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Rising Sun (Fate's Intent Book 9)

Page 20

by Bowles, April

  Cynthia had given birth just five days after Gwenyth did and they now had a daughter whom they called Adeleigh. Aleks was happy again; he could see into his bright future and that’s what struck my next idea. I knew about Aleks. I knew that he had a gift of sight and of Izin’s even more unusual abilities. They once told me where they got them and that they should take me to visit the old enchantress with unbelievable power to give anyone one of these gifts. I refused then but now I had a change of heart. I were to go there and if she was as powerful and kind as they described, she would be willing to save my children, my little Jaylyn most of all. It was a new kind of hope that led me now and I headed south with the two most important things in my life.

  I wanted to believe everything she told me. I wanted it all to be real. After pleading my case she agreed to help them and conjured up a spell that would forever shield them from Anna’s wrath. If she were to ever come back like I had always feared, she would not recognize them; she would not ever remember she had children at all. I even had my son’s named changed so she would never recognize it. Torrin was gone. He was going to be known as Trever now and it would keep him safe. It was hope and hope is the only strength from which our hearts can be guided to the true path of righteousness. I would follow it anywhere it led me; for my children were all that was right in the world. They were its future. Protecting them was easy to decide.

  My son, seven now, was growing strong. He already proved to me what a great fighter he will turn out to be and he could throw a knife, longer, straighter and faster than anyone I’ve ever seen with precise accuracy. It was his mind that needed to be exercised and so I asked this of the great enchantress, Madam Carla, to give my son the ability to take his mind beyond his own and give him the confidence he would need to achieve our goals. She agreed and passed to him and enchantment called Mental Sound. There was no pain to it, just hours of waiting.

  She taught him how to control it and how it should be used but I wasn’t satisfied. I needed something else. My little Jaylyn was cradled against my body and I still feared for her. Having her brother possess this gift was some added protection but I was still worried. Madam Carla offered to bestow a gift on her as well but I was unsure. She was so little. How could she learn to control it? She told me that she wouldn’t have to and explained a gift that I would go on to approve of. It was called The Healing Heart. She would be able to heal all living things but the reason I agreed was because she could even heal herself and there was only one method that would bring her death. It was like all of the pieces fell into place. She would become my little healer and her life would then forever be spared.

  Time passed as it always does. It would never slow down when I needed it to and my children were growing. Our trip to the enchantress has been a success since we left but one of my worst fears have been realized. Anna had returned. She was different somehow but also still the same. She did not know our children; she did not know me. The only thing she did know was what she always wanted from me. Our current King was late in years and dying with no heirs. News struck the land that he was to be wed. I attended, of course but Trever and I could never have imagined that his chosen bride was Anna who was now to be known to the world as Queen Arianna, as was her formal name.

  The King died that very same night. Things would have to be done differently now. I chose to keep my children as far away from the palace I could at all times but it didn’t seem to help. We lived nearby. We would just have to be careful about doing anything and not draw the wrong kind of attention to ourselves.

  It was in that same year that my young Jaylyn had turned four and my will to protect her became eminent. Word got out. I don’t know when; I don’t know how but someone knew of her skill. She was called an immortal and would have been harvested for her gift. Trever swore that he never said a word to anyone and I know that I haven’t. It was curious for both of us, especially when we found out that the ones who wanted her were Senian.

  Izin came to mind first. I haven’t heard anything from him, just word of mouth that occasionally traveled from the east. He was crowned King just a few years after I last saw him and now had a son. No word of his mother but I guessed that Izin was keeping Kathryn safe somewhere. He still had a heart somewhere in that cold body of his and I didn’t think that he’s the one that wanted Jaylyn. It couldn’t have been him. I was bound to find out, in fact, I made it my top priority. No one should ever treat a child with such cruel respects and force eternal life on yourself. I would never ask that of her. I would never ask anything of her. That’s not why I chose to do it. My wounds would heal with time and any sickness would be faced without her aid. I did this for her but the negative effects were far worse than I could have imagined.

  I secluded her away; hid her from the world’s eyes for years. The only one that ever saw her was Gwenyth and her daughter whom she so rightfully called Ruby. They would be the ones to visit us and it seemed like they were our only friends. I didn’t know who I could trust. I didn’t dare to try to trust many but I knew Gwenyth would always be there for me. She’s the only one that I kept close. I fell out of touch with Aleks for some time. He was back to his old soldier ways since the fallout with Izin and was moving up in the ranks. I saw him once when I heard that his wife had passed. I attended the ceremony and saw his daughter for the first time. She was clung to him and never spoke a word through our greetings and farewells. She just looked so full of grief and I felt for her.

  Losing someone to death at seven was a hard lesson to overcome. I couldn’t imagine seeing my Jaylyn in such pain over the loss of her mother. She would never know it. She’s only asked about her a few times over the years and my answer was always the same: she chose a different path that led her away but it is not us that suffers for it, she’s the one that lost because you and your brother are the greatest journey life could give.

  She’s always been content with that answer and went on her merry way like the subject had never come up. She was such a sweet girl. There were not many things that could bring down her spirit and for that, I was glad. It’s all a father could want for their child. Her happiness was most important to me and that’s why I never mentioned anything to her. She didn’t know the truth about her mother, she didn’t know she was Kalu’s Princess, she didn’t know about the gift that has lived inside her since she was an infant. Yes, it was a lot to keep secret but the less she knew, the happier she would be. It was my responsibility to worry about the danger these secrets would bring. It was me who would suffer all consequences.

  The passing months put a heavy strain on me. My fear was growing. Determination to find my daughter only got stronger. I realized that whoever was looking for her didn’t really know what they were looking for. Just something that could prolong life. They didn’t know that it came from a child but they at least knew it was tied to me. That was the danger. I had to keep their eye as far from my family as I could. Whoever they were, I had to lead them away.

  I became paranoid, I admit it. Every new face could have been someone seeking answers and every familiar face just meant that they’ve been doing it for a while. I didn’t want to go out much. We even had a tunnel connecting my house to Gwenyth’s so the girls could see each other without having long exposure to the public. They’ve been schooling for some time now but it was a well-organized place. I couldn’t get in without proper identification and proof of guardianship to a child attending even if the people knew me which they did. I felt she was safe there and school was important.

  It was at that very school that Aleks’s Adeleigh, just known as Adele now had started to attend when he was promoted to General. He was doing well for himself and we began talking again much like we used to. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it until he was in my life again. He lived close by and graciously took Trever under his wing to teach him all about the military aspects of running a kingdom through a time of war. I didn’t know much about the military ways. I had my own things that I always focused on bu
t it was good for Trever to widen his horizon and become a better person that even I. My time here I felt was dwindling.

  My children are what kept me going. They were both growing and my sweet little Jaylyn had high hopes to become one of Kalu’s Assassins with Ruby. I couldn’t refuse her wishes; I solemnly could. I wanted her to be happy in any way possible. It wasn’t until Gwenyth agreed that it really started to be put into perspective. My beautiful little girl was going to grow to be a killer. She thought of it as fun; I thought of it as just another added protection for her until I realized who she would be answering to. Anna; she would be answering to her own mother. It made me nervous. I was more nervous when they scheduled a meeting with her so she could look upon the future. Gwenyth tried to assure me that it would be safe but I still couldn’t believe it. It was the first time I’ve ever doubted anything Madam Carla had done. I knew she was still under the spell but I still feared for my little girl’s well-being. I couldn’t let her go without me. Every precaution had to be checked and checked again; nothing could go wrong.

  I was so focused on it that I even dragged Aleks into this. I was sorry I did but with his stature of General, he would be able to help. I told him everything. His face was still for a while but he agreed just like I thought he would. He was still a good friend and proved it. He went to the palace first. He was there often to perform his duties anyway so this wouldn’t have looked suspicious. Gwenyth arrived second with the girls and me, following behind. We were also accompanied by Sybil, Gwenyth’s only other teammate so she was present for the introduction but she didn’t know the full details. She didn’t need to. It kept her safe.

  The initial meet went well. The blinded Queen looked upon our young daughter and saw a hopeful future but my eyes never strayed from hers. I was still worried. One wrong look and we would be out of there. I didn’t want it to come to having to leave the city completely and start a new life somewhere else but the thought did cross my mind once or twice while we were there. I just couldn’t let anything happen to my little princess. I was so nervous the entire time. I just hoped my constant inner shaking didn’t reflect visibly to everyone else. I needed to remain firm and be here just because my daughter was here.

  The Queen even thanked me for our visit when we were ready to leave. I stayed polite as possible and didn’t want to come off as ill mannered. She got what she always wanted; power and I couldn’t show my displeasure to see her sitting in my throne. I just wanted to leave and hoped this was the last time I would ever have to be in her presence. Gwenyth only teased when we left, saying I didn’t have to be so worried but I would always worry. Jaylyn’s safety was most prominent and I would never stop. Some say, things I would do for it was absurd and what I was ready to do may just have made them right.

  It’s been years since the first rumor and the mystery of this object surfaced that pertained to lasting life and it’s been years that I was tormented by every single one of my actions to stop it. Now I would once and for all get to face this evil that’s been after my Jaylyn for so long. They’ve managed to make first contact with me and it was my time to respond.

  I know what they wanted but they wouldn’t get it from me. I would do everything I could to the bitter end to protect what I had mistakenly gifted all those years ago. It’s been almost ten years since her birth and after those years, I would settle this for good. I made my contact and a meet was to be arranged. I was to travel into Seni; alone. I knew what it meant for me; I would not be coming back and as long as Jaylyn’s precious gift remained safe, it would be a price I was more than willing to pay.

  I readied myself for the days ahead and told my son of my plan. He was sixteen now and furiously argued my reasoning but I wouldn’t listen. This had to be done. She had to be saved and as her father, I was the one to do it.

  Entry VIII

  Dawn. Morning. The sun’s awakening to a new day, birthing light to the skies as a sign of calming peace but not today. The dark gray clouds I awoke to mark the dread and despair of what I have to do. Every step I have taken has led up to this very moment. The years of planning will all seem to come to an end for me, leaving behind a legacy I can only pass to those of my blood; my pure blood; my children.

  I am Bryce Theador Marcus Chamberlin, surviving son to the first Kings and this is my final entry.

  Long have I hoped they could come to understand the purpose behind the sacrifice I’m about to make and see it not as a tragedy but a new hope for the future. My son, still young but has proven well to replace me in line and look after his sister. Too young. I have not the heart to speak the words to her or see the hurt she’s about to feel in the coming days but I strive to look passed that regret and save her from any and all future threat. My life, worth so little to me over hers, was an easy price to deal to make sure her future goes on in the way that it should. I’ve seen how my little girl will take it imaginatively and the suffering still follows me. Through her innocence, she should not have been exposed to the life I’m about to leave and won’t until the time is right. My last venture away will be the start of it all and she could not yet know it. What I’m about to do in all is for her. She is more important to me than the world and her place in it will become clearer as she grows. The world will change and give her the opportunity to be a part of it is everything that I could ever hope for. As my time ends, hers begins but I’ll never be far. She will never be without me.


  Chapter 36


  We were worried for her. It’s been days. Jaylyn’s had her eyes down on that journal for days, unaware that any of us even existed. She hasn’t eaten; she hasn’t slept; she hasn’t done anything but read.

  We started gathering in the study instead of the lounge about a day ago, hoping one of us could get through to her but she never responds to our calls. Her eyes remain down like she can’t hear us. Even Bryce was worried, asking if his mother was okay. I didn’t know how to respond except for a simple, ‘yes, she’s just busy.’

  We would sit and wait, watching her. She never even reacted to anything she read. It was almost like she was gone from us completely and her body just sat in that chair behind the desk. I didn’t know what to do but my heart fluttered when she moved a little more than the usual page turn and she closed the journal completely in front of her.


  We were all to our feet, surrounding the desk but she hasn’t moved farther.

  “Jaylyn?” Adele asked. “Hello? Are you okay?”

  Jaylyn looked up for the first time. I didn’t know her emotion; she was completely still but spoke like it was nothing. “I’m fine. You didn’t all have to come up here to give me my meal.”

  I looked at those next to me and it was clear to all of us; she didn’t know how long it’s been.

  “Jaylyn, you’ve been in here for three days.” Adele said.

  “Three days?”

  “We were worried.” I said. “You never even knew we were here.”

  She laughed. “Oh! I’m sorry. I guess I was just—” She put her hand down on the journal and her mood lowered. “It must just take a while to read the scripture. I’m still—”

  Her head hit the desk and she began to cry which was the first reaction we’ve seen out of her about something she read. I hated seeing it. I walked around the desk and got next to her to let her know that we’re here for her.

  “You need to talk about it.”

  “I can’t! It’s too painful!”

  “Please. Don’t lock yourself away.”

  Bryce followed me and I picked him up so he could reach her. He put his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. “Mama, kay?”

  Jaylyn lifted her head slowly. She wiped her eyes and took him in her arms. “I’m sorry. I’m okay, sweetie.”

  “You know you can talk to us.” Adele said.

  “I can’t. I can’t say it. I just feel like I’ve died a little from knowing. All these years and I’ve hated her with
out even knowing it.”

  “Knowing what?” Ruby asked.

  Her eyes started watering again and she opened the journal in front of her, flipping through some pages. She stopped and pointed at it.

  “Ah, we can’t read that.” Zayden said. “It’s not in our language.”

  “Okay.” Her eyes fell to the page and she spoke words we couldn’t see but I knew she didn’t want to. “My beautiful little girl was going to grow to be a killer. She thought of it as fun; I thought of it as just another added protection for her until I realized who she would be answering to. Anna; she would be answering to her own—her own—”

  She couldn’t even end the sentence before crying again and everyone just wanted to get it out of her so she’d feel better.

  “What?” Adele asked. “Her own what?”

  Jaylyn shook her head. She couldn’t even come to say it. Instead she pointed to Adele repeatedly.

  “Me?” Then she pointed to Seth. “Him?” She pointed back to Adele and moved her hand back towards Seth. Adele’s face went cold and she said the one thing that would make us all understand. “Mother. The Queen was your mother?”

  Jaylyn’s head hit the table again and she began crying harder.

  We didn’t know how to react to the news. It was definitely not what I expected to hear. I expected to hear that she found out she’s had her gift all her life or anything else she was never told about. The subject of a mother never came to mind until now and it seemed no one knew how to comfort her. Everyone hated the Queen; the world hated her. How could we possibly make her feel better about knowing she had some kind of bond to her? We couldn’t.


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