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My Soul Laid Bare: Book 4 (The Soul Keeper Series)

Page 23

by Solis, Melissa

  “I know. I feel it too.” Sam’s eyes are glossy with unshed tears. We share a deep kiss that seems to last all night. Our loves grows and expands that night, filling each of us up beyond what our hearts can handle. My hands grip his firm muscled back never wanting to let him go. His hands glide over my body like he needs to consume it by the palm full. His tongue sweeps across my neck with a nudge, and I let out a soft groan. He trails his steamy kisses down to my heart and surrounding flesh, making my need for his touch that much stronger.

  My teeth graze his neck in a playful nibble and cause him to draw a breath and gleam a rapacious smile that’s never crossed his beautiful lips before. I giggle out as he nips at me in return. My fingers tug his hair gently as I draw his lips back up to mine. I savor his slow kiss and let it melt me until my breaths come in long easy strides. We dive into this new love head on, neither of us ever wanting to resurface.

  A while later, the love emanating from his eyes is still abounding. He holds me tightly in his arms as if he were afraid to let me go should this all revert back to how it used to be. His skin is as hot as tin under the Texan sun, but I don’t want him to let go just yet either. We finally found each other after all this time; all it took was for us to get dragged to hell and back –– a couple of times. I’m excited about our future together. A bright light has been ignited in my soul, and Sam is the tinder. Only this time, I will let the fire blaze out of control and wild, just for him. I will not hold back. He will know that he is the love of my life as confidently as he knows how to steer a horse.

  Chapter 20 ~ Lost ~

  Five years later

  I sit at the small desk in my private residence and work on my speech to convince world leaders to destroy all nuclear weapons as we have. It's the piece de resistance of my career. I've been the leader of our country for four years now and while it's predicted I'll win the next election, I still have my doubts. So much has changed in such little time. I'm amazed. There is still a lot to do, and even another four years won't get it done. My gift is stronger than ever. It reaches out like the bloom of a rose, blossoming more each day, convincing the masses to embrace change like the beautiful gift it is. Over time I've learned that the changes have to be subtle and slow, a gradual pivot towards our ultimate goal.

  I'm sure Elara and William will one day pick up where I left off. They are six years old now and bright as the all of the stars in heaven combined. They are the sun and the moon to me, and my world revolves around them. Even as they sit at my feet, I want to crumple up this speech for another day just so I can join them in the small town they're building out of Legos. They're beginning to realize they have special gifts, and it's hard to teach them to keep it a secret. Elena has had to do a lot of brain washing when it comes to eye witnesses.

  One time we were out on a walk at a public park, to keep the public a regular part of our lives. The security detail kept a close distance at all times. The camera crews were all filming our outing as usual, when Sam suddenly tripped on a stick while walking backwards. He was being silly trying to get William to catch him and didn't see the branch. Sam flew backwards, and I knew his head would slam on the concrete. He was going to have a serious injury, but Will pointed his finger at his daddy and screamed out,“No!” Sam stopped falling and started floating in midair until he was right back on his feet. All of this happened in a split second, but it was caught on camera. You would have thought hell fire was raining from the sky, the way Elena kicked into keep-the-kids-powers-a-secret mode. She backed up time and moved the branch and hit the play button, so he never tripped. It never happened, therefore it was never filmed. And now, I know why Elena is an Elite.

  My cell phone buzzes on the desk, and I check it, welcoming the distraction. A text message from Sam makes me smile. I open the message and read, Madame President, I think I need help with packing my suitcase. ;-) He’s got my number all right.

  I text back. You know I can never resist the compulsion to keep your boxers from getting wrinkled. Sam is flying out in a few hours this afternoon for Prague. At least it’s a short trip, he’s only going for two nights to speak at a worldwide medical convention.

  “Elara, William, you good for a bit on your own? Daddy needs my proficiency in packing. Stay out of the ice cream, William.” My son shoots me a smirk that says,“Fat chance.”

  “Oh yeah, is that so mister?” I tickle him until he gives up in a fit of giggles. As I walk off, they are heavily immersed in their new buildings once again. Knowing those two, I’ll have to tear them away just to say good-bye to Daddy in a couple of hours.

  I lock the bedroom door behind me as Sam emerges from the bathroom freshly showered and still damp. A towel is secured low on his waist, and my eyes are drawn to his still expertly hewn body. A smirk draws upon his lips as he realizes I still find him desperately sexy. We meet in the middle of the room, and he pulls me against his chest. My hands glide over his shoulders as I nuzzle in close to him taking in his familiar scent.“I wish I could go with you.”

  His hands slide behind my ears as he kisses my forehead and sighs out,“So do I baby. I’ll be back before you lay your head down Sunday night. Now let’s get some of these clothes off of you. You are far too over dressed for what I have planned for you.”

  I blush at his words and relish his touch as his strong fingers gently undo the buttons on my blouse. The love that I feel for this man is unnerving. Part of me thinks the change I feel is because I know Elijah is gone out of our lives. I know he is not watching me love Sam. These last few years, I finally feel like I don’t have to hold back with Sam. It’s changed our love life completely. We’ve exceeded the bounds of star crossed lovers and entered into something altogether flawless.

  He holds me tightly in his arms after making love to me. The look in his eyes tells me he loves me more than any words he could ever utter. His whispers his devotion over me like a poem, kissing bare parts of my skin as he does. I never thought it could ever be like this with Sam. I never believed we would be this happy. Sam and I spend as much time together as we can before he leaves. We get dressed so he can play with the kids before he has to catch his flight.

  A while later it’s time for him to leave. I see him to the door of our private residence and watch with a smile as Elara wraps her small arms around his neck.“Don’t go Daddy. Please!”

  Sam looks helplessly at me. I shake my head and let him know he’s on his own. Elara has him wrapped around her finger. He kisses her on the cheek and squeezes her with a big bear hug like my father used to do.“I have to go. But tell you what, you and I will Face Time later tonight. I’ll tell you an extra special bedtime story. I believe it has an enchanted princess who can sing like an angel.”


  “I promise baby. I love you.”

  “What about the giant dragon that likes to eat singing princesses?” William chortles out offending Elara.

  “Ah, yes the dragon may have to get slayed by the brave prince that can freeze things with his hands.” Sam smiles at William and pulls him into a steeled hug. His hands go up around Sam’s neck and gives a tight squeeze. He loves Sam so much.

  “Hurry home my sweet man,” I manage to get out while holding back a tear.

  Sam smiles devilishly, leans into my ear and whispers,“After what we just did, you still call me sweet?” I let a laugh slip out and meet his lips with a soft kiss.“I love you. See you soon.”

  We all say good-bye and close the door after he steps on the elevator.“Can we have ice cream now?” William asks bouncing back to his usual self in mere seconds. I nod and set them up with a sundae fit for royalty.

  I try and get back to the speech writing task I was working on earlier today. The wording has to be just right, and several attempts later, I think I finally have a sound copy in my hands. A yawn escapes my mouth as I stretch out and leave the desk to check on the kids. There is a nanny around here somewhere to help out, so I never have to worry too much. I didn’t realize how l
ong I’d been working. It’s getting late, and the kids need to start their bed time routine.

  A loud fast rap on the door alerts me, and I quickly go to see what the matter is. My head of security looks upset and worried as I open the door, and I pray that something isn't too terribly wrong. The speech on my desk needs to be delivered in person as soon as possible, so we can put an end to this worrying once and for all.

  “Madame President, I need you come down to the briefing room immediately.” He glances past me to the children and back to me, and a thousand worried thoughts fill my head. I scan his thoughts to find out what the issue is before I take another breath. I nearly drop to my knees when I see the news he's come to tell me.

  “Maxine, keep an eye on the children. I have to step out for a bit,” I call out to the kitchen.

  Maxine, our wonderful godsend of a nanny comes down the hall clutching one of Williams’s shirts she was folding.“Yes of course, go. They'll be fine.”

  I plant a quick kiss on each of their heads and follow Pierce down to the elevator. Our pace is hurried, and my hands shake violently as I press the down button. This isn't happening. This can't be real. It’s too soon. I must be having a nightmare. My brain tries to reassemble the pictures I saw inside Pierce's mind, but the outcome keeps pointing to the same thing. By the time the elevator car hits the right floor, I'm using the wall to support myself.

  Elena’s face is there when the doors open, and my eyes plead with her that this isn't real. But I can see the painful truth etched on her face like an epitaph. They must have broken their deal, Then again, why would they keep it? Malphas is imprisoned in the dungeons of the lead spirit trap.

  Even so, Sam had Will with him. How could he let something happen to him? I walk into the dimly lit conference room the screens are blacked out, and my staff is trickling in like a match is lit under them. My breaths come in short sporadic burst as I struggle to keep a straight face. Once we're all seated, Elena, who I appointed Secretary of State, begins.

  “Madame President, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that at approximately eighteen hundred this evening the First Gentleman's plane went down over the Atlantic somewhere between Bermuda and Turks and Caicos. The flight tower received this distress call.” She nods her head to someone in the back of the room.

  “May-Day! May-Day! This is flight...” a crackle and distorted noise interferes with the sound making their voices hard to make out.“We are going down at coordinates…” Numbers that mean nothing to me spout off. It repeats a couple more times. Then I hear Sam's voice come on the air. The popping and crackling has grown louder, and it's hard to hear him, but I know it's him.

  “Baby I love you. Tell William and El that I love them. You are my everything. Oh God!”

  “Sam? Sam? What happened? Please,” I plead, shooting up from my seat and pounding my fists on the mahogany table.

  “I'm sorry Madame President. That is all we have. The line goes quiet after that. The coast guard is in route as we speak, and the closest ship to those coordinates is being utilized in the search as well,” Elena says her voice slow and gentle.

  No this can’t be right. We were supposed to grow old together. I feel as though I just got him back for him to be ripped from our lives all over again. Sam and I had grown so close. Our love was finally flourishing. I need him. He can’t be gone… He can’t be gone. The Keepers, surely they saved his life, and he’s probably sleeping it off in Amorous right now. He could be back in a few hours. I need to find out. I pray he is safe and alive.

  Everyone in the room is waiting for instruction from me or to see me break down and lose it. Either way, I just want to curl up in a corner and disappear.

  “Get me on a search flight. I can't sit around here and wait. I have to do something.”

  “Yes Madame President, I'm on it,” Pierce calls out.

  “Madame President, with all due respect, that is too much of a risk. You are only allowed to fly in Air Force One,” the Vice President pipes up. Aiden Parker, a relic from my past, was the guy that helped with the sabotaging little intern forcing her to quit after she tried to screw me out of a job. Now he is my VP and a very good one at that. He can smile and wave with the best of them. He explores my face for a moment trying to find a way to calm and console me.

  “I know how worried you must be, but you have the world’s best search teams at your fingertips. Use them. They are trained just for this very thing. The world needs you.” His words are sincere.

  “I need eyes on the ground. At least send up a camera with the next pass. Keep this from the press for at least another six hours,” I direct to the group. I turn and lock eyes with Elena. She holds all of the answers. She knows without a doubt if Sam is alive.“Elena, may I speak with you alone?”

  Everyone leaves, and a moment later it’s just the two of us. As soon as the heavy door seals shut, I look to her for answers.

  The look in her eye tells me everything I already know deep down. She comes to stand in front of me and pulls me in tight.“He's gone, Bren. I'm sorry. It was his time. The demons had nothing to do with this one. He's in heaven now.” I shake my head still hoping there is a way this is all wrong.

  “No Elena he can’t be gone,,” I sob out.“He said he’d be home Sunday so we could talk to Will and Elara. We were finally going to talk to them about their gifts, together.”

  Elena strokes my hair and whispers,“I know sweet child. I know.”

  “Why didn’t Will save him?” I ask through shuttered breaths. My fingers tremble as I raise a hand toward my lips.

  She pulls back and looks into my eyes trying to gather the right words.“Sam’s life was never going to go beyond August fourth, two thousand thirty-two. It is not our place to say who we save and who we don’t. We can only obey Him. We do not know when the life of each person we guard will come to an end, but we inherently know in the moment just before a crisis if we are to react or disengage. I know it was hard for Will to sit by and let Sam go. It may be the hardest thing Will has ever had to do. He’s never been a part of a human life for so long before. Sam was special to him. He was special to all of us. I’ve watched the love between you two grow over these last few years. It was something to behold and cherish. I think it taught us all something. You may not see it, but the whole world does. You and Sam taught the world how to love, Brennen.”

  “I need to see him. Take me to him now Elena.”

  “I can't do that Brennen.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “You'll see in a moment.” Her liquid brown eyes plead with me to understand. Elena is resolved in her decision, and I can't believe she would deny me the chance to say goodbye. She reluctantly turns and walks out leaving me in the conference room alone and burdened. I sink into the plush leather chair and listen to the recording again. I listen to my sweet husbands last words over and over again.

  My personal cell phone rings in my pocket, and I glare at the screen to see whose calling. Mia's face lights up the screen. She implores me to pick up with those warm amber eyes that match Sam's to a T. What can I say to her? I have to tell her the devastating news. I have to be the one to break it to her, to both of them. They've lost everyone. I've lost everyone. William and Elara are the only thing keeping me tied to this earth. I have to explain to them that their daddy isn't coming home.

  The phone continues to ring, and I finally pick up.

  “Brennen, thank God. Something terrible has happened.”

  How did she know? Was there a leak? My blood boils with anger. I hate living in the spotlight. Everyone knows everything that happens with us at any given time of day. Six hours is all that I asked for.

  “It's Cat, she fell off a horse and... She's gone Brennen. They say she broke her neck.”

  The shock of her words catches me off guard, and for a second, I'm relieved. My mind is still reeling with Sam's death, and I can't put the pieces together that I know are staring me in the face. Cat had been assigned to prote
ct Mia and Maci when Sam and I left Texas for D.C. She posed as the ranch manager for all these years. With Malphas contained, we didn't know if the evil ones would break their agreement. But, why would an angel fake her own death?

  “I'm so sorry Mia. Listen, I am going to arrange for you and Maci to board a flight to D.C. There is something I need to tell you, and I can't do it over the phone. Can you get to the airport in the next couple of hours? I'll have Elena call you with the details.”

  She doesn’t press me for answers, and I'm grateful. I walk down to the action room. Dozens of television monitors line the wall, and small desks of workers gather every shred of evidence they can find. The room buzzes with the sounds of urgency and desperation. The screens all show the same shot, a camera pans over the open ocean. Nothing for miles but rows and rows of choppy waves, a watery grave for the man who loved me with all of his heart. They had better find his body. I won't have my sweet Sam resting in the tumultuous sea. He deserves his own castle in the middle of the forest: for all of the good that he did in this world, for loving me the way he did, for loving two children like they were his own flesh and blood and never a spark of disbelief that they were anything but. Sam deserves more. This is not fair! Please, bring my Sam home. I need… I cannot finish my thought because ultimately what I need is him, and like a violent wave of vinegar through my veins, the realization hits home that I cannot have him.

  One half of me wants to curl up into a ball and cry for weeks, but I'm the president. And I'm expected to be strong. What I really am is a zombie, numb from the pain of dying all over again today. I'm here, but I'm not. Aiden joins my side as we stare up at the screens both hoping to see something, anything resembling our best friend.

  “I sent for his sisters. They'll be here soon.”

  “Have hope Brennen,” Aiden says as if he's still trying to convince himself to do the same. I wish I could have hope, but now I know Sam is no longer on this planet. Sam is walking with Emily. He's probably getting a noogie from my dad and filling my grandmother in on the twins’ latest achievements. Sam's dad is probably hugging him and showing him around. Then there is Cat.“Death absolves marriage,” I hear my mother say in my head. Suddenly I see the puzzle pieces come together as they snap firmly in place. She is with him. I am stuck here, and she is with him. My heart breaks all over again.


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