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His Human Mate (Captives of the Dominars Book 3)

Page 15

by Stella Rising

  Jack and I barking at each other rouses the rest of the rebels. Wincing as they test their sore bodies, they turn to us and listen.

  “You know what?” says Jack, who balls his fists like he wants to throw a punch. “Forget this. We may be on the same side, Ed, but I am not taking orders from a stranger I just met. Good luck to you people, I’m out.”

  His hand trembles, fist clenched, but instead Jack turns to go. I don’t blame him; even disguised as a human, I dwarf the man. Nothing good would come from throwing that punch.

  Sir, don’t let him go! Sabine transmits to me. This man would kill us if he knew who we were. You can’t let him walk away. And if there’s some mastermind hiding out from us somewhere, Jack may be our only link.

  You’re right, pet, I tell her. Don’t worry, Jack’s not going anywhere. I have a very important purpose for him.

  “You two,” I say, pointing to a couple of the rebels. “Stop him, now.”

  Jack turns, stunned when his men obey me, grabbing him by his arms. He doesn’t even put up a fight. “Why?” he asks. “I’m just gonna leave.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” I explain. “You could betray us, inform the Dominars of our whereabouts.”

  “What?” Jack spits, eyes widening in panic. “That’s crazy. Why would I do that?”

  “You could do it out of spite for me. Or you might not do it on purpose—you could just get careless, shooting your mouth off when you don’t know who’s listening. And then there’s the fact that you’re a deserter.”

  A current of fear passes through the room so palpable I can taste it. The word lingers on my tongue like a note so sweet I want to hear it again. “We can’t afford to let desertion decimate our ranks. Commitment to the Anti-Alien Brigade must be total. If you’re not willing to give your life, then the battle is already lost.”

  “Ed,” says Sabine. “Isn’t this taking things too far?”

  I can’t tell if she’s playing a part or if she’s serious, though that may be for the best.

  “I wish this wasn’t necessary, Tina. I do, but Jack could threaten our cause, and I can’t take that risk. There has to be a penalty for abandonment—for people like Jack, who would throw in the towel and let the aliens win.”

  “But I’m still going to fight them!” Jack screams, swinging his arms to free himself from his compatriots. “Just not with you!”

  With a snap of my fingers, the rebels grab Jack again and hold him tightly. “That may be so, but if you leave us, so will others. Eventually this whole organization will be compromised, or it’ll simply fall apart. If you’re here, you’re in this battle to the end.”

  I give Sabine a quick glance, wishing I could spare her from all this.

  “Hey!” shouts Tim, the dimwitted old man I made dispose of the alcohol. “You can’t be serious, man. We know Jack. He brought us all together. He’d never betray us.”

  “And he did you all a great service, joining you in a worthy cause. That’s why it’s so heartbreaking that he refuses to stay and fight. He’s a weak link, one we can’t afford. If he gets captured by the aliens, he’ll break. He’ll give us all up. Maybe he’ll fight, and try to die with his secrets, but I wouldn’t count on it. We have no choice.”

  From the waistband of my pants I pull out the 9mm Ruger that I trained Sabine with earlier. “I’d like a volunteer to step forward.”

  I scan the room, looking at each rebel; all of them look away, eyes aimed at the floor. Even Sabine averts her gaze. Has this just gotten too real for her? Is she seeing Ed, the human I’ve created to serve a purpose, or a darker side of Tamrys she hasn’t met? I want to reassure her that she has nothing to worry about, but the charade is working. It kills me to see her doubt the person I am, but right now my duty comes first.

  “Have any of you even killed before?” I ask, hurling sheer astonishment into my voice.

  “Some of us are hunters,” says Tim. “We’ve killed.”

  “Not people,” I snap. “You’re not soldiers, are you? You’ve never been to war, or even been in a life-or-death situation. Isn’t that right?”

  Tim shrinks back, shaking his head. “No,” he murmurs.

  I fire a shot between Jack’s feet and snarl. “If you’ve never killed before, how do you know you won’t hesitate when it’s an alien in your sights? You know they don’t look that different from us. I refuse to end up dead because one of you got cold feet at the wrong moment. Now, who’s going to execute this traitor?”

  No one steps forward, so I stride to Tim and shove the gun into his hands. “Do it.”

  Tim looks at the weapon, a thin line of smoke still rising from the barrel, and then to Jack, who’s gone so ghostly white it’s a wonder he hasn’t fainted.

  “I can’t,” Tim says, holding the gun out for me. Swiping it, I push Tim back into the crowd.

  “Somebody better come forward. You are all in for a nasty fucking surprise if you think the aliens will lose this war to a bunch of cowards. Now, who’s going to step up and do this?”

  “I will, sir.”

  All of us turn at once to see Sabine walking toward me, hand held out for the gun.

  “I’ll do it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Pet, what are you doing? Tamrys asks. Whatever you’re about to do, there will be consequences.

  “Give me the gun, Ed,” I say, staring him down.

  Watching him work these imbeciles has turned my blood to molten copper. How many years of my life have been spent trying to negotiate peace, only to have people like Jack undermine my efforts? How many desperate fools have followed people like Jack, and hurt others for an unjust or lost cause?

  Not only is Jack lashing out at a people who are only trying to help, he’s barely even committed to the fight. Tamrys spends one day trying to whip his people into shape, and he wants to split? What a coward!

  He would kill us both if he knew who we were, I tell Tamrys. He deserves it.

  You don’t know that. He could be all talk. That’s what I’m trying to prove.

  Fine, I reply. Then I’ll prove it.

  “Okay, Tina. Do it then.”

  Taking the gun, I feel its grip is almost hot from Tamrys’s touch. I aim at Jack’s neck and get a little closer, ensuring I won’t miss. My hand is steady; the gun doesn’t shake.

  “Give me a reason to spare your worthless life,” I snarl.

  “Please,” Jack cries, tears already dripping. “You’re making a huge mistake!”

  “Why?” I ask through gritted teeth. “You’re just a loser. You’d never actually kill a Dominar, would you?”

  “Of course I would,” he retorts. “When Captain Reynolds killed that guy last week, I cheered as if I fired the missile myself. Didn’t I, guys?”

  Tim and the others nod, murmuring their agreement.

  “See?” says Jack. “I want to fight the aliens, just not with your boyfriend bossing me around. No one tells me what to do.”

  “Even if he could help you win? You’d rather be free and fail, than follow orders and succeed?”

  “You… that… that’s not how I see it.” Jack stammers.

  “You’d put your own life before the mission, before the fate of the world?” I ask, stepping forward again, holding my gun right up to his head.

  “Please,” he begs, fresh tears coming faster now. “I hate the aliens, I want to kill them, but… but I…” He can’t even finish his thought; his body is trembling as he stares into the gun barrel.

  See? I communicate to Tamrys. Isn’t that proof enough? He’d do us harm, if he wasn’t such a spineless loser.

  All right, Sabine, he replies. Go ahead and kill this man if that’s what you want. I won’t stop you.

  The trigger is smooth under my finger; it’s hard to believe with just a little squeeze I could end a life. Decades of accumulated experience and actions, all culminating in this singular moment of decision.

  Jack’s pale face quakes as
I will myself to fire. I grunt angrily, more at myself than him, as my grip begins to waver. Still, he starts at the sound, and his pants darken. Wetness spreads across his crotch and then downward, expanding outward.

  He pissed himself!


  I don’t think I can do this. Jack may have hate in his heart, but he’s not a warrior. He’s too afraid to die.

  “Tina, what the fuck are you waiting for?” snaps Tamrys.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t. This was a mistake; we should never have come here.”

  Tamrys takes the gun from me and tucks it back into his waistband. “Why do you think that?” he asks, pulling me into a hug.

  “After what happened to us, I wanted to make a difference, to take action,” I explain. “The idea of waiting around for things to change wasn’t good enough anymore—I had to get out there, to do something real. I thought this would help, but I can’t kill. It’s not what I believe in. It’s wrong.”

  Tamrys pats my back and brushes aside my hair.

  I understand, Sabine. You were upset. That’s normal after someone tries to kill you.

  Thank you, sir, I respond. Thank you for… for letting me figure this out in my own way.

  You’re welcome, pet. I’m glad you saw the light, and that you’re not a killer. That’s not the person I fell in love with.

  When I look up, Tamrys smiles, staring deep into my eyes. This has happened fast, but I know what I feel for you, Sabine.

  I love you too, I think back, breaking into tears. You’re the first person who’s made me feel whole and helped me follow my dreams.

  He lifts me up to kiss me, and in the moment I forget about all the rebel idiots watching. All that matters is the love I feel passing between us. His heart races as he holds me, kissing me with a need as infinite as space.

  “Hey,” barks Tim, reminding us we’re far from alone. “How come it’s okay she can’t kill Jack and not me?”

  Sorry, love, but I told you there’d be consequences.

  Yes, sir. I understand.

  With a nod, Tamrys spins me around to face the crowd. “You’re right, Tim. It’s not okay. And I’m going to make an example of little Tina. You all need to learn discipline, and that starts right now.”

  * * *

  Tamrys directs the rebels to arrange the food court’s seats in rows so everyone can watch. They set up in front of a line of booths; Jack sits in one, boxed in by Tim so he can’t get out. I wait at the other, legs standing straight and my body bent over the table, my arms stretched out across its length. When everyone’s gathered, Tamrys pulls down my jeans and panties, exposing my ass to everyone’s eyes.

  Blushing in shame, I stifle a groan as Tamrys caresses my bare cheek. At least they can’t see my face right now. It’s one thing to have Dominars see me in such a compromising position—at least they’re powerful, handsome, and on my side—but to have these idiots seeing me like this is a shame I might never live down.

  I don’t blame Tamrys, though. We’re here on a mission, and after my punishment, no one will doubt our commitment to the Anti-Alien Brigade.

  The first slap of Tamrys’s palm makes me yelp loud enough to echo in the cavernous mall. A few of the rebels snicker at the sound.

  “Shut up,” Tamrys snaps at them. “Or you’ll be next.”

  They immediately pipe down.

  When there’s total silence, Tamrys continues, laying a hard smack on my other cheek. Pain radiates through me, and I let out another echoing cry. Tamrys waits a moment for anyone else to react, but the rebels don’t make a peep this time.

  “Tina, what do you think the aliens would do if they caught you?” Tamrys asks, patting my rear softly.

  “They would punish me, sir,” I say, trying not to chuckle at the irony.

  He swats my ass twice, making sure to find spots he hasn’t yet touched. “That’s correct, they’d punish you. Is that a risk you’re willing to take?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He unleashes a series of hard smacks, one after another; it’s too much for me to take without writhing and crying out, so Tamrys plants his free hand against my back to hold me down. The firm pressure keeps me still, which brings me an odd sense of comfort. I’m reminded that when I’m with Tamrys, he will keep me safe—with him, even suffering evokes satisfaction. With every sting, I feel myself growing stronger and less afraid.

  “If you think this hurts, imagine being shipped to a prison planet on the other side of the galaxy,” Tamrys warns as he rubs my burning cheeks. “Who knows what will happen to you there? Doesn’t that scare you?”

  “Yes, sir.” The idea does frighten me, and I think Tamrys understands why. “But I’ll do anything to help humanity.”

  He slaps my ass again, this time catching me just above the thighs where I’m extra sensitive. My howls ring out through the mall again; in my mind I picture the rebels flinching at the sound. If it could help scare them straight, I’d shriek and wail like a tortured animal, but I don’t want to oversell my suffering, lest it seem fake. The throbbing in my ass is real enough.

  You assholes are so lucky, I think to myself as Tamrys starts another series of smacks. You’re the ones who should be getting punished right now. I may have brought this on myself, but I wouldn’t have, if not for you.

  Still, when this is over, they’ll be the ones in jail and I’ll be with Tamrys, making peace and living out my life’s ambition. I can already imagine it: years from now, we’ll look back at our failings and wonder how he ever survived without the Dominars. We’ll be free, safe, and happy. We may end up on the receiving end of a hard spanking, literally or metaphorically, but afterward we’ll be okay.

  That’s the promise Tamrys has made to me, and I believe he’ll keep it.

  Cool currents from the air conditioners attempt to soothe my scorched skin, but fresh slaps from Tamrys keep them aglow. Tears drip down and only my master’s firm hold keeps me from quaking from the pain. My pussy aches with hunger and my slick thighs glisten with proof of my unfulfilled desire. In my mind, the rebels can see my twisted arousal and are either confused or laughing internally. Maybe they can’t tell, or they’re too absorbed in watching me suffer to notice, but I can’t shake the feeling they’re dying to burst out in hysterics at my expense. Only the thought of turning the tables on them keeps me from dying of humiliation.

  “Had enough, Tina?” Tamrys asks, tracing lines across my ass with his finger. It feels like an electric current slowly traversing my body, and the sensation leaves me twitching.

  “Yes, sir,” I mumble, trying to steady my voice.

  “Stand up and turn around,” he barks, finally letting go.

  My body aches as I lift myself off the table. As I turn, I crouch to pick up my pants, earning me one more sharp slap to my backside.

  “Did I tell you to put on your clothes?”

  “No, sir,” I reply, my face burning anew. Out of instinct, I cross my arms behind my back, then I face the rebels. They’re getting a prime view of my sex, and the men stare shamelessly.

  It’s going to be the last pussy you ever see, guys. Better make it last.

  “Now, Tina, is this something you want to live through again?” Tamrys asks, squeezing my behind.

  “No, sir.”

  “Would you kill to avoid it?”

  “Yes, sir!” I shout, hoping the volume masks my dishonesty.

  “Good! Pull up your pants and take a seat with the others,” he commands. In our minds, he adds, I’m so proud of you, pet. You took this punishment very well and have shown excellent discipline.

  Thank you, sir.

  You will be rewarded as soon as our mission is finished, which I promise will be very soon.

  I comply with his order, happy to cover myself; sitting down proves a new source of torment, but my nanites are already providing some relief.

  “Jack, I should kill you,” Tamrys growls, “but there is one thing you can do to prove your commitment to the AAB. D
o it, and I’ll spare you.”

  “What is it?” Jack mutters, eyes shifting back and forth, searching for a way out.

  “If we’re going to win this war, we need to get organized and start fighting back, right now. No more waiting, no more fun time. We need to meet your leader.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Look, I’m sorry, but that’s impossible,” says Jack, shaking his head. “There’s no way to communicate with him. He contacts me, not the other way around!”

  Tamrys shoots Tim a dismissive look, prompting the man to move. Without him in the way, Tamrys reaches Jack and pulls him to his feet, only to slam him against the table.

  “I don’t believe you, Jack! You have to have a way to find him in case of emergencies, and you have to know something about him to know enough to trust him, so tell me.”

  “Please, Jack,” I add. “Ed’s not gonna give up until he gets what he wants.”

  “Seriously, I don’t know!” Jack squawks, trying to wrestle Tamrys off of him. “It’s for… our protection!”

  Sir, I’ve dealt with men like this before. He’s used to being attacked, but you can crack his resolve by sabotaging his sense of loyalty.

  Thank you, pet, Tamrys replies.

  He sighs and lets Jack go. “If this leader of yours won’t tell you anything, it’s not for your protection—it’s for his. He doesn’t trust you.”

  Jack shakes his head. “That’s not true.”

  “I’m guessing he’s seen this place, that he’s witnessed your laughably inept operation, and decided you’re not capable of keeping his secrets. You think he’d entrust his safety to idiots like you?”

  Seething, Jack glares at Tamrys. “I think he trusts me just fine, actually. We’re ready to act whenever called upon, and he knows it.”

  “Whatever helps you sleep at night, man,” Tamrys snorts. “You’ve never gotten within a hundred miles of your precious leader and you never will. Unless maybe he needs some useful idiots for cannon fodder.”


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