too. I'm upset that I can't catch up with my best friend knowing she's causing my girl pain. For what? Fucking nothing. She keeps spewing this shit that Aubrey hurt me and I'm done with that. She made that right," he stresses, his voice raising an octave.

  "Kid," Archer placates him, speaking quietly. "I know. You don't need to preach that to me. I know. But Annabelle feels hurt by the deceit. She loves you, she hates that you experienced pain and she can't control that. She's throwing blame and attitude o
ut to take back some control."

  Jake's eyes meet mine before he growls in frustration, dragging his hands through his hair. "She needs to understand that this has nothin' to do with her. Nothing. This is Aubrey and I. I didn't stand in the way with all your shit," he spits out, waving over at Archer. "She's now standing in the way of my happy ending. Fuck, even Ma moved past it all after what happened at The Shallow. Why can't Annabelle see that she's causing me harm now. Her and her alone. She's going out of her way to be a bitch," he declares, his voice laced with bitterness.

  I suck in a sharp breath at his choice of words, chancing a glance towards Archer. His shoulders are tight, his body sitting upright, vibrating with anger. "Don't you dare fucking talk about Belle that way. Ever again. You're mad, I get that. But Belle loves you. Fucking, loves you, and you don't get to hate on her cos' you're pissed off. You're allowed to be angry. You're allowed to be disappointed. But don't you dare talk shit about her. You get me?" His voice is low, deadly in its delivery.

  "Sorry," Jake mutters, regret in his eyes. "I just don't know how to fix this. You've tried talking to her. I have. Ma has. Fuck, Ben would have a go if he thought it would make a difference," he looks, toward me and I nod my agreement.

  "We can't fix this. Only they can. Belle has to be ready to forgive Aubrey. It's just gonna take time," Archer informs Jake, his body having lost the tension his temper brings.

  "But for me, that’s a problem, because I wanna start my life with Aubrey. Like really fucking start it... and I can't. Aubrey won't take any further steps until shit is right with Annabelle. I wouldn't ever go out of my way to hurt Annabelle, yet how can she not see that's what she's doing to me," Jake states, the pain inside evident.

  Archer breathes out a deep breath, stuck on what to say. I feel for the guy. He's stuck between the two closest people in his life. His opinion siding with one, but his allegiance and support directed at the other. It'd be a hell of a mess to be caught up in.

  "Kid,” I speak, pulling Jake’s attention. “She's blinded by her hurt. By her anger. As much as it fuckin' sucks, only time is gonna help that die down. But, if you want my opinion and I don't think Archer would disagree with me; don't put your life on hold because of it. If Annabelle wants to be stubborn," I pause and steal a glance at Archer to make sure my words aren't pushing his temper. When I see understanding in his eyes, I turn back to Jake and continue. "That's her problem. If she misses out on the most important moments in your life because she won't try and work through whatever is going on in her head, well, that's on her."

  I glance between the two brothers who seem to be processing my words. "I love Annabelle. Have always had a soft spot for her. Especially for giving something well deserved to this guy," I point towards Archer. "But the world does not revolve around her, and she needs to understand that. Who knows? Maybe if you guys take a step towards your future, it will kick start her ability to finally move past it all."

  Jake and Archer are both staring at me with raised eyebrows, shocked at my input. "What?" I question, uncomfortable with their attention. "Just my observation."

  "I agree with Bennett," Darci's soft voice startles me, and I turn quickly, seeking her out. Taking in the three of us, she pushes her glasses further into her face. Nervous tick. "Sorry, didn't mean to eavesdrop. Just came out to say hi," she admits shyly, glancing at me before focusing back on Archer and Jake.

  "Look, Jake, Annabelle, and Aubrey are my best friends. But, I can see how much Annabelle’s behavior is hurting you both. Truth is, Annabelle is stubborn," she smiles at Archer in a knowing way, and he returns it. "It may take a long time for her to come around. You and Aubrey deserve to be happy, even without Annabelle's blessing. It's time for the two of you to take your happiness, you've been through enough heartache. You've certainly waited long enough."

  Her cheeks shade slightly at our open stares, and she clears her throat, clearly unsure of herself. "Archer, I'm sorry if you think I've spoken - " but he cuts her off with a shake of his head.

  "Not at all. I agree with both you and Bennett. Go for it, kid, explain all that to Aubrey. Make her see this is about the two of you and no-one else. I've got the fallout from Belle covered."

  Jake's body sags in relief and a large amount of tension that had been coiled in his frame, releases. A level of worry remains, and I get that. Shit, he and Annabelle have been the best of friends for most of their lives. Their connection is strong, and aside from her resentment towards Aubrey, the breakdown of their friendship would be hard for him. They've always been a constant in the other's life. Losing that would be devastating.

  After a moment or two of reflection, Jake's eyes dart between myself and Darci before flicking to Archer, who clearly gets his intent. Both standing, they clear their throats, mumbling some excuse for leaving before kissing Darci's cheek and exiting the store.

  "Should I turn my back so you can make your exit or you cool for me to watch?" I joke, but it falls flat.

  Coming closer, she scans the available seats and settles on the one across from me. Out of reach. Blowing out a breath, I don't hide my disappointment, and she drops her eyes. "I deserve that. I know I've been a little detached, unreachable..." She drifts off into a whisper, and I bark out a laugh pulling her attention.

  "A little detached. Shit, Riding Hood, you've been completely MIA. More so than ever before. Did I do something to upset you?" I edge towards the end of my seat, wanting to feel even slightly closer.

  "Not at all," she soothes, scooting forward on her armchair. "I just, I've had a lot on my mind," she confides, removing her glasses to pinch the bridge of her nose. Placing the frames back onto her face she looks up and watches me for a quiet moment. I give her the minute she needs, and her sad smile is like a knife. "I've got so much going on right now, Bennett. My family is driving me insane, I have an unwanted house guest arriving tonight, -"

  "Loopy sibling," I guess, cutting her off and she laughs softly.

  "Loopy sibling arrives tonight. Frank is, God, I have no words. So, there's that. Not to mention some personal stuff I need to come to terms with, some developments that I need to work out and - " she trails off into nothing and meets my eyes.

  "I want to be someone you can turn to, Darci. I know our encounters are usually a little more physical than emotional, but I want that too. I like you," I admit and a shy smile pulls at her lips.

  "I like you too. I just need some time. I promise I'm not avoiding you," she grins at my arched eyebrow and corrects herself. "From now on, I won't avoid you, and when I'm ready, we’ll talk, okay?"

  I hate this. Waiting. I've waited for so long already. Any longer just adds to my torture. But pushing her will only cause a greater divide, a hollow space that I might not be able to move forward through. So against my better judgment. Against the screaming inside my head, and heart, I find myself nodding. Agreeing to her terms, all the while wanting to say no. Demand that we work this out once and for all. But that's not who I am. Not someone Darci would respond too. If I want her. If I want a chance at being her man I need to respect the person she is and work within her boundaries.

  "Okay. I'm not comfortable with it, but I understand your need to process stuff, and I never want to push you into something you're not ready for," I state, and she confuses me by laughing. Schooling her outburst, she smiles at me thankfully, and I force a smile onto my own lips. It's tight and nothing how my face usually breaks around her, but it's all I can muster.

  "Just clarifying, while you're... ah... working everything out, are we... is touching you, off limits?" I chance, arching a brow in her direction.

  Her teeth drag along the brightly colored bottom lip, and I watch its movement, wanting to move closer and copy the action with my own teeth. Her throat tightens as she swallows deeply and I meet her eyes trying to read her. "I... ummm... I'm not sure... I want... but I… yes, no."

  Standing to move towards her, I kneel in front of her and hold her hand, trying to calm her. "We'll take it
as it comes. If we feel an overwhelming need to touch, then we do it."

  Closing her eyes, she sighs softly. "I always feel that."

  "Me too," I grin widely, and she drops her head to my shoulder.

  "God. You need to stop smiling at me like that, Bennett. I feel like I'm being hunted."

  "Shit, Darc," I rub my hand along her back. "I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. It's kinda hard to change the way I smile though."

  She laughs into my neck, causing my dick to stir in my pants, her breath coasting long my skin in a way that I feel it in every nerve. "I don't want you to stop it. It doesn't make me uncomfortable, Bennett. It turns my skin to fire, it turns me on. It makes me want you to do everything the smile promises."

  Frozen to the spot I close my eyes at her words. Ruined. How does she not know what effect she has on me?!

  Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

  My knees almost buckle beneath me when I feel her tongue glide along the skin on my neck. "Darc," I groan out moving my hand to wrap around the side of her neck and bringing her lips to mine.

  This kiss we share doesn't assume the same desperation as usual. It's slow and sensual. We spend time exploring one another's mouth. Our tongues brushing in unhurried discovery. It's lush, skyrocketing my lust for her. I've been starved of her touch, of her taste for months and just this kiss, a simple caress of her tongue begins to alleviate my hunger. It calms me in the same way it heightens my need for her. The inverse of these feelings scrambles my brain, confusing the hell out of me. But if that's a side-effect of having Darci, so be it. I'll take whatever I can. My need for her is highly-strung, twisting every nerve in my body, but being with her, touching her, tasting her, brings a sense of relief and ease to my soul. It's fucking addictive. Enslaving me to her. I couldn't imagine ever wanting anyone else again. No one else has ever caused me such discomfort, so much pleasure, such a strong connection. I'm obsessed. Completely and utterly and that in itself is beautiful in every fucking way.


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