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Page 4

by Heidi Lynn Anderson

  The tight muscles under her palm bunched. Joe turned his head into her cheek. “I want you.”

  Her heart jumped in her chest. Tilting her head, she took his mouth with hers. White-hot heat stabbed through her. She’d spent the last decade looking for a guy like Joe. She should have known nothing compared to the original. For as long as she lived, Ann knew she’d never find someone who made her feel the way Joe did.

  Cool hands brushed under her sweater and moved upwards. Her nipples hardened in anticipation of his touch.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you.” His palms cupped her breasts.

  She moaned and leaned into him. Her nerve endings danced and her panties dampened. She loved Joe and couldn’t change that. The only thing for her to do now was let her body’s needs be fulfilled. As long as she didn’t let her heart fill with the love she felt for him while they had sex, she would be okay.

  Sliding her hands under his shirt, she turned into his chest. “Take off your shirt.”


  “I need something to distract me from the pain in my leg.”

  “Anything I can do to help.” Joe lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it behind them.

  Closing her eyes, she leaned into his chest. As fine strands of hair brushed her face, Ann inhaled his sexy scent and bit down lightly into his pec.

  His fingers dug into her hips. “What about your ankle?”

  When she was this close to him nothing hurt. “Fuck my ankle.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Running her hands over his chest, she smiled. “Yes.”

  Well-honed muscles punched and rippled as he tugged Ann back from the edge of the dock. Her mouth watered, wanting to taste him. She leaned in and laved at a pebbled nipple. His musky flavor filled her senses.

  Longing pooled between her legs. She licked along the ridges and valleys of his torso, exploring every inch of him. Ann got lost in him.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” Joe moaned.

  Fresh yearning washed over her, hot and needy. Her whole body was on fire for him. Nibbling at the skin along his navel, she bore down on Joe’s knee. Ann wiggled her hips to relieve some of the burning pressure in her clit. His hard hand came down on her ass, driving her pussy against his knees.

  Fiery lust filled her belly as Ann bit down on the sensitive skin above Joe’s belt. His hand came down on her butt again, harder this time. “God. Yes.” Everything in her danced with excitement. She laid her head against his jean-covered hard-on and lifted her hips in search of the stinging heat that felt so good against her ass.

  “You’re so fucking sexy right now.” Joe ground his knee harder against her crotch as his hand came down hard against her sensitized skin.

  Fire throbbed in her blood with every quick stroke against her backside. Her clit burned, sending jabs of bliss to her core. Lust bloomed deep in her belly and bubbled up inside her.

  “Fuck, Ann.” His rhythmic strikes quickened into a wash of blazing pleasure.

  Sharp thorns of ecstasy ripped through Ann. She arched into him and buried her mouth into his rock-hard stomach. Everything spun out of focus as her orgasm splashed over Ann, drowning her in a hot rush.

  Every time Ann quaked against him his dick pulsed.

  Yearning throbbed through him. She rubbed a hand over his hard length and he almost exploded in his pants.

  The shy grin she’d sent him almost had Joe declaring his undying love for her. He didn’t think he could live without her. He wanted her in his life and in his bed forever. Now he needed to figure out how to have it.

  Ann’s delicate fingers continued to trace a path over his hard-on. If she kept it up he would have an imprint of his zipper on his cock. Joe ran a shaky hand through her hair. “Honey, you’re killing me.”

  Leaning up on her forearms, she groped for his fly. Before he could steady himself, his cock was sliding into her greedy mouth and being swamped by its wet heat. Light exploded behind his eyes. He wrapped his hands in her hair and held on for dear life.

  She took him up the ladder of ecstasy and when he couldn’t take any more she eased back, bringing him back down. Balls burning, he thrust into her mouth. Ann’s teeth grazed his shaft. Come shot out of his dick in a pulsing wash of ecstasy. “Fuck.”

  Chapter Four

  Thinking about the night he’d spent with Ann, he grinned. Even with a swollen ankle, the woman could rock his world. After getting home yesterday afternoon they’d soaked her leg in Epsom salts, wrapped it in an Ace bandage and spent the rest of the day in her bed.

  His cock hardened at the memory of her body yielding under him. Her soft whimpers as he slipped inside her hot pussy drove him to the brink even now. After the last time he rolled off Ann in a sweaty heap this morning, he’d thought this dick would be sated for at least a day or two. Apparently that was not the case.

  The woman would be the death of him. Joe had had more sex this weekend than he’d had in the last two years. He was like a teenager when it came to Ann. She fueled his inner caveman like no one had before. He hoped the feeling never stopped.


  Blinking, he stared at the overdeveloped Amazon woman in front of him on the gym floor. “Sorry. What can I help you with, Naomi?”

  “Can you spot me?” She tossed back her bleached-blonde hair and sat on the weight bench.

  He frowned at the four fifty-pound weights sitting on each end of the bar. “Four hundred pounds is a lot of weight. Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  Naomi positioned herself under the bar and blew out a breath. “This is what I’ve been training for.”

  Moving to her head, he widened his legs and looked down into her determined face. Lines dug into the corners of her eyes. The years of using testosterone to build muscles had made her skin rutted and thin.

  Pity filled him. Joe understood the need to push one’s body to its limits. He’d been doing it himself for over fifteen years. However, he didn’t understand the need to use artificial means to do it. Especially for women, the long-term effects of steroid use were catastrophic.

  He sighed. “Ready when you are.”

  Naomi lifted the bar and grunted. Muscles trembling and veins bulging, she pumped. Sweat and red dots coated her skin as deep lines etched their marks onto her face. Blood vessels spiderwebbed over her cheeks and chest as she lifted the massive amount of weight.

  Joe counted off three sets of ten reps. “That’s it, Naomi. You did it.”

  She groaned and set down the barbell. A smile spread over her face. “God, that felt good. I was really in a zone.”

  Swallowing back his disgust, Joe grinned. He’d made it a point to educate all of the members of Mr. Perfect’s on the pros and cons of bodybuilding and its way of life. When done right, it was a great way to live a healthy lifestyle. When done wrong, it could kill you.

  He’d made it a point to have free classes on nutrition and the latest in muscle-building techniques. People couldn’t become members until they signed the no-doping clause in their contracts. He couldn’t control what they did outside, but he could make sure that when people like Naomi were in his gym they were safe.

  The door to the gym flew open and Ann hobbled in. His heart skittered in his chest as he took in her windblown hair and flushed face. Her black peacoat billowed in her wake and her bright-pink purse hung from her elbow and thudded against her hip. The mad dash from her car couldn’t have been easy on her.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Ann said as she limped past him.

  Grinning over at her, he remembered how they’d kept warm when the wind howled outside last night. It took every ounce of his control not to rush to her and lift her into his arms. “I’ll dock your pay.”

  “You do that.”

  Joe’s insides turned into a molten ball of need. Forcing himself not to stare at Ann’s ass as she walked into the office, he turned.

  “So Joe.” Naomi sat up and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “What are you doing tonigh

  If I have it my way, Ann.

  He cleared his throat. “I guess I’m going to hang at home tonight. What are you doing?”

  “I’m meeting some friends at Bleu Lagoon for drinks. Would you like to join us?”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m beat.”

  “Some other time then.”

  Joe knew Naomi had a thing for him. He’d been dodging her flirtations for over a year. Making his way to the juice bar, he picked up two fifty-pound weights and set them on the rack. “When Ann’s ankle feels better maybe we’ll join you.”

  His gaze tracked to the wall of windows to his office. Ann sat at his desk typing away. The frown on her pretty face and the set of her shoulders told Joe her leg was killing her.

  “What happened?” Naomi asked and pulled off her weightlifting gloves.

  “She twisted it when we were hiking along Michael’s pond yesterday.” Joe pulled down a huge protein powder tin, unscrewed the lid and dumped two heaping scoops into the blender.

  “Ann hikes?” Naomi took a seat at the bar and leaned on her elbows.

  His hand jerked, spilling almond milk on the counter. “Yes, Ann hikes.” He grabbed a paper towel and wiped up his mess. “We do all sorts of outdoor activities.”

  “Really, like what?”

  The tone of Naomi’s question set him on edge. “Well, we swim, hike, bike, kayak, downhill ski, all sorts of fun things like that.” For ten years, he’d shown Ann what he’d grown up doing. She took to it like a native.

  “Funny.” Naomi shrugged. “She doesn’t look like she spends her free time doing physical activities.”

  The back of his neck prickled. “I don’t understand.”

  “Well, look at her.”

  Turning, he grinned. Ann had taken off the suit jacket, revealing her figure-hugging tank top. Joe’s mouth went dry. “She looks good to me.”

  “Yeah, if you like them fat,” Naomi scoffed.

  The need to defend Ann swelled in his gut and he took a minute to control his temper. “I don’t understand why women judge each other. As long as you’re healthy, what does it matter what size you are?”

  “Oh, please.” She pointed. “If you had to pick between that and,” Naomi ran her hands down her body, “this. Which would you pick?”

  He nodded his head toward Ann. “That.”

  The look on Naomi’s face had him backtracking. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re an attractive woman,” he lied. She looked too much like a man with fake tits for his liking, but to each his own.

  Joe cleared his throat. “My tastes go a little softer.”

  “Fucking the help now, Joe?”

  Joe filled the blender with the vanilla almond milk Naomi preferred and switched it on. Ann was ten times the woman she would ever be.

  Joe managed to get his temper under control by the time the protein shake was the consistency of kindergarten paste.

  “Ann’s not the help. She’s a partner in this gym. If you are going to be a member of this establishment, you are to treat everyone here, no matter their size, with respect. If you are looking for a place that humiliates people, the gym on the other side of town is looking for new members.”

  Joe poured the mixture into a glass and set it in front of her, leaning forward. “Who I fuck is none of your business.” He stepped back. “The shake’s on the house. Good luck tomorrow at the World Bodybuilding competition.” He turned and stomped to the office.

  * * * * *

  “Could this day get any worse?” Ann ran her hands through her hair and sighed.

  Between her ankle throbbing and the lack of sleep this weekend, she couldn’t concentrate. Ann had messed up more times today than she could count. It didn’t help that Joe and memories of him touching her kept sneaking their way into her head. Her hormones couldn’t seem to get enough of him.

  “Damn it.” She punched the day’s numbers again. “Joe, what did you do with forty-eight dollars and ninety-two cents?”

  “You haven’t been here a half hour and you’re already cursing me.”

  Her head shot up and she frowned. Turbulence filled his eyes and his mouth set in a grim line.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I may have lost a client.” He stepped into the room and closed the door.

  “What did you do?”

  “I pissed Naomi off when she asked who I’d rather sleep with and I said you.”

  Heat flooded into Ann and she chuckled. “You didn’t.”

  “I couldn’t help it. She had her bitch on.”

  When you were best friends with a man that looked like Joe, you got used to having women shooting daggers at you with their eyes. “What did she say?”

  A flush covered his handsome face. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “If it makes you look like you want to throw the desk through the wall, I think it does.” She stood, limped to Joe and tugged him to a chair. “Some people are just asses.”

  “You need to stay off that ankle.” He sat and pulled her on his lap.

  She slapped at his roaming hands, wiggled off his lap and looked out the window. Sweat glistened off well-toned bodies. Men and women pumped iron and punished themselves on cardio machines.

  Spotting Naomi leave, Ann sighed. “What did she say?”

  “Really, it doesn’t matter.”

  Turning, she moved to the desk and sat, folding her arms over her chest. “Did the bitch call me fat?” she asked and crossed her legs.

  Steam all but poured out of his ears. He rose and towered over her. “Don’t talk about yourself that way.”

  Ann wasn’t putting herself down. She was stating a fact. Even though she was what people called real-sized, in this gym she was fat. Body parts out there didn’t rub together. She doubted those women wore Spanx to control their ass jiggles.

  “I know what people here think of me.”

  “What do you mean? The guys love you.”

  “The guys don’t see me as a threat. The women here do.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She sighed. “Joe, they see our friendship and think, ‘why her?’ To them I am everything they don’t want to be and yet I’m the lucky one who goes home with you.”

  “We’re roommates.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “You make it sound like the women here are all after me,” he said and stalked to the window.

  “Watching the people in this place is like watching an episode of Animal Kingdom.”

  He turned. “What the hell does that mean?”

  How could the man work here for fifteen hours a day, six days a week and not see what went on? “Have you seen that the women here come in all made-up and the men do an extra rep or five to show off?” She waved her hand to the window. “What other gym do you know of where women keep applying lipstick?”

  “That’s the gym atmosphere.”

  “I can’t speak for the men, but I can tell you no one going to the thirty-minute women’s-only gym down the street is putting on a full face of makeup to work out.”

  Spinning back to the window, Joe, released the wicker blind, and stepped to the door, locking it as he closed the shade. “Animal Kingdom, huh?”

  Butterflies took flight in her stomach. She’d never get used to the hungry look in his eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “Putting on our own episode of Animal Kingdom.” He put his hand on either side of her hips, trapping Ann in place.

  Blood rushed to her head. “We can’t. There are people outside. What if someone needs something or hears something?”

  “They can wait.” Joe nipped at the sensitive spot under her earlobe. His teeth tugging at her teardrop earring. “And we’ll have to be quiet.”

  He reminded her of a panther stocking his prey. His arms trembled against her as he bent to brush a kiss on her forehead. Ann shivered and knew she couldn’t deny him. Her body burned under his intense gaze. The anger that poured off him
turned her on, stirring something deep inside her. Lifting her hands, she tugged at his t-shirt.


  “What? Why?”

  Grabbing her hand, he tugged her to her feet. She hopped a little to balance on her good leg.

  “Shit, I forgot.” He moved, grabbed the folding chair and set it next to her bad leg. “Put your knee on this and lean on the desk.”

  Anticipation skittered up her spine. She rested her elbows on the desk and leaned against the piles of papers. “Like this?”

  “Please tell me those stockings you’re wearing are held up with some kind of garter belt and are not made out of super-strength Spandex like that shapewear crap you wear.”

  “They’re crotchless.”

  “I’m not going to ask.” Joe’s hand ran up her thigh. “I’m just going to be thankful.”

  “Good.” Ann didn’t think he’d want to know the hole in the shapewear made it easy to use the bathroom.

  Clothes shifted behind her and the unmistakable tear of a condom wrapper reverberated through the small space. Joe’s fingers grazed her folds and her pussy quivered. Pushing back, she moaned as he found her wet opening. “Joe.”

  Wrapping his free hand in her hair, he pushed into her. “Fuck, you feel good.”

  A triumphant scream lodged in her throat. Every nerve ending in her body tingled with awareness when he plunged inside her.

  Thrusting back to meet the rock-hard length of him, she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. Never in her life had each internal muscle been so cleverly stroked and caressed. Until now, that was. Her body tightened with its impending release as her pussy fluttered and heat flooded her veins. Then she was rocketed into oblivion.

  Joe caught her leg as it slipped off the chair and slowed. “Am I hurting you?”

  She shook her head. “No. Harder. Give it to me harder.”

  Grunting, he obliged, stretching her. He filled Ann completely. Newly discovered nerve endings jumped for joy at his attention. Her body convulsed and she flew apart again.

  He hammered into her faster and her world exploded into a sea of sensation. She felt him tighten behind her. “No. No. More,” she begged.


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