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My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series)

Page 20

by Solis, Melissa

  “Where is she?”

  “Who? I don't know anything!”


  The blade digs into his neck, and a stream of crimson wets the steel. I open the lid to the box.“You ready to spend eternity in here, over this?”

  “They have her in Cleveland, at the Westchester Mill.” I push his back down to the ground.

  “You'd better be right, or you'll wish for a death that will never come.”

  I send the word out immediately. Elena pops up beside me and transports us to the location within seconds. The Mill is huge, and we begin to search for the door fanatically. More arrive to help, and all hell begins to break loose. Stacks of large cuts of timber get released from their binds and start rolling towards us. This must mean we're in the right place at least. Fallen ones emerge. The battle has already started, and we haven’t even found the entrance yet.

  Elena and I watch each other’s backs as we search for the door. One of them comes at me from behind a large piece of machinery. He's wielding a searing hot machete like a skilled ninja. I'm good and angry and in no mood to have to deal with this nonsense. Brennen's here and in danger. I can feel her pain ringing through me like a dull ache in my joints. I sweep in and crush his windpipe before his blade can come close. Elena steals his weapon and cuts his head off in the next instant, and then we're on the move again.

  “The machine, I think that's it.” A large solid looking piece of machinery looks like it has a large enough well between its two supports to fit an average sized man if he were to crawl through. The dark well goes through at least twelve feet, and I don’t see any light escaping from the other side. This must be it. There has to be a door under there.

  “Let's hope so.” We make our way back to the equipment to take a closer look. A black winged man leaps off the top of the machine, bulleting towards us, and knocking Elena to the ground. He probably thought it was a good bet to go for the weaker one, but Elena is powerful and fast. He emerges from the tumble with his head ripped clean off, a look of surprise still written on his face. I sigh and let out a deep breath as I see the entrance.

  A small but heavy looking steel door sits in a dark well under the equipment. The small hallway is just big enough to crawl though, and I make my way in while Elena stands watch. The door is locked, but the fear I have for the love of my existence is no match for it. Through Him, I can do all things. The metal begins to groan in protest, finally opening under the duress.

  A staircase of stone leads down into a holding bin. I immediately hear her cries of pain and follow her voice. It leads me to a long hallway with four doors on each side. Two guards stand at a door. That must be the one. I produce my sword, and I see the glimmer of fear in their eyes for a moment. I run full speed to where they stand. Their stance moves to battle mode as instincts kick in. They used to be like us. They're trained to fight. Most have lost any sense of humanity that they ever had. Brennen cries out in agony, and one of them catches me off guard, cutting my chest deeply with his blade. Wounds won't heal down here.

  I fight through the pain, and my next blow slices one man in half and pins the other one to the ground, staked to the stone floor through his heart. I quickly throw the lock open and rush inside. I see her crouched on all fours on the dirty stone floor– chained to it like an animal. My heart breaks all over again. Seeing me, she wants to smile, but the pain she's in over takes her. She bears down trying to endure it. She's in full labor.

  The steel cuff breaks open at my grip, and I scoop her up off the ground. Her body goes ridged as another contraction overtakes her, making it difficult to carry her.“It's going to be okay, love.”

  I run her up the stair well and check to make sure Elena still has the exit secured.“Darling, you're going to have to crawl out of here on your own. There's not enough room for me to carry you.”

  She laughs out, and it's music to my ears.“Oh because I'm so fat, right?”

  I smile and kiss her on the cheek.“You’re perfect love. I'll be right behind you.”

  “You're bleeding.”

  “I'll heal as soon as we're out if this place.”

  She gets half way out before a contraction stops her in her tracks. I rub her back and relieve the worst of her pain taking the edge off as best I can in my weakened state.“You’re doing so well darling. You are so brave.” She sighs a breath of relief when she can finally move again. It’s a tight space and smells heavily of grease and diesel. When we're finally clear of the machine, I take her in my arms again, and we transport to Amorous.

  A gurney is already waiting by the platform, and Inara greets us. My wound is slow to heal, but I keep up as they wheel her down to the infirmary. Elena places her palm on my chest, and it lights up. The wound is gone, only the scars of my past remain.

  “She's just about there,” Inara announces after checking Brennen's progress. I take Brennen's hand up and ease any pain she may be experiencing. Her face is marked with dirt and grease, but otherwise, she’s unharmed. Elena takes up her other hand and gives her a knowing smile. Emmagen comes in and hugs Brennen’s' head, kissing her a few times through her own tear streaked face.

  “I was never so worried in all my life.”

  “Me too.”

  “Okay Bren, get ready to push,” Inara says with authority.

  Brennen nods and takes a deep breath. The pain I'm absorbing is so intense I can't get over how a woman endures it and then has a second child only to repeat the pain all over again. The babies’ heartbeats are steady and strong. I think they kept her strength up through all of this. Brennen squeezes my hand and bears down as much as she can handle.

  “You're doing so well, love. You are the strongest person I have ever known. You are going to be such a good mother.”

  “I can't do this without you Elijah.”

  “I'll be there whenever you need me, Brennen. I swear to you.”

  “Again, one more good push, Brennen,” Inara instructs.“I can see the head. You're almost there.”

  Brennen gives everything she has, and the small cry of a baby fills the room with joy in an instant. Inara hands the baby boy to Brennen after she towels him off a little. My own blue eyes blink back at me filling me with a sense of pride and automatic love for my son. He’s so small. I’ve never been so close to a newborn. A fine down of dark hair shadows his head with promises of mirroring my own one day. Brennen's face washes over with love as she marvels at his tiny fingers. She kisses his head and cradles him over her chest. He looks impossibly soft, and I can’t wait to hold him and cover his blessed face in kisses.

  “Alright Elijah, you take the baby for a moment, so Brennen can deliver your daughter.”

  I ease my hands under the newborn and settle him in my arms admiring both him and Brennen. He's so tiny but perfectly healthy. I use my free hand to ease Brennen's pain again. Her gaze remains focused on me as she bears down again. After a few more pushes, Inara emerges holding an even smaller little girl. She looks so fragile, yet she flails around like she could take on her own battle right now. She locks those emerald green eyes on me, and I'm hooked, forever ensnared by this girl’s heart. I'd give her the world ten times over. Her hair has a barely visible weft of blond, and if the Oracle’s vision rings true, she will look very similar to her mother.

  Inara cleans the baby and lays her across Brennen's chest. The little girl lets out a tiny cry, and Brennen makes a soft shh sound settling her a moment later.

  “Darling, they're beautiful,” Emmagen cries out hovering over my shoulder then Brennen's.

  “They are. Aren't they? What are we going to call them?” she asks me never taking her eyes off of the little one.

  “Um, I was thinking of giving him your father's name if that's okay with you.”

  “William Michael, I love it. I want to name our daughter Elara. It combines my two best friends, Elena and Inara, to make Elara, and Emily for her middle name in honor of my dear friend who lost her life for this cause.”

nbsp; “Elara Emily Montgomery, it's perfect,” I admit.

  “And she'll have your initials and part of my mother's name in the mix too.”

  Elara falls asleep, and I take her, handing off William to the nurse.

  Emmagen leans in once more to get a long look.“Well I will leave the proud parents to do their jobs. Congratulations to you both. I'll come back in a little while and visit.” She kisses each baby on the cheek before she leaves. She pops back in the door for only a second to drop off a large wrapped gift box on a table next to the door.

  “Good bye grandma,” Brennen teases, and Emmagen chuckles in delight.

  This has been both the best and worst day of my existence.

  “Are you alright,? Did they hurt you?”

  “I'm right as rain now. I'm just glad you were able to find me. They took me the second you were gone. They drugged me before I could escape to Amorous. Oh and apparently, Hank Malloy is the new Malphas.”

  “The channel six weather guy?”

  “The one and only.”

  Soon both babies are sound asleep. Now Brennen needs to rest. I carefully take William in my other arm and relax back into the chair. A sleeping baby in each arm, my beautiful wife smiling over at the sight as she tries to stay awake and not miss a thing, life could get no better than this moment. Her eyes finally fall heavy, and all three are dreaming of the life we'd have here, free of any danger. Or perhaps it's just my dream. Holding the five pound babies in my arms, I can't help but fear what life has in store for them. The weight of the world is already on their shoulders. The only thing I do know is that I will protect them relentlessly. ~

  Chapter 17 ~ Small Miracles ~


  My mother paces back and forth in front of my rocking chair as she debriefs me back at Elijah's cottage. Both babies breathe softly against my shoulder as I rock. Their gentle noises are the only stress relief I need from this whole situation.

  “So the whole world knows that I was abducted and forced to give birth while being held captive?”

  “Yes, and the suspects were all killed when your head security advisor, Elena Kennedy, tracked you down saving you all.”

  “You do realize the more lies you people shove down the gullets of the unsuspecting innocent humans, the bigger this thing is going to explode when the truth finally comes out.”

  “Yes, well it's all for their own good.”

  “You keep saying that, but I've yet to see the implications that a nuclear war is on the verge of breaking out in the near future.”

  “Oh, we have the timeline nailed down to the second. I've seen the moment the ignition sequence starts and the death and destruction that follows.”

  “And Elara and William are going to change everything.”

  “Yes Brennen, they are going to change everything.”

  “Why does Sam have to go along pretending they're his children? It's not fair to him.”

  She finally stops pacing and eases onto the sofa.

  “I know life hasn't been fair to either of you, Brennen. I'm sorry for that, but the public has to hold you and the babies in the highest esteem. If it came out that you cheated on Sam and had another man's babies, the world would turn their backs on you. You would be thought of in an unsavory light and eventually your children as well.”

  I sit quietly for a moment and continue to rock the twins, more for my own comfort than theirs. Elijah steps back into the room. What I wouldn't give for the four of us to never have to leave here again.

  “Then I only ask one thing.”

  My mother's gaze lingers over my face, wondering what the condition is.“Yes?”

  “I want Sam brought here and told everything. I want his memories restored. After everything is revealed, if he still wants to go through with this charade, then I will too.”

  Elijah actually takes a step back. My mother considers my words and possibly has an internal chat with her supervisors as she stares out the window. I look back to Elijah to see if he's with me on this. He nods once as if he knows just how tied up in knots I am inside. One by one Elijah takes the babies and places them in the bassinet to continue their nap in a quieter room. I knew he'd make a good father. I'm glad he gets this time with them at least. I know it’s going to be hard on him handing the reigns over to another man.

  “Sam will arrive in the transfer room shortly. I suggest you be the first face he sees. I'll clear all non-life threatening transports for a few minutes, so he's not overwhelmed when he comes through. Elijah can stay here with Elara and William.”

  My head fills with the sound of my heart beating out of my chest and drowns out her voice after hearing Sam is on his way. After all these years of lying to him, he can finally know the truth. Elijah helps me out of the chair. My body is still weak from the ordeal. Childbirth is one of those things that has to be recovered from gradually, naturally; Elijah tells me.

  Elijah opens the front door and whistles for his horse. He pulls me in and kisses me like he'll never see me again. I know all too well what good-bye feels like, and I leave his lips as a tear sears my cheek. I hear his horse trot up and let out a puff of air happy to see his owner. Elijah pats the old bay on the neck and quickly pulls out a small carriage from beside the home. In minutes the horse is fitted, and Elijah lifts me into the seat even though there are stairs. He squeezes my hand once before my mother signals the horse to move. I hear the babies cry out inside as if they know I'm leaving. A pang of guilt rises inside, and I stare back at the cottage growing smaller in the distance. Their cries continue on repeat in my head.

  “I know it's hard to leave them for the first time,” Emmagen says stroking my hair. Yes, I suppose she would know. I can't imagine what she felt leaving me on a door step on a chilly morning knowing she may never see me again. She had to trust that my father was the man she esteemed him to be. I have no doubt Elijah deserves the pedestal I've placed him on. Perhaps, my mother and father were the same way.

  The morning dew is lifting and the sun is... Wait a minute, the sun is not searing my retinas.“How come I can stand your sun now?”

  My mother chuckles softly.“I was wondering how long it would take you to realize it. You’re getting stronger, more powerful. Your angel blood is slowly taking over your human side.” She doesn't explain any further what this means. I don't feel any differently. How do they know these things just by looking at me?

  We arrive at headquarters, and I step off the carriage anxious for what's about to take place. I'm dressed in a lavender baby doll cotton dress to conceal my misshapen abdomen. It still feels strange to have the twins outside my body. I half expect a kick or roll to come from inside at any moment. I only have a couple of hours or less before I have to get back to feed the babies.

  We wait in the empty transfer room. The wall of clocks on the wall ticks out a rhythm that sounds a whole lot like the Jeopardyfinal round. “I don't even know where to start.”

  “You always find the perfect words. It’s your gift.”

  Will appears in front of us with Sam. His smooth face still looks so young. He wears a look of shock and fear across his face partly because Will is gripping his arm like a vice and partly because he just traveled through time and space like a real live sci-fi movie. His thoughts are running wild in his head, and his theories about me are all over the place. I almost laugh when he wonders if I'm an alien. He looks back and forth between me and my mother marveling at the resemblance.

  “Hello Sam, don't be afraid. I brought you here to explain everything.”

  Will finally releases him, and Sam hurries to get away from him.“I was worried sick, Brennen. You're all over the news.”

  “I know, I'm sorry I made you worry. We can go someplace more comfortable and talk. It's time you learned the truth.”

  “Where are we and how did I get here?”

  “I'll explain everything, but first you need to put these on.” I grab a pair of sun glasses from the station, and he looks at me like I'm a ha
ir shy of crazy.“We are not on Earth. The sun here will hurt your eyes.” His brows dip low, but as I crack the heavy door open, the light streams through like an explosion of white stars. He heeds my words and shields his eyes with the unflattering brown goggles.

  “Why don't you need them?” he asks as we walk down the corridor. I can already hear the transfer room resume its usual heavy traffic. A few Keepers pass us in the hall, and Sam examines their strange appearance. Many of the men still like to dress in nothing but gauzy white linen pants, and the women are almost always in some sort of flowing gown.

  “I'll explain everything in a moment, but I assure you I'm not an alien.” He laughs a little even though he's overwhelmed with what I've already told him. I lead him to the small room outside my mother’s office. It’s furnished with a small sofa and a couple of chairs. A large framed portrait of my marriage to Elijah hangs on the wall taking me and Sam by surprise. He plasters himself against the wall in defeat. Whoa, I shove him back out the door, maybe not the best place for this talk. I had no idea she had that on display. Sam doesn't say a word, but he's fuming now.

  “Sorry about that. Let’s just use my mother's office.” He follows me in, and I close the tall doors behind me. The oracle hovers over her desk drawing both of our eyes to it like a magnet. Her office is still the picture of elegance. She's updated the decor to suit her taste over the years. Collections from across the globe are softly lit under glass. A teal blue sofa is nestled between two tufted chairs with a gold linen fabric. I draw him away from the pull of the oracle to the sitting area.


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