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The Future Is Yours: A Novel

Page 23

by Dan Frey

  which “burned with the fire of a million suns”

  he spoke one sentence, quoting Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita:

  “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

  It was, first and foremost, an expression of Oppenheimer’s fear of the power of the weapon he had created.

  I share that fear with respect to the technology of The Future.

  I fear that we have become Death, destroyer of worlds.

  But in our case, it may have an even more apt meaning.

  The Hindu belief system has a non-linear understanding of time.

  All events—past, present, and future—are inevitable and real, all at once.

  The “destroyer of worlds” is not a bomb.

  Or a god.

  It is time.

  What I’ve seen of where this technology is taking us has shaken me.

  I do not intend to abdicate my responsibility in creating this,

  but I cannot continue to be part of building it.

  I need to do something to stop it.

  I need to take action to make the world better, in the here and now,

  instead of staring helplessly into a future we cannot avoid.

  I thank you all for your tireless work these past eight months.

  I know you’ll be in capable hands under the guidance of Evelyn, an exceptional engineer who is more than equal to the task of filling my shoes.

  I wish you all the best of luck moving forward.




  November 15, 2021 2:14 PM

  You see Adhi’s res letter?


  Yes. You didn’t see this coming?

  Out of the fucking blue

  I mean obviously things haven’t been easy between us

  But this is crazy

  What can we do about this?

  The first step will be finding a way to spin this. News will get out soon, and we need to make a public statement so it doesn’t sound quite as bad.

  Equally important will be an internal communication. The troops are restless already and this won’t help.

  I’m not worried about internal perception.

  You should be. It’s what sank Facebook, as much as anything. At least have your Comms girl draft an email.

  I assume it’s another girl you’ve put in that position.

  I don’t have time to engage with that.

  Of course.

  This Adhi deal is not just a problem

  This is a total betrayal

  He is deliberately fucking us

  He knows I wouldn’t want to put Evelyn in his position but now I have to

  Mf just punched a hole in our deck and sailed off in a lifeboat

  We need to figure out how to bury him

  Bury him?

  You do realize he is sick, right?

  He is not in his right mind.

  I honestly dgaf anymore.

  Breach of contract? Negligence?

  You are still fending off a lawsuit from Google. Do you really want to sue your co-founder now?


  Well, I’m not going to be part of that. If you sue Adhi, I’m out.


  From: Ben Boyce

  To: (undisclosed recipients)

  Hey Team,

  I know many of us (myself included) were totally disarmed by Adhi’s decision to leave the company. The news was deeply troubling to me, because Adhi was not only my partner but my friend.

  At this point, I have to talk about something I never wanted to talk about publicly. But I have a responsibility to you all, and to the truth. Adhi suffers from significant mental-health issues, particularly bipolar with manic episodes. He has for many years. He had a manic episode two years ago which nearly got him put in jail and kicked out of Stanford—and would have, if I hadn’t intervened on his behalf.

  Adhi’s decision, and the paranoid delusions that led up to it, are the product of a mind that is not well. Let us remember that before we question the work that we are engaged in doing here. We will be wishing Adhi a speedy recovery as we move forward.

  For those who have expressed doubts about the future of the technology in his absence, have no fear. Our new Chief Technology Officer Evelyn Andrada has been working in the quantum-computing field for over a decade, and has already proven herself as an invaluable team member, who now takes on the mantle of leading us into an exciting new chapter.

  The Future is a company with a vision for the world—one that could revolutionize human thought and communication, one that could pave the way to solving global warming and ending international conflict! Any who cannot embrace that vision are welcome to leave, as Adhvan left. We wish no ill will, we merely march onward into a brave new world that we know we will shape forever.

  Thank you,

  Ben Boyce


  From: Ben Boyce

  To: Kevin Martindale

  Kevin, we’ve got a big problem with this Adhi situation. Need to figure out where he is, what he’s doing, and why he actually left. Prob gathering material for a lawsuit but also just basic intel. Is this a situation where Watermark could be helpful? What’s our ballpark price on something like this?


  Hey Boss Man. Absolutely 100% the right call. Watermark has investigative services we can engage on this. I budgeted it out assuming a 30-day period, ballpark we’re looking at 80K, obviously will extend if we need to go longer. Don’t worry, I’m all over this.


  From: Thomas Keener

  To: Leila Keener-Boyce


  It is a sad day when I have to talk to my own daughter in this format, which I hate, so I will try to be brief.

  Your position with The Future is untenable. With the now-well-publicized departure of one of your founders, the company is melting down from the inside. Your board now has cause for emergency removal of Ben. Our lawsuit is about to become a fish-in-a-barrel situation. We’re just hoping to get in and get value before the SEC eviscerates your company.

  As your father, I am reaching out to say, please, for the sake of our family, cut your losses. You and Ben can still exit this situation with a modicum of dignity, and a more-than-healthy sum of money. It is your duty, not only as his legal counsel but as his wife, to talk him down from his pride, and talk some sense into him.




  Hi Dad,

  You taught me to never give up, which I imagine you are regretting right about now.

  Ben is not perfect, by any means. But when it comes to his ambition and pride and commitment to his business, I cannot pretend to be the least bit surprised by any of it.

  You, on the other hand, have spent your life professing that your work is in service of your family. But in this situation, you have actively sought out a conflict between the two—and as it escalates, your choice is clear. You are choosing work, and leveraging our relationship to help you win.

  I think it is only fair to let you know…I have seen the future. As a result, I know I’m not going to lose this one. I honestly could tell you the point-by-point, blow-by-blow of the settlement we’re eventually going to get to…but that would take the fun out of getting there.





  From: Evelyn Andrada

  To: Ben Boyce

  Mr. Boyce,

  Not sure if you’ve been rev
iewing the technical reports I’ve been submitting but felt I should call your attention to a few particularly salient problems.

  After Adhvan identified the first Discrepancy two months ago, we created a system of Discrepancy Testing using a sample of 2,200 data points, all gathered from the earliest days of using the technology.

  The general trend is simple: the number of Discrepancies is rising. Perhaps even more alarming, there are some data points that did not come back as Discrepancies one month ago, but come back as Discrepancies now. Which means that either our technology is failing at increasing rates, or the future is “changing.”

  We are hoping that you will schedule a time to meet with our team to discuss the implications of these findings, as well as potential strategies for mitigating them.

  Evelyn Andrada

  Chief Technology Officer

  The Future


  Evelyn, I gave you Adhi’s job in the hope that you would do what Adhi did: take care of the technology so I don’t have to worry about it. I’m sure there’s bound to be some hiccups, any tech company is going to have that. Just get it as good as you can get it so that we can go into production, which we need to do. I’m traveling tomorrow and will be gone for a week and a half securing retail spaces.

  I know you looked up to Adhi as a mentor, but I just want you to know…he was not really all that special. He was a smart guy who stumbled onto a big idea. Making it work can be achieved by any other smart guy (or girl like yourself). I believe in you!


  Mr. Boyce,

  While I appreciate your vote of confidence in my intelligence and abilities, I need to add a couple things.

  First, Adhvan actually IS special. I understand that he made the decision to leave and is not coming back, but he may be seen, one day, as a once-in-a-generation genius, on the order of Nikola Tesla. I say this merely to make you aware of the scope of the undertaking our team is now left with, trying to carry this work to the finish line.

  Second, I had hoped to explain this in person, but I feel it is important to make you aware of the nature of some of the Discrepancies that are arising, which is alarming in itself.

  For example: The Prototype initially predicted that the Warriors would win the NBA Finals in 2022. This prediction was affirmed one month ago. However, currently when you search for “NBA Finals Winner 2022,” you get articles announcing that the NBA season was postponed and delayed due to security threats. Further searches on the matter trace the problem to a singular event (see attached article) which was definitely NOT part of the future two months ago.

  Please review the attached, and let me know when we can meet to discuss, since I think our policy of nondisclosure is starting to become ethically untenable.



  Halfway through the Knicks–Cavaliers game last night, a pipe bomb detonated near the press box of Madison Square Garden. First responders report that two individuals were killed, and several more wounded. Authorities have not yet released the identities of the victims.

  In the ensuing chaos, fans fled the arena in terror. Fire crews and paramedics were on the scene within minutes of the explosion, and the work of sifting through the rubble continues.

  FBI sources report that they have not apprehended any suspects, or identified any persons of interest. They are currently reviewing surveillance footage in an attempt to trace the origin of the package. It is believed that the bomb was placed inside the arena prior to the game, and detonated remotely.

  While no specific suspects have yet emerged, the anti-tech activist group COTA (Citizens Opposing the Technological Apocalypse) is already claiming responsibility. Amy Herzog, head of the FBI’s Cyberterror Task Force, was not surprised. “COTA have denounced violence in the past, and said they only want to achieve their goals through strategic hacking. But this latest attack is a clear escalation of their tactics.”

  Herzog said that recent chatter in fringe online forums like 4Chan indicates significant dissent within COTA, and it is possible that divisions may have split the informal organization into multiple factions. “But let me be clear,” Herzog added. “This attack is terrorism, plain and simple, and COTA will be investigated and prosecuted accordingly.”

  The motivation behind the attack appears to be Madison Square Garden’s decision to implement The Future technology inside the stadium. A feature called “Instant Preplay” was recently installed in the arena, which uses the Jumbotron screen overhead to show highlights from upcoming plays, often in dramatic slow-mo. League officials have hoped the approach could revitalize the sports-viewing experience.

  The system was adopted in response to declining attendance and viewership throughout the year, ever since the technology came into widespread usage. Now that game outcomes are available in advance, fans have been leaving in droves. The league has tried a variety of measures, including a data blackout, but with no luck so far.

  Many fans have seen “Instant Preplay” as yet another industry caving to pressure to accommodate the new technology, and selling out the sports-viewing experience in the process.

  Last week’s attacks on Wall Street and other financial-sector targets were similarly motivated, and it appears that COTA is broadening the scope of their campaign of disruption. Yet the group’s members remain anonymous, and no individuals connected to any of the attacks have been identified.

  As of press time, the league has announced that it will cancel upcoming games at all venues around the country, until an adequate review of security procedures has been made.

  Meanwhile, The Future is facing harsh criticism, since the event itself was not apparently predicted by its technology. CEO Ben Boyce issued a statement, saying, “We at The Future are tremendously saddened by this atrocity, and our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. We will conduct a comprehensive review, and continue to work to deliver a reliable product and service.”

  The company remains in the spotlight, as mounting regulatory pressure could come to a head in the coming weeks. Many are calling for Boyce to step down from his role as CEO, but so far he has not publicly commented on his plans.


  Keep this to yourself for now. I’m sure there is a solution to be figured out. I will be back in office ASAP (cutting off the last three cities of my trip) and we will discuss in person.


  From: Kevin Martindale

  To: Ben Boyce

  Hey Boss Man, check out the attached report from PI detail on Chaudry…



  Targeted-Individual Surveillance Report #1073

  Disclaimer: All information gathered herein was acquired by licensed Private Investigators in accordance with state and city laws regarding the conduct thereof (California Private Investigator Act and District of Columbia Municipal Regulations Chap. 17).

  Subject: Adhvan Chaudry

  Daily routine 11/17–11/21:

  Staying in deluxe suite at Hilton Hotel in Arlington, wakes up approx 6 AM

  Continental breakfast in hotel lobby

  Travels via Lyft from hotel to DARPA Headquarters outside Arlington

  Passes through security checkpoint approx 730 AM

  Outside monitorable range during time in DARPA HQ

  Does not appear to leave building during work time

  Cell phone records suggest Subject does not use cell phone inside DARPA HQ (research suggests this is not an absolute policy, only certain Top-Secret areas in building restrict cell phone use)

  Takes Lyft home from DARPA HQ between 6 and 9 PM

  Dinner meals via room
service or DoorDash; no meal publicly shared with any other individual during observation period

  Hotel time spent inside room or reading in hotel lobby. Reading included paperback copies of Tao Te Ching and Bhagavad Gita.

  Lights out in hotel room approx 11 PM.

  11/22: Subject followed normal schedule thru continental breakfast, Lyft ride to DARPA HQ. Proceeded through security checkpoint 745 AM.

  Subject was not observed departing from DARPA HQ (surveillance team remained onsite until building was completely closed except for night maintenance crew, approx 1130 PM).

  Subject was not observed in hotel. Room lights were not illuminated.

  Hotel staff confirmed subject had not checked out; however, cleaning staff verified that Subject did not appear to have returned.

  24-hr continued stakeout of DARPA HQ and hotel did not account for Subject.

  Subject whereabouts currently unknown.


  Hey Kevin, wtf am I supposed to do with this? For starters, how about what is he actually doing at DARPA? Is he applying for a new job, or is he SELLING THEM OUR TECH????

  And—whereabouts unknown? Maybe it should just say we got our dicks in our hands? I thought these guys were some elite spy motherfuckers, but obviously they got MADE by a computer programmer who normally doesn’t notice toilet paper stuck to his fucking shoes.


  Listen Boss Man, I know you’re not happy, but I can assure you, these guys are total pros. Look what’s going on here. DARPA is not fucking around, this is military-level shit. If Chaudry is truly providing state-secret tech info, they could have put a full NSA counterintel detail in place. Yes they may have made our guys, they might have Chaudry at a black site now, some safehouse, hell he could even still be holed up inside the DARPA Lab if they really wanna make sure nobody sees him. I will start working former contacts to get any info I can.


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