Book Read Free

Islam Rising

Page 22

by Johnny Jacks

  Grayson took her wrap, hung it in the coat closet near the door, and escorted her to the table. He pulled her chair out and she sat at the table. Instead of sitting, he said, “Pardon me a moment. I’ll be right back,” and walked away rapidly.

  Laura sat admiring his efforts but curious about why he was running from room to room throughout the house.

  There are times to panic, and this was one of them, but he had to keep his cool long enough to come up with a present. Nothing in the guest room. No, that picture’s been hanging on the wall for years. He almost passed the prepper library but backed up and started quickly going through the books. Maybe, just maybe. Anything would beat returning with empty hands. No! No! No! Oh, yes. Thank you, God. Grayson pulled the book from the shelf and placed it inside his jacket, holding it under his arm.

  “Sorry for the delay but I forgot where I put something important.” He deftly allowed the book to fall into his hand from under his suit jacket, placing it on the floor, not as subtly as he would have liked.

  “Prince Charming, that silly grin on your face tells me you are up to no good.”

  “Oh. This is good, my Princess, but for now I think I hear a grumbling stomach on the other side of the table that needs to be fed.”

  “So, feed me, my Prince.”


  “Are you sure you didn’t have a French chef come in to prepare this meal? It was amazing. You never cease to surprise me, Grayson Dean.”

  “It was just a little something I threw together for my special lady.”

  “You didn’t just throw that masterpiece together, cowboy, and you can rest assured that I loved it!”

  “Thanks, m’lady.”

  “I’ve been dying to know what you laid on the floor before we ate.”

  Grayson’s mood became serious as he leaned down and picked up the book and slid it onto his lap, hidden from Laura. “I’m really sorry that I forgot the anniversary date of our first meeting. I have something for you. It’s practical but I hope you know that it comes from my heart.” I’ll have to go to confession over this one. “It’s not wrapped because I’m not any good at that.”

  He eased the book up and slowly passed it to Laura, concentrating on her face for a reaction. She took it with both hands and read aloud, “The Survival Medicine Handbook by Joseph Alton, MD and Amy Alton, ARNP.”

  She slowly flipped through the pages and kept turning them for what Grayson thought was too long, afraid that she was stalling to form a response and let him down easy for his stupid gift.

  After several minutes, Grayson cleared his throat. “Well?”

  “Grayson, this is wonderful! I’m in family practice and perform some work at the hospital emergency room, but I’m not a trauma doctor and never thought about many of the things I see here. This is the perfect gift.”

  She got up and walked around the table to Grayson, who quickly stood. She gave him a big hug. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

  Dumfounded, he thanked God for looking out for him. “Dr. Alton and his wife, Nurse Amy, have a great website, Doom and Bloom. They address potential medical emergencies we might encounter after the collapse.”

  She reached up on her toes, kissed him on the cheek, and released him from the hug. “I’ll be spending lots of time on that site, for sure. Now, it’s your turn.”

  “My turn?”

  She picked up his present and handed it to him. “Yes, silly, open your present.”

  Grayson slowly untied the ribbon and removed the baby blue wrapping paper to reveal a small jewelry box. It contained a gold Saint Michael the Archangel Medal and chain.

  “The warrior against Satan. Perfect for my warrior.” Laura put it around his neck and latched it, adding a short sweet kiss. She didn’t mention the absence of his card for her. It wasn’t important now and he would notice it soon enough.

  Grayson prepared coffee and led Laura to the living room sofa.

  She took a sip of coffee and placed her cup on the end table. “What do you think about us, where we’ve been, and where we’re going?”

  Grayson’s brain fought unsuccessfully for an answer. Give me some time, lady.

  “We have lots of fun when we’re together. We’ve traveled to fun places, except Las Vegas. I still don’t know why you won’t take me there.”

  Grayson moved on quickly. “I really liked the Panama Canal cruise. Going through the water locks and watching the howler monkeys making such a racket in the jungle was crazy.”

  “You started that racket by howling at them. I liked shopping in Colon, all those stores loaded with interesting things from around the world.” She gave him that special smile and a kiss on the cheek. “I don’t regret us having broken our vow of celibacy on that cruise. How about you, lover boy?”

  Grayson kissed her cheek. “I’ve never regretted a minute of our special times together. I loved the time we climbed to the top of that mountain near Lizum, Austria and looked out over the Alps.”

  “We’ve had a ball, Grayson. Big trips are fun but, you know, dancing at the Round Up and family cookouts are my favorite.”

  “Remember when I helped you deliver that baby in the broken-down car on the side of the road? It was about the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. Man, I hated wasting that good whiskey on sterilizing my knife to cut the umbilical cord.”

  Laura gave him a gentle poke in the ribs. “You have a great sense of adventure. I love being with you.”

  “I love being with you, sweetheart.”

  Laura looked at her watch. “I’m sorry to cut this short but I have to take a shift in a couple of hours at the hospital for Dr. Addison and need to go home and get ready.”

  “I’m an old soldier and understand the call to duty.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow when I’m rested. Thanks again for the great meal. It really was special.” They hugged and held a long kiss before she got into her car.

  Grayson could have sworn Laura had tears in her eyes when she waved goodbye in the car.

  He changed clothes, put on his old winter jacket, and lay on the grass. Millie ambled over and lay beside him. He petted her and gazed at the stars, searching for Margaret and Amanda and contemplating his situation with Laura. She was clear about wanting to marry and have their children but, thankfully, she was willing to give him time to think about it. He never considered remarrying. Margaret, Amanda, and Daniel were his family.

  It wasn’t fair to Laura. He had to make a decision, and soon. It shouldn’t be a part of the decision, but how would their breakup or marriage, whichever way it went, affect Austin and the relationship between the MAG and the SET Patriots?

  Islamic State of America - 12

  Islamic Social Center in Monterrey, Mexico

  Year 1

  After Morning Prayer, Carlos and his men entered the meeting room and wondered at the map of America attached to the wall. Akeem recognized it as the one he saw in Cairo four years earlier.

  Everyone settled in quickly and Imam Omar reminded everyone of Marco’s question from the previous day and began his briefing. “To understand your mission for Allah, you must first understand what is happening in Western Civilization. Many of our Muslim brothers are educated in the ways of the infidels and we know their weaknesses. It is obvious that their governments are becoming socialist and will eventually collapse.”

  The men looked questioningly at the holy man.

  “No socialist society has ever succeeded. They all come to a point of economic, political, and societal collapse. It is inevitable,” he explained, and went on to describe how hyperinflation takes place and deliveries of survival goods, especially food and fuel, cease. “When that happens, those who live in cities will begin to riot. What Osama bin Laden said many years ago still holds true. ‘We will defeat America and bring it to its knees, financially.’ That is also true for the rest of Western Civilization.”

  “Imam Omar, these stupid gringos riot all the time, but they end quickly. It goes nowhere,” Carl
os said.

  “That is true when considering riots that happen in only a place or two at any given time. I tell you that there will be riots in every city across America, all at the same time. Once every city in the entire country is burning, delivery trucks won’t drive into them. Within a few days, all of the people living in cities will have no food or fuel and no driver will deliver them. What do you think will happen then?”

  Carlos considered the options before speaking. “They will leave the city to find food. If not, they will starve to death, just like the people in Venezuela today.”

  Imam Omar leaned back and opened his hands in a gesture indicating that Carlos’ answer was correct. “That is when America goes into a state of anarchy. There are not enough police and military in America to control such widespread turmoil. The police will run home to protect their families and property. Local governments will collapse. In a few weeks, the infidels will begin to starve to death. Without America’s protection, our brothers in Indonesia will invade and conquer Australia and Canada.”

  A sly grin slid across Carlos’ face. “Will we not also be hungry and starving to death? How will we stay alive?”

  Imam Omar was pleased to see the Chosen One’s rapid analysis. “Very good. Your quick thinking will help you to win in battle. What do you think you will do to stay alive?”

  Carlos looked into the distance, his grin deepening. “I will lead my men to attack the rich gringos. We will kill the men, take their food, and have their women and children as our slaves. Allah declares it.”

  Imam Omar replied enthusiastically, “Within three months, most of the infidels will be dead and you and your soldiers for Allah will kill or enslave those who survive.”

  The lights were beginning to come on for Miguel. “I see. There are two strategies. The one, we outbreed the infidels and conquer them over generations. The other, if their own evil governments collapse, we soldiers of Allah conquer them with the sword.”

  “Miguel, you are a true descendant of Mohammed—peace be upon him,” Akeem said.

  The men began to show excitement for the challenges they faced. Akeem led them to become pure Muslims and this special holy man brought them to full realization of the power of Islam, given to them by Allah.

  Imam Omar, having explained the Master Plan to Akeem the previous night, turned the remaining portion of the briefing over to him. It was important that the men see Akeem as an authority figure.

  Directing their attention to the map, Akeem explained, “Notice the outlines of different portions of America. They will become Islamic provinces. Imam Omar is developing Islamist cells in each of these regions. Together, these provinces compose the Islamic State of America, or ISA, a caliphate of the West.” Pointing to the Southwest region, he continued, “This is our province. When the time comes, Carlos will lead you to conquer it.”

  “Akeem, I understand how most of the infidels will die of starvation, but how can we conquer the many that will be left?” Marco asked.

  In the presence of Imam Omar, Akeem fought to restrain his contempt for Marco. “The answer is simple but also demanding of every man here. Allah will test your devotion in ways you cannot now imagine. Paradise is the reward for those who prevail.

  “When we arrive in Egypt, you will have uniforms and weapons and you will train to be great holy warriors. We will push every man to his limits. Afterward, I will escort you into combat in Africa. These events will prepare you with the heart of a pure jihadist and make you capable of conquering your enemies and returning these lands to Allah; it is his will.

  “Select men who demonstrate bravery and leadership will be assigned to a cell of their own, twenty-five men per cell, with an Imam for each.”

  The seriousness of their mission and the demands Allah would place on them began to settle into the men’s psyche. Their mission was no longer a theoretical concept, but rapidly becoming their reality.

  Chapter 34

  Surprise, Grandpa!

  Year 6

  Grayson almost tripped and fell returning from the mailbox. He kept looking at the name in the top left corner of the envelope, Wanda Dean. His daughter-in-law had written him a letter. His heart pounding, he hurried inside and plopped down quickly in the first available seat. His hands shaking, he roughly opened the envelope, careful not to destroy the return address, and began to read:

  Dear Father-in-Law,

  It is with great regret and sadness that I must inform you of the sudden and unexpected passing of Aunt Louise. She had a heart attack yesterday and the EMT medics couldn’t revive her. By the time you receive this letter, she will be interred. I would have called but don’t have your number. You have my condolences.

  The return address is a post office box and you can use it to write to me directly. I’ll continue to keep you informed on conditions and activities here in Austin. Danny is okay with us communicating as long as you don’t send mail directly to our home, including email. I know that’s silly, but I have to be honest with you; after first hearing from Danny about what happened with his mother and sister, I didn’t care for you either. That changed when I started reading your letters and discussing you with Aunt Louise.

  I’ve begun following the prepper and BOL information you sent Aunt Louise. I saved the map you sent her with alternate routes.

  I’m a prepper now too and belong to a MAG here in Austin. It’s a rather weak MAG. We don’t participate in survival activities as you’ve explained, just the usual how to can food and make fire without matches sort of stuff. I fear these folks won’t make it through the die-off.

  I’ve managed to get Danny involved in extended backpacking trips and hunting. He enjoys shooting and is into reloading his own ammo. He sees it as a chemical engineering project. We’ll be prepared to bug out when the time comes; he just doesn’t know it. I don’t like keeping secrets and plan to tell him about my prepping activities when the time is right.

  When the SHTF—bet that makes you smile—I’ll have to confess our plan. I’m sure that, after the initial shock, he’ll agree to bug out to the BOL. Danny is a good man. He’ll provide the best for us, including his son. Yep, you’re going to be a grandpa. Our baby boy is due October 11th, your birthday, and his name is Gabriel.

  I’m so sorry for not being able to inform you about Aunt Louise in time for you to attend her funeral.

  Love always,


  P.S. My cell phone number is 512-555-1212. Call me if you have an emergency.

  Grayson read the letter several times, running the emotional spectrum between sadness for Aunt Louise and joy for his daughter-in-law, along with anger with himself for forgetting to provide Louise with his cellphone number. His affection for a daughter-in-law he had never met filled his heart. Daniel was a lucky man.

  He set about writing a response letter, his head spinning with information. She needed updated information on the BOL, especially the radio frequencies. I’ll send her radios, too. She’d need photos and a better map with additional alternate routes. He wondered if he could get her to send him sonogram images.

  I’m gonna be a grandpa. Crap! Am I too young to be a grandpa? Wait until the guys hear about this.

  Chapter 35

  Weber Returns

  Year 7

  Grayson exploded before Charles fully exited his car. Weber stayed in the car and eyed Grayson nervously. “Charles, what the hell are you doing bringing that SOB to the farm?”

  “He’s our newest MAG member and—”

  “Newest member! Are you nuts? I sure didn’t vote him in.”

  “Slow down, Grayson. There’s more to his story than you know. You weren’t there for the vetting and vote to let him in the MAG.”

  “Since when does one part of the group make decisions for the other part?”

  “Since one part, namely you, refuses to come to the meetups in Houston. You don’t have a right to dissent. Right now, he wants to talk to you but he’s afraid to get out of the car.” />
  “I’ll talk to him all right. Bring him around back of the barn.”

  Charles looked Grayson in the face and nervously shook his big shoulders to get his full attention. “Listen to his story. That’s all I ask.”

  “What good is he to the MAG if he’s too afraid to get out of the car? He’s an idiot.”

  Charles’s voice dropped several octaves. “Now you listen to me. Weber is not an idiot. He’s one of those smart guys who bumbles his way through normal life but excels in a specific field.”

  “What specific field?” Grayson growled.

  “He’s skilled at ham radio, uses shortwave radios to talk around the world, including preppers all over America and other countries. He’s our key to knowing what’s going on worldwide after the collapse. He’s also a super-nice guy, once you get to know him. Remember how he backed down from testifying against you in the Delgado trial?”

  “Yeah. I remember. Odd,” Grayson said a bit calmer.

  “Keep that in mind, let your hackles down, and go talk to him.”

  Grayson trusted Charles, but why didn’t Joe or Ramirez warn him about this? Grayson took a deep breath and walked over to the car.

  Weber stepped out, his voice a little shaky. “Hi, Grayson.”

  Unable to muster more than a flat tone, Grayson managed, “So what’s up?”

  “You want the short story or the long one?”

  “Short’s fine.”

  “I owe you an apology for talking badly about you and your family at the firing range.”

  “That was settled at the time.”

  “Not exactly. You see, I…I was approached by one of the city council members before that. The council wanted you fired. They knew if you punched a fellow officer, the chief would have to can you, no choice. I didn’t count on the others covering for you. I humiliated myself and got a broken nose for nothing.”


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