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Balance (Off Balance Book 1)

Page 41

by Lucia Franco

  That gave me an opening. “You were never with any other gymnast? I find that hard to believe with how long you’ve been coaching and how closely you work with them. That can’t be possible.”

  He pulled back like I slapped him, disgust written all over his striking face. “Do you think I am some sort of pedophile, Adrianna? No, I have never been with any other gymnast, or underage girl in my life. I never desired to. What the hell makes you think that?”

  He stalked toward me. “You actually believe I like young girls?” He revolted at his own question. I shrugged. “Answer me.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I don’t see how you couldn’t have.” I shook my head at his question, shrugging it off. “Kova,” I said softly, and placed my hand on his shoulder. “It’s not like anyone knows, or will ever know.”

  “Don’t touch me.”

  My eyelids dropped, and I glared at him. Anger simmered inside me, mounting to the top and ready to explode. He acted as if we had gotten caught. The whole virgin thing really wasn’t a big deal to me, so I didn’t understand why he was so affected by the fact he was my first. I wish he’d just drop it.

  “You’re overreacting, and to put all the blame on me is absolute bullshit,” I fought back. “It takes two to tango. I didn’t force you to do anything you didn’t want.”

  The look he pinned me with when he spun around should’ve scared me, but it didn’t. His piercing green eyes were so vibrant and the veins in his neck strained. Deep down, I loved seeing him like this. He was rage and fury rolled into one beautiful package.

  “You pursued me! And I let you!” He roared, his eyes racking a heated gaze down my body. His Russian accent was thicker when he was angry.

  “I pursued you?” I repeated flatly. “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. But in the end, it’s all the same. You let me get close to you. You opened up to me and let me inside your world,” I said, slowly stepping toward him. “You wanted me. And you knew you couldn’t touch me, yet you did. You got off on it. Have you ever heard of reverse psychology?” He pulled back in horror but I kept going. “Why didn’t you push me away? It’s not like you can’t overpower me, stop me.”

  “Adrianna. You are missing the point. It is not about overpowering, it is about removing myself from the situation.”

  And he was missing my point so I continued advancing on him. I wasn’t sure where this courage was coming from, but I went with it.

  “We both know you’re way stronger than I am and could easily have put an end to anything before it started.”

  “Adrianna,” he warned, a tick starting in his jaw.

  “Acknowledge it wasn’t just me.”

  “No,” he growled.

  “Do it,” I whispered, staring up at him. Our chests were so close that if I took a deep breath my boobs would touch him. And I wanted to do it to tempt him and prove him wrong.

  “Step back. Now.”

  “Make me.”

  Glossy, heavy lidded eyes stared down at me. I was trying to stay strong, but the look he gave me sent a sensation throughout my entire body. Knowing he liked being told no, and knowing he liked when I fought him, only pushed my drive. It sent another thrill through me. His needs and wants turned me on and I embraced this side he was bringing out in me.

  Gripping his wrist, I brought it around to cup my butt. I knew he was lying, he damn well knew he was, and I hated that. His fingers dug into my flesh for a split second before he moved in a blurring speed. He had me pinned to the wall with both of my wrists securely locked behind my back and him pressing into me. My heart skipped into my throat, my eyes went wide, staring into the depths of his.

  “Stop fucking with me,” he whispered thickly against my neck. “Why are you doing this?”

  “To prove it wasn’t all me…and I don’t want to stop what’s between us.”

  “You are fucking crazy, you know that? You are not right in the head.”

  “Maybe I am a little crazy in the head, but I think you like it,” I whispered. His erection was a hard angle on my lower stomach as I stood on my tiptoes, pushing my hips into him. I couldn’t help it, I needed to feel him lower. Wanted to feel him lower.

  This was past just physical attraction.

  This was animalistic.

  And highly forbidden, which just made it that much better.

  “See how easy it was for you to get my hand off you? You have such a tight grip on my wrists there’s no way I could’ve forced anything on you. Now admit it wasn’t just me.”

  His whole body was hard against mine, his breathing ragged. I was pushing him, teasing him…and I liked it. He was bubbling under my fingertips, and for some unknown reason, I wanted to see him snap.

  Dragging my foot up the back of his leg, I hooked it around his hip and used my stomach and inner thigh to lift myself to his level, wrapping my other leg around his hip and climbed up his body. I put all that conditioning to good use. I needed to communicate my feelings with my eyes more so than my words since they weren’t getting across. But the moment we were eye level with each other, I could feel his lust, his inner turmoil, his utter confusion with right and wrong, and his hunger for more.

  “You can’t, can you? Admitting it is immoral, and the immoral and wrongness of it makes it that much hotter. But that’s not really why it feels so good, is it?” I breathed against his lips, our eyes locked in a gaze so strong neither one of us could break it. Our chests panted against each other, the air thick with tension. My wrists hurt from him squeezing so tightly, but I let him do it without complaint.

  “We work well together, Kova,” I whispered. “There’s an attraction that’s more than just chemistry between us.”

  I was breaking his resolve, I could feel it. This sensual prowess Kova unleashed inside me was untamed and new. My tongue slipped out and traced his lips. He began panting, his erection straining hard against me and the pressure caused my hips to undulate against his. Kova groaned, it was a deep and guttural sound that brought me chills.

  “Let go,” I pushed.

  He didn’t move.

  He couldn’t. Not because I was forcing him, but because he wanted to be here and knew he shouldn’t.

  Carefully, he maneuvered my wrists to one hand and used the other hand to grip my jaw. We were so close we breathed each other in.

  “You are right. I do want you, even right now when you are literally doing everything in your power to seduce me, I want to fuck you senseless. But what you do not see is after this newfound knowledge, I never will again,” he said deathly low.

  Kova purposely rubbed against me, his cock rock hard and hitting my clit caused little moans to escape my throat. “Starting tomorrow there will be no physical contact unless it is during training. Try it and there will be repercussions. You do not look at me and I will not look at you unless it is gym related. We are through. In fact, I am removing myself as your coach.”

  He picked up his pace and I could feel an orgasm rising inside of me. The roles had been switched and he was tempting me and pushing me now. I tried to wiggle my arms free, but he smirked and didn’t allow it. He had me locked tight and the glimmer in his eyes told me he loved it.

  I fought his hold for the sheer purpose of proving my point. But I found being contained brought me higher and higher. I liked the power struggle…His touch seared my skin and I was as hot as an inferno ready to burst.

  Locking my legs tighter, I said, “Starting tomorrow…then why are you touching me like this?” I reached for his mouth with mine, but he pulled back quickly, still gripping my jaw. “Why are you still here?” I paused, and then stated, “Unless you really want to fuck.” I smiled wickedly. “Is Katja not available to you right now?”

  He gave me a scalding glare. If looks could kill.

  “Who knew you had such a dirty, little mouth?”

  “Keep going,” I sighed, my eyes rolling shut. I was going to have an orgasm any second, and I began thrusting my hips back and forth, grinding on him. He met
my pace. My back arched, my nipples straining through my cami as his dick rubbed against my pussy faster and faster. “Right there…”

  Kova let go of my jaw and punched the wall so hard with his fist that it startled me. My eyes shot open. His were fierce, pushed past the brink of sanity. Quickly, he let go of my wrists and disengaged my ankles from around his back, forcing me to stand. Keeping his eyes trained on mine, my lips parted when I heard his belt unbuckle and his zipper go down. I reached to help him, but he slapped my hand away. His jeans slid down his muscular thighs, pooling at his feet. With both hands, he ripped off my boy short panties, gripped my hips and lifted me up so my legs circled his waist once again. With one of his hands holding both of my wrists behind my back, he shoved me forcefully against the wall and reached between us to palm his cock, his hand grazing my swollen lips. My body became aware and anxious for his next move. Kova swallowed hard before he positioned himself at my entrance and thrusted in so fast and so hard my back bowed and I squeezed my eyes shut from the force. Fuck, that hurt. He stretched me wide and I squeezed around him, only intensifying the sting. He dropped his head to the curve of my neck and inhaled. “Baby,” he murmured over and over and I melted. “Oh, fuck, yes.” The groan that came from the back of his throat was filled with conflict, though incredibly sexy. My thighs squeezed his hips from the rough intrusion. Thank goodness I was soaking wet, otherwise this would’ve felt like I was being ripped apart.

  “Is this what you want? To be fucked hard?” He pushed in and out, gripping my hips in a bruising manner and not giving me a second to breathe. I gasped loudly.

  “Your body cannot handle me at this rate, Adrianna. I will break you. I am not even in all the way, I have never been in all the way.”

  “But your girlfriend can? Katja can take all of you like this?” I taunted, and moaned really loud from the intense pleasure he filled me with. I knew there were problems between them and I wanted to use them to my power. I wanted him to tell me no, that she couldn’t.

  Kova gnashed his teeth together. “Do not mention her right now.”

  I had to bring her up because she was the one he went home to every night. And deep down, hidden inside, I was jealous of her relationship with him. I wanted what she had.

  “Do everything to me you would her. Don’t hold back.” The back of my head smacked the wall, but I was too lost in the moment to feel it.

  “I am not going to think about Katja while I am inside of you.”

  Kova pushed in deeper at the mention of her name. I clenched around him, growing more aroused from it. Provoking him was surprisingly euphoric and I reveled in satisfaction. I jerked on my arms, trying to free my wrists, but his hold only grew stronger and his erection became harder inside of me.

  Kova thrusted back in and held it. I squeezed my inner walls by reflex. “Breathe,” he ordered huskily. “Just, breathe.” His thumb dug into my hips, forcing me down and I pulsated around him, stretching to accommodate his width.

  “This is me deep inside of you just like you begged for. Every inch. You have never had every inch until now.” Kova ran his tongue along my neck, leaving a wet trail, nipping my heated flesh. I shivered in his possessive hold. “Can you handle it?”

  I almost wanted to say no from being stretched so wide, but I didn’t. So I said, “More.”

  “Such a bad girl. I love it.” He countered teasingly, moving his hips harder. The glimmer in his eyes flitted across my skin. I felt a slight tightness but focused on the pleasure instead of the pain.

  “You should not want this. I should not want this,” he said roughly, and kissed me aggressively, showing me who’s in charge. I moaned into his mouth, my body ready to let go. “But I do, God, do I ever,” he said honestly.

  “Oh, God, I’m gonna come.” Three more pumps and I was having the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. I yelled out, but Kova stifled my screams with his tongue in my mouth, continuing to push in deep and then revert out, repeating the motion. I sucked on his tongue, fighting the hold on my wrists as the power of the orgasm swept through my body. I never wanted this high to end.

  Breathing heavily, I could barely catch the rhythm of my heartbeat when Kova stood tall, hugging me to him. He stepped out of his jeans and then carried me out of the kitchen. I’d forgotten he still had them on. Kova let go of my arms and I wrapped them around his shoulders, resting my head on his chest and inhaling his dark scent. I shivered, my body stretched to the limit but loving the overly full feeling. Cool air kissed my bare skin and it was refreshing against Kova’s heated body.

  I assumed we were going to my bedroom, but he stopped at the couch and unwound my legs from around his waist. He carefully set me down next to the arm rest and I looked confusingly at his hips. His erection was glistening with my orgasm and I noticed he didn’t finish. Glancing up, his deep green eyes peered down at me and his grin was so incredibly sexy it made my heart speed up.

  With his hand in my hair, he pulled my head toward him.

  “Suck it.”

  I paused.

  “I don’t know how,” I said softly. It was true, I had no idea how to.

  Kova lowered his eyelids, an impish smirk formed on his face. “It is simple. Open your pretty little mouth, roll your lips over your teeth, and suck.”

  Sounded easy enough. If I could do a double layout on floor, I could do this. Tentatively, I shifted to my knees, feeling the microfiber softness beneath me and leaned over. My lips parted as I stared at the tip of his penis. Kova moaned quietly. With his hand on the back of my head, he guided me toward him, but he didn’t push. There was nothing forceful about it, which I appreciated. I was nervous, but I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t eager to see his reaction and what it would feel like.

  My tongue slipped out and licked the tip. I wasn’t expecting him to be salty and made an effort to hide the dislike on my face. Kova’s stomach flexed, his abs hardening as I looked up at him for approval. I reached out and skimmed his pelvis, feeling the rigid muscles and the V on his hips as I took more into my mouth.

  Kova groaned. “Wrap your tongue around me like you are sucking on a lollipop.”

  I stopped and laughed. “A blow pop?”

  A deep chuckle came from him. “Yes.” I pretended he was a lollipop and astonishingly it worked. His hips moved forward and he held the back of my head to him. “If you want to do what Katja does, you are going to have to suck harder. She loves sucking my cock.”

  My nose flared and I almost bit down on his cock. That just got my blood roaring. His dick twitched and I clenched my thighs shut. Kova was goading me, I knew he was, and I didn’t care because somewhere hidden deep inside me I found joy and satisfaction in it. I picked up the speed and used my tongue, trying to take as much as I could into my mouth. It wasn’t easy and my jaw began to ache. Kova moaned when his dick hit the back of my throat and I nearly gagged.

  “You have to open the back of your throat.”

  I didn’t even know what opening the back of my throat meant. I didn’t want him to know I was clueless, so I nodded. Anytime he thrust his hips, he hit the back of my throat. To avoid him going any deeper, I wrapped my fingers around the base of his penis and held on as I did more of the guiding than him. His arm dropped from my head and I looked up. Kova’s head was tipped back, pleasure rocking through him. I smiled to myself. Guess I was doing it right after all. I sucked harder, focusing on the tip.

  “Fuck,” he said huskily when my tongue wrapped around his length and tugged. My cheeks hollowed. Kova looked down, our eyes locked and something in my heart shifted. It was important to me he enjoy what I was doing to him, just as I had.

  His gaze was lethal, protective almost, as if I was the only thing that mattered in his world. Forgotten were moments of uncertainty and inexperience. All I had to do was gauge his reaction and I knew I was doing it right.

  He cupped my jaw, his fingers splaying on my neck and into my hair as we both held each other in place with just a look.
Our eye contact never broke and his speed picked up. His hips pumped back and forth, the vein in his neck coiling into his shirt twitched. Abruptly, he pushed me away and I fell back onto the plush couch.

  Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I asked, “Did I do something wrong?”

  Kova grunted, holding himself. “No, quite the opposite actually.”

  A huge smile moved across my face, but then I realized he still didn’t orgasm. “But you didn’t finish.”

  “That is because I am not done with you.” My eyes tracked him as he took two steps and moved to the end of the couch. He wrapped a strong arm around my waist and hoisted me up. Spinning me around, he bent me over as if I weighed no more than a feather. My knees landed on the armrest and my hands on the couch cushion. Without a second to catch my breath, he took me from behind. It was a different angle, and I wasn’t expecting it when he thrusted in. A slight sharpness shot through me and I grunted in pain. I was still tender from the orgasm and I moved to sit up, but he pushed my back down.


  I wasn’t sure why, but hearing him demand I stayed down caused a flood of wetness between my thighs.

  “You asked for it, you are going to get what she gets. Do not say her fucking name again.”

  Satisfied, I grinned. “Good.”

  Kova’s fingers slipped under my cami, his nails grazed my skin and I shivered. He gave a good tug and ripped my cami off, throwing it to the ground in pieces. He aggressively palmed my breasts and squeezed before pinching my nipples. My back arched and my arms gave out, bending at the elbows. Kova’s fingers tightened on my hips as he slid slowly back and forth into me, creating a maelstrom of pleasure. It wasn’t hurried or rushed. It was slow and steady—sublime. The only sound was the suction of our conjoined bodies as he pulled out and slid in, holding it for a split second. Just enough time for my clit to throb and greedily beg for more.


  “Tell me you like this, tell me how much you want me to fuck you.”


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