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Thorneless (Rose of Thorne Series)

Page 18

by Michelle, Mia

  The letter.

  So many things rush through my mind right now. I can’t understand how this can possibly be in his pocket.

  How does he have this? I threw this away in London. And why is he carrying it around with him?

  Through the tears, I do what I should have done all those months ago. I read it.

  My Beautiful Girl,

  I want to tell you all of this face-to-face, but I know the last thing you want to do right now is to see me. I can’t blame you for hating me, Skylar. Believe me, I’ve hated myself every single day since the night of that accident.

  I had hoped in finding you, that I could somehow ease both of our pain, but instead I’ve managed to only cause us more suffering. No matter what I do, I can never make this right or stop the pain you feel. I’d gladly give my life up if it meant you could have your family back.

  Fate brought you into my life. Even in its cruelest of nature, it brought us together. Perhaps it was also fate that ripped us apart.

  What we have together, is something so incredibly magical, that it simply doesn’t go away. I hope one day you can forgive me and that you can forgive the scared stupid kid who made the stupid choice to drive while drunk. And that you can forgive the same man, who hopelessly needs you to survive.

  I want a forever with you. Please forgive me, Skylar! Please come back home to me!! You are my everything.

  I love you.



  Everything feels so peaceful and wonderful. For the first time in so very long, I am completely free. I haven’t felt this way since I was a little boy and would walk with my mother out on the grounds in front of our house.

  Mental images begin passing before me. This must be what they mean when they say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die... I’m dying? Good, maybe I will. I don’t want to go back to all the pain and guilt that is waiting for me if I open my eyes again.

  Image after image flash before me and give me a brief snapshot of a moment of my life. Beginning with the time I spent with my mother, the memories overtake me, flooding me with such intense warmth and happiness. So many of these frozen moments of time, I had forgotten.

  Then, I see Skylar’s beautiful face flash before me. Flash. Her in that beautiful gown that stole my breathe away. Flash. Her lying next to me as I watched her peacefully sleep. Flash. Her face in the sunset as I slipped the ring on her finger. The joy becomes so overwhelming that it is soon replaced by pain.

  Suddenly, I hear muffled noises and loud beeping noises. The light is so bright it hurts my eyes and I haven’t even opened them yet. The voices grow clearer and then…I hear her. She is screaming. I can tell something is wrong by the agony in her voice.


  Why is she saying this? How can her and Lucas’ baby need me? And why is she asking me to fight for? I am fucking tired of fighting. I’ve officially lost her. Why do I want to fight on a suicide mission? I’ll never survive a life without her, I’d rather die.

  I am growing lighter again and the light grows darker. I float back to the place that had brought me such peace and happiness. If this is my heaven, I want to remain in it. I know that hell is waiting for me if I open my eyes.


  I stare at the letter in my hands. For months, I have avoided this, and now I can’t stop reading it. Over and over, I study every word that he has said to me. I think about all the guilt that he has carried around for all of these years, all because of that one mistake. That one mistake had created a domino effect on both his life and mine. That one mistake had sealed our fates and forever changed our history. But aren’t we allowed to make mistakes, even when they come with such a high price tag? Until now, I had never considered how true remorse feels.

  I can never have my family back here with me, but he isn’t lying in his words to me. He would give his life in exchange for that, if it were truly possible. I think back to when I had told him that he should have died that night instead of them. The cruelty of my words only intensifies my guilt and sends it slamming into my chest.

  Touching my hand to my stomach, I gently rub as I whisper, ”You’re daddy can’t leave us. Not now.”


  “Slow down Lucas!” Kylie screams, as I swerve around another car on the freeway. I know I am driving like a maniac, but I’ve got to get to her.

  “I’ll slow down when I get there, Kylie.” I snap back without meaning to.

  Damn this traffic! I thought this is supposed to be a fucking freeway!

  “I know you are worried, but so am I. You won’t be helping the situation at all if you get us both killed!” She screams.

  “Tell me again what they said when they called, “ I ask while trying to focus on the exit I need to take up ahead.

  “I told you! The lady only said that there had been an accident and she was at the hospital.”

  Taking the exit, I see the night road crew working on the street. A long line of traffic is now backed up all the way to the turn off that I had just taken. I slam my hand against the steering wheel and run my hand through my hair.

  “FUCK!” Kylie yells as we stare ahead at the long line of lights.

  We are all bumper-to-bumper. Drivers honk their horns in frustration at the men who are working, but the workers just ignore them. I understand they have a job to do, but I have one too. My job is protecting her and I had failed. I have to get to her; I need to know she is all right.


  My head begins feeling fuzzy. Standing, I start walking back down the hallway to where I had come in earlier. I have to know if he is alive. They have to tell me something. Spotting the nurse’s station up ahead, I fight to put one foot in front of the other. Why is it so hard to move? The older lady spots me and her friendly face changes to concern. Making the last few steps to her takes every last ounce of energy in me that I have. I manage to grab the side of the check in desk to catch myself before I fall. The woman drops the phone in her hand and rushes to me.

  “Someone get Dr. Grayson up here!” She shouts but then I fall into her arms.

  “Ms. Rose? Can you hear me?” A young man’s voice becomes clearer as I blink my heavy eyes open.

  “There you are. Welcome back. I’m afraid you gave Connie here, quite the scare.” He says as he looks back over to the older lady in the room.

  Bolting up, I am caught by the doctor’s arms as he urges me back down onto the table.

  “Whoa! You just fainted Ms. Rose. I can’t let you up until we check you over. We need to know what caused you to pass out in the first place. Did you come in not feeling well?”

  My mind goes to Sebastian.

  “My fiancée was just in an accident and was just taken back for surgery. I need to know if he is alright!” I say frantically.

  Truthfully it isn’t a lie. I have and always will belong to him. I only hope he can forgive me.

  “Sebastian Thorne is his name. Please, can you find out how is doing?” I plead feeling weak again.

  “We need to look you over, too. I worry about your fainting spell.”

  “I’m pregnant, I’m sure I just got so upset that I passed out. I’m fine! Please! Can you help me find out how he is doing?”

  The young doctor catches the desperation in my eyes and turns to Connie.

  “Please go check on Mr. Thorne’s condition and send Stacy in here with something for Ms. Rose to snack on. “ Connie nods and leaves me in the room with him and moments later a younger lady enters the room, handing a package of crackers and juice to him.

  “I want you to drink and eat, then, we will discuss getting up from that table. Understand? I know you are concerned about your fiancée, but you and that baby’s health comes first. He would want that, too.”

  I nod and taste the warm tears that now flow down my face.

  Our baby.

  The baby that Sebastian d
oesn’t even know is his.

  A few moments later, Connie returns with a solemn face and motions to speak to the doctor. I know something is horribly wrong by the look on her face. The doctor nods and both of them look over at me sympathetically. I don’t want to hear what he is about to say. I stand shaking.

  No! No! No! He can’t be!

  “Ms. Rose, I need you to sit down.”

  Watch for the next installment of the Rose of Thorne series:



  “Are you sure you are feeling up to this?” Connie speaks softly to me, as she stands beside me holding my trembling hand.

  “Yes, I’m sure,“ I manage through my sobs.

  Even if it is too late, I owe him this much.

  Connie squeezes my hand as she steadies me to walk closer to him.

  “I’m going to let you have some time alone with him,” she says softly as she releases my hand and leaves. I’m not sure I can stand for long on my own, so I grab the rail of his bed.

  Shock overtakes me and paralyzes me in my spot, while I stare at him lying in front of me.

  His handsome face looks so peaceful, even with the tubes that they have still attached to him.

  I’m dying now. My soul is officially broken.

  Reaching for his hand, I am instantly sickened by the intense coldness of it. I see the tears drip down on him and soak his hospital gown. Grief overtakes me. I fling myself down on top of him and breakdown. I feel every emotion, as it rushes over me. Shock, denial, and then anger. I scream through my tears at him. I scream at God for doing this to me. I scream at the thought of being left here without him.

  “OH GOD! SEBASTIAN!!!!! How can I do this on my own? I LOVE YOU! I need you! OUR BABY NEEDS YOU!!!” I yell at his lifeless body, before collapsing on to his chest.

  The doors fly open. I know they are going to make me leave, but they are going to have to force me. Disoriented, I look up over my shoulder and Lucas’ horrified emerald eyes lock into mine. I see the pain in them and I can’t look at him. All I have ever wanted was to fall in love and be loved; but instead I do nothing but devastate people and hurt them. I break our stare and close my eyes, before dropping my head back down at Sebastian. When I open my eyes, warm amber eyes blink open and are staring back into mine.

  “Skylar.” He whispers hoarsely.

  A message from Mia Michelle…

  TO BE CONTINUED… ( DON’T THROW YOUR BOOK JUST YET! Believe it or not, I softened the cliff, quite a bit, for you). Don’t worry, my loves. You won’t have to wait long!! The Third book of ROSE OF THORNE series, ROSE IN BLOOM, will be releasing February 2013.

  Dear Readers,

  THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY BOOK! I’d love to hear from you guys! Please be sure to leave me a review on Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, and Goodreads!! I would be GRATEFUL!!! Sending my LOVE TO YOU ALL!!



  Mia Michelle

  Mia fell in love with the literary world at a very young age and began putting her active imagination to pen and paper at the age of six. Over the years, she has filled up numerous shelves with her notebooks and journals of her favorite stories. Twelve years ago, Mia began drafting The Rose of Thorne Series and through the encouragement of a close friend, decided to finally take the leap of faith to bring her dream to life. She openly admits to having a hopeless infatuation with her Kindle and suffers from the one-click book addiction (No intervention required).

  Mia is currently a stay at home mom who has mastered the fine art of making a PB&J sandwich in between laundry and shuttling kids to ballet and swimming. In her spare time (“What spare time?” She laughs), she enjoys photography, traveling, and having a girls night out with her pals. She enjoys the simple things in life: such as sleeping more than three hours per night and ten minute showers without being interrupted by children yelling “mommy” from the other side of the bathroom door.

  Mia Michelle resides in Tennessee with her soul mate and husband of eighteen years and their two beautiful young children. She is currently working on some new and exciting projects to be released in 2014! Be sure to keep your eye out!






  Once, there was a girl who had a dream. Like many often do, the girl thought it would always remain just that… a dream. She secretly spent hours of her time getting lost in her stories, as she frantically brought her characters to life in her journals. Years went by and soon those journals filled a shelf, then a bookcase, and then part of a room. The girl grew up, married, and had a family, but she never stopped dreaming or writing.

  One day, a life long friend took her hand, smiled, and whispered the encouraging words to chase that dream, “I believe in you.”

  Returning home, the girl nervously pulled a journal from her book shelf, brushed the dust off with her hand, and sat down staring at it for a long time.

  Could she actually do this? What if someone laughed or hated it?

  So she sat down in front of her laptop and began typing (and using Dragon software which she quickly chunked across the room, because it refused to understood her beautiful southern accent AHEM!).

  Sometimes, she’d get frustrated, but every time she doubted herself, her friend’s words would fill her ears, “I believe in you.”

  Carey, my love, you will never know what those words mean to me, nor how much I love you. All because of you, I, (the girl), am living my dream! I can’t wait to grow old and share the old folk’s home with you, so I can hide your teeth and flash the old men my tits! LMAO! You are my heifer for life!

  To my incredible hot sexy husband J, I love you so much, Baby. You have cheered me on and loved me through all of this (and inspired many details, AHEM). I will forever remember the text you sent me that night. Our cheesecake and ice cream date will forever be one of our favorite moments together. I will love you forever, because you are my always.

  For my two beautiful babies B & B, Mommy loves you more than you will ever know. I promise I wasn’t ignoring you when I locked myself in my office to finish typing. Mommy does all of this for you! I am, and always will be, your biggest cheerleader and fan in life. I hope you will never be afraid to reach for your dreams because I am always here to catch you if you fall. God gave me the biggest blessing in life when he gave me both of you. I LOVE YOU MY SWEET GORGEOUS DARLINGS!

  To my wonderful Daddy in Heaven, I miss you more and more with each passing day. I miss your laugh and I miss your huge hugs. I only hope I make you proud of me! I love you so very much!

  To my Momma, how can I say thank you enough to a person who is not only my momma, but my best friend? You have done so much for me to help me make this dream possible and I can never possibly tell you THANK YOU enough. You believed in me before I ever believed in myself and you’ve held me up, when all I wanted to do was fall. I am blessed beyond measure to have you in my life. I LOVE YOU!

  For all my family and close friends, I can’t possibly name all of you, but I want you to know how lucky and fortunate I am to have each and everyone of you in my life! I love you!

  Michelle White, I am so grateful to have you in my crazy world! You are so much more than just one of my best friends, you are truly a sister to me! I don’t think I could have possibly survived this journey, without you talking me down off the ledge at least a few times. (Okay A BUNCH of times). With bribery of a fresh hot latte, you would drop everything to help me with my designs and advertising. Not only are you AMAZING with that camera girl, but you work magic with your designs! THANK YOU most of all for just always being there for me when I needed you! I love you so much! WHITE DESIGN & PHOTOGRAPHY is Phenomenal!!!!

  To my Jen Jen, AKA JJ, how can we EVER top Luke Bryan twerking his fine ass for
us on stage in Nashville? (SIGH…fanning myself). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for just being an amazing friend. You would sit and listen to me talk about these characters like they were real and would get excited right along with me, when I would throw new ideas at you. You understood exactly what I wanted to do with this story and have helped me so much ! I LOVE YOU!!!!

  As I venture down the path of the Indie writing world, I have encountered so many beautiful souls and made incredible friendships that reach across the globe. I am beyond blessed to have you all in my life and honored to call you my friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me! Because of your kindness, love and support, I am living a dream I never thought possible.

  Katie Mac, my southern sexy mama, I LOVE YOU! Just remember, I keep my flying unicorn ready for our escape of the asylum. Oh and P.S. BRING THE WINE AND BEDAZZLER!!!

  To my THORNY BITCHES CREW, OH HOW I LOVE YOU HUSSIES! Kristina, Alexis, Tina, Julie, Jenna, Jodi, Meli, Riley Rhea, Krystle (my little Brit), America, Tabitha, Cassandra, Caroline, Angela L., Angela P (MY EYE CANDY SUPPLIER), Ashley Suzanne, Stephanie, Kathy, Nic, Becky, Amber (ZOMBIE PRINCESS) and Sexxa Kohl you all are my Rock!

  To my Sassy Street Team I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for supporting me!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

  Kristina Amit, you will forever remain my angel! You push me and encourage me to give my all. Everyone needs someone like you in their life! I LOVE YOU!!!! P.S. What would I ever do without you to give me a smile? Can’t wait to get drunk with you!


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