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Dangerous Code

Page 18

by Stella Marie Alden

  He has his audience hooked and knows it. “I must’ve said the right thing because the big guys in black uniforms nod. One of them even bowed to me and said he’d go get Master Joe.”

  Colin sighs. “So that was it. Master Joe started me on lessons that summer and even called my mom and dad and gave me a job so I could pay. I cleaned up every night and some weekends when there were special events.”

  “Didn’t you hate working?” Bryan asks.

  “Heck no. I had spending money and I got to hang out with Navy Seals when they showed up on leave. They told me all sorts of real stories about warriors, self-control, and power. I’ve told you some of those, right? By the end of that I summer I could’ve flattened any kid in school. I was one bad-ass little kid.”

  “So did you kick those guys’ butts?” That remark came from the kid with the biceps.

  Colin chuckles. “You know? I didn’t even think of doing that. I was different.”

  “So you let them kick your ass?” The teen to my left smirks.

  “Watch the language.” Colin pushes the young man off his cot with a gentle side kick and everyone giggles.

  “No. They did not kick my butt, however they threatened to. They followed me home the second day of school.”

  He gave the boys the stare he had given me in the bus line. “See this look? I’d practiced it in the mirror all summer.”

  Good God, the man had been practicing that look since he was a kid? No wonder he’s so good at it.

  Colin continues, “I went right up into their face and said, ‘You get one chance. Best take it.’ Then I stood in fighting stance with fists in front of my face.”

  “What did they do?” Bryan squirms in my lap with his young face, full of worry.

  Colin tousles the kid’s head again. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They ran off and never bothered me again. Story over. The end. Everyone go to bed.”

  There are some moans as cots are moved. After we tuck everyone in he says to me, “And you? Go to your room, young lady, before I report you to the chaperones.”

  The heartbreaker-teen shouts from his cot, “She can stay with me.”

  “Over my dead body. Find your own woman.”

  There’s a whole lot of snickers. Then Colin pushes me into the hallway, holds me tight against the wall, and kisses me firmly on the lips.

  “No kissing,” shouts the boy closest to the exit.

  Colin laughs and kicks the door shut and we get a short moment of privacy.

  I sigh a couple weeks later, contently cocooned in Colin’s muscled arms. My back rests solidly against his firm chest as we sit on the bleachers in the temple waiting for the lion dance to begin.

  I’m still all fuzzy inside and tired from the awesome sex under the thick down comforters in our cabin while a wood fire sizzled. Afterwards we had hot chocolate and melted marshmallows. I blush as I think of all the ways we put them to use.

  When a gong sounds, Colin squeezes my arm and I sit up. Excited drums and cymbals accompany the magic beast as he enters. Laughing youngsters in white uniforms follow, banging on their noise makers.

  This was supposed to be our engagement party but we both decided to slow it down and call it a celebration of life and yet invited all of our friends. Actually, I think Colin’s getting cold feet and that’s okay because maybe I am too. In truth, after the whole kidnapping thing, we both needed to spend some time on our jobs and take a second look at our relationship.

  Last night, as always, our sex was mind blowing but it served to remind me that Colin has commitment issues. We may never be more than lovers but I refuse to let it get me down. I love him. He loves me. That’s enough for now.

  The crowd holds an interesting mix of his friends and mine. Grace is sitting across from us with a group from the home, Dan Chiang is here with some of his ninjas, and there’s some very handsome Navy Seals in uniform. There’s also a few NYPD officers that mentor here in the temple.

  Joe and Nan are standing next to Georgio, who’s got a beautiful young redhead bar owner on his arm. We met her last month in Bushwick. He said her name was Emily.

  Colin’s mom and younger sister showed up and are sitting next to my mom. I hope all these people don’t expect me to chat with them at the after-party.

  The doors swing open and a large Chinese lion appears. It bows to the crowd, blinks huge mechanical eyes, and its back body trembles like an overly-excited puppy. Then, no longer able to contain its enthusiasm, it launches into its dance. His mouth snaps playfully at adults and children alike while long lashes open and close. The body miraculously follows the movements of the head, as if all the dancers underneath are of one mind. It swirls, bobs, and jumps to the tempo of the drums, so friggin’ real. Then the drums stop, the lion bows as if reluctant to go, and bounds out of the room.

  I’m so mesmerized, it takes me a few seconds to applaud.

  “Come. I want you to meet someone.” Colin takes my hand and we wind through several corridors until we meet up with a sweaty young man, who judging from his pants had been the front body of the lion.

  “Meet my student, Jack Fialko.”

  “Glad to meet you. That was truly amazing.” I take the hand of the handsome twenty year old who blushes with a quick thanks.

  When the door opens to a group of teenage boys, pushing and shoving. Colin manages to calm the rough housing and send them to find a seat. Then he excuses himself to prepare for a rare demonstration of his Kung-Fu. He gives me this panty melting kiss before heading to a silent booth to meditate and stretch.

  “Hi Mom. Glad you could make it.” I walk up to the bleachers to where my Mom is sitting. I’m so happy that even she can’t dampen it.

  “I thought you said this was an engagement party. I wouldn’t have come if I knew we were going to sit in bleachers. My back is killing me.”

  I ignore her and point. “There he is.”

  My amazing man in his dress black uniform and red silk sash enters the room. He bows to his teacher, then to the black sashes, and then to the crowd. Slowly and meticulously he goes through the motions of a form called, Hok Chan.

  In slow-motion, it takes a little under two minutes for him to complete the complex set of crescent kicks and knife-hand strikes. Then, he bows and I hold my breath. I’ve watched him practice and know what comes next.

  He starts again, repeating the last performance at blinding speed. Each strike whips the air with a resounding crack and during some of the combinations his hands literally disappear. He repeats the form one more time for the opposite side of the room.

  When the applause subsides, more fighters come forward in their black uniforms with orange silk sashes, Joe and Georgio join him for a set of two-on-one sparring that reminds me of that night Dan broke in.

  When they’re done, Bob surprises everyone with his own demonstration. He lines up Colin, Georgio and Joe in a straight line, about four feet apart. Then he motions for the teenage boys to line up behind them. Without warning, their teacher throws a palm strike at Colin who remains standing as does Georgio. But behind him Joe staggers backwards into the group of boys who catch him with mouths gaped open.

  The blow had passed through the first two men and hit Joe. The crowd stands with cheers and foot stomping for Great Grand Master McTigue. Colin told me he’s legendary, but this? This is just inconceivable.

  The students salute and bow to Bob who’s smiling ever so slightly.

  Now that the entertainment is over, the party members walk over to the cafeteria for piles of food and drinks. Once everyone is seated, Grace pulls me out of my chair and I thank everyone for coming, stopping at each and every table.

  Then the party goes back into the large workout room and we grab a pillow to listen to the acoustic guitar, upright bass and drums. Even though he knows I can’t dance, Colin takes me into his arms and we sway to the guitarist crooning out ‘The Girl From Ipanema.”

  Without any warning, Colin drops onto one knee, the orchestra quiets,
and everyone creates a circle around us.

  He pulls out a fuzzy box, opens it up, and stares. Finally he says, “Honestly, I had this whole thing memorized and now I can’t remember a word. So will you marry me, Meggie-pie?”

  Oh my God. He must’ve planned this whole evening as a surprise party and managed to keep me in the dark. Now I’m grinning with tears running down my face, unable to speak. I give him my yes by nodding like one of those bobble-heads on a dashboard.

  He stands, kisses me, and then whispers in my ear. “Well, thank fuck.”


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  More Savvy Heroines by Stella Marie Alden:

  Mated by Magic Series

  Dark Vortex

  Dark Tremor

  Dark Tide

  Historical Romances

  How to Train Your Knight

  How to Marry Your Wife

  How to Seduce a Queen

  The Angel of Soriano




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