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Bella Mafia (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 8)

Page 39

by Sienna Mynx

  “She needs to be in the hospital. The doctors say the baby is in distress. Her pressure is elevated.”

  “I’ll get the car.” Carlo said and let Renaldo go. He started to walk off.

  “It’s not your call,” Dominic said.

  Carlo froze. The men all looked confused. Even Renaldo who was getting up from the ground. Dominic shook his head. “It’s Mirabella’s call. She refuses. I sent word to the house and she sent the message back.”

  “That is bullshit! What if she loses the baby?” Carlo shouted.

  No one said anything.

  “I’m going to speak to the Donna.”

  Nico stepped in front of Carlo. “It’s her call, brother. Stand down.”

  Carlo took a stunned step back. The others stared at him, unmoved or phased, and it made him sick to his stomach. “Domi? You know this is wrong. Renaldo lies. I don’t know who hit me. I don’t know who shot Gio. It wasn’t Marietta. Lorenzo is the enemy. We go after him. Let’s stay focused.”

  “It’s the Donna’s call, Carlo. And she’s made her decision. The baby’s life is out of our hands.”

  Carlo grimaced. He could take on his brothers and bring most of them down, but not all of them. He couldn’t make demands of Mirabella. It just wasn’t done. Hell, he couldn’t even be heard by her unless he got it pre-approved. He panted as his rage and anxiety reached an untamable level. Then he heard the hard footfalls of men. Umberto led the way. Paramedics were with him. Carlo felt a surge of relief. He grabbed Umberto by the arm, and held him back as Dominic opened the door for the medics.

  “They are here to take her to the ospedale?” Carlo asked.

  “No, Boss. The Donna wants them to assist the doctor. But no one leaves the compound without her approval. Not even you.” Umberto said and shrugged off his hold. Shocked, Carlo stepped aside. He glanced back to Melanzana. On the second level of the estate he saw her. Mirabella stood on the balcony with the moon behind her. She stared down at all of them. And part of him knew she saw his confusion and conflict. She challenged him with the way she locked eyes with him. He took a step forward, prepared to shout her name, plead for Marietta’s life. But Mirabella turned and walked away.

  Carlo looked to Nico and Renaldo. “If Marietta dies, if she does, it will destroy the Donna. We all know that. We have to reason with her. She’s angry, and confused.”

  “Nah, she isn’t. She means this,” Nico said.

  “Bullshit! She would never hurt her. It’s the Donna!”

  “I tried,” Nico said. “The day she forced her in there. But the Donna made it clear. And to be honest I don’t know if I disagree. We are to protect Giovanni at all cost. Who are we to change the rules now.” Nico dropped a hand on Carlo’s shoulder. “Mirabella has lost so much, Carlo. She even blames Lorenzo for her having little Evie alone in Switzerland. I can’t say I want anything to happen to Marietta or the baby, but I understand the Donna. Giovanni is dying. They brought this on us. They left us no choice.”

  “Fuck off,” Carlo mumbled and stormed away.


  “Mira! Mira!” Minnie shouted.

  Mirabella kissed Gianni and laid him down. The door to her bedroom was flung open. She heard it. Mirabella walked out of the kids’ room and closed the door.

  “There you are! Do you know what has happened? We have to get her to the hospital. That man with the gold tooth down there told me you said no. Is that true? Is it?”

  “Lower your voice. My children are sleeping.”

  “Marietta is in trouble!”

  “I won’t ask you again,” Mirabella said.

  Stunned Minnie, double blinked. “Mira? What is it? What’s going on?”

  Mirabella walked over to the nightstand and pulled open the drawer. She found the journal and small 45-inch vinyl record her mother recorded. Minnie looked at the items curiously. “Remember these?”

  “Yes, but...”

  “You gave them to Marietta. That was sweet of you.”

  “I... only gave them to her because she was so heartbroken over Lisa. I wanted her to know more about her mother.”

  “And me? Was I heartbroken? After my Me-Ma died? Was I lost, when grandfather died because of me? When the entire town turned on me. Was I? And where were you, Minnie? Were you there to give me a record of my mother’s soothing voice? Were you there to let me read her journal?”

  “No. No. No. Sweetheart. You have this wrong.” Minnie took a step forward. Mirabella took a step back. Minnie’s face brightened red with tears. “I didn’t find that journal or record until long after you left. And by then you wanted nothing to do with me. With any of us. I tried to talk to you, but you always had me talk to that red-haired gal, Fabiana. You cut us off. For so long I thought you wanted the past to stay the past. When I learned of you having a twin sister I dug those out. Looked in the journal. I had never looked in it before. I swear on my life I had never even turned a page. Never read Lisa’s personal heartbreak. Have you? Have you read it? How much your mother loved you. The both of you. How she sacrificed her life to have you both be together. She wanted you to be sisters. She never had a sister or a chance. But you two were her blessing.”

  Mirabella shrugged. “I don’t need to read the damn journal. That’s her life. Not mine.”

  “It will be your life too if you don’t stop this now, Mira! Stop it! Marietta is in trouble. Only you can save her baby. Get her the help she needs.”

  “I have,” Mirabella smiled. “I brought her you. I have doctors and a therapist...”

  “She needs a hospital! She needs real care!”

  “She needs you, Minnie. While you’re here arguing with me she’s in that villa alone. Don’t you think you should go to her? Be with her. Help comfort her. You’re so good at it.”

  Minnie shook her head in disbelief. “Is that why you sent for me? To make me be a witness to this?”

  “I told you my sister needed you. She’s bi-polar.”

  “No she isn’t. You are! For acting this way! Forgive me, baby, but you sound crazy in the head. You want me to be her nursemaid. Her jailer! What are you punishing her for? An old record and a journal? When did you become so petty?”

  Mirabella narrowed her eyes on Minnie. “I’ve spent years being blinded by graciousness. And my husband is dying in a coma because of it. Ask Marietta what she and her husband did to put him there. Ask her!” Mirabella shouted. Minnie stepped back. “She’s alive. Her child is alive. Because I stand between her and the gun of the men in this house sworn to protect my husband. If she calms down and accepts my generosity, then I’ll give it. If she doesn’t want it then her child’s life or death is in her hands not mine.”

  “I’ve never seen you this way. Never. In all my years. What has happened to make you so cold?”

  “I woke up. I’m not a princess anymore, Minnie. I’m Donna Nera. And this is my world. Now get out.”

  Minnie looked at her sadly, “I’ll pray for you,” she said before she left. Mirabella sat on the bed. The moment the door closed she dropped her head and cried. She fell back on the bed and curled up, bringing her knees to her chest. She couldn’t smell Giovanni’s cologne anymore. She couldn’t remember the last time he was in bed with her, holding her. She couldn’t remember that textured raspy voice of his when he begged for five more minutes when their children woke and ran into the room to wake him. It had been 52 days since he was shot. It had been 52 days since he even spoke her name. She was so filled with desire for the time lost with him, it had turned her heart into a stone. She rubbed her hand across the empty spot her husband once occupied. Tacchini’s words kept surfacing in her mind.

  What if he was already dead?

  What if he was already gone?

  What would she do? I

  If she couldn’t know peace or mercy, she’d grant none. She’d take them all to hell with her for destroying the only man she ever loved.

  Marietta opened her eyes. She saw a strange man before her. His face loomi
ng in close, then pulling away before coming in close again. She blinked a few times and he drew away. Her vision cleared. There were others around her. Zia, and Dominic were there. And a few medical workers. She felt a touch to her brow and looked over to see Minnie. Marietta’s eyes were wet with tears.

  “Hi, sweetie, how are you?” Minnie asked.

  “What’s wrong with my baby?” Marietta rasped, her voice brittle and her throat dry. She swallowed and licked her lips.

  “The baby is fine. You gave us a scare,” Minnie said.

  “You were dehydrated and your pressure was elevated. When was the last time you ate?” the doctor asked.

  Marietta didn’t know. She’d been confined to the villa for several days. She’d cried, begged, pleaded until she exhausted herself. Then she dragged herself to her room and stayed there. She was trying to get up to go to the bathroom when she collapsed. Her legs just gave out under her.

  “Are you sure my baby is okay?”

  Minnie glanced to the doctor who didn’t have a look of reassurance. He looked confused.

  “What is it?”

  “They need to run more tests to be one hundred percent sure, honey.”

  “Then run the tests!” Marietta demanded.

  “They would have to take you to the hospital,” Minnie replied. “We can’t go to the hospital, Marietta.”

  Marietta glanced to Zia who also was looking down and holding her rosary. She glanced to Dominic next. “Domi? What’s going on? Why has she put me out here?”

  “Shhh...” Minnie said.

  “No! Damn it! Domi! Tell me what is going on? I want to go to the hospital.”

  “Mirabella won’t allow it. But I’ve already called in a specialist. I’ve asked him to bring whatever equipment he needs,” Dominic said.

  “Are you insane? I’m not going to have my baby here? In villa Rosso! Giovanni’s sweat shop! No fucking way!” Marietta tried to get out of bed, but Minnie stopped her.

  “Let me go!” she fought the woman.

  “Stop it! Stop it now! Do you want your pressure to spike again? Do you? Every time you get upset you put the baby at risk. Listen to me. Mirabella is upset. We all are. But I will talk to her, we will get her to change her mind. Won’t we?” Minnie looked to Zia for help. The old woman lowered her gaze again. Minnie looked to Dominic and he stared on expressionless. “We will. Trust me.”

  “I need a phone. Can I at least have a phone? To call Lorenzo. Please?”

  Dominic shook his head no and walked out. Marietta’s heart splintered. It finally dawned on her what her sister’s isolation would mean. Lorenzo would not make it to her side in time for the birth of her baby. In fact, she may never see him again. She wept as Minnie held her against her large bosom. She clung to the woman and wept harder. She heard the doctors talking in Italian. The things they said frightened her. They all agreed. If something didn’t change, she could die and so could her poor baby. And none of the bastards would lift a finger to help her.

  “Minnie, help me. Please help me.”

  “Honey I’m trying. I swear I am.”

  The house had settled down. It took a moment to get the family calm after the medical crisis. Dominic left both Zia and Minnie down at villa Rosso. The women agreed to stay there in the extra rooms to make sure they calmed and comforted Marietta. It was the only act of mercy he’d seen Mirabella grant. And he wasn’t sure if that meant she could be swayed against the course of action she was on.

  Inside the parlor he found Carlo and Renaldo. They both sat in separate chairs nursing drinks he wished he could have. Neither looked up when he walked in. Dominic walked over to the other chair and dropped down.

  “I went upstairs,” Carlo said. “I wanted to talk to the Donna.”


  “Leo, of all people stepped to me. Told me she was not seeing anyone else for the night. I should have snapped his fucking neck.” Carlo grimaced and tossed down his drink.

  “This is Lorenzo’s fault,” Renaldo said.

  “No! It’s yours!” Carlo sat forward. “What did you think the Donna would do if you told her that her fucking sister tried to murder her husband? Invite her over for fucking tea!”

  “I did what was I supposed to do!” Renaldo seethed. “Where is your loyalty?”

  “She’s a fucking a pregnant woman.”

  “When has being a woman ever mattered to il Marcellaio?” Renaldo said.

  “Watch your fucking mouth. I may be the butcher to them but we’re family.”

  “No. We’re not family. We’re brothers,” Renaldo corrected. “And you’re the butcher for Giovanni. Marietta shot Giovanni.”

  “Her husband is dying. Her sister may have done it. Any woman as loyal as the Donna would have her breaking point,” Dominic added.

  “Carlo has feelings for Marietta. That’s what this is really about,” Renaldo said.

  “Say it again.” Carlo stood.

  Dominic frowned. “Carlo? Ease down a bit. Renaldo did what I’d expect you to do. Tell the truth. So, while we are on the subject, what do you really think happened that night? Because we need to be one hundred percent on this.”

  “It’s all a blur.” Carlo mumbled and sat down.

  “Is it? Or is it now because Marietta is in trouble?”

  Carlo sucked in a deep breath and breathed out slowly. He dropped his head in his hands and sat forward, his head bowed.

  “Renaldo is right. But even if he isn’t, there is no denying that Lorenzo lured Giovanni to that warehouse. That Lorenzo has been plotting to make this move since Patri died. No denying it,” Dominic said.

  Carlo looked up. “Shouldn’t the boss be the one to convict his own cousin and his wife’s sister? Not us?”

  “We are his left and his right hand. We can convict. Think of the sins. Your brothers are dead. Have you forgotten Carmine. His death? The blood spilled because of Ciro,” Renaldo asked.

  “I need to see him. Let Lorenzo confess it to my face!” Carlo said.

  “If he shows up here, I’m putting a bullet in him for what he did to Gio. No one better get in my fucking way.” Renaldo said to Carlo. He stood and walked out.

  Carlo slumped back in his chair. “Why aren’t we out in the streets holding on to Giovanni’s power? What am I doing here?”

  “We have a truce with the Camorristi. They’re in the streets. Rocco is making deals with the Mafiosi. Mirabella has a new friend in Tacchini. There is no move to make. We wait. And we pray that Giovanni wakes before it’s too late.”

  “It’s already too late.” Carlo mumbled and got up. He walked out. Dominic stared at the half empty whiskey glass Carlo left behind. He wanted a drink so bad his throat burned dry. But he held back. He closed his eyes and fell back in his chair.


  He sat upright. Sera walked in. “Hi, I know it’s late.”

  “No. Prego. It’s fine. Join me.”

  She came in and sat on the sofa. She smiled for him. He liked how soothing her smile was. “Been a bit chaotic today, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes it has. You’ve seen us at our worst.” Dominic said.

  “That’s fine. But I do want to talk to you about the Donna, ah, Donna Mirabella.”


  “I think, I worry that the stress is becoming a bit much for her. She uhm, she planned this, Dominic. I think... I know she wants to use me to have her sister diagnosed with a mental illness.”

  “What mental illness?”

  “Bi-polarism. She thinks Marietta suffers the same disease her aunt had. She’s irrational with her grief...”

  “She seems rational to me. I haven’t seen her break since we brought Giovanni home.”

  “Did you hear what I said? She wants me to give a professional diagnosis.”

  “Then give it.”

  “Dominic? Do you know that at night she goes upstairs and undresses, she climbs in the bed with her husband, naked? The doctor’s told me.”

�It’s her husband. It’s normal.”

  “This is textbook for hysteria. A different kind of hysteria. She’s refusing to listen to the doctors about the reality of the situation upstairs. At first I found it understandable. And then I saw her with the family, how she watched over you. She’s not the same woman I met. There’s something... changed about her.”



  “She has to change. For the life of her husband, her children and her own. She has to change. To adapt.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. He married an American fashion designer not some gangster woman from his world. She told me what her life was with him. I don’t think she should be pushed into this, she’s suffered too much trauma and…”

  “What do you think I should do? Your professional fucking opinion. Tell me, Doctor! What the fuck should I do?”

  “I don’t know. I’m just...”

  “Speaking against a woman who could have you disappear at the snap of her fingers.”

  “I’m trying to talk to you. Mirabella’s focused on you and everyone else. She doesn’t think she has a problem. You all think she’s strong but what if she isn’t? What happens if you don’t pull her back?”

  Dominic laughed. “You have no fucking clue what happens if I do. She’s all there is right now to keep the wolves from the door. The only one who can save this family. And if you ask me, considering all she has been through in the past five years she’s doing a helluva job.”

  “She suffered as much trauma as you did when she was kidnapped. She also had a hallucinogen injected into her. One that we still don’t know the long-term effects of. Add to it her husband’s shooting and I’m just concerned that she might be headed to a major breaking point. I know it’s your custom to defer to her. To make her strong. But you have to find the balance. A way to make her well. Does that make sense?”

  Dominic sighed and put his hand over his eyes.

  “You can start by convincing her to let Marietta go to the hospital.”


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