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Thorneless (Rose of Thorne Series)

Page 12

by Michelle, Mia

  Just as I make it to the closing door, I see Lucas’ furious face but I don’t give a fuck. I have to get to her. I have to make this right.

  “Leave her the fuck alone, you son of a bitch!” He growls as he slams his arm outward, blocking my path. I look back at him as I swing my fist toward his body. I will fight for her ‘til the ends of the world. Nothing and no one will stop me from having her... especially Lucas Drake.


  Oh God! What have I done? My body is trembling so much, that I have to grab hold of the wall of the long corridor in order to keep my knees from giving way. I try to run, but I can’t. My head is spinning from what I allowed to just take place. My body is still on fire from his touch, yet I am terrified at my weakness with him. I can hear their arguing voices behind me and I know I must get out of here.

  My perfect night is ruined, but I can’t just blame Sebastian for it because it is just as much my fault as it is his. I make my way back down the stairs and watch as people’s masked faces turn to take me in. I glimpse into the mirror on the stairwell wall and see how horrific I look. My mascara and lipstick is smeared down my face and my hair is everywhere. My silver dress hangs off my body, partially unzipped, but I don’t care. I must get out of here now. People grab me and ask me if I am all right. I know I must look like I have been attacked. Ignoring them, I continue pushing my way through the crowd of guests. Suddenly my name is screamed and I turn to see Sebastian in only his black tux pants at the top of the staircase.

  “Skylar! No! Wait!” Sebastian screams and runs down the stairs. Lucas suddenly appears and is not far behind him. I turn and push harder through the crowd, but I can’t manage to push through fast enough. Before I know it, Sebastian grabs me by the arm and turns me around to face him.

  “You can’t leave! I love you Skylar! Please!” He begs. His lip is busted and blood is smeared across his cheek.

  “Get your hands off her!” Lucas roars behind him, but Sebastian stands there looking at me with pleading eyes. Lucas’ face turns to fury as he grabs Sebastian by the arm and yanks him backwards. Sebastian hesitantly lets me go and turns to swing at Lucas. The crowd moves back and gasps at the two of them brawling.

  I am frozen in my spot, watching in horror, as the punching goes back and forth between the two of them. They are going to kill each other if I don’t stop this. I quickly maneuver myself behind Lucas and grab his arm. Out of reaction, he jerks his elbow back. I feel the bones in my face ache as his elbow makes contact at my nose. Pain radiates through my face and I can taste the warm blood as it pours into my mouth.

  “Skylar! Oh angel, I am so sorry!!” Lucas cries through shocked eyes. He reaches for me but then I look over his shoulder to see the murderous rage overtake Sebastian’s face. He yanks Lucas around and slams his fist into his stomach and then I watch as he drops to the ground. Sebastian continues relentlessly pounding on him and I can watch no more. Covering my face, I run out of the front entrance, down the street and into the night.


  The moment Lucas stopped me from going after her, he declared a war that he will not be winning. I know he loves her, but that girl is my life and I will be damned if he thinks I am going to stand by and just let her go. I manage to break away from him and stumble down the corridor after her. I make my way as fast as I can to the top of the staircase and peer down below for searching the crowd for her. I spot her as she frantically makes her way through the massive group of people.

  “Skylar! No! Wait!” I cry out. I capture the attention of the entire room, but she turns and pushes harder through the crowd of people. Lucas manages to catch up and makes his way behind me. I can’t let him get to her first, so I fly down the steps after her. I literally throw people back with my arm in order to reach her. When I grab for her arm, I waste no time turning her to face me. If she will just look deep enough into my eyes, she will see just how broken I am with without her. If she will just look hard enough she will see just how madly in love with her that I am and that I will stop at nothing to fight for us.

  I beg her with everything I have in me to hear me out. For the briefest moment, I think I reach the part of her inside that I so desperately need to listen to me. And then Lucas’ sorry ass manages to ruin even that for me. The instant he lays his hands on me, I lose it. I see her horrified look as she moves behind Lucas and then I see his elbow connect to her face. We stop for a moment in shock and I see bright red blood slowly trace down her nose and onto her lips.

  I am going to kill him. I don’t care if it is an accident or not; I am killing him! Blinded by anger, I begin pounding and kicking on him. He doesn’t even bother to fight back because he is screaming for Skylar to not leave. Suddenly my arms are grabbed behind my back and cold metal is slapped around my wrists. Two security officers struggle as I fight them to break free. Security? Here? Really? What a fucking joke!

  I continue to struggle and fight as the two men drag me to the back office of the building. I have to get to her. I have to.

  “Let me go!” I roar, but nothing I say or do seems to make any difference.

  As am being dragged away, I spot a bloody and bruised Lucas manage his way to his feet and stagger out the front door after her. Fuck!


  I can’t process everything in my pounding head right now. I’ve looked everywhere for her, but there is no trace of her anywhere. My left eye is swollen completely shut now and my clothes are all torn and bloody. I collapse on the park bench on the sidewalk and jerk loose the tie from my torn tux.

  This night had started out perfect. I had made certain to give this to her because she deserves it. We had so much to do to get ready for tonight’s reveal party that I hadn’t had time to talk to her about what happened between us last night. Even though we didn’t have sex, what we shared had been more spectacular than I could ever have imagined. I still savor the feel and taste of her delectable body against mine. Last night, I had realized that when we did finally make love, the universe will shift because it will be so euphoric. Well, let’s just say I thought all of that until I read that letter.

  Skylar thought I had been asleep when she crawled out of bed. I watched her wrap her silk robe back around her body and walk toward her desk. I couldn’t understand her silence after the passion we had just shared; yet shamefully, I had been too afraid to speak up. I had been too terrified that she regretted our time together, so I remained quiet.

  Her shoulders had been slumped and her head hung low as she crumbled up the piece of paper in her hands. I don’t know what it is that she was doing, but I know it affects her much more than it should. That was no ordinary piece of mail; it had to be from him.

  What is he doing writing her? How the fuck does he know where she is to even mail her anything?

  The next morning, while she had been in the shower, I seized the opportunity to retrieve it from the trash and read it for myself. I wish to God now that I had just left it alone. I had been right; the letter is from Sebastian.

  My hands tremble as I sit there reading it. I know it is no business of mine, but that still doesn’t stop me from continuing. Over and over Sebastian pleas and begs for her forgiveness. His words make absolutely no sense to me. “I never meant to deceive you…I wanted to tell you from the beginning.” As I continue reading, I realize that it doesn’t sound like he cheated on her at all. The note admits lies and deception. What had he been hiding from her? When I hear her bathroom door open, I quickly return the crumbled letter into the wastebasket and hurry back to my room.

  She had to leave early this morning in order to get ready for this evening. I had been relieved to have some time alone to process the letter more. Hours later, as I dressed for the event, I still hadn’t come to any conclusion of what this means for us. I need to talk to her, but I didn’t want to do it on the night she is meant to shine. Instead, the perfect night I had wanted for her to have, had turned into complete and total devastation.

  I am not an idiot.
I know she and Sebastian fucked up on that rooftop. I should be pissed at her, but I’m more hurt and confused than anything. I don’t hate her; I can never hate her. Believe it or not, she needed to do this to prove to herself that it is over between them. The horrified look of shame and regret on her face tells me everything I need to know.

  When she runs past me, I instantly want to grab her and hold her in my arms, but that isn’t what she needs right now. Instead I go into protective mode. I will be damned if Sebastian Thorne thinks I am going to stand by and watch him destroy the woman I love. There is no fucking way that is happening. She has fought like hell to get part of herself back.

  I never meant to hurt her in the scuffle between Sebastian and me. I didn’t know it was her trying to break up the fight. When I saw what I had done, I immediately let go of Sebastian and reached out for her. She blinked back tears through her stunning eyes and ran out the front door. The look on her face broke my heart. I had never been so devastated by what I had done to her, that I completely gave up fighting Sebastian. All I had wanted is to get to her and to make sure that she is all right.

  Three hours later, I have searched everywhere, but she is nowhere to be found. I’ve called her phone at least a hundred times, but I only get her voicemail that is now full thanks to me. I slump forward on the bench and cradle my head in my hands. Even though I didn’t witness them together, the images of them fucking flood my mind. All this time, I have been waiting patiently for something that he just takes in a heated moment. She deserves so much more than that. Why does he have such a hold on her? It had looked like she regretted it, but where does this leave us? Am I sure that I can really get past this? My created images are engrained in my mind. My heart hurts so much right now that I just don’t know the answer to that question. Damn it, Skylar! Where are you?


  I had to wait almost an hour before the security officers finally allow me leave. One of the officers hands me my clothes that I had left up on the roof. After I slip back into my shirt and jacket, I am escorted through madness of the awaiting paparazzi to the car where my driver is waiting. I shield my face from the flashing cameras as they call out for my attention. Once I am in the safety of the car, I make a phone call to Harrison, who had just arrived in London this evening. In only a matter of minutes, he is relaying her hotel room information to me. He, once again proves what a valuable and vital part of my staff that he is.

  I give the driver the name of the hotel and within twenty minutes he is dropping me off at the front entrance. I ignore the looks from the guests and make my way up to the top floor where they are staying. I don’t know if she is here, but I have to see her. Heaven help Drake if he gets in my way again this time.

  As I stand in front of her suite door, I gather all the courage I have inside and lift my hand to knock. Just before my hand connects to the door, it suddenly flies open and a stunned short elderly housekeeper looks back up at me.

  “Oh, I am sorry sir. I am just finishing up your room. I will be out of your way in just a moment,” she says as she sits down the trash bins beside her cart in the hall. She studies my injured face, but does not comment. I glance down to the floor and immediately I recognize the crumbled piece of paper in the trash.

  Reaching down, I retrieve the letter and smile at the older woman.

  “I am sorry. I didn’t mean to throw this away,” I explain as I begin smoothing out the letter.

  “Yes, of course, sir. I am glad I hadn’t already cleaned your room.”

  The woman empties the other bin and then takes both of them back into the room and I seize my opportunity and follow her inside.

  “Has a young lady been by here this evening?” I ask as I show her a picture in my wallet.

  “No, sir. I haven’t seen anyone and I have been on this floor for a while,” she replies.

  I slip her a hundred dollars and watch her face light up with appreciation.

  She thanks me and exits the room. Once the door closes behind her, I begin making my way through the large suite. I notice that the suite has two bedrooms. It’s bad enough that they are sharing this suite and I pray to God they aren’t sharing a bed as well. It hurts my heart too much to think of the two of them being together. After all this time together, I know they must have slept together by now. I would be lying if I didn’t say that I had secretly hoped that she couldn’t go through with it because of still being in love with me. I know Lucas and so I am certain they have been intimate with one another. Fuck that hurts my soul!

  I turn the doorknob on the door to the right and am met with her sweet smell. That delicious candy fragrance invades me and triggers so many memories to come rushing over me. I look around her room and see her things hanging in the nearby antique wardrobe. I close my eyes and slowly run my hand over the items hanging in it. She will never know how much I miss her.

  I sit on her bed and look down at the letter in my hand. Why is this letter all the way in London with her? Did she just now read it? I fold it up and place it in my black overcoat pocket. I have to speak to her. I have to make her listen to me. She has to forgive me…she just has to.

  My phone begins vibrating in my pocket and I yank it out and look down at the message.

  HARRISON: I think I have located her, sir. Capleton Street

  Darting out of the room, I don’t waste a second as I swipe the phone screen to call him back.


  I don’t know where I am, but I know it isn’t in a good part of town. I don’t know how long I’ve wandered the streets, but I’ve walked so far that there are no longer any streetlights or cabs. My face is killing me and both of my feet are covered in blisters. I’m so tired that I can barely stand. I stop and dig out my phone from my purse. Lucas has messaged and called me an astonishing amount of times.

  Instinctively I start to call him back, but I stop myself. I don’t know how I can ever face him again. How can I have done this to him after everything he has done for me? I know he has to hate me and I probably don’t even have a job anymore. I am such a fucking mess! I do nothing but destroy everything round me.

  Tears overtake me and I collapse on the street. I can’t walk another step. Even if I call a cab, I don’t even know where to tell them I am. I don’t see any signs anywhere.

  A dark figure stands over me, blocking what little light there is. Great! Now someone is going to try to rob me or kill me. The figure grows closer and my heart races at the fear of what is coming next. I close my eyes and begin to shake in terror. I clench my clasp purse and hold it out to them. Surely if they want money, they will just take it and leave me alone. I know a few self -defense moves, but I can’t even stand up.

  “Please. Just take it. It’s all I have,” I sob, but the purse is then pushed out of the way.

  Warm arms surround my waist and I feel myself being gently picked up. One touch and the immense energy we share radiates down me and soothes my shivering body. I don’t know how he has found me, but I don’t even have the energy to question it.

  “It is alright. You are safe now,” Sebastian whispers into my hair. I am too exhausted to fight him. No matter how much I want to hate him, I still love him. God, how I love this man! I know it can never happen between us after knowing what he has done. No matter how much I know I need to scream and run, I can’t. I’m too exhausted and too paralyzed by his touch; I feel so safe in his arms.

  “Harrison, I have her! Bring the car around!” he yells into his phone and I don’t bother looking up at him. I hear the car pull up and Sebastian gently eases us onto the back seat of the car without ever letting go of me. I lay my head against his chest and he strokes my hair. Then I give in to the heaviness of my eyes and the fatigue.

  I awaken in a huge wooden four-poster bed in a large bedroom. The long red velvet drapes are drawn shut but I can see the sunshine peeking out the sides of them. When I sit up in the bed, I notice I am wearing a white silk nightgown. I see the flickering fireplace across the
room and then I see the figure move in the chair beside it.

  “Skylar,” his voice moves over me like warm rain to my aching soul.

  “Where am I?” I ask him.

  “We are at my friend’s country estate,” he replies.

  “I have to leave. I shouldn’t be here,” I say and throw back the covers. When my feet hit the cold wood floor, I notice they are both wrapped in bandages. The pain shoots up my foot and I remember the blisters from last night’s walking.

  Sebastian comes toward me and I can see that he is still in his clothes from last night. He puts hands on my shoulders and urges me to sit back down on the bed. His delicious smell overtakes my senses and I feel myself losing control. He kneels down but I refuse to look at him. If I look into his eyes, I know I will lose the rest of the fight I have in me.

  I can’t do this. I can’t be here. Why can’t I just let go?

  “Baby, please. I need you to listen to me.”

  “No, Sebastian! I need to leave. Lucas will be worried.” I argue.

  “Fuck him! I don’t give a shit about Drake or what he thinks! All I care about it you. I need you to listen to me.

  I finally brave a glance into his eyes and I can feel myself spiraling out of control. I want him so damn much, but this can’t happen!

  “I can’t be here Sebastian. What happened last night should have never happened.”

  “You can’t say that baby!” He says as he grabs my shoulders tightly.

  “Don’t call me that! I am not your baby anymore.”

  Sebastian eyed me. “Oh, so is that it? Is that what all of this is about? Are you his now?”

  “That is none of your business! It is over between you and me! It has been for a long time now. You can’t tell me that you haven’t fucked half the world since I’ve left.”

  “Does this feel like it is over between us?” he asks as he roughly yanks me towards him. His lips feverishly crash onto mine and I melt into him. His hardness presses against my silky nightgown. Our passionate kiss grows more and more aggressive and desperate. My body sings in need for him. Liquid fire soars into my core. We break and begin gasping for air. “I’ve not touched or looked at another woman since you, Skylar. There isn’t anyone else for me, but you. I have been so lost without you. Please, I need you to hear what I have to say!”


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