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Where Tomorrow Leads

Page 11

by Cyndi Raye

  It would be funny if it weren’t for the tears that glistened on her cheeks.

  “Where do we go from here, Maggie McCoy, soon to be Maggie Hatfield?” Jake helped her up from her knees.

  “Home,” she told him. “Let’s go home. I have a wedding to plan.”

  The End

  At least it’s the end of this chapter of their lives.

  A Message From The Author

  Now available, the next exploits of Jake and Maggie in Tomorrow Never Ends. Will they get married and live happily ever after? It happens in Maggie’s world, she’s a best selling romance writer. But what about the real world? Enjoy the first chapter of Tomorrow Never Ends....

  Tomorrow Never Ends

  “You did it again,” Maggie told him.

  “I’m sorry baby. It’s this project that keeps me here until late.” She heard the frustration in his voice and pictured him raking his hand through the dark hair she loved to run her fingers through.

  Maggie sighed. This was the third time in the last week he cancelled dinner plans. “It’s good I didn’t cook anything or make reservations.” Even though she cooked a meal that was no longer fresh, she wasn’t about to tell him so.

  Jake laughed. “Come on, Maggie. When do we make reservations? Everything we do is fly by the seat of our pants the way our schedules run.”

  Maggie grinned because he was right. Her long hours at her computer, writing stories and his longer hours in board meetings and on the job didn’t leave much time for dinner, let alone going out much. They would grab something when hungry and keep going.

  Except Maggie turned on the cooking channel the other week and to her surprise began to experiment with different recipes. She didn’t think she liked to cook because she worked with her nose to the grindstone for the last few years on her best sellers, who had time for anything else?

  Maggie had a sudden desire to throw together some exotic dishes for him and she found herself in the kitchen more than she wrote. She wanted to learn something different and what better way to entice her man than with some great food.

  Maggie sighed. She loved Jake with all her heart. He was the one to drop her to her knees with one look. “It’s all good, love. I won’t bother you any more tonight because I want you to come home soon and forget about work so all you have to think about is me.”

  “Sounds nice, baby. What are you wearing?”

  Maggie giggled in to the phone. “Who said I was wearing anything?” Then made it a point to hang up without another word. He would finish up and be home soon, she hoped. Jake was a hands on guy, he had to be there day and night with his crews and even in the boardroom to run his company. Now she hoped he’d come home with those hands and show her what they could do.

  She missed his touch, it had been days since he held her in his arms.

  J.H. RED Inc. was the second largest real estate developer along Florida’s coast. Jake worked at a frantic pace because he wanted to out rank his rival, Foster Corp, the number one company in the area. It was an older, more established firm but Jake didn’t care. Maggie knew he’d do it someday.

  Except there were nights when she hungered for him to come home so she could fall in his arms. She wrote best sellers and her contract with the publishing house ended two weeks ago. Maggie was no longer obligated to put out a certain number of books. She wanted to celebrate her new found freedom and the next step in her career with the man of her life. Maggie had some extra time on her hands and she wanted to be with him before she got busy with her next project, self-publishing.

  She began to clear off the kitchen table. The pan-seared scallops on linguine with tomato-cream sauce didn’t appeal to her at all now that she would eat them alone. The creamy texture looked as if it were drying out because it sat for so long. She set the dishes on the counter and shrugged as she grabbed the bottle of wine instead. As she kicked off her heels, Maggie straddled a kitchen chair, her legs spread and her arm in the air and tilted the bottle back. She sat there in the same spot for a long time and sipped on the wine until there was less than a third of the bottle left.

  A dribble of wine ran down her mouth. She swiped it off and caught a reflection of herself in the glass door. How pitiful was she? Sitting alone wearing a sexy strapless short dress now yanked up high on her thigh. She wore it so it would be easy to remove. Except Jake wasn’t here, he was building the biggest company ever.

  Her phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Guess what I’m wearing?”

  Maggie laughed, a bit intoxicated from the wine. He would call her like this and tease her before he was about to leave work. In reality, it would be several hours until he showed up because something always came up he had to take care of. He tried so hard to keep her content and happy because the hours he worked were extreme. But most nights she curled in bed and fell asleep before he got home. Maggie would wake up the next day to find him asleep in the living room, the computer in his lap.

  “I don’t know, love. What are you wearing?”

  “Turn your head this way and you’ll see,” he teased.

  The glow of the moon portrayed a reflection of a shadow on the porch. She turned towards the door to find him standing there in nothing but his work boots. Surprised, Maggie jumped out of the chair and unlocked the door. It was good the house sat by itself in seclusion, otherwise any neighbors would have seen his full moon glow. The front door flew open and she fell in to his strong, tanned, male arms that wrapped themselves around her. He crushed his mouth to hers and picked her up at the same time, backing her against the kitchen table.

  There was no time to welcome him home or ask him if he was hungry. Because she knew he was hungry. For her.

  She didn’t try to think, she wanted those strong hands all over her flesh. He broke the kiss. “You smell like heaven,” he told her and began to place soft, desperate kisses along her neck. She shivered at the heat from his mouth. Jake looked at her with the intent of a man on a mission. “I’m sorry I’ve neglected you. I heard it in your voice tonight. Maggie, I don’t ever want you sad because of me.”

  “That’s one of the sweetest things you’ve said to me.”

  “I don’t want to be sweet, I want to rip off that sexy black dress and watch as you scream with pleasure, right now.”

  Maggie smiled. “When you stood there in nothing but a pair of boots, I knew you were here to rock my world. Which I don’t want you to take off. There’s something way too sexy about this.”

  Jake used to be so gentle when they made love until he found out she didn’t mind if he got a bit wild. When they were in the Pocono Mountains, he found out serious Maggie McCoy liked it rough at times too. He no longer treated her like a precious china doll every time. She leaned back on the kitchen table because he was about to take her right there.

  He growled like a mad man and didn’t waste any time as he stripped the dress off in one desperate move. Jake didn’t mess around, he got right down to business and threw her legs over his shoulders as he leaned her back on the table and slammed in to her.

  Maggie cried out his name as he drove in to her, relentless, until she could no longer utter another word. “Open your eyes baby, let me watch you explode,” he demanded. She reached out and gripped the ends of the table and opened her eyes to find his dark intense gaze on her as the tremors began and her world began to shatter in tiny pieces. Maggie didn’t realize she cried out again and again until he silenced her mouth with his own.

  She shivered and curled in to him as he picked her up off the table. “Maggie, I love you.”

  “I feel like a rag doll,” she whispered.

  “You love me?” he questioned.

  He grinned when she nodded her head. “What’s wrong baby, can’t speak?”

  She lifted her arm and punched him with the little strength left. “You render me speechless, love.”

  He was a King tonight, who conquered his queen. She’d let him think so because every time he went a bit wild in the love
department, she got rewarded. She couldn’t wait to see what he would do next time.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “If I love you? Of course I do. I love you.” He dropped her on the soft mattress in their bedroom and pinned her to the bed. As he looked down at her, Maggie saw the deep love in his eyes for her. He tried hard to please her and she realized how foolish she could be at times.

  Maggie McCoy had everything she needed and could ever want all rolled up right here with this man.

  “Say it again.” He pinned her arms above her head and nuzzled her neck. “Say it again.”

  Maggie giggled. “I love you. You’re the man of my dreams, the one who has my heart, my lover, my best friend, my rock, my knight in shining armor, my-”

  He stopped her with a long, slow kiss that stirred her insides again. She didn’t think she had anything left to stir up.

  “I need you again, Maggie. I can’t help myself.” Jake did everything with so much intense emotions. He worked hard, played harder. His kisses trailed down her skin and across the tips of her breast. She shivered and opened herself to him again. He slid in to her, slow and easy, his movements a tease to her senses. He slowed even more and almost stopped when he found himself deep inside of her. Maggie moaned and moved her hips to urge him on.

  He shook his head. “Nah, Maggie my love, I’m going to torture your sweet body until you cry out my name over again and again,” he said in a low, husky voice. He let her hands go and gripped her hips, so she reached down between them and began to stroke him there as he pulled away from her.

  “I can make you cry out my name first,” she told him.

  He groaned in her ear, his warm breath against her skin and his low moans heating up her flesh. The game was over when he began to move in a steady rhythm until they both escalated in to another dimension as their worlds shattered once again.


  “Jax, get off of me!” Maggie went to push the setter away. Jax’s hot breath rested on her cheek and she knew the tongue would hit her in the eyeballs the moment she stirred. Even though he was almost a year old, old habits die hard. He always woke her up like this, with a wet tongued kiss every morning.

  Jake came around the corner, a towel around his neck. Blue jeans hugged his hips. “Sexy as ever,” she said and licked her lips.

  He placed a kiss on her mouth. “Good morning baby. I hate to run but work calls me.”

  Maggie stretched. “I know. I better get moving myself, although I’ve been in a slump here of late. Seems like since I no longer have a contract, I can’t get moving to self publish.” She rolled over on her stomach. “What if I lost it Jake? What if I can’t write any more?”

  Jake sat on the bed, reached over and pulled her on to his lap. “Baby don’t lose confidence in yourself. This is the best thing ever to happen to you. Now get downstairs and put your butt in that chair I bought you and write.”

  Maggie kissed him, a short, hard kiss and jumped from his lap. “You’re right. Time to get to work.” She took a few paces then turned around. “I almost forgot! Oh Jake, do you have to go in to work today? Can’t you come along with me as I research for a new fiction story?”

  He was on his phone, checking his texts. He looked up and nodded but she knew he didn’t hear a word of what she asked, back in Jake Hatfield mode, emperor of his kingdom.

  She walked in front of him, and bowed down. “Your Highness, would it be possible to have a word with you, oh mighty one?”

  Jake flung back his head and roared. “My little servant wench, I would say to get on your knees but you’re already there.” He slid off the bed and on his knees as well. He gathered her hands in his and took a long look at her left finger. “We need to put a ring right here,” he told her, serious.

  “We haven’t had time. From the moment we got back from our road trip, you were on the go, busy at work, trying to make up for lost time. I’m not going to pick out my own ring, Jake.”

  He brought her hands up to his mouth and kissed them, one knuckle at a time. “I am so sorry. Let’s start over. Tonight we go for a ring. I’ll work until 5:00 and when I come home, be ready for a night out on the town, you and me.”

  “I’ll be ready. I do love you Jake.”

  “I want to put a ring on your finger and marry you right now.” He gathered her in his arms and kissed her so long she almost lost herself in him again. She pulled back before she was late for her appointment.

  “Are you sure you won’t go with me?”

  “I’m not sure where you are going baby.”

  “Last week I told you about the ship they’re going to sink off Key West. When I explained I wanted to get some writing material they were happy to let me ride along. I’ll be on the boat with the explosive expert. I think my next book series is going to be about these alpha male bad boys and one of them plays with dynamite.”

  Jake shook his head. “Sorry, I can’t, but you have a good time. I’ll see you here right after five, I promise I’ll be here. I’ll call you later.”

  Maggie headed for the shower. Tonight would be another glorious love making session with her own alpha male. She shivered at the thought. Jake was coming around at last.

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  If you enjoyed Jake and Maggie’ story, you may want to check out twin brother Jon Hatfield’s story. Enjoy the first chapter.

  Nothing Waits Forever

  Chapter 1

  Dr. Jon Hatfield lifted the bottle of water to his mouth when he noticed a golf cart barrelling across the open field behind the Urgent Care Center. He blinked, then scrunched dark eyes because what he saw fascinated him to no end. Someone was in a big hurry, someone with bright, red, long hair flying in the wind. The bold, orange stripes and purple polka dot colors of the outfit clashed with each other and the person behind the wheel looked like a clown dressed for a circus. He shook his head and grinned, anything was possible here in the Florida Keys. That’s why he loved this place.

  As the cart got closer to the property, his trained eye saw a form lying across the back seat. Without thinking, he put down the water and went out the back door as the golf cart came to a screeching halt inches from where he stood.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “Just help me get her inside, she’s hurt bad!”

  Jon hurried to the back of the cart to see what he could do to help. He didn’t hesitate, just took over like he always did in an emergency. He needed to assess the body before he moved the person under the blanket. The form was small, it looked like a child. Pulling the edge back from the cover, his eyes widened, then he drew his brows together. “What the....this isn’t a person, it’s an animal! I don’t fix animals here!”

  “Are you a doctor or not?” she cried out in a voice filled with desperation. When he nodded his head, she continued, “The closest vet is too far away. Please, I need help!” She started to gather the animal in her arms.

  Jon reached out, blocking her attempt to lift the body. “Don’t move it. Let me take a look first.” He pulled the blanket off the dog and immediately saw its foot caught in a trap. The dried blood indicated the animal was stuck in it for some time. He checked vitals signs and realized the poor dog was probably going into shock. It looked like there was a lot of blood loss, as the deadly contraption was intended to do. Jon took action. He picked it up as gently as he could and trying to steady the trap on the dog’s leg, he moved as fast as lightning as he brought the injured animal into the urgent care center through the back door.

  Jon carried the German Shepherd to an exam room and placed it on the table. The red-head was right there, almost on top of him. He turned to her. “Everyone is gone for the day so you will need to help me. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, yes, of course! Just tell me what to do!”

  Jon needed to get the trap free from the animal’s leg. Exhaustion engulfed the poor animal as it la
y there, unmoving. Anger filled up his heart at the fact someone was using traps to hurt innocent animals. “Does she have a name?”

  “Her name is Penny.” She smiled sadly at the dog and brushed her hands over its head, gently caressing her. Penny was not responding. “You have to save her, she’s been my best friend since I found her as a pup.”

  Jon hesitated for a moment, watching the woman’s emotions crumble in front of him. “I’ll do my best,” he offered. He wanted to touch her face, reassure her that it would be all right, but there was no way he could do that. He had no idea what the outcome would be, the dog was in a sad state.


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