25. Price and Kuhn, “Public and Private Efforts,” 56.
26. Melissa Alexander, “Pizza in the School Lunch Program,” Milling and Baking News, June 18, 1996, http://bakingbusiness.com.
27. Ibid.
28. Jane E. Brody, “Personal Health; Schools Teach 3 C’s: Candy, Cookies, and Chips,” NYT, September 24, 2002; and Yeoman, “Unhappy Meals.”
29. Price and Kuhn, “Public and Private Efforts,” 55.
30. “Apricot Archive,” Apricot Producers of California, vol. 1, December 2004, http://www.apricotproducers.come/apricotArchive1.htm.
31. Saba Brelvi, “Current Policy Trends,” 19.
32. Price and Kuhn, “Public and Private Efforts,” 57.
33. Alexander, “Pizza in the School Lunch Program.”
34. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, “School Lunch Report Card,” August 2004, pp. 1–2 www.prcm.org.
35. Alexander, “Pizza in the School Lunch Program.” Chicken nuggets come in second in popularity.
36. Ibid.
37. Alexander, “Tortillas Become Staple Fare.”
38. Stephen Glass, “Happy Meals: When Lunch Subsidies Are Chopped, Kids Eat Better,” Policy Review, Summer 1995, http://www.policyreview.org.
39. Ibid.
40. For Kramer’s criticism, see United States Congress, Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, Hearings, School Lunch and Child Nutrition Programs, 91st Cong., 1st. Sess., September 29–October 1, 1969, p. 226.
41. Glass, “Happy Meals.”
42. Ibid.
43. “History of the National School Lunch Program,” http://USDA.gov; and Price and Kuhn, “Public and Private Effects,” 54.
44. “First CN Reauthorization Hearing Held in House,” ASFSA, Your Child Nutrition eSource, July 19, 2003, www.asfsa.org/newsroom/sfnews/hrgonereauth.asp.
45. Robert G. St. Pierre and Michael J. Puma, “Controlling Federal Expenditures in the National School Lunch Program: The Relationship between Changes in Household Eligibility and Federal Policy,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 11, no. 1 (Winter 1992); 42–57.
46. See, e.g., “Sen. Dole Introduces Legislation to Increase Access to School Meals,” Your Child Nutrition eSource, August 1, 2003, http://www.asfsa.org/newsroom/sfnews/doleleg.asp, and Haskins, “The School Lunch Lobby.”
47. Susan Davis Gryder, “Junk Food Wars,” School Foodservice Nutrition, Your Child Nutrition eSource, August 2003, http://member.asfsa.org/sfnarchives/0308/junkfood.asp.
48. See Kim Severson, “L.A. Schools to Stop Soda Sales,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 28, 2002, and “Food in the News: Oakland Schools Ban Vending Machine Junk Food,” San Francisco Chronicle, January 16, 2002. This reported estimated that vending machines yielded about $39,000 for each high school and $14,000 for middle schools.
49. USDA, “Foods Sold in Competition with USDA School Meal Programs: A Report to Congress,” January 12, 2001, www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/Lunch/CompetitiveFoods.
50. The notion that the lunch program had been conceived of for all children was part of its lore. See, e.g., “Child Nutrition Programs: Issues for the 101st Congress”; “The school lunch program had been conceived in 1946 as a broadbased nutrition program for all children, and over the years this goal had been consistently reaffirmed by congress. Additionally, there was philosophical objection to what was viewed as turning child nutrition programs into welfare (incometested) programs” (27).
51. See Severson, “L.A. Schools to Stop Soda Sales” and “Food in the News,” and Chris Kenning, “Board to Vote on Limiting School Snacks,” Louisville Cou- rier-Journal, August 26, 2002; “Give Soda Machines the Can,” USA Today, August 5, 2002.
52. USDA, “Foods Sold in Competition with USDA School Meal Programs.”
53. Amanda Bower, “Retooling School Lunch,” Time, June 11, 2006. Also see “Food Joins Academic Menu in Berkeley School District,” San Francisco Chroni- cle, August 29, 2004, and “‘Delicious Revolution’ Honored,” San Francisco Chronicle, August 4, 1998.
54. “Food Joins Academic Menu in Berkeley School District.”
55. See, e.g., “Lisa Belkin, “The School-Lunch Test,” New York Times Magazine, August 20, 2006. Belkin describes project HOPS (Healthier Options for Public Schoolchildren) funded by the Agatston Research Foundation (created by Dr. Arthur Agatston, of South Beach Diet fame). The foundation donated money to schools to transform their lunch menus. Funds from Agatston made up the difference between government reimbursements and the cost of fresh and organic ingredients.
56. United States Congress, Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., and 91st Cong., 1st Sess., 1968–69, Part 10, p. 3218. Quote is from Cook County, Illinois, public aid nutritionist.
Abel, Mary Hinman
Abernathy, Ralph
Addams, Jane
advertising, food-industry
Agatston Research Foundation
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933)
agricultural lobby
agricultural policy: New Deal; post-World War II
Aid to Dependent Children
Aladdin Slow Cooker
Altschul, Aaron M.
American Association of University Women
“American diet,”
American Dietetics Association
American Farm Bureau Federation
American Food Research Institute (Stanford)
American Home Economics Association
American Parents Committee
American Samoa
American School Food Service Association (ASFSA)
Anderson, Jack
Andresen, August
Andrews, Glenn
anti-hunger movement
anti-poverty movement
Apple, Rima
application process, for free-lunch program
Arends, Leslie
army rations
army recruits, and malnutrition
Ashby, Rodney
Atkinson, Edward
Atwater, Wilbur O.
Automatic Retailers of America
bag lunches
“balanced meal,”
Baldwin, Sidney
Baldwin-Wood scale
behavior modification, for schoolchildren
Belasco, Warren
Belkin, Lisa
Bender, George Harrison
Benedict, Ruth
Benson, Ezra Taft
Bentley, Amy
Berenson, Anna
Berlage, Nancy K.
Black Panther Party
Block, John R.
body norms, gendered/racialized
Boldurn, Dr. Charles
Boston public schools
Bradley, Charles
brand loyalty
Breckinridge, Sophonisba
Brinkley, Alan
Brunty, Chester
Buffalo, New York, school district
Burdick, Quentin
Burnett, John
Butz, Earl
Califano, Joseph
Callahan, Tom
calorie charts
Capps, Lois
Carmona, Dr. Richard
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnegie Corporation
Casa Christina Foods
Castle, Mike
Catholic Conference
celebrity chefs
Centers for Disease Control
centralization, of urban school lunch programs
charitable organizations, as providers of school lunches
Chatfield, George H.
Chavez-Hansen, Helen
Chicago public schools
Chicago World’s Fair
Child Health Organization of America
Child Nutrition Act (1966)
Children’s Bureau
children’s fees, for school lunch
Church Women United. See also Committee on School Lunch Participation
Citizen’s Board
Citizen’s Crusade Against Poverty (Citizen’s Board of Inquiry)
civil rights movement
Clark, Joseph
Clevenger, Cliff
Columbia Teachers College; Nutrition Program
combo meals
Committee on Food Habits (CFH)
Committee on School Lunch Participation (CSLP)
Community School Lunch Program
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Consumer Marketing Service (CMS)
consumer price index
convenience foods, in school lunch program
Cooley, Harold D.
Coordinating Committee on School
Corson, Juliet
cultural change, as part of school lunch
Cummings, Richard O.
Dade County, Florida, and fast-food model
Dairymen’s League
Davis, Chester
Davis, Howard P.
Davis, Michael M., Jr.
Dawson, Howard
Dean, Virgil W.
Debs, Eugene V.
decentralization, of National School Lunch Program
Democratic party. See also southern Democrats Dickins, Dorothy
Dickinson, M. F.
diversity, in student populations
“domestic allotment” policy
domestic ideal
domestic science. See also home economics; nutrition science Domino’s Pizza
Dondero, Anthony
dropouts, from school lunch program
dumping of food, in school lunch programs. See also surplus commodities
Dunbar, Leslie
Dunfermline Scale
eating habits
eating out
economic segregation, in school lunch program
Eisenhower, President Dwight David
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
eligibility standards
Eliot, Harriet
Eliot, Martha May
Ellender, Allen
“entitlement foods,”
ethnic foods, in school lunch menus
Fair Deal
Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC)
Fairfax, Jean
family model, for school lunchroom
family responsibility
farm price protection
Farm Security Administration
farm support. See also surplus commodities Farrel, Grace
fast-food industry
fast-food model, for school lunches
federal government, and school lunch program. See legislation; USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
federal power, and school lunch politics
federal standards, for school lunch program; need for. See also national standards, development of; nutrition guidelines, federal
Field Foundation
Finegold, Kenneth
Fisher, George
Fisher, M.F.K.
Flambert, Richard
Flanagan, Thelma
Flannagan, John
Florida citrus industry
Folger, John Hamlin
food, and American culture
Food and Nutrition Board (FNB)
Food and Nutrition Service
food choice
food courts, in school cafeterias
Food for Peace program
food groups
food industry: and development of RDAs; role in school lunch program; and surplus commodities
food policy: in Cold War era; during Nixon administration; and nutrition science; during World War II
food prices
food processing industry
food rationing, during World War II
food reform
food service, citywide
food-service industry
food shortages, wartime
food stamp program
food substitution theory. See nutrition substitution theory
food technology
Foreman, Carol Tucker
fortification of foods
fraud, in free-lunch program
Frederick, Len
free lunch mandate
free lunch program: criticism of; local/state; as measure of poverty; participation in
Freeman, Orville
free meals for poor children. See also free lunch mandate; poverty
Frist, Bill
funding, for free lunch program
funding, for school lunch program: children’s fees; federal; private; state/local
gender roles. See also working mothers
General Federation of Women’s Clubs
Gephardt, Dick
Gereau, Mary Condon
Gillett, Lucy
Godell, Charles
Goldstein, Carolyn M.
Goodling, Bill
Grange, the
Great Britain: and nutrition science; and school lunch program
Great Depression. See also New Deal grocery stores, chain
Gussow, Jean
Gwynne, John Williams
Haas, Ellen
Hall, Sidney B.
Hamilton, Charles V.
Harless, Richard F.
Harrington, Michael
Hartog, Hendrik
Head Start Program
Health, Education and Welfare, Department of (HEW)
Healthier Options for Public Schoolchildren (HOPS)
height-weight tables
Heinz, Henry J., III
Hershey, Lewis B.
Hill, A. V.
Hoagland, G. William
home economics. See also food-service industry
home economists, and development of national standards
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover Institute
household surveys
housewives: and food reform; immigrant; in poor households. See also working mothers
Howell, Laura
Hughes, Phillip
hunger. See also anti-hunger movement; malnutrition
Hunt, Caroline L.
immigrants, as targets of food reform
income qualification, for free lunch
Independent Grocer’s Association
institutional kitchens, development of
Interagency Task Force on Nutrition and Adequate Diets (Johnson administration)
Jackson, Jesse
Jacobson, Michael
Javits, Jacob
Jensen, Richard J.
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Jones, Marvin
junk food: in American diet; in schools
Keely, Keith
Kelly, Mary C.
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kerr, James
ketchup controversy kitchen: domestic; institutional. See also school lunchroom
Kitridge, Mabel
Knutson, Harold
Kotz, Nick
Kramer, John
Kyrk, Hazel
labor movement
Lanier, William L.
Las Vegas school system, and fast-food model
La Tapatia Tortilleria
Latham, Michael
lawsuits, regarding free lunch programs
League of Nations
legislation, British: Education Act (1944); Provision of Meals Act (1905)
legislation, federal: Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933); Child Nutrition Act (1966); Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA); National School Lunch Program (1946) (see National School Lunch Program); P.L. 480; SheppardTowner Act; Smith-Hughes Act; Smith-Lever Act (1914); Social Security Act (1935)
Leonard, Rodney
Levenstein, Harvey M.
Levin-Epstein, Jody
liberalism, and passage of National School Lunch Program
liberals: and anti-hunger movement; and free lunch mandate
Lieberman, Robert C.
Liserson, William M.
local jurisdictions: and administration of free lunch programs; and eligibility standards; and privatization; and school lunch contracts
Los Angeles school district
MacDonald, Dwight
malnutrition; among army recruits; and food choice; during Great Depression; measuring; and World War I
malnutrition scare
malnutrition studies
manpower strength, wartime concern for
Margolin, Olya
Marriott International
Martz, T. W.
maternalism. See also women’s campaign, for free lunch program
Mayer, Jean
McBride, Sean
McCarthy, Eugene
McGovern, George
McPherson, Harry, Jr.
Mead, Margaret
meals, low cost, for working-class families
Meegan, Joseph
Mertz, Paul E.
middle class, and nutrition science
Milam, Lottie
military feeding operations
Mink, Gwendolyn
misreporting, on free-lunch applications
missionaries, food reformers as
Mitchell, Helen
Mitchell, Maria
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
NAACP; Legal Defense Fund (LDF)
National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). See also Committee on School Lunch Participation
National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW). See also Committee on School Lunch Participation
National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). See also Committee on School Lunch Participation
National Council on Hunger and Malnutrition in the United States
National Education Association
“National Food Guide” (USDA)
National Nutrition Conference for Defense (1941)
National Research Council
National School Lunch Program (1946); administration of; budget cuts; congressional hearings on; criticism of; CSLP survey of; decentralization of; limitations of; opposition to; participation in; and Powell amendment; reform movement; rural bias. See also free lunch program; USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) National Soft Drink Association
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