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Chasing Kade (Thrill of the Chase Book 1)

Page 28

by Anna Paige

  “There’s still a chance she didn’t do it at all,” I hedged, my throat burning with the swell of emotion.

  “Doesn’t matter either way.” I could practically see her shaking her head, blond curls flying. “You’re still not seeing the gray, son. It’s not whether she did it or not, it’s whether you’re willing to love her without ever having that answer. If she walked back in there right now, and you could either have your answers or have her heart, but not both, which choice would you make?”

  Just like that, I knew what choice I’d make.

  And that was exactly why my mom was the best mother in the world.

  “And while we’re at it, how about we apply the same logic to this asinine idea you had about leaving the band?”

  Damn Kane and his big fat mouth. “Meaning what, exactly?”

  She huffed like she wished I was within slapping distance. “You can either be their leader or their protector, but not both, son. Lead them but let them fight their own battles. Or protect them by walking away and lose them all forever. It’s a fairly easy choice, I would assume—common sense, really. Then again, you did roll off the changing table when you were a baby…”

  “That was probably Kane. It would explain a lot, actually,” I grumbled, shaking my head.

  “Like how he was stupid enough to let himself be photographed with those girls?” Shit, we never could get anything past her. “I still think you taking the blame and offering to leave the band is far more moronic, but I’m willing to debate it if you are.”

  I felt myself shrinking into my seat like I used to when I was a kid.

  An already long and torturous day was about to get even longer.

  Fucking hell.



  Why am I so nervous?

  I wrung my hands in my lap, looking around the dressing room. The band was on stage, but I couldn’t let them see me before the show was over, or it might trip them up. Kade in particular. So, I hid myself away, and waited with my heart in my throat for them to pour into the room and discover me.

  I was so nervous I tried to drink a beer and ended up spilling it all over myself. After running back to the car and snatching up the first clothes I came to, I hurried back to the dressing room to change—and made a point not to eat or drink anything else lest I end up painting this outfit, too.

  The monitors on the wall showed them on stage, and I watched for long stretches between emotional outbursts that left me swinging between angry and hurt and feeling more lost than I’d felt in a long time. Not because of them, but because of Miles.

  How could I not see through him? All this time I thought we had some sort of bond, an allegiance to one another that felt almost like family. He’d visited me after the accident, checked in regularly when I was recovering at home, mentored me when I wasn’t sure I had it in me to return to work. He’d been my friend.

  All of it was a lie. He was using me, pretending to be on my side when he was nothing but a carbon copy of Trish. Two deceitful, manipulative, underhanded sides of the same counterfeit coin.

  God, I was so stupid.

  Trish even made a feeble attempt to warn me. A word to the wise, though; be careful about assuming you know how far people will go, little mouse. You’d be surprised what they are capable of. Never let your guard down. Never. Or you’ll live to regret it... At the time, I’d thought it was her being a twat, making thinly veiled threats that I didn’t bother to take seriously. Now I realized that she wasn’t talking about herself, or even making a general statement; she was warning me about Miles.

  No, not warning me; it was a taunt. She was teasing me with information she thought I would never have, mocking my loyalty to Miles because she knew he was playing me. The whole twisted situation made me sick to my stomach, but mostly I was angry because I’d let myself be used for so long.

  That was about to come to a fucking halt, though, and as long as I had Kade and the guys, the rest just didn’t matter anymore.

  I realized with a jolt that the monitor on the wall had gone dark while I was stewing. The band had just left the stage and would be here any minute. I steeled myself for their arrival and hoped that they’d listen long enough to hear the truth.



  “I’m just going to grab some clothes. I forgot earlier.” I rolled my eyes at my brother, who was being weirdly clingy. I’d left my stuff on the bus because I’d been too distracted by thoughts of Aubrey after I got off the phone with Mom. Hell, if E hadn’t texted me, I wouldn’t have even gotten on stage on time.

  “I picked you up some stuff earlier,” he insisted, tugging my arm and pointing us toward the dressing room.

  I frowned over at him, snatching away. “When? You weren’t even on the new bus today.” No one was. They’d all kept their distance, and for good reason.

  “You left shit on the other bus. I was bringing it back when I realized it was close to show time so I brought it to the dressing room. Would have told you, but you didn’t show up until two minutes before the damn concert started.” He nudged me toward the door again, the rest of the guys already almost there.

  “Fine,” I conceded. “I don’t get what’s wrong with you tonight, though. Weird fucker.”

  “Yeah, blow me,” He countered, looking entirely too satisfied with himself.

  He went through the door first, taking a few steps then turning to wait for me. Seriously, he must be on something. When I stepped into the room, I was poised to ask him to share whatever he was smoking, until my eyes found her. My breath caught, and I stood there staring, just like the first time I ever saw her.

  Only this time, I didn’t bother to deny to myself what I wanted.

  She was sitting on the couch, her hands wringing nervously in her lap as she met the eyes of my bandmates, clearly having a hard time doing so with me. She was wearing faded black skinny jeans and flats, with a white V-neck T-shirt that showed the faint outline of her bra. Her hair was pushed back off her face, looking tousled, as if she’d been running her hands through it.

  She was kind of a mess, really.

  But she was my mess.

  In two long strides, I was in front of her, offering my hand to help her get to her feet. She slid her palm into mine, our eyes locked. “Kade…” She pressed one hand to my chest, balancing herself since I hadn’t left her much room to move. Barely an inch separated us, and it was far too great a distance.

  I snaked one arm around her and pressed my palm against her back, pulling her against me as my mouth sealed over hers. I knew the guys were watching, and I didn’t give a damn. I let go of her hand, moving to run my fingers through the hair at her nape, tugging lightly as I deepened the kiss. Her arms moved to my waist, wrapping around me and tugging me tighter against her body.

  “Ahem,” Ethan cleared his throat. “You guys are giving me wood.”

  “Me, too,” Jared agreed quickly.

  “Shh…” Lennox chided. “Leave them alone, I’m almost there.”

  A ripple of laughter bubbled up in her chest, and she gave me a little shove. I grudgingly pulled away, then dipped my head back to hers, peppering her lips with small, tender kisses. “Hi,” I offered awkwardly.

  “Hi, yourself,” she grinned, absently licking her lips.

  I groaned and adjusted myself quickly. “Stop that.”

  She looked around the room and blushed, realizing what she’d done. “Sorry.” She hung her head a moment, trying to calm herself. “I wasn’t expecting such a… warm welcome.”

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you again.” I answered honestly. “When I walked in here and saw you…”

  She watched me for a moment, her demeanor turning serious. “Does that mean you changed your mind about me? That you believe me?”

  “No. It means I’ve decided I don’t care, because you’re too important for me to let anything derail what we have.”

  “What if I came back here to admit I did it?” Al
l eyes shifted to her, but she ignored everyone and everything except me.

  Not hesitating, I said, “I’ll love you anyway.”



  I stood there in stunned silence, and I wasn’t the only one. Lennox, Ethan, and Jared all stood around the room with their mouths hanging open, while Kane stepped up behind his brother, smiling like the Cheshire cat. He threw his arm around Kade and winked at me. “’Bout fucking time.”

  Kade elbowed him in the ribs and pointed to the couch behind me. “Sit your ass down and shut up. You’re ruining the moment.”

  The rest of the guys chuckled and took seats at various spots around the room, not bothering to hide the fact that we had their full attention. When Kade was satisfied that they were all going to keep quiet, he locked those smoky eyes on mine. “I mean it, Aubrey. I love you. Nothing you’ve done or might do down the road will ever change that.”

  He gripped my hips and bid me to sit on the edge of the couch, lowering himself to sit on the coffee table in front of me, our knees touching. He slowly surveyed my face, taking a silent inventory, with a small smile playing on his lips. “I never thought I’d fall this fast and this hard for anyone, but I have. You’re the one, warden. And I’m not letting you go.”

  “Shit, he’s gonna make me cry,” Lennox muttered quietly, causing us both to laugh.

  “Shut up, Lenn,” I chuckled. “So I can tell Kade how in love with him I am.”

  Kade’s eyes widened slightly, and his breath came out in a harsh exhalation. “Say it again.”

  “I’m in love with you, Mr. Edenfield.”

  “Wait, which…” Kane started.

  Kade and I both shot him the bird.

  I leaned forward, waiting for him to do the same. When our foreheads were touching, I whispered, “Maybe we should pick this up when we aren’t surrounded by hecklers.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose. “Probably a good idea.”

  “Thank fuck,” Ethan announced loudly. “I thought I was going to need a Kleenex.”

  “To dry your tears or because you needed to rub one out?” Jared snickered, watching Kade glare at Ethan.

  “A little of both, to be honest.”

  Kade grabbed an open bottle of water from the table beside him and threw it at Ethan, the contents soaking him as he caught it an inch from his face. “Shut the fuck up, asshole.”

  When we all got done laughing at that, I turned to Kane, who was on the other end of the couch. “Show time?”

  He nodded, leaning over to pat my arm.

  Kade looked between us, confused.

  Here goes nothing. “So, as much as I appreciate you saying you’d love me anyway, I didn’t go to the press about the retreat concert, and now I have proof.”

  He cut a look at Kane but motioned for me to continue. I explained quickly what had happened, then told them I’d called Kane to get me backstage so I could play the call for everyone. Seats scraped across the floor as everyone gathered closer and I pulled up the voice note on my phone.

  By the time the recording finished, every single one of them was enraged. Kade more than anyone, though I expected that. Lennox came to sit on the couch, wedging between me and Kane, practically shoving the poor guy to the floor as he leaned over to hug me. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I was such an asshole.” His uneven breathing near my ear made me think he was on the verge of tears.

  “No, I think I have you beat there. I was a total dick,” Ethan cut in, looking repentant as he offered me a weak smile.

  “We were all assholes,” Jared interjected. “What can we do to make this right?”

  I shook my head, having to force Lennox to let go. Poor guy, he was really upset that he’d hurt me. “Stop it, all of you. It’s okay. I don’t hold grudges, and I don’t blame you for doubting me. No apologies necessary.”

  “Horse shit.” Kade looked at me. “Don’t pretend we didn’t hurt you, because I know damn well we did. And we do owe you an apology, me most of all, because I knew you better than anyone, and I was an idiot for not standing behind you.”

  I looked around at them all, fighting back tears of my own. “Okay, fine. The five of you fucked up, you broke my damn heart, and I kind of want to junk-punch the whole lot of you. That what you wanted to hear?” Nods all around. “Fine. I said it. Now, if you really want to make it up to me, I know exactly how you can do that.”

  “How?” Kade asked, ready to do whatever it took. They all were.

  “Help me take down my conniving, piece-of-shit bosses.”


  “I don’t want you to leave again.” Kade breathed against my neck, his naked body spooning mine in the oversized king bed. We’d traveled to the next venue—where the band would be for two days—and gotten ourselves a suite at the nicest hotel in town, one with an enormous jetted tub. I’d emailed Miles and Trish—neither of whom had attempted to make contact—letting them know I had to finish up a few things before I headed back home, buying myself some time with Kade and the guys.

  “I don’t like it either, but it has to be done. I won’t be gone long, and I’ll hurry right back to you, I promise.” I pushed back against him, teasing his erection. “Everything is almost ready, and I need to move before anyone gets wind of what we’re planning.”

  They’d been true to their word, setting everything into motion without hesitating, calling in favors all over town and bringing in Jimmy, among other things. It was amazing what those guys could accomplish when properly motivated.

  I’d put in a call to Rhonda, updating her on all that had happened, and getting her official seal of approval on what I had planned. She even said she was kind of proud of what I was doing, fighting back and taking charge of my life again. I was kind of proud, too.

  “I still don’t like it,” he groused, unhappy. “Let me come with you, just in case.”

  “No, Mister Overprotective. You can’t take everything on yourself. This is my fight and I’m going into it alone.”

  He growled against my ear, nipping at my earlobe. “But I love a good fight. Ask anyone.”

  “Speaking of fights, tell me about St. Louis.” It was a diversion, but also something I’d been wondering about ever since my conversation with Kane. I had an inkling of what had really transpired, but I needed to hear it from Kade.

  He blew out a breath, tickling my neck in the process. “I was backstage after a show, leaving the dressing room on my way back to the after party, when I saw some jackass arguing with his girl. He was drunk, being loud; she was trying to get him to leave.”

  “He hit her, didn’t he?”

  “Slapped her so hard it echoed,” he confirmed. “So I knocked out four of his teeth.”

  “And you didn’t want people to know what he’d done to her, so you said it was your fault.” Always the protector.

  “She begged me not to tell anyone. I told her I wouldn’t if she left him and never took his sorry ass back.”

  “Did she?”

  He nodded against my hair. “And our settlement with him was contingent on him not contacting her ever again. If we ever obtain proof that he attempted to get in touch with her, he’ll lose it all and be brought up on charges.”

  “Can you really do that?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. But it sounded legit enough to keep him away from her so far. Let’s just hope he’s not stupid enough to test the contract.”

  I half-turned, meeting his eyes. “Deep down, I think I knew. There was no way the man who saved me from that guard was the same one they labeled you to be after what happened in Missouri.” He just winked at me and smiled. “I love how protective you are, how you instinctively look after people.”

  “Just don’t spread that around, or you’ll ruin my reputation for being an intimidating jerk.” He pressed his erection against my ass.

  I pushed right back, rolling my hips. “I love that part of you, too.”

  “Which part? This?” He slid his cock down
my crease, nudging, seeking entrance wherever I might allow.

  “No… Well, that too, but I mean the intimidating part.”

  He lifted himself and rolled me onto my back, pinning me to the bed with my hands above my head. “Like this?” He narrowed his eyes on me, leaning down to suck my nipple into his mouth.

  “Yes,” I whispered on a moan.

  He reached down with his free hand and lined himself up at my entrance, simultaneously biting down on my nipple before looking up at me with hooded eyes. “And this?” He slammed into me, stretching and filling me to capacity.

  “God, yes!”

  “Say it.” He drew back and pounded deep, once, twice, before gripping my chin in his hand, forcing me to look at him. “Say it, Aubrey.”

  “I love you, jerk face.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me, but I could tell he wanted to smile. Instead, he pressed a kiss to my lips, his tongue delving into my mouth the same way he used it to lap at my clit. When I was breathless, wantonly grinding upward, wanting him to continue thrusting, he pulled his mouth from mine. “Again, and say it right.”

  “I love you, Kade.”

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “You.” I was rewarded with one sharp thrust before he stopped again.

  He leaned forward and nipped my bottom lip. “This mouth, who does it belong to?”

  “You.” Another thrust.

  “These?” He palmed each of my breasts in succession.

  “Yours.” He thrust in and ground himself against my clit, making me hiss at the delicious friction.

  His hand slipped between us as he pulled himself all the way out, his thick, hard cock replaced by probing fingers that ran from my clit, down to plunge into my pussy, then back to circle my ass, giving the lightest of pressure before moving on. He made several passes before uttering the words that I knew were coming.

  “And all this? Your swollen little clit, that tight pussy, and your hot little asshole? Who do they belong to, Aubrey?” He moved his hand away and resumed the motions with his cock, the spongy head almost breaching my ass before backing away, stroking along my seam.


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