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Samantha Gets Spanked

Page 5

by Samantha Whitney

“Yes!” I heaved forward.

  He licked his lips and kept his eyes on my breasts, but his hand wasted no time. Nobody had ever fondled me like that before. He wasn’t playing; he was methodical. His fingers rubbed against my clit and around it, teaching me new techniques. I spread my legs apart and couldn’t control my squealing. The pressure of his fingers was perfect. He rubbed my clit over and over, and somehow used other fingers to run up and down my lips, touching them in ways I’d never even thought about before.

  “Holy shit, you’re good at that,” I whispered.


  “No.” I inhaled, deeply. It was hard to talk through my erratic breathing. “I mean... you’re really good.”

  “Well, I am a chiropractor.” He chuckled.

  “You have to learn that to be a chiropractor?” I wanted to say, ‘I knew you could give a massage, but this is ridiculous,’ but I couldn’t get enough oxygen.

  Mr. Murphy laughed. “You’re so fuckin’ cute.” He moaned. “And damn... those tits...”

  I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the magical fingers of Mr. Murphy, and a split second later I felt a warm, sucking sensation against my nipple. Then I heard him moaning. I looked down at my chest and saw him there, holding my breast in his mouth. His tongue and lips were as amazing as his fingers.

  I tossed my head back with a long moan, and spread my legs even further apart. His fingers were working me into a frenzy. I gasped when I felt him cup my other breast, tweaking my nipple.

  How could he do all of this at one time? It was the moment of my great epiphany: someday, I would have to marry a chiropractor.

  “You’re soooooo good!” I moved my hips in rhythm with his hand. His fingers... his mouth... hitting all the right spots... I was about to have an orgasm and I didn’t care who heard me.

  But wait. I did care. I opened my eyes, startled. I was about to climax, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to control how loud I screamed. “Wait! What are we doing? Your wife!”

  Mr. Murphy unglued his mouth from my breast and stared up at me. “Shut up.” He took his hand from my other breast and reached behind me to give my butt a hard swat.

  “Uh!” I lurched forward, emitting a high-pitched squeal that caught me off guard. I was in a new place where pleasure and pain were one, and the feel of his hand slapping my tender skin brought me a little closer to orgasm.

  He took my breast into his mouth again and sucked on it harder than before. His fingers increased their pace and pressure between my legs. Occasionally he slipped one inside me, making me long for his cock.

  “Yes! Yes!” I screamed.

  His fingers got even bolder, somehow fondling my clit while he launched even deeper into my pussy. I felt him moaning against my nipple as he sucked it.

  I couldn’t control it any longer - I needed him inside me. His fingers were no longer enough. I felt the pressure of my orgasm build as his fingers worked my pussy at a frenzied pace. My entire body called his name. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming it myself. And then, finally, I took a deep breath and let out a slow moan. “Fuck me! You have to fuck me!”

  “Is that so?” A woman’s voice burst into my ears, shattering my perfect moment.

  “Shit.” My excitement dissolved into oblivion.

  Mrs. Murphy stood only feet away with her fist on her hip, glaring at me.

  “Oh shit, Mrs. Murphy. I’m so sorry.” As guilt and remorse brought my orgasm to a grinding halt, I realized it had done nothing to stop Mr. Murphy. He was still going at it, oblivious to his wife’s presence, sucking my breast, fondling my pussy. I hadn’t even consciously realized I was holding the back of his head. I removed my hands and took a step back, forcing him to lean forward with his mouth latched on to my breast until he absolutely had to let go.

  “Shit. Shit, shit, shit.” Mr. Murphy sat back and shook his head.

  “Your wife’s here.” I looked in his eyes and waved my hand in her direction, then tried to cover myself. I draped one arm across my chest and reached down to my crotch with the other. A pathetic attempt, but at least I tried.

  I was sick at my stomach. My world had suddenly turned upside down. In the span of only a few seconds, my thoughts were filled with the loss of my best friend... leaving her house in the middle of the night while she was still passed out... hopefully sleeping in my car until dawn so my parents wouldn’t ask why I came home so early.

  “Yes, here I am.” She took a step forward, glaring at her husband.

  He met her glare and came back at her with a sideways grin. “The money’s in my wallet.”

  “I know.” Her anger turned into a smile. “It’s already in my pocket.”

  “Huh?” I pressed my arm tighter against my breasts, squishing them. She didn’t seem angry, but... huh? I was naked, cold, and more than a little freaked out. The woman had just caught me, in the nude with her husband, about to enjoy the throes of an amazing orgasm while any thought of her was a million miles away. Why the fuck was she so damn happy?

  “What?” Mrs. Murphy turned to me, wide-eyed. “We had a bet.”

  “Okay...” I said, my voice shaky.

  Mr. Murphy sat there emotionless, waiting for her to continue.

  “Don’t be scared.” She patted my arm, sending a chill through my body. “See that computer over there on the credenza?”

  I gulped as I turned my head slowly to look at the credenza. On top of it was, indeed, a computer. A small laptop that was opened, but the screen was dark. “Yeah?”

  She laughed. “That’s what I’ve been using to watch you from the bedroom.”

  “Huh?” My stomach churned. I couldn’t tell if I was relieved or panicked.

  Mr. Murphy took a deep, exasperated breath. “She wanted to see if she won the bet.” He narrowed his eyes and gave her a knowing look. “And, in doing so, she probably wore out another vibrator.”

  She inhaled with a gasp and slapped his arm, playfully. “How rude!”

  Mr. and Mrs. Murphy shared a long, hearty laugh.

  Standing there, I was now more aware than ever that I was naked, in the company of my best friend’s parents. I peered down at the floor and saw my nightgown about a foot away. Clutching my arm to my chest, I bent forward to pick it up.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Samantha?” Mrs. Murphy asked, her laughter immediately subsiding.

  My heart beat so fast I could hear it in my ears. I grabbed a handful of my gown, and tugged. Then I saw Mrs. Murphy’s heel on top of it, holding it in place. “I’m... uhhh...” I swallowed. “Trying to get dressed and go back to bed.” Or run, screaming, out of the house... I kept tugging on the gown, expecting Mrs. Murphy to take the hint and move her heel.

  And that’s when I felt a hard, familiar swat against my already tender butt. “Ouch!” I started to fall, losing my balance, when I felt hands hold me still to keep me in place.

  I tried to stand up but there was a hand on my upper back, forcing me to stay. I put my hands on the floor and tried to push myself back up but whoever was keeping me there was much stronger than me.

  “It’s my turn,” Mrs. Murphy said, as I felt another smack against my butt. “Thought you were gonna get away with this?” She laughed and smacked me again.

  “What’s going on?” I struggled, still trying to stand up, when through the corner of my eye I saw Mr. Murphy’s blue flannel pants. He was obviously holding me in place while his wife gave me another hard smack. “Ow!”

  “What, dear?” She smacked me twice, quickly.

  “That hurts!”

  “It’s supposed to.” Mrs. Murphy’s hand landed against my butt again. I winced, trying not to scream. “It should hurt when a girl gets spanked.”

  “That’s right,” Mr. Murphy said.

  “But I already got spanked tonight,” I whimpered.

  “I know, I watched the whole thing.” She smacked me. “And I saw you seduce my husband.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

and Mrs. Murphy both laughed.

  “It’s okay, Sam,” Mr. Murphy said, patting my back. “That’s how she won the bet.”

  She cackled. “I knew he couldn’t control himself. You gave my husband the eye all night.” She swatted me, harder than before. “You know, all you had to do was ask. You didn’t have to make some pathetic request for a spanking.”


  “It’s okay. I told him to go for it,” she said, stopping to caress my burning skin. “But not until he painted you nice and red. And he did such a good job.”

  “Thanks,” he said, running his hand up and down my back.

  I was still a bit freaked out, but the heat between my legs started building once more. Mrs. Murphy’s hands were soft, and felt so soothing against my tender bottom. Much softer than Mr. Murphy’s. I opened my mouth, breathing in and out slowly, letting myself enjoy the way her skin felt against mine.

  Mr. Murphy hands crept further down to my waist, holding me tighter. “Mmm, I did do a good job.”

  “Yeah. And I think she agrees.” Mrs. Murphy giggled. “See how wet she is?”

  “I know,” he said.

  Then I felt another sharp smack.

  “Uh!” I was glad Mr. Murphy was there to hold me still or I would have fallen over. I tried not to moan but I couldn’t help it.

  The swats landed faster and harder, with me moaning and screaming in between.

  “It’s okay,” Mr. Murphy said, as his wife took a short break. “Just enjoy it, honey.”

  She started spanking me again before I could respond. Was I really enjoying this? What the hell was this? I was naked, bent at the waist, while my best friends parents spanked me and marveled over how wet my pussy was? This shouldn’t turn me on, right?

  “Yes!” I yelled after a particularly sharp blow.

  And as the echo of my scream died down, I felt a finger trace a line between the lips of my pussy. Then I heard Mr. Murphy speak. “Samantha, are you okay? You sound a little winded.”

  I heard mumbling between the two of them, and moments later I was being pulled, very slowly, to a standing position. They each had hold of me under my arms. I heard them mumbling to each other, something about me breathing hard with my head down at the floor for too long.

  I let my head fall back, staring at the ceiling. The room got a little blurry. Then I felt them walk me over to the leather chair and set me down, gently.

  “Ouch!” The padded leather chair stung my spanked backside.

  “Sorry, hon,” Mrs. Murphy said, her voice oozing with sympathy. “We blistered your butt pretty good. But you’ll just have to sit there and recover.”

  I could hear her and Mr. Murphy laughing as I groaned, writhing against the chair with my eyes closed. I was too dizzy to argue. I sank into the chair and let the pain seep through my body, amazed as it somehow co-mingled with ecstasy.

  “What about Trish?” I asked, weakly. I opened my eyes to see them both sitting on their knees below me, on the floor.

  “What about her?” Mr. Murphy asked.

  “What if she wakes up?”

  “She won’t,” Mrs. Murphy said, patting my leg. “I put something under her tongue before I came in here. She’ll be out for a while.”

  “Hell, she would’ve been out til morning anyway,” Mr. Murphy said, chuckling.

  “Are you guys mad at me?” I asked. The room was slowly coming back into focus.

  “Now, honey,” Mrs. Murphy said, “you think we would’ve just done what we did to you if we were angry?”

  “I don’t know. You both spanked me pretty hard,” I said.

  “That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I guess.”

  “Admit it.” She stroked my leg. “It’s okay. I saw how excited you were, sweetheart.” They both looked between my legs at the same time. I didn’t realize I was sitting there with my knees so far apart. “And I think I’m going to have to clean that chair tomorrow.”


  “It’s really alright,” Mr. Murphy said, smiling. “I spank Gloria all the time and she loves it.”

  Gloria. I had almost forgotten that Mrs. Murphy even had a first name.

  “I have an idea.” She jumped to her feet. For the first time since she surprised me in the den, I actually noticed what she was wearing - a silky blue gown that came down to her knees. It danced around her curvy body, hugging all the right places when she walked. Her shiny auburn hair floated against her back as she ran across the room to open the credenza. She was actually a very attractive lady. I must have always been too focused on her husband to pay much attention.

  I looked down at Mr. Murphy, who gave me a wink and a smile.

  “Have you guys always been like this?” I asked.

  “Like what?” He asked, grinning.

  “Like... uhh...” I stammered.

  “Oh, come on, Greg.” Gloria sighed, then ran back across the room holding something in her hand. “You know exactly what she means.” She stood in front of my chair with a sweet smile on her face. “I’m just going to tie this around your head.”

  Before she could even finish her sentence she had bent down, tying a blindfold around my eyes, securing it on the back of my head.

  The room went black. I could only see a tiny stream of light below the blindfold. I sat in pain on that padded leather chair, wondering what else the night held for me.

  I felt a kiss on my cheek, along with a little stubble. Mr. Murphy whispered in my ear, “We’re swingers.”

  “What’d you whisper in her ear?” she asked

  “I told her we’re swingers,” he said, loudly. “In fact,” he cleared his throat, “it’s too bad you’re not home on Thursdays.”

  “Thursdays? You mean, bridge club?” I asked, thinking back to all the evenings I’d spent alone in that house with Trish.

  I heard them both laughing hysterically, even though I couldn’t see them.

  “Oh, sweetie,” Mrs. Murphy said through her laughter. “We’d never join that boring bridge club. Those people are so snooty.”

  “Gloria made up that lie a long time ago and it stuck,” he said. “It’s a swingers’ club.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You guys go to a swingers’ club? Every week?”

  “Sometimes more often than that,” Mrs. Murphy said. “You’d love it. Especially if you like to be spanked.” She giggled. “And I know you do.”

  I reeled from all of this information. I had no idea swingers’ clubs even existed, let alone the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Murphy belonged to one and had now decided to tell me all about it. “So, Trish and Ian really think you belong to a bridge club?”

  “Yes,” Mr. Murphy said. “Along with some of our other friends. It’s still a club. We just don’t play bridge.”

  I was startled to feel hands lifting me at my underarms and knees. I could hear my skin peel away from the soft leather, painlessly, as they pulled me to my feet. It took me a second to gain my balance, standing there blindfolded.

  “Now, Samantha,” Mrs. Murphy said, “we trust you not to tell our children.”

  “I won’t say a word,” I said, as they walked me forward a few feet, held me steady, and lifted my arms toward the ceiling. I was sure it would somehow make things a little awkward between me and Trish from then on, but I could handle it.

  All I could do was smile. I had never been blindfolded or felt so powerless, but I loved every second of it. Thinking about Trish and our conversations about how wild she wanted to be only made me more thankful for my current situation. It was her goal in college to have as much sex as possible, and experience anything new that came her way. She’d go on and on for hours - if I’d let her - about everything she did and who she did it with. How hot the guys were. New positions. Stuff that seemed so boring and vanilla.

  Who would have thought the most deviant people she knew were the ones she called ‘Mom and Dad?’ The ones who now had me naked and blindfolded, with
my wrists in restraints. I stood there spread eagled, my arms held by something that obviously dangled from the ceiling, while one of them spread my feet.

  I moaned, listening to them bustle around the room. What were they doing? I thought about asking, but quickly decided that I’d rather be surprised. My ass was sore from being spanked by both of them, and I was quickly becoming used to the pain. It gave my entire body a sensation that felt so good, it took my breath away. It felt like I was glowing from deep within, from a place I never knew existed.

  Suddenly, noise in the room stopped, and I heard them both walking toward me, not saying a word. There was a sharp slap against my butt, and hot, moist breath against my right breast.


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