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The Marshal's Little Girl

Page 6

by Ava Sinclair

  “Off with your shoes and stockings, too,” she said. As Billy complied, the nurse remarked that she found stockings far too grownup for little girls, anyway, and would have to suggest more proper attire.

  And just like that, Billy found herself nude in the exam room of Dr. Roman Adler’s house. She was frightened and left a little dizzy by how sudden things were changing for her. There was a surreal quality to the situation, and she found herself shaking with apprehension as Nurse Ida led her to an exam table. She was grateful when she was given a thin white blanket to cover herself with.

  When Dr. Adler and Gage walked in a few moments later, she couldn’t decide whether to feel relieved or to be even more anxious. There was a chair in the corner, and Dr. Adler invited her papa to have a seat, which he did.

  “Well, now. What do we have here? Such a lovely girl.” The handsome doctor walked over to Billy, who noticed he had exchanged his suit jacket for a white lab coat. “Billy, I’m going to touch your neck. But it’s not going to hurt.”

  The doctor’s touch was gentle as he palpated Billy’s slim neck and felt underneath her jaw for swollen glands. Then he had her turn and ran his fingers down her spine.

  “We need to take your temperature, little one,” he said. “Please lie face down on the table.” When she didn’t comply right away, he raised an eyebrow. “Do we need to get Nurse Ida to help?” She glanced over to the corner, where the large woman was standing, a shadow of a smile on her somewhat mannish face.

  “No, doctor,” she said.

  “Good girl.”

  Billy felt a ping of humiliation as she turned over to lie face down on the table. When the doctor lifted the blanket from her bottom, she closed her eyes as the feeling of embarrassment grew.

  “What a lovely little bottom she has,” Dr. Adler said, and she realized he was talking to Gage. “But I suspect you already know that. Have you ever taken her temperature?”

  “No,” came the answer.

  “Every papa should have a thermometer and know how to use it,” Dr. Adler lectured. “Come here, and I’ll show you how.”

  Billy looked back over her shoulder, reassured to see Gage, but frightened by what the doctor held in his hand. She’d had plugs in her bottom before, and the thermometer wasn’t nearly as thick. But to have anything inserted by a man she didn’t know? She folded her arms and put her face down so she wouldn’t have to watch.

  She could feel the doctor’s gloved hand parting her cheeks, and then felt the tip of the thick thermometer pressing against her little hole.

  “Push it in up to here,” he was saying to Gage as the thermometer slid in. It had been coated with some type of lubricant, so it wasn’t uncomfortable. “Leave it in for several minutes to allow for the most accurate reading.”

  As the men waited, they talked about her as if she weren’t even there. Dr. Adler asked about her diet, her sleeping habits, even how often Gage took her bottom. He commented on the skin of her bottom, asking Gage about his modes of correction and offering to school him in the efficiency of different implements, should he be interested. She could feel her pussy begin to bead with moisture at just the conversation, and moaned in embarrassment.

  “What’s wrong, little girl?” asked Dr. Adler. “Nervous?” He patted her bottom again and then withdrew the thermometer.

  “Hmm. It’s a degree higher than I like. It may be nothing other than her apprehension,” the doctor said. “But even so, I highly recommend a dose of medicine for her insides. Is that all right with you, Gage?”

  “Whatever we need to keep her healthy,” Gage replied.

  Billy was being turned over on her back now, and whimpered as the doctor stopped her from pulling up the blanket.

  “There will be none of that,” he said. “We need to check those little tits, to make sure they’re healthy.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she felt the doctor’s hands kneading her breasts and then moving lower. He raised two metal supports on the end of the table and spread her legs, putting a foot on each one.

  “Papa!” she implored, but Gage shot her a warning look as he laid a hand on her forehead.

  “I’m just going to check your little pussy,” the doctor said. “I know your papa probably pays special attention to you there when he treats you like a big girl. We want to make sure you’re healthy between your legs.”

  She felt a gloved finger slide into her front passage, and she moaned in embarrassment.

  “Oh, my. Someone is slippery as an eel,” Dr. Adler laughed. “Is she always this responsive?”

  “She practically drips,” Gage confided.

  “Even when spanked?”

  “Especially when spanked.”

  “My Bebe is the same way,” the doctor said. “That is good, and of course with a woman like that a man can’t help but want to fill her pussy every chance he gets. A woman’s natural cycle can interfere with that, however, but I have a special tonic I’ll prescribe that will halt that cycle and keep your little one from getting pregnant. It’s perfectly safe; I have a wonderful herbalist whose grandmother brought the recipe over from Scotland. All my special patients use it.”

  He withdrew his finger and now was pressing on Billy’s clit.

  “Ooooohhhh,” she cried, trying to keep her hips on the table but finding it impossible.

  “Nice sensitive little button. Again, it is tempting to overstimulate through rubbing or sucking, especially with a clit this nice and large. Be careful that you don’t overdo it. Some of these littles are greedy and will beg for it in the throes of passion, but regret it later when they’re so sore they can barely put their legs together. It’s worse for the ones in diapers.” He grazed Billy’s clit with his finger and she moaned again. “On the other hand, a little strip of leather applied to that pert little clit is a most effective punishment.” Over her head, Gage smiled at this, eliciting a whimper of fear from Billy.

  She was suddenly aware that Nurse Ida was by the exam table, and was hanging a bulging black bag from a pole just to her right. At the end of the bag was a long rubber tube with a tapered nozzle at the tip. She shrank away from the evil-looking contraption.

  “I know it looks scary, my dear,” Dr. Adler said. “But in that bag is medicine that will clean out your insides and help you feel better, both in here…” he touched her belly, “…and up here.” He touched her forehead. “Now, let’s turn over.”

  “I don’t want it! I don’t want it! I don’t want it!” She was suddenly afraid and attempted to get down, despite warnings to behave.

  “Now, Billy,” Dr. Adler said, his tone irritated. “You can either behave or I’m going to let your papa make you behave.”

  “I don’t care!” Billy said with renewed defiance. “I’m not taking any stupid medicine in my bottom!”

  The next thing she knew, familiar hands had grasped her and were turning her face down on the table. She heard the crack of the first spank as a flood of pain suffused her bottom. She howled pitifully, kicking her legs as Gage spanked her over and over, turning her bottom a bright red. She was quickly sobbing, her mouth open in a bawl. But her legs were slick with the juice of an arousal that she couldn’t contain.

  “Might I suggest you go the extra mile here, Gage?” the doctor asked. Now she was being lifted back onto her back and she watched as Dr. Adler handed papa a strap. Nurse Ida was lifting her legs back onto the supports, spreading them and securing them with leather bands. And now Dr. Adler was spreading the plump lips of her pussy and pulling the hood of her clitoris back as he instructed her papa to…

  No. He wouldn’t. But he did, and the first snap of the strap on the seat of her pleasure made her scream. Her hips bounced on the table, the impact torturous on her sore bottom. But it was nothing compared to the agony of the strap coming down on her engorged clit.

  “Aaayiiiieeeee!” she wailed as the strap came down again. The blows weren’t hard, but they were precise. She turned pleading, tearful eyes to Gage. “Pllllle
eeassse, papa!”

  “Are you ready to behave, Billy?”

  “Y-y-yes!!” Billy wailed the word as she unsuccessfully tried to simultaneously kick and close her legs. The clit whipping had given her a whole new respect for what Gage was willing to do to make her mind, and the secret place between her legs pulsed with a combination of need and hurt.

  “Wetter than ever,” the doctor laughed. “Let’s get this medicine into her.”

  Nurse Ida unstrapped her legs and this time, Billy didn’t resist when she was flipped over on her belly. She sniffled pitifully as she watched the doctor unfurl the rubber tube and guide the nozzle toward her bottom. She didn’t feel any less afraid as he generously lubricated the tip.

  It wasn’t the nozzle she feared, but what would come next. The bag was bulging. Was everything in that bag really going to be flushed into her bottom? It seemed impossible, and her heart began to pound as the nozzle was pushed into her bottom hole. It burned as it entered.

  “You’re going to feel some pressure and a warm rush of liquid, Billy,” the doctor said. “I want you to hold still, even when the cramping starts. No one is going to let you embarrass yourself. You can hold more in your tummy than you imagine, and when it all comes out in the water closet, you’ll feel so much better.”

  Before she could respond, there was a click and she did indeed feel a warm surge enter her bottom. It was an odd sensation, and not uncomfortable for the initial moments. But then—as the doctor had warned—the pressure began to build. Billy’s stomach started to swell under her like a balloon and spasms began to ripple through her gut.

  “I have to goooo!” She began to writhe on the table.

  “None of that,” the doctor said, smacking her on the bottom with his gloved hand. She yipped more from the shock of another man correcting her than from the pain, and turned pleading eyes to Gage. But he seemed unmoved by her predicament.

  “I think to be on the safe side, she should be plugged. Do you want to do the honors?” Dr. Adler handed Gage a plug and Billy had no choice but to lie there quivering from the cramps overtaking her as the rugged U.S. marshal inserted the thing into her bottom.

  It seemed to take forever before she was helped down and walked on shaky legs to the water closet by Nurse Ida, who bent her forward and removed the plug before leaving her alone.

  Afterwards, she felt weak and tired and didn’t even resist as Nurse Ida wiped down her bottom and thighs with a wet cloth. Gage didn’t bother to put her back into her clothes. Instead he wrapped her in a sheet and followed Nurse Ida up to the room that would be their home for as long as they wanted.

  Had she been less exhausted, Billy would have thrilled at the accommodations. The room had large windows that overlooked the prairie and distant mountains beyond. A canopied bed sat against one wall, with a trunk at the foot. A huge, ornately carved wardrobe sat against the other wall along with a Cheval mirror and a washstand. There was no separate washroom, but there was a privacy screen with a tub behind it. It was already filled with warm water, and Gage gently bathed her and put her to bed.

  And Billy, feeling very empty, but also very clean and satisfied, drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Billy woke up feeling amazingly well rested and energetic. Even Gage noticed that her color was better, and that she seemed less fussy and more relaxed. A housemaid knocked on the door with a breakfast tray—steel-cut oatmeal, strawberries and cream, coffee for Gage and milk for Billy—and set the tray on a small table in the corner of the room. The nurse explained that coffee did not sit well with a little’s constitution.

  “Doctor knows best,” Gage said when Billy scowled. But she did not object, at least not until the maid put a cap on the cup fitted with a wide rubber nipple. The maid turned to Gage. “Mr. Chandler, Dr. Adler says he put your little one’s tonic in the bottle. It needs to be drunk slowly, and the nipple slows down its consumption. He recommends this form of delivery.”

  “Thank you, miss. I’ll see that she gets it.”

  The maid curtseyed prettily and left the room. Gage began eating his breakfast. But across from him, his little Billy was obviously sulking.

  “Don’t you want your breakfast?” he asked.

  “I want the food,” she said, “but not that.” She pointed at the bottle.

  “Eat your food, Billy.” Gage’s tone was stern, and Billy was hungry, so she began eating her breakfast. It was delicious. The oats were mild, the cream thick, and the strawberries sweet and juicy. But when the food was finished, she just sat there.

  “Now the bottle,” Gage said. He eyed her from across the table, challenging her to disobey.

  Billy’s heart pounded in her chest. She didn’t want to anger her papa, but this was ridiculous. She decided to take a stand. She picked up the cup, popped the nipple lid off, and started to sip from its rim.

  “Billy!” Gage barked her name angrily.

  She put the cup down. “I’m a big girl!” she said, although the lilting tone of her voice suggested otherwise. “I don’t need a bottle!”

  “Not according to the doctor,” Gage said, and reached over to pop the bottle lid back on. He gave it a shake, in case the contents had settled, and held the bottle back out to his recalcitrant charge.

  “No.” She crossed her arms and looked away.

  “Billy, you need this medicine. You need it to stop your cycle so I can take you whenever I want, and to keep you from getting pregnant. It’ll make it so you can be my little girl all day, every day. Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Yes. But I’m still not drinking out of a dumb bottle,” she said.

  “If that’s how you want to be…” Gage stood up and walked over to a bedside table. His back was to Billy, and she couldn’t see what he was retrieving from the little drawer until he’d turned around.

  “I’m sorry,” she said fearfully, eyeing the small maple paddle in his grasp. “I’ll be a good girl. I’ll take my bottle now…”

  “Oh, you will, Billy, but after I punish that pretty little ass of yours.”

  He pulled Billy from the chair and hauled her to the bed, sitting angled on the edge and throwing her over his lap so that her legs were hanging off the side. She was wearing just a simple night shift, and he raised it to expose the naked bottom underneath. She wailed pitifully as he brought the paddle down on the center of her left cheek. The bite of the hard wood against her tender skin had her seeing stars, and she started to cry immediately. But Gage was unmoved by her tears and began to alternately snap the paddle first on one cheek and then the other, his aim precise despite her churning legs.

  “Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!”

  “Hold still, Billy,” Gage said, throwing a leg over her calves. This not only immobilized her, but stretched out the skin on the lower portion of her buttocks and thighs. Now he raised the paddle and brought it down directly on her sit spot.

  She cried out so loudly that she was sure everyone else on the floor could hear it; it didn’t lessen her humiliation when she considered that such noises in this house were probably common. Soon she was beside herself, and sure that the paddle had set her bottom and thighs on fire, and that perhaps that Gage may even spank her to death. But through the pain she was aware that as she squirmed against his knee, wetness was seeping from her pussy.

  “Are you ready to take that bottle?”

  “Y… y… yes… pa-papa…” Billy sobbed. And she was. It made it easier that Gage let her curl up in his lap to drink it, even though her bottom burned and itched against his rough trousers.

  “I like the way your mouth looks sucking that bottle,” he said. “It pleases me. It reminds me of how you look when you suck my cock. Do you like sucking my cock, Billy?”

  She drew on the bottle harder, looking up at Gage submissively through long, tear-sodden lashes as she nodded. His words excited her, and she realized that in spite of the embarrassment, she rather liked the feel of the bottle in her mouth, and the way Gage loo
ked at her as she drew on the nipple. She could feel his bulge pressing into her sore bottom as she drained the last of the liquid.

  “Now, that’s better,” he said. “But to remind you that I’m not going to put up with any more of your disobeying, I’m going to stick my cock up your ass now.”

  She wanted to object, to tell him she didn’t want that. But the truth was, she did, and her pussy was pulsing hungrily at the thought. She’d been unplugged after the enema, and to her surprise the experience had not left her sore. There was no dread of taking Gage’s cock, but just the same she was relieved when she saw him slather his veiny length with a slick lubricant to ease its passage.

  “Are you ready for my cock?” He slapped the side of her reddened ass with it, and she moaned.

  “Oh, yes. Please fill my bottom with your cock,” she replied, quivering with excitement.

  She felt the pressure of the tip nudging against her hole. Then came the sting as the head pushed deeper, past her little anal ring. She gripped the bedclothes, gritted her teeth, bore down and pushed out, opening her back passage for the intrusion of his thick length.

  Billy was so full, so full. She moaned as he continued to push inside of her, giving her more than she thought she could handle. Gage’s hand moved beneath her to circle her clit, her juices so copious now that it seemed he was having a hard time keeping a finger on the hardened little nub. She felt him push a finger into her sopping pussy once his cock was fully seated in her ass. Billy moaned, feeling completely and utterly consumed and dominated by him. The tall handsome U.S. marshal had not just captured her body, but also her very psyche. He knew how to play her, how to say all the right things to make her feel safe and protected and submissive. She swirled into little space, murmuring little promises to obey, to always obey.

  “Oh, I’ll be a good girl now!” she said. “I promise.”

  “You’re damn right,” he said, pumping now. “You’ll be a good girl or I’ll spank that ass and then fuck it. Or maybe I’ll spank and fuck you just because it makes me feel good, or because it makes you feel good. But it’ll always be for my pleasure. Always.”


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