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David Crockett: The Lion of the West

Page 39

by Michael Wallis

  Tryon, Warren S., ed. A Mirror for Americans: Life and Manners in the United States 1790–1870 as Recorded by American Travelers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

  Tunis, Edwin. Frontier Living. Cleveland and New York: World Publishing Company, 1961.

  Walker, Paul Robert. Remember the Alamo: Texians, Tejanos, and Mexicans Tell Their Stories. Washington, DC: National Geographic Society, 2007.

  Wallace, Irving. The Fabulous Showman: The Life and Times of P. T. Barnum. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1959.

  Wallis, Michael, and Suzanne Fitzgerald Wallis. Songdog Diary: 66 Stories from the Road. Tulsa: Council Oak Publishing, 1996.

  Webb, Jim. Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America. New York: Broadway Books, 2004.

  Weber, David J., ed. Foreigners in Their Native Land: Historical Roots of the Mexican Americans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1973.

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  Winik, Jay. April 1865: The Month That Saved America. New York: HarperCollins, 2001.

  Woodward, Grace Steele. The Cherokees. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.

  York, Alvin C. Sergeant York: His Own Life Story and War Diary. New York: Doubleday & Doran, 1928.


  Adams Sentinel, Gettysburg, PA, December 17, 1828.

  Adams Sentinel, vol. 9, no. 6, Gettysburg, PA, November 26, 1834.

  Arkansas Gazette, Little Rock, AR, May 10, 1836.

  “The Bear Hunter.” Time, January 4, 1960.

  Bent Creek Baptists Church Minutes, Saturday, February 4, 1803.

  Blair, Walter. “Six Davy Crocketts.” Southwest Review 25, July 1940.

  Bland, Joy. “Genealogical Discovery.” Go Ahead: Newsletter of the Direct Descendants and Kin of David Crockett, 25, no. 1, August 2008.

  Brazoria Courier, Brazoria, TX, March 31, 1840.

  Brown, Fred. “The Stoneciphers,” Knoxville News-Sentinel, September 22, 1996.

  Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition Commemorating the Founding of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association of the Union, 1853–1953, Mount Vernon, VA: 1953.

  Charleston Courier, August 31, 1835.

  Daly, Walter J., M.D. “The ‘Slows,’ The Torment of Milk Sickness on the Midwest Frontier.” Indiana Magazine of History 102 (March 2006). Bloomington: Trustees of Indiana University, 2006.

  David Crockett letter to George Patton, January 27, 1829. Transcript provided by Joe N. Bone, manager-curator, Crockett Cabin-Museum, Rutherford, TN.

  Davis, Curtis Carroll. “A Legend at Full-Length: Mr. Chapman Paints Colonel Crockett—and Tells About It.” Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, April 1960.

  Doke, Marshall J., Jr. “A New Davy Crockett Story.” Heritage 4 (2007). Austin: Texas Historical Foundation.

  The Gazette, Little Rock, AR, November 17, 1835.

  The Gettysburg Star & Republican Banner, Gettysburg, PA, March 11, 1834.

  A Guide to the José Enrique de la Peña Collection, 1835–1840, 1857, Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin.

  Heale, M. J. “The Role of the Frontier in Jacksonian Politics: David Crockett and the Myth of the Self-Made Man.” Western History Quarterly 4 (October 1973).

  Henderson, Cherel B., ed. Tennessee Ancestors 17, no. 3. Knoxville: East Tennessee Historical Society, December 2001.

  Hutton, Paul Andrew. “Mr. Crockett Goes to Washington.” American History 35, no. 1 (April 2000). Leesburg, VA: Primedia History Group.

  Jackson Gazette, Jackson, TN. Circular Letter “To the Republican Voters of the 9th Congressional District of the State of Tennessee,” David Crockett, Gibson County, September 16, 1826; February 14, 1829; March 7, 1829.

  Jacobs, John L. Cullasaja, Macon County, NC, November 22, 1884, Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville.

  Kelly, James C., and Frederick S. Voss. Davy Crockett: Gentleman from the Cane. An Exhibition Commemorating Crockett’s Life and Legend on the 200th Anniversary of His Birth. Published by the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, City of Washington, and the Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, 1986.

  Kinzer, Stephen. “A Worry for Germany: Resurgent Nationalism.” New York Times, July 27, 1991.

  Lofaro, Michael A. “Part II: Davy and Ovid?” University of Tennessee, Library Development Review, 2002–2003.

  The Mail, Hagerstown, MD, May 9, 1834.

  Marquis, Christopher. “Andrew Jackson: Winner and Loser in 1824.” American History 43, no. 1 (April 2008).

  Miles, Guy S. “David Crockett Evolves, 1821–1824,” American Quarterly 8, no. 1 (Spring 1956).

  Missouri Republican, August 15, 1829.

  Morning Courier and New York Enquirer, April 27, 1831; November 24, 1831.

  Nashville Whig, August 14, 1822.

  The Natchez Ariel, Natchez, MS, October 19, 1827.

  National Banner and Nashville Whig, September 27, 1824.

  National Gazette and Literary Register, Philadelphia, PA, December 29, 1825.

  The New-Bedford Mercury, vol. 29, no. 34, New Bedford, MA, February 26, 1836.

  The New England Magazine 5 (6), Boston: J. T. and E. Buckingham, December 1833.

  New York Times, May 18, 1893.

  Niles’ Weekly Register, Baltimore, MD, September 7, 1833.

  Pearce, James T. “Folk Tales of the Southern Poor-White, 1820–1860.” Journal of American Folklore 63, no. 250 (October–December 1950).

  Purcell, Aaron D., and Michael A Lofaro. “The Davy Crockett Experience, Now Online!” University of Tennessee, Library Development Review, 2002–2003.

  “Regimental Histories of Tennessee Military Units During the War of 1812.” Prepared by Tom Kanon. Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, TN.

  Richmond Enquirer, vol. 32, no. 63, Richmond, VA, December 10, 1935.

  Spong, John, senior ed. Davy Crockett entry, “The 30 Most Stylish Texans of All Time.” Texas Monthly, March 2009.

  “A Sportsmen’s Paradise,” New York Times, January 11, 1891.

  Swann, Joseph A. “The Wedding of David Crockett and Polly Finley.” Go Ahead: Newsletter of the Direct Descendants and Kin of David Crockett 23, no. 2, December 2006.

  Telegraph and Register, published at San Felipe de Austin. Vol. 1, no. 24, March 24, 1836.

  The United States Magazine and Democratic Review 17, July 1845.

  University of Tennessee Special Collections Library. MS 1225, David Crockett letter “To the Editors” (Gales & Seaton), Weakley County, TN, August 10, 1835.

  Widener, Helen. “Republic of Texas—Freedom Fighter—William Patton.” Irving Rambler, Irving, TX, August 2, 2007.

  Williams, Amelia. “A Critical Study of the Siege of the Alamo and of the Personnel of Its Defenders.” Southwestern Historical Quarterly 32, no. 4, 1934, Austin: Texas State Historical Association.

  Working Man’s Advocate, New York, May 3, 1834.


  Adams, John Quincy. Diary 37, November 11, 1825–June 24, 1828. The Diaries of John Quincy Adams: A Digital Collection. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2009,

  Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame,

  Alabama Women’s Hall of Fame, Octavia Walton Le Vert (1811–1877),

  Alamo Images, Changing Perceptions of a Texas Experience, A Humanities Exhibition, Texas Humanities Resource Center in collaboration with DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX,

  Austin, Stephen F. Correspondence to Edward Lovelace (or Josiah Bell), City of Mexico, November 22, 1822. Correspondence Regarding Slavery in Texas, Sons of DeWitt Colony Texas,, Wallace L. McKeehan, ed.

  Baker, Eugene C. “Stephen F. Austin and the Independenc
e of Texas.” Southwestern Historical Quarterly Online, 13, no. 4 (1930): 271,


  Bean Family Files, Kraus-Everette Genealogy, Brinkley, Douglas. “The Great Bear Hunt.” Expedition Journal, May 5, 2001,, National Geographic Society, 2004.

  Brune, Herman W. “Legend, Lore, & Legacy: Ben Lilly.” Texas Parks and Wildlife Magazine, 2005,

  John and Margaret Thornbrough Canaday Family,

  Correspondence Regarding Slavery in Texas, Sons of DeWitt Colony, Texas,, Wallace L. McKeehan, ed. First Families Old Buncombe (FFOB), Patton Family records,

  Forbes, John. The Handbook of Texas Online,

  The Gowen Papers, Gowen Research Foundation, Lubbock, TX,

  Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. “Patton, William Hester,”

  Hardin, Rozella. “Legendary Mountain Men Live on in Local Folklore.” Elizabethton Star, Elizabethton, TN, September 6, 2000,

  Kanon, Tom. “Brief History of Tennessee in the War of 1812.” Nashville: Tennessee State Library and Archives, 2008,

  Lollar, Michael. “First Memphis Mayor Receives a Grave Injustice.” Memphis Commercial Appeal, May 26, 2009,

  McKeehan, Wallace L. Sons of DeWitt Colony, Texas, 1997–2006. The Sylar Family,, Pioneers/JohnCMclemore/tabid/112/Default.aspx.

  Montaigne, Michel de. “Of Age.” Essays of Michel de Montaigne. Translated by Charles Cotton. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt, 1877,

  Conrad “Coonrod” Pile Files,

  Porterfield, Bill. “Sam Houston, Warts and All.” Texas Monthly, July 1973,

  Rosenthal, Leon S. A History of Philadelphia’s University City. Philadelphia: West Philadelphia Corporation, 1963,

  Russell Family Files, Kraus-Everette Genealogy,

  Shah, Sonia. “,”, 2006.

  Smithwick, Noah. The Evolution of a State or Recollections of Old Texas Days. Austin: Gammel Book Company, 1900. Online edition, Southwestern Classics On-Line/Lone Star Junction, 1997,

  The Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2002, Online Edition.

  Time magazine. “Just Around the Backbone of North America,” October 7, 1957,,9171,809942,oo.html.

  Tocqueville, Alexis de. Journal Entry, Memphis, TN, December 20, 1831,

  Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama Department of History and Archives, Montgomery, AL,

  Van Zandt County Genealogical Society, Canton, TX,

  Voelker, David J., 2004.

  Waller, Preston Lynn, PhD. “Celebrities versus Heroes: A Case Study Using Characters from the Alamo Legend and its Cinematic Interpretation.” McLennan Community College, Waco, TX,

  Washington, George. The Papers of George Washington, Digital Edition. Edited by Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2007.


  Carroll County (TN) Deed Book A, 29–30.

  Carroll County (TN) Court Minutes, 1821–26, vol. 1, 50.

  Court Records of Washington County, Virginia—Minutes. Vol. 1, 39. August 1778.

  Department of the Navy. Naval Historical Center, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

  Franklin County, TN, Will Book, 1808–1847. Folder 036 A. Franklin County Courthouse Annex, Winchester, TN.

  Frederick County (VA) Court Records. Order Bk. 2, 456.

  Greene County (NC) Deed Book. Vol. 3, 320, November 27, 1792, John Crockett from St of NC 197 acres Stogdons Fork, Lick Creek, Grant #1243.

  Jefferson County Marriage Records Book 1. Entry Number 526. Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.

  Jefferson County Marriage and Bond Book, 1792–1840. Marriage Bond, “David Crockett to Polly Finley,” August 12, 1806. Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.

  Surveyors Entry Book C, Surveyors District II, Entry No. 3944, 414. Tennessee State Archives.

  Transcript Copies of Circuit Court File 1808–1835. Jefferson County Archives, Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.


  Caton, J. L. “Davy Crockett and Polly Finley in Jefferson County.” March 1, 1958. Transcription of unpublished memoir of George Cox. Crockett File, Jefferson County Historical Archives, Jefferson County Courthouse, Dandridge, TN.

  Johnson, James Strefhan, III. “The Evolution of an American Small Town,” Masters of Science in Architecture thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2004.

  Peterson, Gert. A Chronology of the Life of David Crockett. Unpublished manuscript, 2001.

  Reilly, Joe, PhD. Presentation to the International Psychohistorical Association, Fordham University, New York, June 7, 2007.

  Swann, Joseph A. “The Early Life & Times of David Crockett, 1786–1812.” Unpublished manuscript.

  ———. “The History of David Crockett’s First Rifle.” Unpublished paper.

  ———. Presentation to the East Tennessee Historical Society, Knoxville, February 12, 2003.


  Abbott, John S. C.

  ABC television

  Abingdon, Va.


  Account of Col. Crockett’s Tour to the North and Down East in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Four, An (Clark)

  Adaline (slave)

  Adams, John Quincy

  Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Twain)



  Alabama River


  as “Cradle of Texas Liberty,”

  fall of

  as historic site

  Alamo, Battle of

  DC’s fighting and death at

  Mexican army at

  thirteen-day siege at

  Alcorn, John

  Aldolphus (slave)

  Alexander, Adam Rankin

  Alexandria, Va.

  Allegheny Mountains


  American Hotel

  American Indians:

  abrogation of treaties with

  British land agreements and alliances with

  culture of

  encroachment of settlers on lands of

  hostilities of settlers and

  Jackson’s removal of

  massacre, marauding and scalping by

  medical knowledge of

  slaves owned by

  war paint of

  see also specific Indian tribes

  American Revolution

  British surrender in

  Cherokee alliance with British in

  southern campaign of

  veterans of


  Appalachian Mountains


  Arkansas Gazette,

  Armstrong, Zella

  Army, U.S.

  Army of East Tennessee

  Army of West Tennessee

  Arnold, William

  Arthur, King

Atlantic Ocean


  Austin, Stephen Fuller

  Austin Colony, Tex.

  Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, The (Franklin)

  baby boom generation

  Bailey, Nathan

  Ball, Mary

  “Ballad of Davy Crockett, The,”

  Baltimore, Md.

  Bangor, Maine


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