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Envy [The Angel Pack 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More ManLove)

Page 4

by Maggie Walsh

  J.C. grabbed both sides of his head and Crew looked into his gray eyes. “That’s it, cock slut, look right at me as I fuck your throat.” J.C. started to thrust faster into his throat as Dirk began to pound into his ass.

  Crew threw his head back against the pillows as he quickened his strokes on his cock. He loved when his human lovers ganged up on him and took him together. He loved their praises of him and how much they loved his body and the pleasures he brought them. He also wouldn’t mind if they could keep him as their own. He loved everything they all did together and fantasized on more than one occasion, what it would be like if he left the pack for these men. If he started a real relationship with them. But he couldn’t do it. It had a little to do with the fact that they would find out about him and shifters if he did. The biggest part holding him back was feeling used. He loved everything about his time with his lovers, he loved when they talked dirty to him, and he even didn’t mind the cock slut remarks they made. Sometimes he liked it, but most of the time it made him feel filthy and like they only wanted him for this. Like he was a dirty little slut and only good for one thing. Sometimes that was the feeling he got from them, that they only wanted him for the sex, and he wanted someone to want him. To really want him, all of him.

  He wanted more than they could give him, but he would enjoy being with them for as long as he could. He thought about Dirk pounding his ass hard as J.C. pushed his cock farther down his throat.

  Bam! Bam! Bam! A loud pounding came from his bedroom door, scaring Crew. The pounding sounded again before he heard the voice. “Dammit, Crew! Get your ass out of that bed and get down to the kitchen now!” Raith called from the other side of his, thankfully, locked door. “Crew, let’s go! You’re already late for your patrol!”

  Shit! Crew sprung from the bed. “Sorry, Raith! I’ll be right down!” He ran around the room scrambling for clothes and throwing them on. He jammed his feet into his combat boots and ran his fingers through his hair. He ran for the door and pulled it open.

  * * * *

  “This is a remarkable home, Alpha Prime,” Haven said as they walked into the kitchen of the pack house.

  “Thank you, Haven. My pack and I originally built it with our own hands. Each of us built our suites with our mates in mind. Over the centuries, it has been updated and expanded,” Micah explained as he handed Haven and Bastian each a beer from the fridge.

  “I noticed you didn’t spare any expense on the pride house. Thank you, Alpha Prime, for everything you have done for our pride.”

  “You’re welcome, Haven. As far as we’re all concerned, you’re all family now.”

  “Stupid fucking wolf,” Raith mumbled as he stormed into the kitchen.

  “Problem, Raith?” Micah asked.

  Raith’s head snapped up and looked at Micah. He hadn’t realized that others were there. “Nothing I can’t handle. And nothing three months of night guard duty won’t cure,” he said in exasperation through gritted teeth.

  “Who now?” Bastian asked with a chuckle.

  “If they want to go out and fuck all night, that’s their business. But to disappear for two fucking days and come home late at night smelling of sex, then be late for their shift, and I have to go wake their asses up like their mommy is not okay,” Raith grumbled.

  “Back home whenever one of my felines did something like being late for guard duty, I would make them train for hours in the hot sun until they couldn’t walk another step,” Haven explained with a smile. “Then I had them go out on guard duty for twelve hours straight, with others of course. I usually did it for a week straight and then never had to worry about them being late for their shift again.”

  “That’s a great idea, Haven. Crew won’t know what hit him.”

  “Crew?” Micah asked. “He’s been disappearing a lot lately. Have you talked to him?”

  “I tried talking to him the last time he disappeared for his days off, but he would only say he had a date. Now he’s coming in late and oversleeping. I guess I’ll have to have another talk with him.”

  “I’m sorry, Raith,” Crew yelled out breathlessly as he ran into the kitchen pulling his shirt over his head. It got tangled and he ripped it off again.

  “What the fuck happened to you, Crew?” Micah asked in concern at seeing bruises all over Crew’s torso and bite marks on his neck and shoulders.

  Crew clamped his eyes shut and cursed under his breath. He had been so exhausted when he left Dirk and J.C. that he forgot to shift to heal before he came home.

  “Mine!” a deep growl came from across the room.

  Crew’s eyes snapped open just in time to see a gorgeous hunk of a man, with golden sandy-blond hair and light milk-chocolate-brown eyes, charging him. Before he could react, he was engulfed in the man’s arms and teeth were embedded in his neck. Crew couldn’t stop the loud moan that escaped his lips as his head fell back against his shoulders. He grabbed onto the gorgeous man and held him tight. With each pull from his neck that the man took, Crew’s cock got longer and harder. He took in a deep breath through his nose and the intoxicating scent that wrapped around him made his head spin. The only thought he had was, Mate.

  As that thought settled into his brain and took hold, his eyes popped open and he couldn’t breathe. He began to hyperventilate and his heart sped up. He clawed at the gorgeous man’s shoulders to release him. Teeth pulled from his flesh and a warm wet tongue lapped across his skin. He jumped back and put a hand to his chest as he tried to catch his breath. His eyes were wide open in fear as they stared at his mate.

  “Holy shit, Crew?” Micah and Raith moved forward.

  Haven growled and snarled at the pair. Micah stood to his full height and released half of his power into the air as he growled deep in his throat. Haven stepped back. “Sorry, Alpha Prime.”

  Micah nodded and moved in front of Crew. He took Crew’s face between his hands and stared into his eyes. “Crew, you have to calm down. Relax, brother. Everything will be okay.”

  But Crew’s heart only sped up as he continued to stare at his mate. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Why, Fate? Why? Why would you make me find my mate now? Not now. Not when I haven’t shifted or showered and I smell like sex with other men. Why? Why? He’s never going to want me when he realizes I smell like other men. When I smell like sex with other men. Shit, Aurora. Why? Isn’t my life fucked up enough? Aren’t I fucked up enough? Now you have to bring me my mate when I look like this.

  “Crew? Crew!” Micah yelled as he shook him. “Get Aaron!”

  “I already called him, but he’s at the clinic in town. It will take him a few minutes to get here,” Raith said.

  “Shit. We need him now. I think he’s about to pass out from lack of oxygen.”

  “Micah, what is it? What’s wrong?” Ryland asked as he rushed into the room.

  Haven growled fiercely and stood in front of Ryland. The fae King stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Haven. “I only meant to help the Alpha Prime.”

  Phenex barreled into the room and right up into Haven’s face. They stood chest-to-chest as they growled at each other. Their faces twisted in anger.

  “Enough of the pissing contest,” Jesse said calmly as he walked into the room. He walked right over to Crew and touched his cheek. Crew’s breath began to even out and his heart slowed. Haven turned his attention toward Jesse and growled even deeper. Micah spun on him, eyes glowing, canines out, claws extended, and he released his full power. Haven was thrown back, across the room, and Bastian quickly caught him.

  “Never come up on my mate,” Micah growled out menacingly.

  Haven bowed to Micah. “I apologize, Alpha Prime. It was just instinct when so many others are touching my mate.”

  “You are forgiven. Just remember to never show any aggression toward my mate. Rein in your cat.”

  “Yes, Alpha Prime. I’m sorry.”

  “Haven, you’re Crew’s mate?” Jesse asked with happiness.

  “It appears so, Alpha Prime

  “That’s fantastic,” Jesse said excitedly and turned back to Crew. “Crew, Haven is a good man. He’s very brave and honorable.” Crew began to hyperventilate again. “Shit. Help me get him to the medical wing. Bastian, Noah is in with Rory and Raffy. Can you ask him to meet us there?”

  “Right away, Jesse,” Bastian answered and headed out of the room.

  “Hey, Crew,” Jesse said soothingly as he wrapped an arm around Crew’s waist and put Crew’s arm over his shoulders. “It’s okay, brother. Everything will work out okay. I promise.”

  Micah wrapped an arm around Crew from the other side and they walked him out of the room and down to the medical wing.

  “I guess I should take that as a bad sign,” Haven said in defeat.

  “No, young mountain lion. Matings are never easy at first. But they do get better once all the parties involved get their shit together,” Ryland said with a laugh.

  Phenex wrapped his arms around Ryland’s waist and held him close. “Some of us take a little longer than others, but once it works, it’s like nothing else in all creation.” He kissed Ryland’s neck and smiled.

  “How long have you been together?” Haven asked the pair.

  “Over two hundred years, give or take,” Phen answered with a smirk.

  Haven’s eyes opened wide. “Two hundred years? Wow. How long did it take you to get your shit together?”

  “Over two hundred years,” Ryland said mischievously.

  “I have to wait two hundred years for my mate to accept me?”

  “Don’t listen to them, Haven,” Raith said. “They spent over two hundred years together, very happily mated. Then through circumstances against their powers, they were separated for twenty-six years. They have just found their way back to each other. This is King Ryland and Legion Commander Phenex. They are Jesse’s fathers.”

  “I am very honored to meet you both. I have heard so much about you from my leader. Storm has told me some amazing stories about you both.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too, Haven. Storm was telling us you were due in any day,” Phenex answered.

  “We just arrived last night.”

  “Well welcome to the Angel Pack and to the new paranormal council,” Ryland said as he held out his hand. Haven extended his as well and shook the king’s hand, then Phenex’s.

  “Commander, you’re needed,” Nuriel said from across the room.

  Haven jumped at the unexpected voice. “Where did he come from?”

  “He is one of my Legion Warriors. Haven, this is my second-in-command, Nuriel.”

  Nuriel nodded. “Good to meet you.”

  “You, too,” Haven said.

  “What is it, Nuriel?” Phenex asked.

  “Lord Lucifer is having trouble with the hellhounds guarding Gehenna. He has asked for your assistance.”

  “I must go, dearheart.” Phen kissed Ryland quick and moved toward Nuriel. “I’ll be back when I can.”

  “Be safe, Moleam,” Ryland answered. Phenex touched the wall and he and Nuriel disappeared through it.

  “Shit, Storm warned me about all of this, but it’s a whole different thing when you see it.”

  “Welcome to the party, my friend,” Raith said with a laugh and clapped Haven on the back.

  * * * *

  Crew was getting light-headed. When was this going to stop? He couldn’t breathe, his vision was blurred, and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. His mate was so fucking gorgeous…and big. He was bigger than his six feet. Haven had to be a good four inches taller than him. He had strong, wide shoulders and a broad chest full of defined muscle. Not as big as Crew’s own, he was more sinewy. Haven’s body, though muscular, was sleeker. He reminded Crew of the felines. Their bodies moved with a certain grace and fluidity. Even the larger ones like Storm and all his muscles. He still moved with a sensual grace.

  Haven. His mate’s name was Haven. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful creature. His shoulder-length sandy-blond hair was beautiful with its highlights of gold and orange, and his eyes were so mesmerizing. Like liquid pools of milk chocolate with tiny flecks of gold. And his scent, oh god, his scent was better than anything Crew had ever smelled before. He smelled of fresh cut grass and morning dew. Crew just wanted to shift and roll around in Haven’s scent.

  What kind of shifter was he though? Crew was so shocked at the sight of his mate, and then the gorgeous man bit him, that he didn’t get a chance to really smell him and detect his animal. Was he a feline? Did that mean that his mating heat would start soon and Crew would have to fuck him? Suddenly a thought so exciting hit Crew right in the gut. If Haven was a feline, then that meant they had another mate out there somewhere. That also meant that Haven would go into a mating heat for three days at every full moon and they would have to fuck like rabbits.

  But would his mate want him once he found out about Crew’s deep dark desires? Surely the man knew he would have two mates and that things like what he wanted would happen? But that doesn’t mean he would desire the same things or in the same way. And what if the man had a cock that was small? Would he be insulted if Crew wanted to add toys to their play?

  What would happen if Haven found out about Crew’s two human lovers? Would he be disgusted by him? The man had to have smelled them on him. He reeked of sex. He reeked of humans. They all must smell that. What would Micah do to him? Shit. What was he going to do?

  “Crew? Hey, buddy,” Lexi said calmly.

  Crew knew he was there. He could see him and smell him, but he couldn’t meet his eyes. He couldn’t meet anyone’s eyes. If they found out about his desires, would they take his enforcer title from him? Would they banish him? No, his pack was accepting of everyone. They would never banish him, but would they look at him as less than a man? Would they change the way they treated him, and treat him like one of the smaller mates?

  Damn it, Fate. Why? Why now? But I guess I should have expected this. Everyone was finding their mates and Aurora did say that they all would find their mates before the final battle. Why hadn’t he just stayed away from Dirk and J.C.? He hadn’t seen them in months and he could have just left it at that. But no, he had to go back there. He had to go find them. And once he found them he couldn’t get enough. He craved what they had to offer more and more every day.

  Gods he was such a pathetic loser. His family was right―he was a stupid worthless piece of garbage who didn’t deserve a mate. He was useless and stupid and would never be anything.

  “That’s enough of that!” Taylor’s harsh words broke through his self-pity. But he still couldn’t look at them. He didn’t want to see the disgust or disappointment in their eyes. Especially his alpha and Jesse. He couldn’t bear to see their disappointment.

  “Enough, Crew. No one is disappointed in you.” Taylor’s words echoed in his head and his eyes snapped in Taylor’s direction. He stared into the hybrid omega’s eyes, pleading with him to not spill his secrets, or to chastise him now. He couldn’t bear it, not right now.

  “Can everyone please leave us alone?” Taylor asked gently. That was when Crew realized the room was full of people. Micah, Jesse, Noah, Bastian, Raffy, Aaron, Lexi, Bailey, Gabriel, and Taylor were all there staring at him.

  “Come on, everyone. Let’s give them a minute,” Micah ordered, and everyone left the room, leaving him alone with Taylor.

  Taylor sat on the exam table next to him and turned to face him as he crossed his legs Indian style. “Look, Crew. I know I give you a hard time and I tease you and―” Taylor cut himself off when Crew looked at him with a raised brow and a look that said duh. “Okay, let’s start here then. Even though I have learned to control my gifts, sometimes they still work without me being able to stop them. Sometimes, I still see things that people probably don’t want others to know. I would never divulge any of that information to anyone, not even my mate. If people want their private lives or their private thoughts known, then they will do that. It’s not up to me. So if I
ever see your private thoughts, feelings, or desires”―Taylor gave him a pointed look―”know that they are safe with me. They will not go anywhere else. I won’t judge you for what you like, and I would never use them against you. That’s not to say that if everyone knew something about you and it wasn’t a secret, then you know damn well I would use that to tease you.”

  “Yeah, no shit,” Crew huffed.

  “Crew, may I start by asking you why you don’t like me? Is it because you think I stole Lexi from you?” Crew’s eyes flitted to his and then away. “So I’m right. Then I definitely owe you a massive apology.” Crew looked at him in shock. “I never meant to steal your best friend, Crew, and honestly, I don’t think I did. When I first came here, I was terrified. Jesse and I had been through so much and one of the ways we felt safe was to sleep in the same bed. But when he met Micah, I was all alone. I couldn’t sleep. I kept seeing shadows in every corner and imagining they were those men from New York who held us for all those years. I was so scared shitless. So night after night, I found myself down in the game room watching TV, trying to calm my nerves.

  “Lexi found me a few times and started sitting with me. He said he could smell my fear and he wanted me to feel safe in my new home. He did make me feel safe, Crew. The more we spent those nights sitting watching movies or playing games and talking, the more we got to know each other and realized we have the same stupid humor. I really needed Lexi when we first came here. I still need him. Besides Jesse, he is my best friend. Mates don’t count in that because they are by far your best friends and no one can compete with that.


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