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Balance (Off Balance Book 1)

Page 47

by Lucia Franco

  “No, you will not.” His nose skimmed my neck and I shivered. I didn’t want to want him, but my body gave me away.

  “If you do, it will look bad for you too. You will ruin your career.” His breath tickled my neck and I tried desperately not to react to it. I clenched his shirt in my hand, holding him and fighting him at the same time.

  “You’re ruining it for me by holding me back. What’s the difference? Might as well go down in flames and take you with me.”

  “You will be pulled out of gymnastics and your father’s name will be tarnished. Is that what you want after everything he has done for you?”

  Guilt struck me. I swallowed hard. I didn’t want to shame my parents. Then something dawned on me. “You forget something huge.”

  “What is that?” he asked, his lips dusting mine.

  I looked directly in his eyes and said, “People don’t take lightly to rape. And everyone believes a girl who cries rape.”

  Kova didn’t move, only his eyes widened a smidgen. He knew I was correct.

  “That is where you are wrong, malysh. At sixteen, it is consensual.”

  I bit at his lip, taunting him, because I’ve got him.

  “You didn’t do your homework, but I did. It’s consensual if it’s from someone who isn’t under the care of a professional. Am I not under your care while training? Oh, and anything before I was sixteen is considered statutory rape. Your fingers penetrated me, just like your tongue did when I was fifteen.”

  Kova said nothing, so I kept going. I knew I should’ve stopped, but I hurt and I was going for his throat. I was running on adrenaline from his expressions alone.

  “We had sexual relations in your gym…in the dance room…in front of the rings…the therapy room…” My mother trained me well to smile with my eyes to get my point across. “Add me to the list or I’ll come forward with our relationship. I will cry rape,” I cemented.

  Kova’s eyes dropped, darkening. “You think you can threaten me?” He gripped my jaw in his hand, his fingers digging into my cheeks. “I am not so easily swayed. Go ahead and try it though, watch how fast you fall. I have never been anything but strictly platonic with every other gymnast I have ever trained. I am sure they will vouch for me. You, on the other hand, I doubt seeing as you do not have many friends here. In fact, I would not be surprised if some of your teammates concoct lies to have you thrown off the team.”

  “What do I have to lose since you won’t let me compete? Nothing.” I paused, letting that soak in. “I’m not afraid of you, or what could happen. I mean, you took advantage of an innocent minor. A virgin no less. What was I to do?” I asked caustically, batting my eyelashes. “Let’s not forget about the morning after pill I’m sure was bought on camera.”

  Kova ground his teeth, his jaw gnashing together, and I smiled sweetly at him with soft puppy eyes.

  “Lies,” he whispered harshly. “I did no such thing, it was all you. You pursued me every chance you got and you know it. A man can only take so much before he loses his fucking mind and caves.”

  “No one will believe you,” I bit back. “You know I’m right. After all, I was only fifteen.”

  “You made all the first moves—”

  “That’s a bullshit lie and you know it.” I stared hard into his eyes. “If you think I did, then why didn’t you stop me, Coach?”

  He huffed, a half mocking smile displayed across his handsome face. “Not even a priest could have stopped you, or would want to at that, and you know it. You are not as innocent as you come across.”

  “Excuses, excuses. You should’ve tried harder.” Testing him, I placed a flat hand to his chest, feeling his toned pecs clinging to his torso. My hips shifted into his, his hard length pressed into me as I cupped the back of his neck and angled my mouth in front of his. Taking a deep breath, I released it into his mouth. My tongue slipped out, dancing across his lips, but he didn’t move. This was how we worked—the more I fought back and aggravated him, the more he got off on it. The push and pull. It was our foreplay, the tension and indiscretion that brewed between us. Kova stayed stock-still. His fingers strained, desperately trying to stay where they were as they dug deeper into my body. This was way more than just sex between us and he knew it. It was a chemical reaction that couldn’t be stopped.

  “I can take what I want, right? Isn’t that what you once said?” I asked quietly. His eyes narrowed to slits.

  Hooking his top lip with the tip of my tongue, I pulled it between my teeth and sucked on it. As I did, my other arm came around his neck as I pressed against him. I nibbled on his luscious lips, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

  Four weeks. Four weeks of no touching, no kissing, and now we were at it again. I’ve dreamed about this, fantasized often. Kova hooked my leg higher, smashing me into the wall as he kissed me like a starved animal. He was rough and raw, taking everything I offered. Momentarily, I forgot why I started this kiss when his hand slid to my throat and applied pressure.

  I became instantly aroused from the weight on my neck and moaned in pleasure.

  His eyes glazed over. “You like that, Ria?”

  I nodded and said, “You’re supposed to resist.” But he ignored me and hiked up my other leg. My hips pressed into his and I sighed. “What do you want? I’ll do it. Anything to compete. Please, just let me compete.”

  His tongue left a hot, wet trail around my neck and up to my ear. Panting, he said, “Funny thing is, I do not have to ask for anything at this point. I know you will just give it to me. I win either way.”

  My back bowed, pressing my chest into his. I kissed his hungry, manipulative mouth. His calloused hand slid down between us and cupped my pussy hard, painfully hard, but I didn’t stop him.

  The sad part was that I wanted him to want me, so I took it.

  Tongues lapped furiously, delving wildly into each other’s mouths. I tightened my thighs around him to hold myself up, he snickered. I needed him. I needed the release I came to crave from him.

  “You’re the one person who’s supposed to be pushing me, and now you’re standing in my way.” He huffed, and I became desperate. “If I let you have me, will you let me compete?” I asked huskily against his lips, praying he’d change his mind. I was willing to do anything to reach my goal at this point.

  Kova fumbled with his shorts between us, his knuckles tapping my sex as he worked feverously to remove them. He pulled at the waistband and pushed it down just enough to pull his cock out, hitting my inner thigh. My legs trembled as a shiver sped down my spine. Hooking his fingers under my leo, he gave a good, hard tug and pulled it to the side. The elastic dug into my skin and I flinched.

  “You will let me fuck you either way, and you know it.”

  He was right, and I hated it.

  “Now take a deep breath,” he said ever so quietly.

  I did as he said. He palmed his length and slid right into me without a second thought to pass. My head whipped back from the rough intrusion and he covered my mouth with his to stifle my loud moan. I almost cried from the pleasure of the pain inflicted on me.

  He pulled out and thrust in hard. He groaned, a vein pulsing in his neck. “Once again, you asked for it.”

  “So what? Maybe I did. And you should’ve told me no,” I panted into him.

  Kova pulled out and slid in slower, deeper, hitting the back of me. My lips parted from the ecstasy flowing through me.

  “Be honest. Did you want me to refuse you, malysh?”

  I shook my head, not that I needed to. He knew the answer.

  “You want to get fucked, Adrianna, you will. And I have no problem doing it.” His hands gripped my hips hard, pushing me down on him. Kova thrust in deep and held it, stretching me wide. My jaw fell open and my eyes squeezed shut. Leaning in next to my ear he whispered, “I know where to touch you, how to make you come, how to make you come back for more.”

  He was one hundred and fifty percent right. He knew my body, and knew I would come back for

  Kova yanked down one side of my leotard and pulled my nipple into his mouth. By doing so, it locked my arm to my side. As if it were even possible, I felt myself becoming wetter, his cock sliding so easily into me that it worked me higher and higher, I could barely catch my breath.

  “Are you going to try and threaten me again?”

  I think he knew in the back of his mind I would never go through with my threat. Not yet at least. Instead of answering him, I said, “I’m close.”

  “Good, so am I.”

  “Let me compete, please.”


  “I fucking hate you.”

  “You may hate me, but your pussy doesn’t.”

  “Anyone with a pussy would react to you the same way I do.”

  The climax I so dearly needed with Kova was about to come to a head. We kept going at it like caged animals. A shiver zipped down my spine, heating my body everywhere. Kova sucked on my neck, his tongue lapping and I whimpered, “You feel so good. Don’t stop.”

  Kova seized my lips, nearly sucking the life from me as he fucked me with every ounce of strength he had. Our tongues collided with each other just as fast. I loved the taste of him, the feel of his body on mine, and I wondered if he felt the same about me.

  “Feel it, malysh, feel it deep inside you,” he pulled out and thrusted back in. His cock twitched inside me and I squeezed him with my pussy. “Right there,” he groaned into my mouth and I nodded. I felt what he said, and I loved it. His hands came up and tangled in my hair, his breathing became heavy and I knew he was close to losing it. “God, I fucking love being inside of you. Love everything about being with you,” he admitted with a moan. His words seized my heart. “I love the pressure around my cock, the way your pussy squeezes me. You make me crazy. All I can think about is fucking you and watching you come. You are gorgeous when you come for me.” Chills flitted across my skin, because I loved it too. I loved his touch, his mouth, his arrogant, pushy attitude. I loved so much about him.

  “I won’t orgasm if you won’t let me compete.”

  “Like I care,” he said, then swiveled his pelvis into my clit, proving what a liar I was. “Funny thing is, I can make you come.”

  “You’re nothing but a fucking asshole, you know that?” I panted into his neck as I held on for dear life.

  “You are just now figuring that out?”

  He knew exactly what my body needed, where to touch me and how to take me. Kova held my hips down on him just how I liked it, and we began to orgasm together when someone knocked on the door twice before barging in.

  “Hey Coach—” Hayden said, his mouth gaping wide open.

  The orgasm ripped through me as I locked eyes with Hayden. I couldn’t stop it from happening—and I didn’t want to. Kova tried to pull away, but I locked my ankles and squeezed him hard. I needed this orgasm and so did he. “Keep going,” I demanded, only for his ears while my eyes were glued to Hayden’s. I could only imagine what he saw, what he was thinking. Glossy eyes, rosy cheeks, and a man clearly thrusting into his friend. At least his pants weren’t down and it just looked like he was holding me here.

  Kova’s hand gripped my waist so tight that I knew I’d have a bruise tomorrow. Again. His orgasm flew into me and I took all of it.

  Kova looked over his shoulder and gave Hayden a murderous glare, and yelled, “Get out!”

  “Ah, oh…my…” Hayden stammered before slamming the door shut and leaving.

  My head dropped to Kova’s neck. We were breathing so deeply when he asked, “What have we done?”

  He pulled out, my legs slid weakly down his hips. His semen dripped down my inner thigh. I wanted to wipe it, but instead I tucked my boob back in and said, “I have to go. I need to find Hayden and make this right.” I didn’t have time for anything else.

  Kova flattened his hand against the wall, caging me in. I looked up and locked gazes with his steely green eyes.

  “You better fix this, Adrianna, this is your goddamn fault. I swear to God, if he utters a word of this to anyone, you will regret it.” He was seething with anger but with every right. “Do you understand? I will personally make sure your career is over.”

  I nodded in understanding.

  Quickly, I fled from his office. Luckily no one was in the hallway as I dashed to my locker. I threw on my sweats, jumping into the pant legs and then raced to the parking lot to find Hayden.

  “Hayden! Hayden!” He was pulling open the driver’s side door when he looked over his shoulder. Disappointment. I saw nothing but disappointment laced in his eyes.

  “Hayden,” I repeated breathlessly in front of him. “Wait.”

  “What the fuck are you doing, Aid? Are you seriously sleeping with the coach?” My shoulders dropped. I wanted nothing more than to lie, but I refused. Hayden knew the answer. It was written on his crest fallen face.

  He shook his head in disbelief. “Why, Aid? How could you?”

  I didn’t respond—I couldn’t. There were no words for what he saw other than pure abandonment.

  “Is he forcing you?” When I didn’t answer, he exclaimed, “Jesus, say something!”

  I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and contemplated what to say. Hayden just kept staring at me, waiting for an answer, but I was rendered speechless. I averted my gaze, ashamed of the truth. How did I explain I wanted everything without looking desperate?

  Hayden placed both hands on my shoulders. “Answer me.”

  I shrugged helplessly. “What do you want me to say?”

  “You need to come forward and go to the police. This is rape, Aid.”

  I shook my head frantically, my heart drumming against my ribs. “I can’t. It’s not rape, Hayden. It’s not.”

  “Yes, it is. You’re underage.”

  “He didn’t force me though.”

  “Regardless if you consented or not, he still took advantage of you. You’re under his training, he preyed upon you like a disgusting sick fuck.” He ran a hand threw his hair. “I can only imagine who else he’s treated this way.”

  “No, he didn’t. It’s not what you think. Please, you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Hayden furiously yanked the car door open. “If you won’t do it, then I will.”

  “No! Please!” I begged, on the verge of tears. “Please don’t. I’ll deny it if you do.”

  He looked at me, stunned. “I think you need mental help. He brainwashed you, didn’t he? Threatened you if you told anyone?”

  “No,” I lied. “I’ll deny it.”

  Hayden slammed his door shut and stepped up to me. He cupped my jaw and I stared into his sincere blue eyes, my fingers laced over his.

  “Did you do it to get ahead? Because you didn’t need to. You have what it takes, babe. You’ve improved greatly,” he said with such sorrow that my heart ached. “You’re a different gymnast, you’re not what you used to be. You’re so much better. Don’t be one of those girls who sleeps her way to the top. That’s not who you are.”

  A fat tear slipped from my eye. Hayden saw it and pulled me to his chest, his lips pressed against the top of my head. I sobbed quietly on him, holding him. I needed him to understand the repercussions if he opened his mouth, but fear was taking over.

  “Please, Hayden. Don’t tell anyone. You can’t.”

  “You’re putting me in a tough spot. What he did is wrong. How long has this been going on?”

  I swallowed. “Months.”

  “How many months?”

  I went with the truth. “I’m not positive, but about six months or so after I came here.”

  Hayden cursed under his breath, hissing with anger.

  “You don’t understand and it’s not what you think, I swear. There’s so much more to it than you know.” A heavy sigh burst from my throat and I said quietly, “He took me out of the meet for his own personal reasons.”

  His brows bunched together. “What are you talking about?”

�s taking me out of my first meet, that’s what you walked in on. I went in there to yell at him and one thing led to another. He even called my parents and told them I wasn’t ready, even though he told me I was. He purposely took me out for his own personal reasons.” Tears began falling while I cried into Hayden’s chest. He wrapped his arms around me, comforting me and protecting me at the same time.

  “He can’t do that.”

  “He can, and he did,” I said between hiccups. “There’s nothing I can do about it now. At the end of the day, he has the right to take me out of a meet.”

  Hayden cursed under his breath agreeing with me. “This is a big deal, Adrianna. We need to notify someone.”

  I sucked in a breath and clutched his shirt in my hands. My heart was broken for two different reasons and I didn’t know how to deal with it.

  “Please don’t get involved, Hayden. I’m begging you. This is my mess, not yours. I’ll explain everything to you if you promise not to speak a word of it to anyone.”

  He groaned, torn between standing by his friend’s side and doing the right thing.

  “You’re killing me here. Don’t sleep with him again. Okay? It’s not right. You’ll get caught eventually,” he paused. “We’ll figure something out together. Until then, be smart, focus on your love of the sport, nothing else. Fuck him—not literally.”

  A sad laugh escaped my throat. Easier said than done.

  Truth was, I couldn’t stop.

  I didn’t want to…and I wouldn’t.

  To be continued . . .

  Read other books by Lucia Franco

  To my husband, Tony, who went into full attorney mode when I told him my idea for Balance. I’ll never forget your face, or the laws you started spouting off at the top of your head the night I told you what I was writing. Or when you pulled out one of your law school books and started flipping through it to answer my questions regarding the story. We both knew it was crazy from the get-go, but thank you for jumping on the bandwagon with me and allowing me to do my thing, and for the countless nights I spent sitting at the computer while you took over the family. Your support is most important and means everything.


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