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Bella Mafia (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 8)

Page 46

by Sienna Mynx

  “I didn’t, Minnie, I swear on my mother’s grave. I didn’t shoot him.”

  Minnie looked relieved. “Okay then. We’ll figure the rest out. First we have to help Mirabella see the truth.”

  “Will you help me?”

  “I will. You two sisters need each other. And I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that you have each other.”

  “Thank you, Minnie,” Marietta smiled.

  Rocco paced. Mirabella had never seen him pace with his cane for so long. Not even after Giovanni’s shooting. In fact, he’d been the calm in the middle of her storm. Yet, lately his counsel had tapered off.

  The men began to file in the room. First arrived Umberto and Renaldo. Carlo was woken, and he came in freshly shaven and dressed. Nico arrived and then a few others who had been promoted under her leadership. All of them she trusted. Dominic was the last to arrive. He was smiling. That seemed odd. Dominic rarely smiled since the shooting. Not even when drunk.

  “What’s the emergency now?” Dominic asked. He walked over to the tray of breakfast morsels left by Ana, and poured himself a glass of grapefruit juice. Mirabella observed him. He caught her stare and winked. He actually winked? What the hell was going on, she wondered?

  “Two days ago the Gambettas were... ambushed.”

  The men all exchanged looks. Rocco stopped in the middle of the room. “Our shipment to Spain was supposed to be delivered today. I got a call from Don Mario Gambetta. He’s not sure who took the containers. But I have an idea. The only idea.”

  “Lorenzo?” Carlo asked.

  Rocco nodded. “He knows by exposing Gambetta and Giovanni he can gain an audience with the Sicilian Dons.”

  “Does Gambetta confirm?”

  Rocco grimaced. “He’s too short sighted and arrogant. Thinks it’s the work of the Russians because they’ve tried before to rob him. He thinks he has contained Mancini, stripped him of power. And to his credit Armando Mancini hasn’t gone public about the robbery.”

  “We can’t let the other Dons find out what Gambetta and Giovanni have been up to in Sicily behind their backs. If we do we lose powerful allies,” Dominic said.

  “What was in the shipment?” Mirabella asked.

  The men all looked to Mirabella after she asked, as if surprised she didn’t know. She didn’t. They fed her information. Only Tacchini gave it to her straight. And now that connection was gone.

  “Is someone going to answer me?”

  Carlo delivered the news. “Weapons, ammunition. Eight hundred thousand euros worth of merchandise.”

  “Maybe it’s time we return to Sicily,” Nico offered. “Carlo and I can go. Get ahead of this and deal with Armando and Lorenzo once and for all.”

  “No.” Dominic said. “Lorenzo wants us overreacting, he needs chaos, he needs that cover to gain leverage. Remember he’s a brother, he knows you. He knows what you will do to protect Gambetta.” Dominic scratched his head. “We need another distraction. A bigger one for Mancini.”

  “The polizia,” Mirabella said.

  The men all frowned. Some grumbled. Rocco laughed. “We don’t involve the polizia or the Carabinieri in any of our affairs. Ever.” His tone was full of mockery. He might as well had called her a silly woman. Mirabella showed no outward affect, but she fumed inside over the dismissal.

  “But the Carabinieri are involved. Two days ago, several of our men were picked up and detained. They have busted three of Licciardi’s top enforcers down at the Bay. They are raiding the Secondigliano in Naples. They are hunting us, and the only reason they haven’t crashed in on us is because they haven’t found enough evidence that connects Giovanni. What happens if the guns don’t make it to the Armenians?”

  “The payment has already been made for the product. The Armenians aren’t forgiving. They will blame us. Lose confidence in us,” Dominic said.

  “Then we need to send Armando and Lorenzo a message.” Mirabella said.

  “It’s too messy.” Dominic said. “And if we involve the authorities, we alert them to our trafficking out of Sicily. We shut down that connection for good.”

  Mirabella smiled. “Maybe it should be shut down.”

  The men frowned.

  “Boys, if you haven’t noticed, things are changing. We as a family will have to adapt to change. You close one door you open a window. Stop thinking with your small brains and use your bigger ones. Armando is our enemy. Lorenzo is our enemy. Today he takes the guns from the Armenians, tomorrow he uses all of my husband’s secrets against him. Do you think I’m going to sit here and wait for that to happen? He moves slow now because Marietta is here, and Armando probably has him under a gun. He’s weakest now. So we strike now.”

  No one spoke.

  She glanced to Nico and Carlo. “I want you to go to Naples to make sure our men stop all business, and shut down anything in the Secondigliano. The authorities already have the bay. We don’t want any more arrests.”

  “We can’t follow a plan that brings in the polizia!” Carlo spoke up. Mirabella frowned at his tone. “Forgive me Donna. But they aren’t wiling to tell you. I will.”

  “Tell me what.”

  “Our most sacred vow is Omerta. A code of silence. A refusal to ever give anything to the authorities. Ever. It’s the only honor these men here have. You take that from us you take away who we are.”

  She scanned the faces of the men gathered. Those that could look her in the eye all had the same unshakable need to be true to the codes drilled into as men of the Camorra. No one spoke or contradicted what Carlo said. She sighed.

  “The Camorristi think I’m weak, Lorenzo thinks I’m emotionally crippled, and Armando thinks I’m insignificant. I never made that vow. The Carabinieri wants to break up the clans. I just stepped aside so they could do it. I don’t want Giovanni to be the boss of all bosses. I want him to wake up and be the boss. It is stupid for us to run out there blindly and not use the power we have. If the Carabinieri wants the Mafia nothing will stop them from that goal. Let them have Armando and Lorenzo.”

  They listened with obedient silence. The more seasoned enforcers didn’t look convinced. She ignored him. She stood and faced the family. “Umberto and Renaldo, suspend the money collections in Naples and Sorrento. Offer gifts to our biggest customers and allies. Dominic will decide how big of a financial cut to divide.” She glanced over to Renaldo. “Have Kyra work with my staff to give their wives the best shoes and dresses from my fashion houses. Spread the word that Giovanni is healing, and will be returning soon. Make it a celebration so everyone knows. I want the media attention. I want the authorities all focused on us.”

  “Mirabella...” Rocco interjected.

  “I’m speaking, Rocco,” she corrected him. She glanced back to the men. “I want special gifts delivered to the shop keepers, and business owners who pay us for protection. That protection is of no cost until Giovanni wakes.”

  “All collections are suspended?” Renaldo asked.

  “Yes. All collections. I’m a wealthy woman and you are all taken care of nicely. We can afford it. I want so show them how gracious we are. We need to inspire loyalty not force it. I know Giovanni would want to take you all straight to war. I know what men do when challenged and threatened. Your egos force you to show your strength. It’s time for me to show you my strength. Loyalty, devotion, and fear is the way the Battaglias have held on to power for over a century. We won’t let Lorenzo destroy that. What we need is to strengthen the loyalty and devotion of the people to Giovanni. Make them love him. Really love him. And then we can build a barrier that Lorenzo and Armando can’t cross. A barrier of silence that the Carabinieri can’t break. Show them all how generous their Donna Nera is. Domi? Can you get enough cash from the reserves?”

  Dominic nodded.

  “Good, so that I am clear there will be no collections, no extortion, the gambling houses close. We get ready for a different kind of war.”

  The men agreed. Rocco did not. She ignor
ed the glare from him that persisted. She’d taken his wind and sails, and set his boat ashore. He was not in power. Tacchini was right. There was a reason why Giovanni never gave him control. “Dominic, you stay. We need to talk strategy.”

  They all started to leave. She glanced over to the men. “Carlo?”

  He paused.

  “Adara is here, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, you requested we stay here.”

  “I’d like to meet with her, could you ask her to come find me in an hour?” Mirabella asked.

  Carlo was nonplused by the request. He shrugged.

  “I met her when you were in the hospital. Sweet girl. Did she tell you about my visit?”

  “Sì, she did.”

  “I think she can help me with the family. Especially, since Marietta isn’t well.”

  Carlo lowered his gaze and mumbled something before he left. Mirabella’s gaze swung over to Rocco. “I need to speak to Dominic.”

  “Not without me,” Rocco said.

  “I don’t need your permission.”

  “Mirabella? I have been at your side helping. The worst offense is the Carabinieri. If La Cosa Nostra finds out that you turned the authorities on one of their own, even a dog like Mancini, it will destroy almost a hundred years of trust and credibility. It goes against Omertà, against everything we stand for. We don’t involve the authorities.”

  “Am I crazy? Did we just not go over this?” she asked.

  “I forbid it!” Rocco seethed. “I’ve worked to hard to get the Mafiosi on our side! To get them on Giovanni’s side!”

  Dominic stood. Rocco must have realized his statement after it tumbled form his lips. He trembled with restraint. He tried to fix his voice, but it wavered as he offered apologies.

  “Leave,” is all she said.

  Rocco nodded and shuffled out. Dominic closed the door after him.

  “You know what he is doing?” Mirabella asked.

  “I’m surprised you know. I thought you were blind to it.”

  “I haven’t been blind to you men for a very long time.” Mirabella sighed. “I will deal with Rocco later. He’s helped me. He deserves respect.”

  “Tacchini, helping you?”

  “Is there something you want to ask, Domi?”

  “The men, Umberto and Leo, they gave me an update on your visit to the mountain.”


  “You’ve been real friendly with him lately. Very friendly.”

  Mirabella smiled. “I have some invaluable information. Something we can use thanks to that friendship that makes you so uncomfortable.”

  “At what price, Mirabella? Even if it works, when Giovanni wakes and learns you have been friends with Tacchini...”

  “I will handle my husband and my marriage. I don’t need advice on either!” Mirabella said.

  “Forgive me, Donna Nera,” Dominic said without a hint of sarcasm.

  “Tacchini told me that the clan bosses have been royally screwing up our affairs in Napoli, which was our plan. The Carabinieri are picking them off one by one. Which is why the Generale hasn’t come crashing through our gates.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “He said Gio has a gem that could steer the Carabinieri in the right direction.”

  Dominic’s brows lifted. “A new gem or an old one?”

  “New. Have you met her? She’s Carlo’s girlfriend, Adara.”

  Dominic sat down in the chair. “Are you fucking kidding me? Does Carlo know?”

  “No. He doesn’t. And we will make sure he doesn’t find out. For now.”

  “But he’s been with a gem, that’s risky. Carlo is the worst of us. She could destroy us.”

  “And she never did. Because the story gets even more interesting. She is the granddaughter of Don Calderone. Angelo Calderone’s daughter.”

  “Mannaggia!” Dominic gasped.

  “Giovanni never killed those kids. He and Tacchini sent them to Turkey. Protected them.”

  “Cazzata! Who told you that? Tacchini? And you believe him?”

  “It’s the truth, Dominic.”

  “It’s bullshit! I was there! I saw it.”

  “Did you? Did you see it? Or did they just tell you about it?”

  Dominic stood. “I was there,” he pointed to the ground. “I remember the state Gio was in. He didn’t give a fuck about anything. He was blind to everything. He ordered the hit, and he regretted it later.”

  “He did a lot of things. But he let those kids go. She’s alive and the Carabinieri know it. She entered their special academy, and was pushed back into the family to infiltrate us. Giovanni set it all up. It’s brilliant, Domi. He saw this day coming. And I know what we need to do...”

  “A Calderone is a Carabinieri special agent, who is fucking the Butcher of the Campania, and sleeping under the roof of the man who killed her family. You think that is a brilliant plan? Why? Because Tacchini kissed you and whispered in you ear that it is so!”

  She slapped him across the face. Dominic didn’t seem surprised in the least. Mirabella stepped closer. “Call me a whore again, Domi, and I’ll have you locked away until Giovanni wakes up! Understand me?”

  He glared at her. She waited and he nodded. Mirabella turned away from him. She put a hand to her head. “I have not betrayed Giovanni. I haven’t! I am doing what has to be done. And I won’t be made to feel bad about it.”

  “I’m sorry, Mirabella.”

  “Don’t be fucking sorry. Give me respect! I deserve it! I know it’s hard to believe, but I make my own plans. Tacchini gave me something to hold on too. None of you ever have. Nothing but your doubts and accusations? Is this the Mafia or the boy scouts? Do you cry and bitch about every decision Giovanni makes? No! But you do it to me! Over and over again and I’m sick of it!” she shouted so loud her voice strained and went hoarse. “Now these are my orders. I need you to find out where my brother would be housing these guns. I need an exact location. Something to give the Carabinieri. If Armando is busted with those weapons, the story he wants to use against the Gambettas with La Cosa Nostra turns to dust.”

  “I agree.”

  “We’ll see. If Adara can’t be trusted, we’ll tell Carlo who she really is and you and I both know how he deals with betrayal. Either way. She has enough on us to help or destroy us so we need to activate her. Use her.”

  “You’re forgetting one thing. One person.”

  “Who?” Mirabella asked.

  “Catalina. She’s with Armando. You send the Carabinieri in on Armando she could get caught in the crossfire.”

  “This is war...” Mirabella said.

  “It’s Catalina!?”

  Mirabella didn’t give an answer. Dominic stood and shook his head at her before he turned and left. Mirabella glanced to the phone. She itched to call Sicily and warn Catalina to run. But, not even her love for her sister in-law could make her do it. She had no choice but to see it through.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  The Proposal

  Sorrento, Italy

  Adara woke to a kiss to her cheek. She smiled and turned over to her back. Her eyes opened. “Mmmm?”

  “Ciao, bella,” Carlo said.

  She touched his shaven jaw. Already his newly shorn head had fuzz growing in over the crown. “I like a kiss in the morning. Why don’t you get back in bed?”

  “Mmmm, I want to. But I have to leave.”

  “Leave?” She shot upright and they bumped heads. Carlo chuckled. Adara winced. He lowered her hand, and he pressed the softest kiss to her forehead. It was better than an apology.

  “You okay?” he whispered.


  “You’ll be fine,” he said. “The Donna will take good care of you while I’m gone.”

  To her surprise he lifted her from the bed. He was so strong she could do nothing to object. He sat with her on his lap. Adara kissed him first. He didn’t mind her morning breath. She hugged him so tightly to her. She was in love. One hundred and
fifty percent in love. She knew that now. No matter the consequences, Carlo was the one she wanted.

  “The Donna wants to see you. She may need your help. There’s some trouble between her and her sister.”

  “Oh? I saw the medics. I heard the sister had an attack of some kind.”

  Carlo nodded. He forced a smile.

  “Have you seen her? Marietta?”

  “No. They won’t allow it.”

  “Do you want to see her, Carlo?”

  He moved Adara from his lap and stood. “Doesn’t matter what I want. Get dressed. I have to go into Naples. I will probably be gone for a few days. I’ll try to call.”

  “You’re going to leave me here?”

  “I told you. You’re safe here. And the Donna insists.” He walked over and cupped her chin. He kissed her once more. “I got something for you. Something I like.”


  He went to his duffle bag and dug in deep. He pulled out his CD player and the discs. She saw him pack them when they left. He walked over and sat next to her.

  “Who is this?”

  “Name is Luther Vandross. A friend of mine liked to listen to him. I like him too.”

  “Luther Vandross? I never heard of him,” she said.

  “American singer.”

  “The friend of yours from America? Was it Shae?”

  “Yeah, it was her, is that a problem?” he asked.

  “No, Carlo. I like that we can talk about her without you getting upset. I’ll listen to him!” she said and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Carlo.”

  He paused. The look on his face would make one think she said the opposite. He blinked at her, unsure how to respond, and that hurt her feelings. She didn’t give her love away easily. She didn’t give it to him easily. But she’d spent months with him at his worst, and now with him at his best. After a lifetime surviving on little affection, she felt alive because of Carlo. Why would that shock him?

  “Don’t say anything,” she added quickly. “I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

  “You’re my girl,” he said.

  She nodded for him. Carlo shook his head and blushed. He left to keep from saying more. Adara fell back on her pillow. She was grateful for the small blessings, and the bigger ones to come.


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