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Educating Ansley - a RED hot menage with cowboys

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by Johnson, Cat

  Educating Ansley

  a RED hot ménage with cowboys by Cat Johnson

  Gossip Girl meets the Dukes of Hazard with a whole lot of red hot sex thrown in—that's Educating Ansley.

  Connecticut’s rich and beautiful summer at mansions in the Hamptons not on a ranch in Colorado, but that’s exactly where society girl Ansley Craig’s been banished by her grandmother just for having a little too much fun at a graduation party.

  She expects to find cows and boredom at the Kane ranch. What she doesn’t count on are the Kane brothers. Ansley may have the college degree, but Jeremy and Ryan are two cowboys who can teach her a few things she didn’t learn in school.

  Reader Advisory: Expect one spoiled rich girl engaging in frequent sexual acts and even a roll in the hay.

  Educating Ansley

  Cat Johnson

  Copyright 2011 by CAT JOHNSON

  License Statement

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  For all the cowboy lovers.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author


  With an extreme amount of willpower Jeremy Kane yanked his gaze up from the two perfect, round globes clearly exposed nearly to the nipples by his patron’s low cut blouse. He stared into the blue eyes of the hottest woman he’d seen in a long time and said the hardest thing he’d ever had to say. “I’m sorry. I can’t.”

  “Why not?” She pouted prettily with lips painted red.

  Man oh man would that lipstick look real nice ringing his cock. Imagining all that mouth could do to him, he found he now had trouble keeping his gaze off her lips. Until he let it drop to her cleavage once again, where it rested very happily.

  What had the question been again? Oh, yeah. Why he couldn’t take her back to her place and fuck. He almost had trouble remembering what the answer was.

  “Because I can’t leave yet. I have to close up the bar tonight.”

  He glanced at the clock above the cash register. Two more hours until closing time after which he’d have to kick out the drunks, count the cash in the register, lock it in the safe, and then clean up. What were the chances this tasty and willing tidbit would still be hot for him and conscious by the time he was done? While Jeremy watched her eyelids droop a little lower as her head swayed slightly he decided the odds were not in his favor.

  Damn. He would have enjoyed a little bit of mindless rutting tonight. Working his grandmother’s ranch all day and picking up a night or two a week at the bar was starting to wear on him. Not to mention that in this Colorado town of barely eight hundred residents, most of who were old or married or both, having this little redheaded gift drop unexpectedly into his lap tonight had been pretty amazing.

  Jeremy sighed, wishing she was actually in his lap right now. He decided to stop torturing himself. “Let me call you a cab to take you home.”

  A familiar male voice came from behind him. “That’s okay. No need for a taxi. I got this one covered, bro.”

  He rolled his eyes as Ryan sauntered up to the bar. “Yeah, I’m sure you do.”

  With a devilish grin, Jeremy’s younger brother extended his hand to the woman. “Hey there. I’m Ryan Kane.”

  She treated Ryan to a sloppy smile. “I’m Rita. Hey, do you know you look just like him?”

  Hooking a thumb in Jeremy’s direction, she squinted her eyes at both of them in turn.

  “That’s because he’s my brother.” Jeremy answered for Ryan, less than happy about the relationship at the moment as his brother, who wasn’t working two jobs, swooped in to snatch up this tasty piece of snatch.

  “I have an idea. Why don’t both of you take me home?” Her eyebrows rose and Jeremy could see the gears in her brain working. Ignoring what he had told her before about his having to stay to close up, she was obviously looking to double her pleasure, double her fun.

  Jeremy drew in a deep, patient breath as Ryan nodded his head enthusiastically. “Excellent question. Why don’t we both take her home, Jeremy? I sure as hell can’t come up with a good reason.”

  “I can’t leave until after I lock up for the night.” Maybe if Jeremy kept repeating that enough, it might get through to at least one of them.

  “I’m going to the ladies room. Then the three of us can all go back to my place.”

  Then again, maybe nothing was getting through to Rita right now. She stumbled off the bar stool, straightening her shorter than short skirt as she went.

  His brother, easily distracted as usual, watched Rita’s ass sway until the bathroom door blocked his view, then turned back to Jeremy. “No sweat, bro. I’ll take her home now. You meet us there after you close up. I should have her nice and warmed up by then.”

  “No. Nuh, uh. Not gonna happen.” Jeremy shook his head.

  “Why not? She’s willing.”

  “Of course, she’s willing. She’s drunk.” It may be a fine line Jeremy tread thinking if he didn’t have to work it would have been all right to take her home himself in this condition, while thinking going there with Ryan for a threesome was wrong, but hell a man had to draw the line somewhere. Besides that, sharing a woman with his little brother was not real high on his To Do list. Not in this lifetime.

  Ryan managed to look fairly convincingly indignant. “She’s not that drunk. Come on. What kind of pig do you think I am?”

  Jeremy knew exactly what kind of pig his brother was when it came to the fairer sex. “The kind who trolls bars near closing time looking for drunk girls who need a ride home.”

  “Ow. You wound me. My own brother. I came to visit you, not to pick up women.” Ryan clutched his hand to his heart, then leaned in and lowered his voice. “Now hush up and listen because here she comes. Call me on my cell when you get done here and I’ll give you the address and directions to her place.”

  Before Jeremy could comment, Rita had tottered over in her high heels.

  “You ready, darlin’?” His brother took her by the elbow. Eyelids drooping more than they’d been before, Rita nodded. As he steered her toward the door, Ryan mouthed over his shoulder to Jeremy, “Call me.”

  “Don’t hold your breath, bro,” Jeremy mumbled.

  He figured Ryan would be lucky if Rita stayed awake as far as the town line anyway, but at least now it was no longer Jeremy’s job to worry about getting her into a cab and home safely.

  Ryan pulled into the trailer park and slowed to a stop. If he’d known she lived more than half an hour outside of town, he might have reconsidered offering her a ride. On the other hand, if things panned out as he hoped, a night of wild sex with this willing woman—a redhead no less—would definitely be worth his while.

  He wondered if her drapes matched her carpet, so to speak. Or better yet, perhaps there was no carpet at all. Oh, yeah.
Ryan liked him some hair-free puss.

  “Which one is yours?” When no response came, he looked over and found Rita slumped against the window in the passenger seat. “Rita? Wake up, darlin’. You need to tell me which is your place.”

  She moaned, sputtered a bit and then started to snore. He sighed. Now what? The idea of dumping her on the stairs outside one of the trailers and leaving crossed his mind. It was pretty warm out tonight.

  Nah. He couldn’t do that. Maybe if he knew which one she lived in he could have—

  “Hey! You have Rita in that truck with you?” The female voice came out of the darkness from somewhere behind him.

  Ryan leaned out the open window and spotted a woman standing in the doorway of one of the trailers. The light from inside silhouetted her body beneath the extra large, white T-shirt she wore with nothing else.

  “Yeah, I do. How’d you know?”

  “She called a little bit ago and said she was getting a ride home with a couple of hot cowboys.”

  Hot cowboys, huh? Things were looking up. He cut the ignition and pocketed the keys. Opening the driver’s side door, Ryan slid out of the truck and ambled over. “I’m Ryan.”


  Ryan moved closer. “Nice to meet you, Jackie. Rita’s sound asleep in the truck. I’m not sure what you want me to do with her.”

  He did know what he’d like to do with Jackie. His gaze started at her bare feet and ran straight up her long, lean legs, all the way to the nipples of the damn nice, braless breasts poking out at him through the thin fabric of the shirt.

  Jackie was doing a little perusal of her own as her gaze swept from the toes of his boots to the brim of his hat, taking in all the places in between. There was one particular place in between which started to wake up.

  “Let her sleep it off out there for awhile. Do you wanna come in?”

  A smile curved Ryan’s lips. “I’d love to.”

  The door had barely shut behind them and Jackie had her hands on him, running over his chest, then down to land at his belt buckle. “Mm. Nice muscles.”

  “Thank you much.” He grinned, resting his hands on her waist. “Nice T-shirt.”

  Jackie was as friendly as Rita, and sober, which was what made it even more interesting when she began undoing his belt. She mastered the buckle in less time than he could have and he owned the damn thing. She slid her hand inside his underwear and grabbed him.

  Ryan jumped at the sudden contact. “Wow. You don’t waste any time, now do you?”

  Not that he was exactly complaining, but damn. He watched as she pulled him out. It didn’t take even a minute before she’d stroked him into his full glory.

  “Mm. Big. Just like I like ’em.” She licked her lips, staring at his length in her grasp.

  He was no slouch in the size department, but Jackie’s hands were small, making him look extra big. Ryan liked the view.

  She ran a long red fingernail down his slit, sending a shiver right through him. He watched as she scooped up a glistening drop of pre-come on a fingertip, and nearly groaned when she stuck the finger in her mouth and licked it off. Then she was back to stroking him again, hard and fast. Ryan squeezed his eyes shut, holding on tighter to her waist to remain standing as he got closer to coming. His balls tightened and just when he was starting to get really into it, she stopped. At the break in contact he opened his eyes. Were they moving this little party to the bedroom?

  “So what d’ya want, cowboy? Twenty-five for a blow job. Fifty for straight sex. Anything kinky is extra.” Jackie stood before him, her head cocked slightly to the side, waiting for an answer.

  “What?” His eyes open wider. “You’re a hooker?”

  Ryan dropped his hands from her waist, afraid she’d charge him for touching her. That would probably be at least a buck per finger.

  “I prefer independent contractor. So what’s it gonna be?” She wet the tip of one finger and ran it over the head of his cock. Under other circumstances, he probably would have really liked that move.

  Staring down as her finger teased him, Ryan remembered Rita out in his truck and how she’d so willingly invited him and Jeremy back to her place. “Is Rita one too?”


  “Damn.” Here he thought it had been his charm and good looks.

  Obviously getting impatient, Jackie dropped her hands away from his formerly happy, but rapidly deflating dick, letting the elastic of his underwear snap hard against the engorged tip.


  She planted a hand on each of her hips. “Look, is this happening or not?”

  “Sorry. I don’t pay for sex. Never have. Never will.” Ryan shook his head, laughing at the entire, ridiculous situation.

  Though if he thought about it, twenty-five bucks was less than what he might spend buying a girl drinks at a bar. Then the blow job wasn’t even guaranteed. Nah. He still couldn’t bring himself to pay for it. A man had to have principles.

  “Fine, then it’s ten bucks for the hand job.” Jackie scowled.

  “What? Are you kidding? That was not a hand job.”

  “I got you hard, didn’t I?”

  Ryan could not believe he was standing there with his jeans hanging open having this conversation. He zipped up while correcting her misconception. “I was half hard when I walked in the door. Besides, I didn’t come.”

  “Okay, I’ll finish you off.” She reached for him and he jumped back.

  Buckled up—mostly—Ryan backed toward the door. “No, thanks. I’ll tell you what. I drove Rita home so she didn’t have to take a taxi, which would have cost at least ten bucks, probably way more, so I’m calling it even.”

  Before she could protest, he was outside and headed directly for the passenger door. He opened it, threw Rita’s dead weight over his shoulder and dumped her unceremoniously in a folding chair outside the trailer.

  An angry Jackie glared from the doorway. “I told her all you cowboys were cheap deadbeats anyway.”

  “You’re right, darlin’. Better steer clear of us in future.” He got in the truck. Firing up the engine, he took off with a squeal of tires and a spray of gravel and didn’t look back.

  It wasn’t until he’d reached the highway that Ryan started to breathe normally again. He was damn lucky he’d been sober and hadn’t let his dick do the thinking. These were the kind of girls who would likely leave a man to wake up in a deserted parking lot with an empty wallet and a mouthful of cotton. All after a night he couldn’t remember and most likely hadn’t enjoyed because they’d slipped something in his drink.

  It was bad enough Jackie had gotten him all excited and then tried to charge him for it afterward. Damn. Was there no honor left in the world’s oldest profession? The whole thing was enough to make a man cry.

  Ryan sighed. It was starting to get late. The diversion with the hookers had eaten up a considerable portion of his night. On top of that, chances were good Jeremy would tease him about this relentlessly if he told him. Lying sounded like a good idea right about now. He’d decide later. Meanwhile, where should he go? Certainly not home. What fun was there in that?

  He swerved the truck into the right lane and took the next exit. Soon the glow of neon greeted him.

  “Hello, Lola’s Hideaway.” He’d hidden away here quite a few times.

  Ryan grinned. There was not another car in sight. Perfect. The place would be empty. He parked the truck directly in front and pushed through the door. Lola was behind the bar cleaning up before closing, just as he expected her to be. As owner, she rarely left the place in the hands of anyone else. According to the old timers, it had been that way for the past fifteen years.

  “Well look what the cat dragged in just before closing time.” Flashing him the smile he knew well, Lola shook her head and continued to wipe down the bar. “What? Couldn’t reel yourself in some sexy young kitten tonight? You must be losing your touch.”

  Ryan grinned wide and leaned over the bar.

  “Now, Lola.
You know for a fact I haven’t lost my touch. Besides, I like my women with a little more experience anyway.” Not quite as much experience as the hookers back there, but he kept that tidbit to himself. Ryan reached out and stilled her hand as it swiped the frayed towel across the bar. He gave it a squeeze.

  Even though she never failed to remind him she was old enough to be his mother every chance she got, Lola was a very attractive woman. Hey, forty was the new thirty—wasn’t that what all the magazines the girls read said?

  Lola had never been married. Never wanted to be after a bad relationship years ago turned her off men. Well, turned her off being legally attached to a man. Sex she still liked just fine. Just as how she liked Ryan, and he liked her.

  Ryan pointedly glanced around the empty place. “There’s no one here. How about you close up a few minutes early tonight and I, uh, help you wind down and relax after a hard night’s work?”

  He recognized the hungry expression on her face as she flung the rag beneath the bar. “Lock the front door.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Flipping lights as she went, Lola led a path to the back stairs. “Call me ma’am again and I’ll slap you.”

  Ryan grinned. “Mm. That sounds fun. I think I might like that.”

  “Careful what you wish for, boy, you may not be able to handle it.” On the way up the stairs, Lola grabbed the piggin’ string that hung on the wall for decoration. It had belonged to a champion tie-down roper who’d passed through years ago and taken a shine to Lola.

  She shot him a heated glance over her shoulder.

  Maybe that rope wasn’t just for decoration after all. Lola had a side to her he’d never seen before, but he definitely would like to. The thought sent a tingle straight through to his balls as he followed her upstairs to her apartment. While considering which one of them was more likely to end up tied to Lola’s headboard, Ryan realized the night was shaping up nicely after all.


  College graduation. It was supposed to be a milestone. Something to make your parents proud. Ha! Except for Ansley Craig’s parents. Her commencement barely crossed their radar as they traveled through Europe. Ansley smothered her anger and itched to check her cell phone to see what time it was as the proceedings dragged on.


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